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English: Information Reports

Pre-service Teacher name: Tylah Stewart Highlight planning process: Date:

Planned collaboratively with ST 27/05/19
Planned collaboratively with peer
Year level/ age range & number of students: Planned independently based on ST lessons
Planned Independently
Learning area and outcomes:
o Year 5
o 25 Students
General capabilities consideration: Student diversity consideration:

Literacy  2 students with ASD

Word Knowledge  1 student with ADHD
 Understand learning area vocabulary  9 students on IEP’s
Visual Knowledge  2 students with ESL
 Understand how visual elements create meaning  3 highly able learners
 Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Compose spoken,
written, visual and multimodal learning area texts

Critical and Creative Thinking

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
 Identify and clarify information and ideas
 Organise and process information

Learning intentions: Success criteria for students:

Students will produce an information report that demonstrates a Students will analyse a variety of information reports in order
strong understanding of structure and purpose of the genre. to identify the structure. They will

Formative assessment: Summative assessment:

Observations + Mock info report Final Information Report – student choice
Range of teaching strategies: preparation/ organisation/ resources:
o I do, we do, you do
o Class construction
o Appendices attached for resources
o Payton and Nethaneel – ESO support. Content appropriate but pace needs to be monitored – scaffolding for P.
o Extra scaffolding for Grace, Brianna, Zach, Rohan, Logan, Josh, monitor progress.
Week 2 Lesson 2 + 3: Purpose + Lesson 2: Lesson 1: Lesson 2 + 3: Structure +
Structure Tense Research Skills Glossary

Week 3 Lesson 2 + 3: Lesson 2: Lesson 1: Lesson 2 + 3:

Mock Reports Planning Planning Good copy


Lesson Main Check for
sequence Learning Experiences Resources learning/
Focus Assessment
Establish prior knowledge: students are asked to explain their own ‘Bananas’ Collect English
understanding of an information report. What do they usually tell us? information books + mark.
What is their purpose? report
Students are given an example of an information report (appendix 1) (appendix 1)
and read through it as a class. As they are reading, prompt students to
think about what each paragraph is telling us in order to dissect the
Purpose and introduction, from the body paragraphs, from the conclusion. What
structure was that paragraph telling us about? Touch on the absence of
titles/heading of each paragraph. If there’s no heading, how are you
able to tell me what the paragraph is about?
Students need to identify the opening statement of the information
report, and identify what the main ideas are of each body paragraph.
They will also identify the noun groups in each paragraph and create a
chain list of each in the order they appear in the report.

As a class, students will construct a pre-written and jumbled ‘Meerkats’

information report (appendix 2). Recap on the structure identified in (appendix 2) Observations.
Structure and the previous learning experience – introduction, body paragraphs, Collect English
Glossary conclusion. Ask students to read through the jumbled sentences of books and mark
the information report and move them into the paragraphs they glossaries.
believe they belong. At the end, you should have a fully formed
information report.
Introduce glossaries – define their purpose and why they are an
essential feature of an info report. Students are to individually
identify the technical words from the text you constructed and create
a glossary to accompany it.

Students are to read through an information report (appendix 3) as a XXII Endeavour Mark as class – all
Tense (single class. Once completed, they individually highlight all the words they Mission student
lesson) believe indicate the tense of the report – past, present or future. The (appendix 3) participation.
final conclusion should lead to that of information reports being
written in present tense. Lead a conversation in why this is the case –
why not past?

Students are to practise their skills in turning dot points into Dot Points into Observation.
sentences to assist them in transitioning their planning into Sentences Mark as class – all
information reports. Students read through the dot points on (appendix 4) class participation.
appendix 4, and as a class brainstorm the ways they would turn them
Research skills
into sentences. Scaffold the first set of dot points as a class, and let
(single lesson)
the students do the second lot on their own. They share their ideas
and gain an understanding of the different kinds of sentences they
are able to construct. Encourage the construction of complex

Students practise their planning skills using appendix 5. In pairs, Planning Mark.
students select one of two snakes to plan for a mock information Proforma
Planning report. Using the appropriate info sheet, students will practice their (appendix 5)
research skills in withdrawing information from it and placing it in
their planning proforma appropriately.

Individually, students choose a topic from that they Laptops Summative –
Information would like to write their own information report (this must be an marked against
Reports animal to fit in with the learning experiences they have engaged with rubric.
(Summative thus far). Students are given a planning proforma, which constitutes
Assessment) as their draft. Once this has been marked, they may type their good
EVALUATION & REFLECTION: How effective was this unit?

Level of Engagement
low high
Challenge for students
low high
Achievement/progress towards goals
low high
All learners catered for
no yes
Future teaching suggestions: What information did this unit provide about the future teaching/learning needs of these

difficult to carry out easy to carry out
allowed for range of student
unrelated to outcomes responses

Student feedback:

Supervising Teacher feedback:

Pre-service teacher evaluation: If you were to use this unit again, what changes would you make?

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