Learning Book MKU-Bahasa Inggris Semester-I T.A 2020-2021: Chapter One Parts of Speech

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Words which are frequently used in speech or writing are called parts of
speech. They are classified into eight kinds on account of their function namely:
noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and

1. Noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing, an idea or a quality of

example: I enjoy watching cricket (cricket is the name of a game)
Dictionary is useful for students (dictionary is the name of a thing
or a book)

2. Adjective : A word used to describe or quality nouns is known as an

Example : I read a historical book
Telugu is a regional language
Shanti is a beautiful girl

3. Pronoun: A word used in place of nouns is known as a pronoun

Example : I visited New Delhi. This is the capital of India
Diana is my girl friend. She is very beautiful

4. Verb : A word used to express action, condition or existence is known as a

Example : She is healthy
There are spelling mistakes in his essay

5. Adverb : A word used to modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb or

a word used to explain how, where, when and why an action is performed
is known as an adverb
Example: They lived happily
She speaks English quite well

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6. Preposition : A word used to explain the relation between two

grammatical words or a word used with a noun or pronoun to show their
relation with some other word in the sentence is known a preposition
Example: She is angry with me
I deposited my money in the bank

7. Conjunction: A word used to combine two words or sentences is known as

a conjunction
Example: She will come today or tomorrow
He tried hard but he failed in his attempt

8. Interjection: A word which expresses some suddent feeling is known as an

Example: Excellent! Well done!, fantastic!, Marvellous!

Exercise: Fill in the blank with suitable parts of speech and complete the following
1. Arief wrote.......................................
2. Telephone is........... by.........................
3. Prevention is ....................... than cure.........................
4. Love is.......................................
5. Colombus .............................. America

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Nouns are divided into eight kinds namely: a) Common Noun, b) Proper
Noun, c) Collective Noun, d) Concrete Noun, e) Abstract Noun, f) Countable
Noun, g) Uncountable Noun and h) Material Noun

1. Common Noun: A common noun is a name given in common to every

person or thing of the same class or kind
Example: boy, woman, girl, doctor, place, district, city, village, traveller,

2. Proper Noun: A proper noun is the name of some particular person or

place Example: Clinton, Tagore, America, Japan, Mother Teresa, etc
Proper Noun begins with a capital letter in writing. It includes (a)
personal names, b) names of geographic units such as countries, cities,
rivers, etc, c) names of nationalities and religions, d) names of holidays,
e) names of times units, f) words used for personification- a thing or
abstraction treated as a person

3. Collective Noun : A collective noun is the name of collection of things or

Example : Jury, Family, Class, Nation, Parliament, Army, Fleet, etc
A collective noun is a word for a group of people, animals or objects
considered as a single unit. In American English a collective noun used
as subject usually takes a singular verb. Collective nouns are countable
nouns, they may be used in the plural

4. Concrete Noun : A concrete noun is the name of a thing that can be

touched or seen
Example: Sun, Room, Girl, Boy, etc
A concrete noun is a word for a physical object that can be perceived by
the senses- we can see, touch, smell the object

5. Abstract Noun : An abstract noun is the name of a quality, action or state

Example: Liberty, Freedom, Love, Death, Justice, Truth, Beauty,
Kindness, etc

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6. Countable Noun : A countable is the name of a thing that can be counted

or divided into singular or plural
Example: Woman, Studio, Writer, man, camera, table, book, etc
A countable noun can usually be made plural by the additional of -s

7. Uncountable Noun : An uncoutable noun is the name of a thing that can

not be counted or divided into singular or plural
Example: Ice, coffee, tea, milk, honey, gold, butter, iron, wool, etc
Un countable noun is not used in the plural. They are words for concrete
objects stated in an undivided quantity. Some un countable nouns may
also be used in a countable sense and will therefore have a plural.

8. Material Noun : A material noun is the name of a material or substance

out which things are made
Example : water, butter, copper, steel, paper, glass, money, ink, air, clay,
rice, etc

A. Exercise: Find out nouns in the following sentences:

1. History is a record of past even
2. Knowledge is powerful
3. He returned from Canada last week
4. Mathematics is a useful science
5. Freedom is our birth- right

B. Use the following nouns in your own sentences :

a) Education, b) Newspapers, c) Politics, d) Bravery, e) Photography, f)
Beauty and g) India

Noun also indicates about gender where as explained a person or an

animal is male or female. The word gender is originated from Latin “genus”
which kind or sort. In English gender are four kinds namely: masculine,
feminisme, common and neuter.
1. Masculine Gender : A noun which denotes a male person or an
animal is known as masculine gender
Example: boy, brother, dog, horse, king, cord, man, uncle, wizard, etc
2. Feminisme Gender: A noun which denotes a female person or an
animal is known as a feminisme gender
Example: mother, queen, lady, women, daugther, ant, witch, niece,

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3. Common Gender : A noun which denotes both male and female

person or an animal is known as common gender
Example: painter, singer, cousin, artists, cook judge, thief, enemy, etc
4. Neuter Gender : A noun which denotes neither male nor female
person or an animal is known as neuter gender
Example: table, house, album, school, camera, pencil, book, etc

Number is a word which indicates whether a noun is singular or plural

is known as number. There are two kinds of number such as: The Sungular
Number and The Plural Number.
1. The Singular Number : A noun which denotes one person or thing is
known as singular number
Example: ox, man, bird, pen, book, tree, box, etc
2. The Plural Number : A noun which denotes more than one person or
thing is known as plural number
Example: boxes, men, pens, boxes, trees, girls, boys, etc

Some nouns are misunderstood on account of their similarity in meaning and

sound. Such wrong use of nouns make the sentence incorrect. Hence such
wrong use must be avoided as far as possible.
1. House and Home
House = a building used for living
Home = related to sentiment or it means native place
2. Cause and Reason
Cause = it produces a result
Reason= it explains or justifies a result
3. Customer and Client
Customer= a person who buys things at a shop
Client= a person who pays for services of a lawyer
4. Shade and Shadow
Shade= a sheltered place from the sun
Shadow= the image of light of a person or an animal
5. Man and gentleman
Man= it refers to mankind or in a general way refers to any person
Gentleman= it refers to human beings in general who are endowed
with good manners
6. Men and people
Men = it refers to human being in general
People= it may refer to mankind or only male people

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7. Cost and Price

Cost= it refers to the amount paid by the shop keeper
Price= it refer to the amount paid by the customer
8. Air and Wind
Air= it refer to what we breathe
Wind= it refer to what makes the leaves move
9. Ground and Floor
Ground= it refer to outside part of the house
Floor= it is part of the room

The agreement of noun with verb can be shown with the explanation below
1. The Verb must agree with the subject (noun) in number and person
Example: I am in the room
My sister are not married
2. The verb should agree with the real noun (subject)
Example: The knowledge of social science is essential for a psychologist
The basic of English grammar are essential for a good speaker
3. Two singular nouns joined by ‘and’ require a plural verb
Example: Keats and Shelley are romantic poets
My sister and her friends are watching TV
4. Two singular nouns suggesting one idea or person must be used with a
singular verb
Example : My uncle and teacher has praised my book
The author and reporter is my best friend
5. Nouns joined by with or as well as must be used with a singular verb
Example : My brother as well as my father is good at English
She as well as her mother is in Moskow
6. Two or more nouns connected by or or nor require singular verb
Example: Either Sita or Padma is clever
Neither my father nor my mother is educated
7. Nouns joined by ‘or’ or nor differing in person, the verb must be agree
with the nearest noun
Example: Either she or I am very serious about it
Neither he nor his parents are thinking about the matter
8. Either/neither/each/everyone/one + of + plural noun and the phrase
many a must be used with a singular verb
Example: Each of the students is given a text book
One of my friends has returned from Canada

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9. Two nouns qualified by each or every and connected by and must be

uised with a singular verb
Example: Each actor and actress is very popular
Each poem and story was published
10. The words pains and means may be used as singular or plural
Example: A great deal of pains had been taken (or have)
Car is a means of transport
11. None may be used as singular or plural
Example: None of them has agreed with me
None of the poets have attended the function
12. A collective noun treated as a single unit is used as singular but a
collective noun treated as separate individuals is used as plural
Example: The committee has agreed to the proposal
The army have continued fighting bravely
13. When a proper noun is plural name, the verb must be singular
Example : The united states of America is a rich country
The Arabian Nights is a famous book
14. Plural nouns denoting quantity/distance/time must be used with a
singular verb
Example: Ten years is a long period
Fifty kilograms of rice is sufficient for us

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Adjective is a word used to express the quality, quantity, number and to point
out the person or thing is regarded as an adjective
Two types of uses in adjective: 1) Attributive use and 2) predicative use
1. Attributive use: An adjective used with a noun is known as attributive
Example: Tall tree, nice book, fair face, clever student, beautiful girl, etc
2. Predicative use: An adjective used with a verb is known as predicative
Example: They are dead, He looked happy, She is afraid, etc
Kinds of adjective: Adjective are divided into tens types namely:
1. Adjective of Quality
2. Adjective of Quantity
3. Adjective of Number
4. Demonstrative Adjective
5. Distributive Adjective
6. Interrogative Adjective
7. Possessive Adjective
8. Emphasizing Adjective
9. Exclamatory Adjective
10. Proper Adjective

1. Adjective of Quality: An adjective used to talk about the quality of a

person or thing is known as Adjective of Quality
Example: He is wealthy person
Telugu is a regional language
2. Adjective of Quantity: An adjective used to talk about the quatity of a
things is known as adjective of quantity
Example: little, no, any, some, all, great, half, enough, sufficient, much,
3. Adjective of Number: An adjective used to talk about the number of
things or person is known as adjective of number
Example: I got first class in my B.A
All students passed in the exam
4. Demonstrative Adjective: An adjective used to point out which person or
thing we speak about is known as demonstrative adjective

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Example: This book is very interesting

These flowere are lovely
5. Distributive Adjective: An adjective used to refer to each and every
person or thing separately is known as distributive adjective
Example: Every citizen should love his mother land
Neither party has got majority in the recent elections
6. Interrogative Adjective: An adjective used to question is known as
interrogative adjective
Example: What advice shall I give you?
Which poet do you like most?
7. Possesive Adjective: An adjective used to talk about the ownership is
known as possesive adjective
Example: Your father is a doctor
Our country is Indonesia
8. Emphasizing Adjective: An adjective used to emphasize a noun is known
as emphasizing adjective
Example: I saw it with my own eyes
That was the very book I was looking for
9. Exclamatory Adjective: The word ‘what’ is known as an exclamatory
Example: What a beauty! What an insult! What a tragedy!
10. Proper Adjective: An adjective derived from a proper name is known as
a proper adjective
Example: Indian army, English grammar, American President

Every adjective has three degrees of comparison namely: positive degree,

comparative degree and superlative degree
1. Positive Degree: An adjective used to talk about the quality of a person,
place, or thing is known as positive degree
Example: Heavy, fat, brave, handsome, healthy, good, clever, beautiful,
2. Comparative Degree: An adjective used to compare two person or things
or the qualities is known as comparative degree
Example: better than, fatter than, cleverer than, more beautiful than,
handsomer than, etc
3. Superlative Degree: An adjective used to talk about comparing more
than two persons or things or their qualities is known as superlative

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Example: the best, the fattest, the heaviest, the cleverest, the bravest, the
wealthiest, etc

A. Exercise: Formation of comparative and superlative degree

No Positive Comparative Superlative

1 Tall Taller Tallest

2 Shortest

3 Kinder

4 Large Largest

5 Finer

6 Heavy Heavier

7 Dangerous

8 Most faithful

B. Adjectives used as nouns namely: a) adjectives are often as nouns

denoting a class of person, Example: The rich and the poor are different
groups, b) Singular noun denoting the abstract quality example: We
should admire the honest and c) Some adjective are used both as singular
and plural such as: i) Adjective deriving from proper nouns, example:
Australians, Canadians, ii) Adjective denoting persons example: juniors,
senior, inferiors, superiors, iii) Adjective denoting things, example:
adjective are generally used in fixed phrases, example: in general, before
long, at present, in secret, at best, the long and short, in future, for good,
right or wrong, etc

C. Formation of Adjective, i) many adjective are formed from nouns example:

fool-foolish, dirt-dirty, gold-golden, envy-envious, talent-talented,
pardon-pardonable, trouble-troublesome, etc, ii) some adjective are
formed from verbs, example: rest-restless, help-helpful, talk-talkative,
exclude-exclusive, read-readable, include-inclusive, etc

D. Position of Adjectives, i) Adjective used attributively are commonly

placed before a noun example: black shirt, best book, etc, ii) A word or
phrase explaining the meaning must be placed after noun, example: A
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woman dedicated to social work, Dress appropriate to the occasion, etc and
iii) Adjectives used after nouns with certain phrases, example: Time
immemorial, Notary public, God Almighty, Lord paramount, etc

E. Preferable to: Preferable to is not used with more than but with no,
example: Books are preferable to me (correct) Books are more preferable to
me (incorrect)

F. The+First+Five/Six/Seven+Noun------------- the two first, the five first, the

six first are meaningless expression, example: the first two books, the first
five chapters, the first six words

G. Superlative Degree: Of all+Plural Noun-------------- The phrase ‘of all’ must

be used in the superlative degree, of all other is wrong expression and it
must be avoided. Example: Padma is the most attractive of all other girl
(incorrect), Padma is the most attractive of all girls (correct)

H. Latter: Two persons or things, Example: See the two girls at the bus stop. The
former is Miss Diana and the latter is her sister Miss Chaterine or There are two
books on the table. The former is a test paper and the latter is a text book

I. Last: More than two persons or things, example: Of the three girls, Padma,
Ramya and Madhu, the last is the most lovely

J. Comparative Degree in the selective sense: The definite article the, When
the comparative degree is used in selective sense, the definite article ‘the’
is used. Example: Padma is clever of the two sisters (incorrect) or Padma is
the cleverest of the two sisters (correct)

K. Comparative and Superlative degree in selective sense is used for two

persons and things and superlative for more than two persons and things.
Example: He is the braver of the two brothers (correct)
Madhu is the most beautiful of the three sisters (correct)

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Articles: A, an and the are knowns as article. They are in fact

demonstrative adjectives. There are two types of articles namely: Definite
Article and Indefinite Article.
1. Definite Article: An article which is used to refer to a particular person or
thing is known as the definite article
Example: the
2. Indefinite article: an article which does not refer to any particular person
or thing is known as the indefinite article
Example: a, an
a) A is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound
Example: a boy, a man, a human being, a table, a horse, a yard, etc
b) A is used before a word beginning with ‘h’ and also with ‘y’ and ‘u’
Example: a horse, a historical novel, a youth, a year, a yell, a yellow
paper, a uniform, a union, etc
c) A is used before a word beginning with a ‘w’ sound
Example: a one legged sailor, a one man tribunal, a one dollar note, etc
d) An is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound
Example: an hour, an honour, an honourable man, an honest citizen
e) The definite article A or An is used in the sense of ‘one of a’
Example: I met a friend (means one of a certain friend)
I read a novel (means one of a certain novel)
f) It is used to represent a whole class or in the sense of all or any
Example: A student should be obidient ( means all or any students)
A doctor must love his patient ( means all or any doctor)
g) It is used to convert a proper noun into a common noun
Example: He is a Bill Clinton (a great president)
He is Bill Cosby (a great funny man)
h) In certain expressions like: a couple, a dozen, a million, a score, a lot of, a
great deal of, a thousand, a quarter
i) It is used in the sense of ‘one’ such as: a book, a pen, a country, a girl
j) With words little and few, such as: a little milk, a few people
k) In the sense of ‘every’ like: five rupiahs a kilo, five times a year
l) It is used in exclamatory sentences, such as: What a pretty girl!, What a
hot day!, What a clever boy!
m) A or An is not used with a plural noun

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Example: dogs, books, girls (not a dogs, a girls, a books)

n) With uncoutable nouns such as: furniture, knowledge, scenery, luggage,
news, information, but these words may be used with some, any, a little,
a lot of, a piece of, a bit of, an item of
Example: A knowledge of English is useful (correct)
o) The words ‘hair’ and ‘experience’ may be used with or without articles
Example: I used a hair to tie the paper (not hair)
I have experience in teaching ( not an experience)
p) With material nouns such as: glass, wheat, paper, iron, wood, milk
But these words may be used with a different meaning
Example: I want a paper (means newspaper)
I used an iron (means clothes iron)
q) With abstract nouns such as: happiness, pleasure, courage, hope,
bravery, fear, affection, wisdom, etc
r) With the names of meals likes: dinner, lunch, breakfast, supper
But these word may be used with indefinite article, when they are
Example: A dinner given by the President of Indonesia to the P.M

3. The use of Definite Articles indicate a person, thing, singular noun,

names of site and other such as:
a. Unique things : the definite article ‘the’ is used with unique things ion
nature like: the sun, the sea, the moon, the earth
Example: The earth moves round the sun
The sun rises in the east
b. Particular persons or things : ‘the’ is used to talk about particular
person or things
Example: The man you met yesterday is my uncle
The lady you saw in the theatre is my wife
c. Persons or things mentioned for the second time : ‘the’ is used to talk
about persons or things mentioned for the second time
Example: I met a girl. The girl is very beautiful
I went to a hotel. The hotel is very near
d. Persons or things understood from the context : ‘The’ is used with the
person or things understood from the context
Example: I sat in the garden ( in my house)
I spoke to the doctor ( my family doctor)
Give me the book ( on the table)
e. Singular nouns representing the whole class

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Example: The rose is a lovely flower ( all or any rose or roses)

The scientist should love mankind ( every ar all scientists)
f. Names of rivers/gulfs/seas/groups of islands/mountain range and
oceans : ‘the’ is used with the names of rivers, gulfs, seas, groups of
island, chains of mountains
Example: The missisippi, the persian gulf, the pacific ocean
g. Well known books : ‘The’ is used with the names of well known
Example: the bible, the odyses, the ramayana
h. Proper noun used as common noun : ‘The’ is used before a proper
noun used as a common noun
Example: Manchester is the capital of London
Queen Victoria is the pretty queen in the world
i. Superlative adjectives : ‘the’ is used before superlative adjectives
Example: the tallest, the biggest, the longest
j. Adjective used as nouns : ‘The’ is used before adjectives used as
Example: The rich and the poor are different sections in any society
The old disagree with the young
k. Double comparatives : ‘The’ is used with double comparatives
Example: The more I read, the more I like
The more I earn, the more I spend
l. Directions : ‘The’ is used with directions
Example: the north, the south, the east, the west
m. Historical Buildings : ‘The’ is used with historical building
Example: the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, The Charminar
n. News paper and magazines
Example: The Times of India, The British Express, The Herald
o. Names of countries : ‘The’ is used with the names of certain countries
and provinces
Example: The United States, The United Kingdom
p. Famous historical events : ‘The’ is used with historical event
Example: The republic day, the Independence Day, The Reformation
q. Nationalities, sects and communities : ‘The’ is used with the names of
nationalities, sectc and communities
Example: the french, the british, the muslims
r. Trains, ships and aeroplanes : ‘The’ is used with the names of trains,
ships and aeroplanes

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Example: the victoria, the lufthansa, the singapore airline

s. Common noun used as abstract noun : ‘The’ is used before common
noun used as an abstract noun
Example: The poet in me raised his voice againts Injustice
The mother in her took pity on the child
t. Proper nouns qualified by adjectives : ‘The’ is used before proper
nouns qualified by adjective
Example: The saintly woman Mother Teresa
The well-known Indian Philosopher Vivekananda
u. Ordinals : ‘The’ is used with ordinals
Example: the first, the last, the third, the next
v. Musical instruments : ‘The’ is used with musical instruments
Example: the voilin, the flute, the guitar
w. Force of superlative degree : ‘The’ is used to give the force of
superlative to a word
Example: He is the maker of Modern India
She is the bread winner in the family
x. Comparative degree in selective sense : ‘The’ is used in comparative
degree in selective sense
Example: She is the darker of the two girls
Diana is the wiser of the two sisters

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Pronoun is a word used in place of nouns is known as a pronoun. It can

be divided into eleven kinds:
1. Personal Pronoun
2. Reflexive Pronoun
3. Emphatic Pronoun
4. Demonstrative Pronoun
5. Indefinite Pronoun
6. Interrogative Pronoun
7. Distributive Pronoun
8. Reciprocal Pronoun
9. Relative Pronoun
10. Relative Compound Pronoun
11. Possesive Pronoun

1. Personal Pronoun: A pronoun used for three person is known as

Personal pronoun namely:
a. First person : a pronoun used for the person speaking is known as the
first person
Example: I, we
b. Second person : A pronoun used for the person spoken to is known as
the second person
Example: you
c. Third person : A pronoun used for the person of is known as the third
Example: he, she, it, they
1. I is used for first person singular both for masculine and feminine
Example: I am a teacher
I went to Jakarta last year
2. We is used for first person plural both for masculine and feminine
Example: We are Indonesians
We are studying medicine
3. Me and Us are used in the objective case for first person for singular
and plural for masculine and feminine gender

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Example: She told me a story

He gave me a book
4. You is used in the second person for singular and plural both for
masculine and feminine gender
Example: You are a girl
I saw you yesterday
5. He and Him: He is used for masculine gender in the third person
singular in subjective case and him in the objective case
Example: He stopped smoking
I spoke to him last Saturday
6. She and Her: She is used in the third person singular for feminine
gender in subjective case and her is used in the objective case
Example: She is my sister
I met her in a theatre
7. They and Them: They is used for third person plural for all gender
in the subjective case and them is used in the objective case
Example: They are working in a factory
I told them may name
8. It is used for things or animals in the third person singular for
subjective and objective case
Example: It is a book
It is you whom I love much

No Nominative Accusative Possesive Possesive Reflexive

Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
1 I Me My Mine Myself
2 You You Your Your Yourself
3 He Him His His Himself
4 She Him Her Hers Herself
5 It It Its Its Itself
6 One One One’s One’s Oneself
7 We us Our Our’s Ourselves
8 You You Your Yours Yourselves
9 They Them Their Theirs Themselves
10 Who Whom Whose Whose -
11 Which Which Of which or Of which of
Whose whose
12 That That Of Which Of Which -
13 What What - - -

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2. Reflexive Pronoun: A pronoun used with self or selves to reflect the

action of the very on the subject is known as a reflexive pronoun
Example: I saw myself in the mirror
You must know yourself
He blamed himself for the delay
3. Emphatic Pronoun: A Pronoun used for the sake of emphatic is known
as emphatic pronoun
Example: I my self showed you the way
You yourself can explain it to me
We ourselves talked to the Prime Minister
4. Demonstrative Pronoun: A pronoun used to point out the person or
thing we talk about is known as a demonstrative pronoun
Example: This is my friend’s house
These are my teacher’s books
5. Indefinite Pronoun: A pronoun used to talked about a person or thing
indefinitely is known as indefinite pronoun
a. One: It is used in the third person with a singular verb
Example: One must know what one (not he) has to do
One of my sister is (not are) very beautiful
b. None: It means not one. It may be used with a singular or plural verb
but singular is commoner
Example: None of my parents is (or are) educated
None of my sisters is (or are) beautiful
c. Nobody : It means not one and it is used with a singular verb
Example: Nobody helped me
Nobody can be perfect in anything
d. Nothing : It means not anything and it is used with a singular verb
Example: Nothing is so sweet as honey
Nothing has been written about his early life
e. No one: It means not a single person and it is used with a singular
Example: No one is ready to help me
No one can live without money
f. Some : It is used with a plural verb
Example: Some are born great
Some failed in the exam
g. Someone: It is used with a singular verb
Example: Someone opened the door
Someone threw a stone at me

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h. Something: It is used with a singular verb

Example: Something must be done about it
Something should be given to the patient
i. Somebody: It is used with a singular verb
Example: Somebody escaped from prison
Somebody took away my motorbike
j. Any: It is used with a singular verb
Example: Any (one) of you can do that
k. Anybody: It is used with a singular verb
Example: Anybody can speak in his mother tongue
Anybody can tell you about my uncle
l. Anything: It is used with a singular verb
Example: Have you anything to teach us?
Have you brought anything for me from New Dehli?
m. Anyone: It is used with a singular verb
Example: Can anyone of you teach me the poem?
Can anyone of you tell me this address?
n. All: it is used with a plural verb
Example: All are equal in the eyes of law
All of you can stay with us
o. Few : it is used with a plural verb
Example: Few escaped from the danger
Few attended the function
p. Many: It is used with the plural verb
Example: Many of us believe in God
Many of them passed the exam
q. Several: It is used with a plural verb
Example: Several of the girls are beautiful
Several of us have faith in rebirth
6. Interrogative Pronoun: A pronoun used to make a question is known as
an Interrogative pronoun
1. Who : It is used only for persons in subjective case
Example: Who was the first prime minister of United Kingdom?
Who is known as the father of the nation?
2. Whom: It is used for the persons in the objective case
Example: Whom do you want to see?
Whom do you wish to marry?
3. Whose: It is used in the possesive case
Example: Whose are these books?

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Whose hand-writing is this?

4. Which: It is used for both for persons and things
Example: Which is the longest river in Indonesia?
Which is the tallest building in the world?
5. What: It is used for things
Example: What do you expect me to do?
What can I give you?
6. What are you and who are you: What are you refer to your profession
and who are you refers to your name and other particulars
Example: What is she? She is a teacher
Who is she? She is miss maria
7. What+be+like: It is used to make a request for a description
Example: What is the day like? The day is very hot
8. What does he/she/it look like: It is used to talk about physical
Example: What does your father look like? He looks like a doctor
What does the sky look like? It looks like dark and cloudy
9. What +for : It is used in the sense of why
Example: What are you doing it for? (It means: why are you doing it)
7. Distributive Pronoun: A pronoun used to talk about each and every
person separately is known as a distributive pronoun
1. Each: refers to every one of number of persons or things taken
separately. Each means each without expection. Each is used in
speaking about two or more things and it is used to pay attention to
the individuals forming a group. Each is used if the number in the
group is limited and definite.
Example: each of us has a book
2. Every: is used only in speaking of more than two and when the
number is indefinite
Example: Every (one) of the Indonesians is brave
Every (one) of the citizens should defend his mother land
3. Everybody: is used with a singular verb
Example: Everybody in the house was hungry
Everybody is interested in his own welfare
4. Everyone: It is used with a singular verb
Example: everyone cheated me
Everyone in the theatre clapped with joy
5. Everything: It is used with a singular verb
Example: Everything was lost in the war

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She lost everything in life

6. Either: means the one or the other of the two and it is used only in
speaking about two persons or things
Example: Either of my two sister is beautiful
Either of you can answer my question
7. Neither: means not the one or the other of the two and it is negative of
the either. It is used to talk about only two persons or things
Example: Neither of my parents is educated
Neither of us passed the exam
8. None: It used with a singular verb to talk about more than two
persons or things
Example: None of the girl is married
None of my stories was (or were) published
9. Any: It is used to talk about more than two persons or things
Example: Any (one) of the books will tell you about Indonesia
Any (one) of my sisters can marry you
8. Reciprocal Pronoun: A pronoun used to talk about mutual relationship
is known as reciprocal pronoun
1. Each other: It is used to talk about two persons
Example: The two sisters loved each other
When I asked for my money, the brothers looked at each other
2. One another: it is used to talk about more than two persons or things
Example: All the brothers in my uncle’s family quarrelled with one
They cheated one another
9. Relative Pronoun: A pronoun used to combine or relate sentences or
clauses together is known as a relative pronoun
a. Who: It is used as a subject for persons
Example: The man who cheated you is my brother
The girl who talked to you at the theatre is my sister
b. Whom: It is used for persons as an object
Example: The girl whom you wanted to marry is a teacher in a
convenant school
The woman whom you met in the mosque is my mother
c. Whose: It is used for the persons in the possesive case
Example: The girl whose father died in an accident wanted to marry
The man whose simplicity and discipline influenced me
much is a great social worker

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d. Which: It is used for things both as subject and object

Example: The poems which I wrote were praises by all
The speech which I heard at the meeting influenced me
e. What: It is used only for things
Example: What he told us is not true
What I liked in Soekarno is his simplicity
f. That: It is used for persons and things
Example: This is the girl that I talked about
The book that you gave me was not interesting
g. As: It is used as a relative pronoun with such or the same
Example: Maria is such as girl as I like
She gave me such a reply as I expected
h. But: It can be used as a relative pronoun in the sense of who..........not
and which.................not
Example: There is no girl but loves jewels (who does not love)
There is no Indian but feels proud of his country (who does
not feel proud)

No Antecedent Relative Pronoun Type of Function

1 Person Who Subject of the verb in adjective

2 Person Whom Object of the verb in the adjective
Object of a preposition
3 Person or Thing Whose Indication of possesion or
4 Person or Thing That Subject or Object of a verb
5 Things Which or That Subject or Object of a verb
Object to a Preposition

No Form Subject Object Possesive Case

For Person Who Who/Whom Whose
That That
For Things Which Whose/of which
That That Whose/of Which

10. Relative Compound Pronoun : A pronoun which is compounded

with the word ever is known as relative compound pronoun
a. Whoever: It means no matter who the person is

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Example: Whoever comes, tell them to wait at the gate

Whoever speaks the best wins the first prize
b. Whichever: It means no matter which it is
Example: I shall give you whichever you like
I have no objection to eat whichever you give me
c. Whatever: It means no matter what it is
Example: I don’t want to hear whatever explanation you give me
d. Whenever: It means no matter when it is
Example: Whenever I go to Surabaya, I never forget to meet my
Whenever I see Diana, I feel very happy
e. Wherever: It means no matter where it is
Example: I shall never forget you wherever I go
He inspires everybody wherever he works
11. Possesive Pronoun: A pronoun used to express possession or
ownership is known as a possesive pronoun
Example: This book is mine
This garden is ours

12. The Pronoun ‘IT’ and its usage

a. It is used to talk about things and animals
Example: I have a cat. It is very beautiful
b. It is used for young children whose sex cannot be determined
Example: A child cries when It gets hungry
c. It is sometimes used to lay stress or emphasis
Example: It was Mother Teresa who got the nobel peace prize
d. It is used to talk about time, distance, weather, temperature
Example: It is raining today
e. It is used to refer to a previous statement
Example: He loved her. She knew it
f. It is used as preparatory subject when to infinitive is the subject of a
verb. The type of structure commonly used to express various
conceptions such as as importance, difficulty, possibility, usefulness,
frequency, time, mental reactions, truth, convenience and appearance
Example: It is nice to talk to you
g. It may be used as a preparatory object
Example: I feel it unnecessary to go there
h. It may also be used in other noun clauses
Example: It doesn’t suprise whether he passed

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i. It is used as a preparatory subject with gerund

Example: It is very nice flying kites in the sky
j. It is used to write sentences with ‘as if’ and ‘as though’
Example: It seems as if she was going to marry him
k. It is used with sentences begins with it is time + subject + past
Example: It is high time the government took some action
l. It is used in the structure for + Object + infinitive
Example: It is important for you to talk to his brother
m. It is used in the structure it + be + adjective + of +noun/pronoun + to
Example: It is very kind of you to help me

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Verb is describe as a word which is used to indicate an action, a state of being of

existence or possession
A verb tells us:
a. What a person of thing does
Example: The sun rises
b. What is done to a person or thing
Example: He is punished
c. What a person or thing is or it tells about a state of being or existence
Example: She is a teacher
d. It may tell us about possession
Example: She has blue eyes

Kinds of verb: There are three types of verb in english namely:

1. Transitive Verb
2. Intransitive Verb
3. Verb of incomplete prediction

1. Transitive verb: A verb which has an object is termed as transitive

Example: She speaks english well
Sometimes transitive verb contains two objects namely direct object and
indirect object. The following verbs can be used with two objects: bring, give,
hand, play, take, pay, sing, offer, pass, leave, make, get, promise, show, sell,
lend, send and etc

No Subject Transitive Verb Indirect Object Direct Object

1 My father bought me a watch
2 I gave Sherry A letter
3 He handed Me The bill
4 She lent Me Her dictionary
5 They offered The beggar A dollar
6 She played me The violin
7 I sang him A song
8 She made me A dress
9 I told Ayu A story
10 I sent My brother The message
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The indirect object should be place before the direct object but the direct object
may be placed before indirect object. If the above verbs are used with

No Subject Transitive Verbs Direct Preposition Indirect

Object Object
1 I Shall find A job for you
2 Amir Fetched The coat for me
3 They Booked A ticket for Me
4 My wife Boiled An egg for me
5 I Bought A house For her
6 Viviane knitted A sweater to Her baby
7 Wijaya Cooked A nice to me
8 Sherrif baked A caked to me
9 I kept The jewel for sania
10 She ordered coffee for them
11 My brother reserved A seat for me

2. Intransitive Verb: A verb which has no object is known as intransitive

Example: I slept very well
The ship sank suddenly

The same verb can be used both transitively and intransitively. Hence it is not
easy to decide whether a verb is transitive and intransitive

No Intransitive Verb Transitive Verb

1 The man stopped suddenly He stopped the car
2 They spoke loudly She spoke the truth
3 The water is boiling Susanti bolied an egg
4 He burnt with insult Anto burnt her fingers
5 The film begins at 6 P.M She began her work

Intransitive verb may be turned into transitive verb, if a presposition is used.

For example: She laughed at him
I looked at the painting

A. Verb of Incomplete Prediction

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A verb which requires the held of some other word to complete its meaning is
known as verb incomplete prediction
Example: He is a teacher
My sister looked unhappy

The complement of the verb may be a noun pronoun, adjective, gerund,

infinitive or a present participle
Example: She appears beautiful
The hill appear fascinating

B. Verb used with object complements and they are listed here: make,
think, acknowledge, know, appoint, find, regard, call, name, declare,
announce, regard, elect, believe, choose, recognise, suppose, presume,
consider, hail, feel. These type of verbs can be used in passive voice
without altering the meaning

No Subject Verb of Incomplete Object Complement

1 They Made Him President of association
2 I Declared His views useless
3 We Elected Him Chief secretary
4 The Appointed Ghani Captain of the team
5 They named The girl Diana
6 I Found Her beautiful
7 We Thought Sania To be a graduate
8 The People Announced Her To be their queen
9 The Court Declared Him guilty
10 The Judge Presumed Janashi To be innocent
11 They Failed Him As a great reformer

C. Mood is the mode or method by which a verb is used to express a

particular action
Kinds of Mood: There are three kinds of moods in English namely:
1. Indicative Mood
2. Imperative Mood
3. Subjuctive Mood

Indicative Mood: a verb which is used to make a statement of fact, a question or

a supposition

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1. Statements:
Example: We practice music daily
My sister likes skating
2. Questions:
Example: Have you posted the letter?
Do you like me?
3. Supposition:
Example: If you are a graduate, you shall be given the post
If you ask me, I shall give it to you

Imperative Mood: A verb which is used to express a command, an advise or an

1. Command:
Example: Get me a taxi!
Close the door!
2. Advice:
Example: Be kind to the poor!
Try to be honest!
3. An entreaty:
Example: Could you type this letter?
Will you please open the window?

Subjunctive Mood: A verb which is used to express a wish, hope, desire,

intention or resolution in noun clause in the present and improbability in the
1. a. The present subjunctive it is used in traditional phrases expressing a
wish of hope
Example: Long live the queen!
May heaven help you!
b. In noun clauses expressing desire, intention and resolution
Example: It is suggested that a fly over bridge be builtkn across the railway
We recommended that the manager be dismissed from the service

2. a. After the verb ‘wish’

Example: She wishes she were a beauty queen
I wish I stayed at home
b. It is used after if to express improbability or unreality in the present
Example: If we went there, we could see her
If we had money, we could live in a large house
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c. After as if and as though

Example: He orders me as if I were his brother
She talks as though she were a queen
d. After the phrase it is time + subject + past tense to indicate that it
is already late
Example: It is time we went there
It it time they stopped work
e. After the phrases would rather + subject + to indicate preference
Example: I would rather you applied for the post
She would rather he lived with his parents

D. Verbs are divided into two classes on the basis method by which they are
form in the past tense from the present namely: Strong verb and weak

1. Strong Verb: verbs which form their past tense by simply changing the
vowel without adding ed, d or t
Example: Come ---------------- came
Speak----------------- spoke
Drink----------------- drank
2. Weak verb: verb which form their past tense by adding ed, d or t to the
Example: walk----------------------------walked
Sell----------------------------- sold
Buy----------------------------- bought

How do we find out weak verb:

1. A verb which has ‘d’ or ‘t’ in the past is a weak verb
Example: Burn------------------burnt
Catch---------------- caught
2. A verb ending with ‘d’ which turn into ‘t’ are weak verb
Example: Lend--------------------lent
Send------------------ sent
3. Verb ending with ‘d’ or ‘t’ which shorten the vowel in the past
Example: Bleed------------------------ bled
Speed---------------------- sped
4. Verbs having same form for the present and past tense
Example: Cast--------------------------------cast

E. Agreement of the Verb with the Subject

1. When the subject is in the third person and singular number the verb in
the present tense takes ‘s’ or ‘es’
Example: Madhavi goes to office at ten in the morning

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Murthy teaches English at college

2. If the subject is in the third person plural number, the base form of the
verb is used
Example: They go to India
We speak English
3. But when the subject is in the first person singular and plural second
person singular and plural, third person plural number the base form of
the verb is used
Example: I go to temple
You go to temple
4. In respect of helping verbs, the third person singular verb is ‘is’ and the
third person plural is ‘are’
Example: He is clever
They are Indians
5. The verb must agree in number and person with its real subject
Example: One of my sister has gone to America
Each of my brothers was educated
6. Two or more singular nouns connected by ‘and’ must be used with a
plural verb
Example: Smoking and drinking are injurious to health
He and I were in Delhi last year
7. Two or more singular nouns connected by ‘and’ expressing one idea
must be be followed by a singular verb
Example: Knowledge and wisdom makes a man great
Slow and steady wins the race
8. Two nouns connected by ‘and’ referring to the same person must be
used with a singular verb
Example: My aunt and guardian wants me to apply for civil service
The author and the editor has invited me to dinner
9. Two singular nouns connected by ‘and’ which are preceded by ‘each’ or
‘every’ must be used with a singular verb
Example: Each boy and girl has got admission into the college
Every man and woman has to contribute to our society and
10. Two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘either’, ‘neither’, ‘nor’ must be
used with a singular verb
Example: Neither Safwan or Ahmad has agreed to accept the post
No salary or bonus was given to the workers in the factory
11. When two singular subjects connected by ‘or’, ‘nor’ differ in person the
verb should agree in person with the subject nearest to it
Example: Either you or Madhavi has to attend the meeting
Neither Ahmad nor I have visited the Taj Mahal
12. A collective noun must be used with a singular verb when the group is
thought of as a single unit, but when the individuals are considered
separately, it must be used with a plural verb
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Example: The ship’s crew has tried to save the passengeres from drowning
when the ship was about to sink in water
When the ship arrived the port. The crew were welcomed by
the Indian Navy
13. Nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning must be used
with a singular verb
Example: Politics is a social science
The united nations is trying for world peace

F. Non-Finite Verbs

There are two kinds of verb in english namely: finite verb and non finite verb
1. Finite Verb: A verb which shows time or verb which is limited by
number, person, gender of the subject is known as a finite verb
Example: Madhavi writes letters
We have written letters
In the examples, the verb ‘write’ has been changed according to the
number, person and tense of the subject. So the various forms of the verb
‘write’ are examples of finite verb

2. Non finite verb: A verb which does not show time or a verb which is not
limited by number, person and tense of the subject is known as non finite
Example: Wijaya tries to sing
They will try to sing

In the examples the verb ‘sing’ has remained unchanged inspite of the
changes in number, person and tense of the subject and therefore the
verb ‘sing’ is a non finite verb. But the verb ‘try’ has changed according
to the changes in the person, number and tense of the subject

There are three kinds of non-finite verb in english namely: infinitive,

gerund and participle
1. Infinitive: It is formed by placing ‘to’ before the root verb
Example: Write-----------------------to write
Give----------------------- to give
2. Gerund: It is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the root verb
Example: Love-----------------------------loving
Play---------------------------- playing
3. Participle: It is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the root verb
Example: Read---------------------------reading
Wait-------------------------- waiting
The gerund and the present participle have the same form but gerund is
a verbal noun and the present participle is a verbal adjective
Example: Reading increases our knowledge (gerund)
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Reading the newspaper, he sat in the chair (participle)

In the first sentence ‘reading’ is a gerund because it is the subject of the
verb’is” but in the second sentence, ‘reading the newspaper’ is a participle
because it qualifies the pronoun ‘he’ as an adjective

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Infinitive: A word which is not limited by the person or number of the subject.
It in fact, is kind of noun having certain features of noun. So it is also as a verb
Example: I love to speak English
She likes to swim

A. Uses of Infinitive
1. As the subject of a verb
Example: To advise others is easy
To learn english is difficult
These sentences must be written with a preparatory subject ‘it’
Example: It is easy to advise others
It is difficult to learn english
2. As the object of a transitive verb
Example: I wish to become a poet
He likes to read books
3. As the complement of a verb
Example: Her plan is to settle in Australia
My ambition is to marry her
4. As the object of a preposition
Example: I had no choice but to give up my hope
We are about to begin our work
5. As an object complement
Example: We heard him speak to his father
I notices Madhavi smile at me
6. To qualify a verb to express purpose
Example: I wanted to marry Margareth
I read books to increase my knowledge
7. To qualify an adjective
Example: We are very happy to sit in the garden
English is difficult to learn
8. To qualify a noun
Example: It is not the time to sleep
She has a child to look after
9. To qualify a sentence
Example: To tell the truth, we have no problem with you
To explain bluntly, we are in need of money

B. Uses of Bare Infinitive

1. Bare infinitive is used with the following verbs
Example: Bid, let, hear, need, dare, help, see, watch, make
I watched Lidya talk
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Note: Dare and need as principal verbs are used with ‘to’ infinitive
Example: Did he dare to jump in the river?
We need two days to finish the work
2. With Auxiliary Verbs
Example: I shall go there
She will pay the money
3. With certain phrases
Example: You had better consult a good doctor
I would rather work hard than take rest
4. With certain prepositions
Example: I can do everything but understand her nature
I would die rather than accept defeat
Note: Bare infinitive can be replaces by ‘to’ infinitives
Example: I can teach ( I am able to teach)
Let me tell you something ( allow me to tell you something)

C. The Split Infinitive

It is generally treated wrong to split an infinitive in the middle
Example: I expect Madhavi to carefully read the letter (wrong)
I expect Madhavi to read the letter carefully (right)

D. The Forms of the Infinitive

No Tense Active Voice Passive Voice

1 Simple Present To + Verb To be+Past Participle
To write To be written
2 Present Continuous To be+
To be writing
3 Present Perfect To have + To have been+
Past participle Past participle
To have written To have been written
4 Present Perfect To have been +
Continuous Present participle
To have been

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Active voice is when a verb form shows that the subject has done something,
meanwhile passive voice is when a verb form shows that something has been
done to the subject.
Example: Marry wrote a letter ( active voice)
A letter was written by Marry ( passive voice)

A. Basic Rules of changing active voice to passive voice

1. A sentence can be separated into subject, verb and object
Example: Marry wrote a letter
2. The object of the sentence must be turned into subject
Example: Marry wrote a letter
A letter was written by Marry
3. The ‘be’ form must be used according to the tense of the verb
Example: A letter was
4. Past Participle of the verb must be used
Example: A letter was written
5. Preposition ‘by’ must be added
Example: A letter was written by
6. The subject must be made the object
Example: A letter was written by Marry

Another Example:
Sinta sings a song
A song is sung by Sinta
My sister is painting a picture
A picture is being painted by my sister
Arief has posted the letter
The letter had been posted by Arief
Mahmud preached non-violence
Non-violence was preached by Mahmud
Melati was cooking a nice meal
A nice meal was being cooked by Melati

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A transitive verb is sometimes followed by two objects. In such cases, the
sentences may have two passive forms
Example: 1) The manager granted me the permission
The permission was granted to me by the manager
I was granted the permission by the manager
2) The bank sanctioned me the loan
The loan was sanctioned to me by the bank
I was sanctioned loan by the bank


Certain verb are always followed by preposition, so a preposition after
the verb must be retained in passive voice
Example: 1) They laughed at the poor beggar
The poor beggar was laughed at by them
2) They looked after the girl
The girl was looked after by them


Various ideas like commands/orders/request/may be expressed in
passive voice and the formula is: You are
d/ + to + verb
The passive structure is rarely used spoken English to express
command/requests and orders. But the passive structure may be used in
making indirect orders/requests and advice

Active Voice Passive Voice

Please post the letter You are requested to post the letter
Shut the door You are ordered to shut the door
Help the poor You are advised to help the poor
Don’t come late You are asked not to be late
Be careful of your health You are advised to be careful of your health
Don’t play with fire You are advised not to play with fire
Get me a glass of water You are ordered to get me a glass ofd water
Apply for leave You are advised to apply for leave
Stay there You are commanded to stay there

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Teach me English You are asked to teach me English

Don’t wait for me You are advised not to wait for me


Imperative sentences can be turned into passive voice by using ‘let’ with
the formula: Let+ Object + Be + Past Participle ( Verb III)

Active Voice Passive Voice

Post this letter Let the letter posted
Complete the work Let the work completed
Give up smoking Let smoking be given up
Pay the amount Let the amount paid
Help the poor Let the poor helped
Park the car Let the car be parked


An infinitive can be turned into passive voice. But it is not considered
natural and necessary, howeverr most writers think that an infinitive in
passive voice is very natural and convenient

Active Voice Passive Voice

I want to write the letter I want the letter to be written
I have letters to write I have letters to be written
She has children to look after She has children to be looked after
They have no money to spend They have no money to be spent
We have a lot of work to do We have a lot of work to be done
I have no problem to think I have no problem to be thought
about about


Active Voice Passive Voice

It is time to send the message It is time for the message to be sent
It is time to stop the work It is the time for the work to be
It is time to apply for the post It is the time for the post to be
applied for
It is time to shut the doors It is time for the doors to be shut
It is time to repair the watch It is time for the watch to be

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It is time to prepare the time It is time for the time table to be
table prepared


Active Voice Passive Voice

We say that she is a teacher It is said that she is a teacher
They believe that he killed his It is believed that he likked his
wife wife
People may point out that he It may be pointed that he cheated
cheated the poor girl the girl
We admit that she has spoiled It is admitted that she has
her life spoiled her life
It proved that she had written the It was proved that she had
letter written the letter


Active Voice Passive Voice

We elected him President He was elected President (by us)
They named her Thomas She was named Thomas (by
We thought him a fool He was that a fool
I considered Mutia very Mutia was considered (to be
beautiful beautiful)
I always suppose Anita my Anita is always supposed to be
wife my wife


Active Voice Passive Voice

Do you speak English? Is English spoken by you?
Does your father spend the Is the money spent by your father?
Does Amir Love me? Am I loved by Amir?
Do they sell watchs here? Are watches sold bere by them?
Are they helping you? Are you being helped by you?
Was he writing the letter Was the letter being written by him?
Did you post the letter Was the letter posted by you?
Will you help me? Shall I be helped by you?

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What do you know about What is known to you about

computers? computers?


Verb Preposition
Astonished at
Amazed at
Agitated at
Contained in
Covered with
Crowded with
Disappointed at
Ground in
Interested in
Pleased with
Lined with
Satisfied with
Surprised at

Example: 1) Do you know Shinta?

Is Shinta known to you?
2) This book interested me
I was interested in this book
3) People lined the road
The road was lined with people


Example: This medicine tastes bitter
This medicine is bitter when it is tasted
The flower smells sweet
The flower is sweet when it is smelt


Tense Form
Present Simple Am/is/are+ past participle
Present Continous tense Am/is/are +being+ past participle
Present Perfect tense Have/has+been+ past participle
Simple past tense Was/were +past participle

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Past Continous tense Was/were+being+ past participle

Past Perfect tense Had+been+ past participle
Simple Future tense Will/shall + be + past participle
Future Perfect tense Will/shall + have + been+ past

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Participle: A word which has the features of the verb and adjectives. So it
known as a verbal adjective
Example: I saw a woman holding a baby in her arms
Having completed my degree, I applied for a job

Kinds of Participle: There are three types of participles in english namely:

Present Participle, Past Participle and Perfect Participle
1. Present Participle: A present participle is formed with ‘ing’ form of the
verb to indicate an action going on, incomplete or imperfect
Active Form Passive Form
Verb+ing being + past participle (verb)
Writing being writing
2. Past Participle: Past participle ends with ‘ed’, ‘d’, ‘t’, or ‘n’ and is used to
indicate and action as completed
3. Perfect Participle: A perfect participle is formed with ‘having’ + verb (III)
to indicate an action as completed in the past
Active Form Passive Form
Having +Past Having Been + Past
Participle (Verb III) participle (Verb III)
Having written having been written

A. Uses of Participle
1. Participle are used as simple adjectives
Example: Pleasing personality
Dedicating work
2. Past Continuous Tense
Example: I was consulting the physician
We were practising music
3. To form Present and past Perfect tense
a. Present Perfect
Example: I have stayed in America for five years
Past Perfect
Example: I had seen Madhavi before she was married
He started a school after he had got his degree
b. To form Passive Voice
Example: I am informed about her marriage

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Gerund is a word ending with ‘ing’ and has the force of a noun and verb.
It is also known as verbal noun
Example: Writing is my profession
I enjoy teaching English

A. Uses of Gerund
1. As subject of a verb
Example: Walking is a good exercise for health
Working hard makes you successful
2. Object of a transitive verb
Example: He dislikes sleeping long
I prefer studying computer science
3. Object of a preposition
Example: I am tired of applying for jobs
My father is addicted to drinking
4. Complement of a verb
Example: My aim in life is becoming a writer
What I want to do in life is achieving something useful for all
5. In place of Infinitive
No Infinitive Gerund
1 Teach me to speak Teach me speaking
2 To advise is easier than to practise Advising is easier than practising
3 To read is easier than to write Reading is easier than writing
4 To save is to earn Saving is earning

6. To different between the gerund and participle should be noted


No Gerund Participle
1 She is tired of writing letters to her Writing letters to her husband, she
husband forgot everything
2 I was prevented from meeting Meeting Diana for the first time, I
Diana decided to marry her
3 Respecting our parents is our duty Respecting her words, I never tried
to meet her

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7. Gerund may be used like an ordinary noun

Example: The planning of time helps us success in life
The loving of children delights me
8. The possessive case of the noun and pronoun should be used before
Example: She insisted on me paying the money (incorrect)
She insisted on my paying the money (correct)
I am sorry for him having spent life uselessly (incorrect)
I am sorry for his having spent life uselessly (correct)
Note: The possesive case should not be used with the gerund in the
following cases:
a. Gerund in the passive form
Example: I was shocked at John Lennon being assassinated (correct)
We were delighted at Mailala being awarded Noble Peace Prize
I was shocked at John Lennon’s being assassinated (incorrect)
We were delighted at Mailala’s awarded Noble Peace Prize
b. Noun denoting a lifeless thing
Example: There is no chance of the snow falling (correct)
There is no chance of the snow’s falling (incorrect)
There is possibility of the election taking place (correct)
There is possibility of the election’s taking place (incorrect)

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Auxiliary Verb: a verb which helps other verbs to form different tenses is
known as auxiliary verb
Kinds of Auxiliary Verbs:
1. Primary Auxiliaries
2. Modal Auxiliaries
a. Primary Auxiliaries: Verbs used to form negatives, questions and tenses
Example: am, was, do, have, is, are, were, been, does, did, has, had
b. Modal Auxiliaries: Verbs used to express various moods and mental
attitudes like hope, expectations, possibility and futurity
Example: can, may, will, shall, must, could, might, would, should, need,
dare, ought to, used to
A. Uses of Be
1. Be and its form are used as Link Verbs
Example: I am a writer
They are cricket players
2. To express a command or advice
Example: Be considerate to others
Be polite to strangers
3. In the formation of Present and Past Continuous Tense
a) Present Continuous Tense
Example: I am writing a letter
You are talking to the manager
b) Past Continuous Tense
Example: I was watching TV in the afternoon
You were dictating a letter to me
4. To form Passive Voice
Example: I am informed about the matter
We are asked to submit the application
5. Be+To infinitive indicates plan or arrangements
Example: I am to marry her without dowry
She is to bring vegetables from the market
6. To express a command
Example: You are to get me a cup of tea
You are to learn the poem by heart
7. To make questions

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Example: I am a teacher am I teacher?

You are happy are you happy?
8. To make negative questions
Example: I am not a journalist Am I not a journalist?
You are not my wife Are you not my wife?
9. To make Negatives
Example: I am a player I am not a player
You are a singer You are not a singer
10. Was/were+ perfect infinitive indicates an arrangements which was
not fulfilled
Example: He was to have consulted the doctor yesterday
I was to have written the book last year
B. Uses of Do
1. It is used in the sense: to perform or act
Example: You must do (perform) what I tell you
I did (act) it on Margareth’s advice
2. To make questions
Example: I teach English Do I teach English?
You love me Do you love me?
3. To form negative questions
Example: I don’t like coffee Do I not like coffee?
They did not help you Did they not help you?
4. To form negatives
Example: I like reading the news I don’t like reading news
We eat apples We don’t eat apples
5. To avoid repetation
Example: Do you know Elizabeth? Yes , I do
He teaches you English, Yes, he does
6. To emphasize a statement
Example: You do look tired
She did not come yesterday, But she did come
7. Do may sometimes be used for a request or invitation
Example: Do visit us
Do stay with us
C. Use of Have

1. Have is used in the sense of possess, take, experience and

Example: They have coffee at eight (take)

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Padma had fever (experienced)

2. To form Perfect Tense
a) Present Perfect
Example: I have written the letter
We have met Andi before
b) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Example: He has been working in the bank for five years
They have been staying with us since 1992
c) Past Perfect
Example: The bus had left when we reached the stop
She had done her work when they visited her
d) Perfect Continuous Tense
Example: I had been teaching English when I met her
She had been reading the book when I went there
3. To Form Questions
Example: I have waited for her Have I waited for her?
We have stayed there Have we stayed there?
4. To form negative questions
Example: I have not seen her Have I not seen her?
We have not passed it Have we not passed it?
5. To form negative statements
Example: I have once visited L.A I have never visited L.A
You have finished it You haven’t visited it
6. To form Passive Voice
Example: I have been informed of the matter
We have been insulted by her
7. Have + to infinitive expresses command
Example: You have to be here at six in the evening
You have to answer my questions
8. Have + to infinitive express obligation
Example: She has to live with her parents
They have to wait for better days

D. Modal and Their Meanings

No Modal Meaning
1 Can Ability, Permission, Request, Possibility
2 Could Ability, Request, Possibility
3 Shall Futurity, Willingness, Intention, Suggestion, Insistence

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4 Should Obligation, Advisability, Necessity, Expectation

5 Will Willingness, Intention, Prediction, Insistence, Request
6 Would Willingness, Habitual, Action in the Past, Possibility,
Wishes, Desire
7 May Permission, Possibility, Wishes, Purpose, Concession
8 Might Permission, Possibility, Concession, Reproach
9 Ought To Moral Obligation, Duty, Necessity, Desirability
10 Used To Past Discontinued habit
11 Need Necessity, Importance, Desirability
12 Dare Challenge, Courage, Boldness, Disapproval

E. Modal Auxiliaries
1. Modal Auxiliaries cannot be used alone. They should be combined
with the principal verbs
Example: You may go now
She can speak english
Note: Principal Verbs can be used alone
Example: You go to the temple every Sunday
He tells the truth
2. They have only a single form
Example: I can teach She may come They must help
Note: Primary Verb have different forms
Example: I am teaching He does the work They have taught
Principal Verbs have the different forms
Example: I like They eat He goes We go
3. The modal auxiliaries have no infinitive or participle form
Note: To will, to need, to dare are correct. Because these verbs are
used as principal verbs. But they have different meanings
Example: He decided to will his property to his sons (gave away)
You don’t need to worry (no necessity of worrying)
Note: Primary auxiliaries have infinitive and participle forms
a. Infinitive:
Example: I desire to be praised
Diana appears to have loved me
b. Participle:
Example: The house is being built
They are being questioned
F. The Uses of Can and Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Shall, Should,
Must, Ought To and Need

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1. Can is used to express ability

Example: I can teach English
He can type the letters
2. To express permission
Example: Can I speak to the manager?
Can I have a cup of tea?
3. To express capacity
Example: He can work hard
She can deal with customers
4. To express a polite request
Example: Can you lend me your dictionary for a while?
Can you help me in the work?
5. To express possibility
Example: He can come tomorrow
You can speak English if you try
6. Could is used to express past ability
Example: I could walk longer if I tried harder
He could not attend the function due to heavy rain
7. Could is used in indirect speech
Example: She told me that she could help me
They said they could lend me money
8. Could may be used to express possibility
Example: If I were you, I could do it easily
If only Diana were here, I could ask her about it
9. Could may be used to make a polite request
Example: Could you post this letter for me?
Could you teach me English Grammar?
10. Could is used to express permission
Example: Could I smoke in the room?
Could I talk to your brother?
11. May is used to express permission
Example: May I open the window?
May I use your phone?
12. May is also used to express possibility
Example: Arief may come tomorrow
You may pass the exam
13. May is used to express a wish
Example: May god bless you!
May you long live!

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14. May is used in subordinate clauses to express purpose

Example: Learn that you may teach others
15. Might is the past of may and it is used in indirect speech
Example: They loved me that they might apply for a bank loan
Azizah said that she might become a nurse
16. Might is used to express possibility
Example: It might rain today
She might be happy with her husband
17. Might is used to express permission
Example: Might I go early today?
Might I borrow your dictionary?
18. Might is used to make a gentle reproach
Example: You might spend the money with a little care
You might go there a little early
19. Will is used to express simple futurity in the second and third
Example: The plane will take off in a few seconds
Tomorrow will be a holiday
20. Will is used to express determination, promise, threat,
willingness in the first person
a. Determination
Example: I will marry you ( I am determined to marry her)
I will not agree with him
b. Promise
Example: I will give you a nice of your birthday ( promise to
I will consider the case ( promise to consider)
c. Threat
Example: I will teach her
We will see your end
d. Willingness
Example: I will type the matter ( willing to type)
I will drop you by bike ( willing to lend)
21. Will is used to talk about characteristic habit
Example: He will listen to the new on TV in the evening
I will boast of their wealth and prosperity
22. Will is used to talk about probability
Example: I think she will be an expert in computers
I think Madhavi will be a great singer

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23. Will is used to indicate an invitation or a polite request

Example: Will you have a cup of tea?
Will you type this letter neatly?
24. Would is the past tense of will and it is used in indirect speech
Example: She told me that she would see me the next day
He said that he would consult the advocate
25. Would is used to express willingness or determination
Example: She would apply for the post (determined to apply)
The nurse said she would look after the patient (willing
to look after)
26. Would is used to exprfess a past habit
Example: He would sit there and think about his childhood
She would meet him and take part in his pleasures
27. Would and would like to express are used to express a wish
Example: I would know her opinion about it ( wish to know)
I would like to talk about it later ( wish to talk)
28. Would you + infinitive is used to make a polite request
Example: Would you give this letter to may brother?
Would you please raed this book to me?
29. Would rather is used to express a choice or preference
Example: I would rather die than marry her
She would rather apply for a job than continue her
30. Would is used in the main clause when preceded by a
subordinate clause expressing improbable condition
Example: If I were rich, I would go to America
If she were a film star, I would marry her
31. Wish + would is used to express intention
Example: I wish I would know her address
I wish I would see Madhavi again
32. Would you good/kind+enough+ to infinitive is used to express a
polite request
Example: Would you be kind enough to lend me your book?
Would you be good enough to allow me to speak to the
33. Shall is used in the first person to express futurity
Example: I shall see Mahmud tomorrow
We shall attend yoga classes from Monday

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34. Shall is used in the second and third person to express a

command, a promise or a threat
a. Command:
Example: You shall obey me ( you are commanded to obey)
He shall sign the documents ( He is commanded to
b. Promise
Example: You shall get a gold medal, If you win distinction
He shall be encourages, if he works hard
c. Threat
Example: You shall be fined, If you exceed the speed limit
He shall be punished for his misbehaviour
d. Determination
Example: You shall explain the reason for your delay (I am
determined that you must explain to me the reason
for your delay)
You shall do whatever I tell you ( I am determined
that you must do whatever I tell you)
e. Shall is used in the first person to express permission and
1. Permission
Example: Shall I post the letter? ( Do you allow me to post
the letter
Shall I read the book to you? (Do you allow me to
read the book to you)
2. Suggestion
Example : Shall I apply for a bank loan ( Do you feel it
proper for me to apply for a loan)
Shall I come tomorrow (Do you expect me to
come tomorrow)
35. Should is is the past tense of shall and it is used in indirect
Example: He said that he should go to India next week
My friend said that he should stay in my house for a
36. Should is used to express duty or obligation in all persons
a. Duty
Example: You should attend the classes regularly
We should pay taxes to the government

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b. Obligation
Example: You should help the poor
We should realise our mistakes
37. Should is used to express possibility or supposition in
conditional clause
Example: If she should come, I shall talk to her about it
Should it rain, the exam will be cancelled
38. Should is used in clause expressing unreal condition
Example: If I were you, I should marry her
If I were you, I should resign the job
39. Should is used after ‘lest’ in a clause expressing purpose
Example: Come early lest we should be late
Walk carefully lest you should fall
40. Should +like to +infinitive expresses a wish or desire as a polite
Example: I should like to congratulate the winners in the test
I should like to see the film with you
41. Should is used to express probability or likelihood
Example: I should be able to complete the book in time
I should pay you the money, If I get the salary in time
42. Should +perfect infinitive is used to indicate a past obligation
Example: I should have spoken to her about it ( But I did not
speak to her about)
He should have sent a telegram to his brother (But he
did not send a telegram to his brother)
43. Must is used to express obligation or duty
a. Obligation
Example: We must complain the matter to the police
She must go with her husband
b. Duty
Example: You must look after your old parents (It is your duty
as a son)
She must love her husband (It is her duty as a wife)
44. Must is used to express necessity
Example: You must take the medicine daily (You have the
necessity of taking the medicine)
We must cut down our expenditure ( It is necessary
for us to cut down our expenditure)
45. It is used to express a fixed or strong determination

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Example: I must teach her a lesson

We must finish the work today
46. It is used to express probability or likelihood
Example: I think, she must be Miss Diana
I think it must be a nice film
47. Ought to is used to express duty, necessity, fitness and moral
a. Duty
Example: You ought to love your parents
He ought to understand his wife
b. Necessity
Example: You ought to do your duty honesty
She ought to work hard for her family
c. Fitness
Example: You ought to to be a graduate for this post
She ought to know typing for the post
d. Moral Obligation
Example: You ought to help the poor
You ought not to laugh at the poor
48. Ought to+ perfect infinitive is used to express a past obligation
which was not fulfilled
Example: You ought to have spent the money more carefully (But
you did not spend carefully and I am sorry about it)
We ought not to have wasted our time ( But we wasted
the time and now we are very sorry about it)
49. Need is used in the sense or require as a principal verb
Example: We need your help
They needed more funds to build the school
50. As an auxiliary verb, it remains unchanged and it is commonly
used with not
Example: You need not worry about your future
He need not pay extra for my services
51. It is sometimes used with hardly
Example: I need hardly tell you that I love Shanti
We need hardly remind him of his duty
52. It can be also used with only
Example: I need only tell you that I should like to marry you
You need only pay the subscription and we will make you
our member

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53. Need without not may be used in question

Example: Need she marry him?
Need I pay the money?
54. Need can be conjugated with do and then it is used with to
Example: Do you need to tell me about it?
Does Shania need to apply for job?

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Tenses is a term used in grammar to indicate the time of the action or event. In
any language tenses is divided into three classess namely:
1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense
a. Present Tense: When a verb is used to show that an action takes place at
present. It is known as the present tense
Example: He speaks English Well
We are afraid of snakes
b. Past Tense: When a verb is used to show that an action was completed. It
is known as the past tense
Example: He went to New Delhi yesterday
It was hot yesterday
c. Future Tense: When a verb is used to show that an action will take palce
in future. It is known as the future tense
Example: He will go to New York tomorrow
It will rain tomorrow
A. Each of the above tenses are divided into four classes namely:
1. Present Tense
a. Simple present tense
b. Present continuous tense
c. Present Perfect
d. Present Perfect Continuous
2. Past Tense
a. Simple past tense
b. Past continuous tense
c. Past perfect tense
d. Past perfect continuous tense
3. Future tense
a. Simple future tense
b. Future continuous tense
c. Future Perfect Tense
d. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
B. The Use of Various Tenses
1. The Use of Simple Present Tense

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a. To express a habitual action

Example: My father loves taking tea every morning
Madhavi gets up early in the morning
b. To express general truths
Example: The earth moves round the sun
Honesty is the best policy
c. In exclamatory sentences beginning with here and there
Example: Here comes Diana!
Look! How Marry sings
d. To express planned activities
Example: My uncle arrives tomorrow
The Prime Minister visits America next Sunday
e. To introduce quotations
Example: Shakespeare says “love is not a time’s fool”
Keats says ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever
2. The Use of Present Continuous Tense
a. For an action going on at the time of speaking
Example: Janaki is writing a letter at present
We are sitting in the garden
b. For a temporary action
Example: I am reading Mark Twain’s Novel
Miss Julia is writing a book for children
c. For a future action
Example: We are visiting Taj Mahal this week
Printa is getting married this April
3. The Use of Present Perfect Tense
a. For just completed action
Example: My brother had just gone out
I have already spent the money on books
b. To express past actions whose time is not specific
Example: I have never seen her before
I have already waited for Susana
c. For past events whose result in still felt
Example: She has watered the garden (Her clothes are wet
We will walked a long distance ( we are now very
d. For an action started in the past and continued upto now
Example: I have not seen Madhavi for along time

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Madhavi has worked in the college for ten years

4. The Use of Present Perfect Continuous Tense
a. For an action which began at sometime in the past and is still
going on
Example: I have been writing the novel for five months ( I am
still writing the novel)
She has been learning English since last year ( She
is still learning)
5. The Use of Simple Past Tense
a. For a past action with past time adverbs
Example: I saw Madhavi long ago
My father died last year
b. For a Past discontinued habit
Example: He visited temples frequently ( He is not in habit of
visiting temples now)
She usually sang songs in the evening ( She is not
singing now)
6. The Use of Past Continuous Tense
a. For an action going on at sometime in the past
Example: We were watching TV yesterday evening
I was sleeping in the afternoon
b. For a persistent habit in the past
Example: He was always talking about his greatness
She was always telling us about her husband
7. The Use of Past Perfect
a. To express one of the two past actions which had completed
Example: When we reached the theatre, the booking counter
had been closed
When I went to the airport, the plane had taken off
8. The Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
a. For an action which begin and had been on progress before
another action started
Example: When I returned home, my sister had been reading
the novel for three hours
When our father came, we had been sleeping for a
long time
9. The Use of Simple Future
a. For future actions

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Example: I shall meet you tomorrow

She shall stay with us for another week

10. The Use of Future Continuous Tense

a. For an action going on in future
Example: When I go home she will be waiting for me
When she gets home, her husband will be getting
angry with her
b. For future planned actions
Example: They will be selling tickets for the benefit show net
We will be getting married this July
11. The Use of Future Perfect Tense
a. For a future completed action
Example: They will have reached home by now
We will have been married when you come again
12. The Use of Future Perfect Continuous Tense
a. For an action going on in future and it will continue to a
certain time in future
Example: When she completes her study, she will have been
doing her research in the university for two years
They will have been building the house for five
years by 2008
13. Common Error in the Use of Tense
a. Present continuous tense should not be used in place of
present perfect continuous tense
Example: I am working in the colloge for the last five years
I have been working in the college for the last five
years (correct)
b. Present Perfect should not be used for past actions
Example: I have visited India last year (incorrect)
I visited India last year (correct)
c. Simple Future should not be used in imperative sentences. In
such cases, only simple present must be used
Example: You must see that the amount shall be paid soon
You must see that the amount is paid soon (correct)

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d. When there is a main clause with a simple future, the

subordinate clause must be in the simple present only
Example: I shall tell you about it, when I will know the truth
I shall tell you about it, when I know the truth
e. Past Perfect should not be used for simple past tense
Example: I had been to Canada recently (incorrect)
I went to Canada recently (correct)
f. Simple past should not be used for past perfect or the past
continuous tense for the past perfect continuous tense
Example: Madhavi said that she was working in the hospital
for five years (incorrect)
Madhavi said that she had been working in the
hospital for five years (correct)

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The Conjugation of a verb shows the various forms of a verb in relation to its
changes in voice, mood, tense, number and person
A. Simple Present Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I praise I am praised
You praise You are praised
B. Present Continuous Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I am praising I am being praised
You are praising You are being praised
C. Present Perfect Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I have prasied I have been praised
You have praised You have been praised
D. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I have been praising I have been being praised
You have been praising You have been being praised
E. Simple Past Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I praised I was praised
You praised You were praised
F. Past Continuous Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I was praising I was being praised
You were praising You were being praised
G. Past Perfect Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I had praised I had been praised
You had praised You have been praised
H. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I have been praising I had been being praised
You have been praising You have been being praised
I. Simple Future Tense

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Active Voice Passive Voice

I shall praise I shall be praised
You shall praise You shall be praised
J. Future Continuous Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I shall be praisng I shall be being praised
You shall be praising You shall be being praised
K. Future Perfect Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I shall have praised I shall have been praised
You shall have praised You shall have been praised
L. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Active Voice Passive Voice
I shall have been praising I shall have been being praised
You shall have been praising You shall have been being praised

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Sequence of tense means the arrangements of verb in the main and subordinate
1. A past in the principal clause is followed by a past tense in the
subordinate clause
Example: He told me that he applied for a job
My friend told me that he wanted to study medicine
Exception: A pas tense in the main clause may be followed by a
subordinate clause in the present. If it expressed a universal truth
Example: The teacher explained that the sun rises in the east
Aristotle said that man is a social animal
2. A main clause with past tense may be used with a subordinate clause
with ‘as’ or ‘than’ in amy tense
Example: He respected her more than he respects his own parents
I loved Diana more than I love anyone else
3. A present or future in main clause may be used with a subordinate
clause in any tense
Example: I know that she went to America
I shall believe that she was rich
4. Same tense is required in both clauses when purpose is expressed
Example: We read that we may gain wisdom
We love others so that we may be loved

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There are three types of conditional in English namely:

1. Open Condition: It tells us that something will take place, if a certain
condition is fulfilled. This condition may or may not be fulfilled
Form: Present perfect in ‘if’ clause + subject + will/shall/can/may+ verb
in main clause

No If Clause Main Clause

Simple Present S +will/shall/can/may + plain infinitive (Verb)
1 If you come early We shall begin the work
2 If she loves him She will marry him
3 If I find a job I can help my mother
4 If he reads the book He will enjoy it
5 If I teach her She can speak English
6 If you tell the truth I may help you

2. Improbable or Imaginary Condition: It tells us what we expect may not

take place
Form: Simple past in ‘if’ clause + subject + would/should/could/might
+ infinitive verb

No If Clause Main Clause

Past Tense S +would/should/could/might + plain
infinitive (Verb)
1 If you paid the amount We would deliver the goods
2 If I saw Madhavi I could talk to her
3 If I had money I could study in America
4 If she was a film star I would ask for her autobiography
5 If they had a house They might sell it
6 If Lennon was alive He might not tolerate the violence in the

3. Unfulfilled Condition: It tells us that something did not take place

because a particular condition was not fulfilled

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Form: Past Perfect in “if’ clause +S+would/should/could/might +have

+past participle in main clause

No If Clause Main Clause

Past Perfect S +would/should/could/might+have+past
1 If you have the You would have faced several financial troubles
resigned the job
2 If I have married I would have been happier
3 If Diana had read She might have praised me
my books
4 If Chintia hadn’t He might have become an engineer
been an actress
5 If I had been healthy I could have married Diana

A. Exercise: Correct the following sentences below:

1. If I am you, I should help her
2. If you are a doctor, you could cure her
3. If he has come, I could have asked him
4. If I was a film star, I shall marry Elizabeth
5. Is she will love me, I shall marry her
6. If I have money, I could lend you happily
7. If I know English, I could get a better job
8. If Diana is a good teacher, she would explain it very well
9. If he had come, I could help him
10. He would stay in America, If she marries him

B. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using the correct form of the
verbs given in brackets:
1. If you_____________ (think) air-conditioning is a product of the
twentieth century, you___________ (mistake)
2. I____________(dismiss) you, we__________ (not, hurry) up
3. If you murder your wife, you________________ (be hanged)
4. If the thermometer had been two centimetres longer, we_____________
(freeze) to death
5. If you were married and you__________(want) to dissolve the marriage,
I__________(handle) the case free just for the thrill of filling
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6. Medicine has become so specialized that if a head cold___________

(move) into your chest, you have to change doctors

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Adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective or

another adverb is known as an adverb
Example: She writes quickly
He explained the poem fairly well
A. Adverbs are divided into eight kinds of the basis of their use namely:
1. Adverb of Manner
2. Adverb of Place
3. Adverb of Time
4. Adverb of Frequency
5. Adverb of Certainity
6. Adverb of Degree
7. Interrogative Adverb
8. Relative Adverb
a. Adverb of Manner: Ad adverb used to show how an action is done
Example: quickly, well, clearly, soundly, sadly, possibly,
unfortunately, luckily, bravely, fast, hard and etc
Ex: They lived happily
She speaks beautifully
b. Adverb of Place: An adverb used to show where an action is done
Example: here, down, below, out, in, by, within, where, backward,
every, up, near and etc
Ex: I went there
Please come here
c. Adverb of Time: An adverb used to show when an action is done
Example: Now, today, early, still, before, never, since, formely,
already, daily, ago, late, then, lately, soon and etc
Ex: My father is not at home now
She came late yesterday
d. Adverb of Frequency: An adverb used to show how often an action
is done
Example: once, twice, always, occasionally. Again, sometimes,
seldom, frequently, never, often, and etc
Ex: They never go to watch movie
They talked to each other again
e. Adverb of Certainity: An adverb used to show definiteness of the
action is

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Example: I shall certainity help you

Surely, she loves me
f. Adverb of Degree: An adverb used to show how much or in what
degree or to what extent an action is done
Example: We have eaten enough
I am feeling much better
g. Interrogative Adverb: An adverb used to ask question
Example: When do you come?
Where did you go yesterday?
h. Relative Adverb: An adverb used to relate two clauses or statements
Example: I did not know where she had gone
Do you know when Diana came here?

B. Some Hints on the Use of Adverbs

1. Some adverbs may be used both as adjective and adverbs

No Adjectives Adverbs
1 Rahmat is speaking in a loud voice Sania never talks loud
2 Kapil is a fast bowler I cannot walk fast
3 My sister will come to Bangkok next I shall consider your case, when I next
week come here
4 I tried to open the back door of my She went back
5 I have very little knowledge about I know little about Americans
6 I love hard work I tried hard to know her name
7 Diana is the best girl I love my mother the best
8 I pleaded with the police to take quick Shania ran quick
9 I am going to Kuala Lumpur by an She came early today
early train
10 I give high value to money Don’t aim high in life
11 Diana is my only girl friend I only advise you
12 I have money enough to buy the car She speaks well enough

2. Some Adverbs have two forms and they have different meanings
a. Hard and hardly
Hard = diligently
Hardly= scarcely
Ex: We must work hard
I could hardly believe it

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b. Near and nearly

Near= opposite to far
Nearly= almost
Ex: Please come near
He is nearly defeated
c. Late and lately
Late= opposite to early
Ex: The train arrived late
I have met Mr Anto lately
d. Pretty and Prettily
Pretty= fairly
Ex: I am pretty sure of my success
Diana was prettily dressed
e. Clear and Clearly
Clear= quit or leave
Clearly= in a clear comment
Ex: Keep clear of the entrance
You must speak clearly
f. Close and Closely
Close= near
Closely= carefully
Ex: Come close to me
Watch him closely
g. Direct and Directly
Direct= without stopping
Directly= in a direct manner
Ex: The bus goes direct to Medan
He spoke to me directly
h. Easy and Easily
Easy= lightly
Easily= without an effort
Ex: Take life easy
Dessy learnt english easily
i. Fair and fairly
Fair= justly
Fairly= nicely
Ex: You should play fair

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She spoke to me very fairly

j. High and Highly
High= nobly
Highly= greatly
Ex: Always aim high in life
He was highly praised
k. Right and Rightly
Right= exactly
Rightly= correctly
Ex: I found the ring right here
He wrote the spelling rightly
3. Nouns indicating time, place, distance, weight, measurement,
value, degree are used as adverbs
Example: The meeting lasted a week
The load weighed two metric tons
4. Adverbs compounded with prepositions
Example: thereby hereafter wherefore
Therefore hereby wherein
Thereform herein whereon
Thereof hereupon whereof
Thereon herewith
Thereon hitherto
Thereto henceforth
There with henceforward
5. Adverb Used in Pair where as two advers are used sometimes
Example: again and again (repeatedly)
by and by (before long)
far and near (In all directions)
far and wide (Comprehensively)
Far and away (By a great deal)
Now and Again ( At intervals, sometimes)
Off and on ( Irregularly, Intermittently)
Over and above (in addition, besides, as well as)
Over and over (many times, frequently)
First and Foremost (first of all)
Now and then (from time to time, occasionally)
Once and again ( On more than one occasion)
Out and away ( beyond comparison, by far)
To and Fro ( backward and forward, up and down)

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Through and Through (Throughly, completely)

6. Position of Adverb
a. Adverb of manner are commonly placed after the verb or object
Example: Mahmud walks gracefully
The doctor examined the patient carefully
b. Adverbs of place and time may be placed after the verb or object
Example: She went there
I saw a film yesterday
c. Adverbs of frequency and degree are generally placed between the
subject and the verb and if the verb contains several words
Example: My father never tells lies
I have never seen such a beautiful girl
d. Some adverbs arfe placed the auxiliaries verbs
Example: You are always careless of your health
I am completely defeated in love
e. Adverb must be places before the auxiliaries like have to and use to
Example: I often have to attend yoga classes
He always used to sit in the garden
f. If more adverbs are used, the order of adverbs is: i. Adverbs of manner,
ii. Adverbs of place and iii. Adverb of time
Example: I enjoyed well at the picnic yesterday
I expresses my feelings very clearly at the function yesterday
g. If an adverb modifies an adjective or adverb, adverbs are placed before it
Example: The book is rather dull and uninteresting
I am quite happy today
h. The adverb enough should be placed after the adjectives or adverb
Example: The house is large enough to live a family in it
Sundari is rich enough to buy the car
i. The word only should be placed before the work it modifies
Example: He directed only the film (he directed nothing else but the film)
Only he directed the film (Nobody else nut he directed the
7. Formation of Adverbs
a. Adverbs of manner are mainly formed by adding ‘ly’ to the
Example: Adjective Adverb
Clever Cleverly
Kind Kindly

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Slow Slowly
Grave Gravely
Foolish Foolishly
b. When the adjective end with ‘y’ preceded by a consonat ‘y’ is
changed into ‘l’ and ‘ly’
Example: Adjective Adverb
Ready Readily
Heavy Heavily
Happy happily
c. When the adjecctive ends with “le”, “e” is changed into “y”
Example: Adjective Adverb
Single Singly
Double Doubly
d. Final ‘e’ is retained with the following words
Example: Adjective Adverb
Extreme Extremely
Intensive Intensively
Wise Wisely
e. For adjectives ending with ‘able/ible, the final ‘e’ is dropped and
‘y’ is added
Example: Adjective Adverb
Sensible Sensibly
Able Ably
Probable Probably
f. Some adverb are compounded with a noun or adjective
Example: sometimes, midday, yesterday, otherwise, meanwhile
g. Some adverb are compounded with ‘a’
Example: asleep, along, aloud, alive, ahead, away, anew, aboard
h. Some adverbs are compounded with ‘to’ and ‘be’
Example: today, before, besides, beyond, tomorrow, below

8. Comparison of Adverbs
a. Adverb with single syallabus form their comparative and
superlative by adding ‘er;’ or ‘est’
Example: Positive Negative Superlative
Hard harder hardest
Early Earlier Earliest
Long Longer Longest

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b. Adverbs ending with ‘ly’ form their comparative and superlative

by adding ‘more’ and ‘most’
Example: Positive Negative Superlative
Quickly More quickly Most quickly
Swiftly More swiftly Most swiftly

9. Adverb of Irregular Comparison

Example: Positive Comparative Superlative
Badly Worse Worst
Little Less Least
Far Farther Farthest

10. Some Adverb can not be compared on account of their nature

Example: now, where, then, there

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Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation to

some other word in the sentence
Example: We are fond of poetry
I spoke to Nanda

Kinds of Preposition: There are five kinds of preposition in English namely:

1. Simple Preposition
2. Double Preposition
3. Compound Preposition
4. Participial Preposition
5. Phrase Preposition

A. Simple Preposition: Presposition which are not formed by any method

and common to a language
Example: at, out, to, since, for, with, but, than, per, via, in, of, off, up, on
She is at the bus stop
I received a letter from my sister
B. Double Preposition: Preposition which contain two words
Example: From behind, next to, close to, due to, as regards, near to
She took the book from under the pillow
She came out of the house
C. Compound Preposition: Preposition which are formed by prefixing
Example: across, along, above, beside, upon, until, opposite
The sky is above us
They walked along the seashore
D. Participial Preposition: Present Participle which are used as preposition
Example: during, considering, regarding, touching, pending, respecting
The committee has diagreed with one another considering the
main issue
Regarding your inquiry, we can supply the goods by next day
E. Phrase Preposition: Groups of word which are used as preposition
Example: according to, away from, because of, in case of, in addition
I went to University along with my friend
She is away from home

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Conjunction is a word which joins together sentences or words and clauses

Example: and, for, before, unless, than, while, only, where, as, till, because, if
She answered all the questions and passes the exam
Unless you go there, you don’t know what has happened there
He tried hard but he did not succeed in his attempt

Kinds of Conjunction: Conjunction are divided into four kinds namely:

1. Correlative Conjunction
2. Compound Conjuction
3. Co-ordinating Conjunction
4. Sub-ordinating Conjunction

a. Correlative Conjunction: Conjunctions which are used in pairs

Example: either-or, such-that, as-as, as-so, so-that, both-and, such-as
She can speak neither English nor Italy
He is both handsome and clever
I read such books as increase my knowledge
b. Compound Conjunction: Group of words which are used as conjunction
Example: in order that, as though, as well as, as soon as, as if, even if
He saved some money so that he might use it in future
He spends as if he were a rich man
He applied for a job in order that he might help his father
c. Co-ordinating Conjunction: Conjuction which are used to join together
clauses of equal rank
Example: and, or, also, but, for, nor, either-or, neither-nor
I offered to help her but she refused my help
I must try hard for there is heavy competition
He is not my friend
Coordinating conjunction are divided into four kinds namely:
1. Cumulative or Copulative Conjuctions: Conjuctions which are used
to join statements
Example: She looked and smiled at me
They both gave money and stood by me in trouble
She no less than her friend tried to cheat me
2. Adversative Conjuction: Conjuction which are used to express a
contrast between two statements

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Example: She is beautiful but poor

You are intelligent still you have to work hard
My friend is lazy where as his father is intelligent
3. Disjunctive or Alternative Conjuction: Conjunction which are used to
express a choice between two alternatives
Example: She is nor a taecher nor a typist
She neither loved him nor liked to marry him
You must do the work sincerely else you will lose the job
4. Illative Conjuction: Conjuction which are used to express an inference
Example: Since you have money, you can help him
He is my enemy therefore I dislike him
He is poor so he can not visit France

d. Subordinating Conjuction: Conjuction which are used to join clauses of

unequal rank
Example: He came after I had finished my work
She was sad because she lost her job
If she loves me, I will be happy
Subordinating Conjunction are divided into seven classes namely:
1. Time (before, since, when, while, till, after)
Example: I began my work after they had gone
I haven’t seen Monica since she was married
I shall be happy when Rita is with me
2. Cause or reason
Example: As she is my sister, I like her
Since it is dark, take the torch with you
I was upset very much because Rita was angry with me
3. Purpose
Example: We eat that we may live
He walked quietly lest he should disturb his mother
4. Result or Consequence
Example: He walked so fast that I could not understand his words
5. Condition
Example: If she comes here, I shall talk to her
Unless you ask me, I can’t teach you
6. Concession
Example: However hard he tried, he failed in the exam
7. Comparison
Example: She respected me more than I thought

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Direct Speech: If we repeat the words of a person exactly in his own words to
some one. Meanwhile indirect speech is if we express the essence of main point
of a persons words with a few modifications.
Example: She said.” I am very happy about your success ( direct speech)
She said that she was very happy about your success ( indirect
Reported speech is the exact words of the speaker in inverted commas and
reporting verb is the verb used to introduce the reported speech

Main points to remember:

1. Direct speech should be placed between the inverted commas and begin
with a capital letter
Example: She said,’ I want to study medicine
2. No inverted commas and comma are used in indirect speech
Example: She said that she wanted to study medicine
3. The tense of the reporting verb is not changed
4. A conjunction is used after the reporting verb in indirect speech
Example: She told me that she would marry me
5. Tense/Pronouns/Word indicating nearness of time and position are
Example: He said to me,” I waited for you here today
He told me that she waited for me there that day


1. Reporting verb in the present or future tense remains unchanged
Example: He says,” I shall go to Bangkok tomorrow
He says that he will go to Bangkok tomorrow

2. If the reporting verb is in the past tense, the reported verb is subjected to
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Simple Present Simple Past
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

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Simple Past Past Perfect

Past Perfect No change
Past Perfect Continuous No change
Simple Future Future Conditional
May Might
Can Could
Must Had to
Had better -
Ought to -
Used to -

Example: (a) Umar said, “I like teaching

Umar said that she liked teaching
(b) I am writing a letter to my brother,” Umar said to me
Umar told me that she was writing a letter to his brother
(c) I have been teaching English for five years,” Safwan said
Safwan said that he had been teaching English for five years
(d) I have posted the letter, Anita said to me
Anita told me that she had posted the letter
(e) Arief said to Merry, “I loved you”
Arief told Merry that she had loved him
(f) Rahul said,” I had lost my hand bag
Rahul said that he had lost his hand bag

3. Reported speech expressing a universal truth or habitual fact is not

Example: (a) My father said,” Honesty is the best policy
My father said that honesty is the best policy
(b) I love watching films,” Shinta said to me
Shinta told me that she loves watching films

4. The past indefinite tense and the past continuous tense are not changed
in the following cases
Example: (a) My brother said,” Indonesia got freedom in 1945
My brother sad that Indonesia got freedom in 1945
(b) The first world was took place in 1914,” he said
He said that the first world war took place in 1914

5. Pronoun in indirect speech are used for the first person are changed into
the person of the subject of the reported speech. Pronoun of the second

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person are changed into the pronoun of the object of the reporting verb
and pronoun of the third person remain unchanged

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Masculine Feminisme Plural
I He She They
You He She They
You Him Her Them
Your His Her Their
Me Him Her Them
My His Her Their
Myself Himself Herself Themselves
We They
Us Them
Our Their

6. Word denoting time and position

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

This That
These Those
Now Then
Ago Before
Last Night The Previous night/the night before
Next Day The following day/the day after
Today That day
Tonight That night
Yesterday The previous day/the day before
Tomorrow The next day/The day after
The day before yesterday Two days before
The day after tomorrow The day after the next day
Nest week The following week
Just Then
Here There
Thus So
Come Go

7. Sentences with let can be returned into reported speech in three methods
a. Suggest/Propose + Gerund
b. Suggest/Propose + Infinitive
c. Suggest/Propose + That clause

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Example: Let us setup a small scale industry,”my friend said to me

My friend suggested setting up a small scale industry
My friend proposed to setup a small scale industry
My friend suggested that we should set up a small scale

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Can you explain the word to me? He requested me to explain the
He said to me word to him
Please teach me how to use the I requested him to teach me how to
calculator,” I said to me use the calculator
Don’t be foolish, my friend said My friend advised me not to be
to me foolish
Apply for a bank loan, “ my My mother proposed that I should
mother said to me apply for a bank loan
If I were you, I would marry I advised him to marry Diana
Diana,” I said to me
Burn the old letters,” my brother My brother suggested burning the
said old letters
Don’t beat the child like that,” I I implored Ahmad not to beat the
said to Ahmad child like that

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Ali, A. Faidal Rahman. (2010). English Grammar. Jakarta: PT Buku Kita

Azar, Betty Schrampfer. (2003). Fundamental of English Grammar (3rd
Edition). New York: Pearson Education
Carter, Ronald, Rebecca Hughes & Michael McCarthy. (2000). Exploring
Grammar in Context. United Kingdon: Cambridge University Press
Cobuild, Collins. (1990). English Grammar. Glasgow: HarperCollins
Ehrlich, Eugene. (1991). English Grammar. (2nd Edition). United States of
America: McGraw-Hill
Greenbaum, Sidney & Gerald Nelson. (2002). An Introduction to English
Grammar (2nd Edition). Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited
Jackson, Howard. (2005). Good Grammar for Students. London: Sage
Publication Ltd
Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use: Great Britain:
Cambridge University Press
Murthy, Jayanthi Dakshina. (1998). Contemporary English Grammar. New
Dehli: Book Palace
Quirk, Randolph & Sidney Greenbaum. (2002). A University Grammar of
English. London: Longman
Seaton, Anne & Y.H. Mew. (2007). Basic English Grammar. United States:
Saddleback Educational Publishing

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