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Om Sharma

Rank Refiner 2.0

IIT JEE Adv. 2020
@10:30AM on Plus


Rank Refiner Course JEE 2020

Practice Sheet # 5 Om Sharma (IIT Bombay Alumni, KOTA)
IIT – JEE Advanced 2020
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Use referral Code OMSIR (Discussion Date 12.06.2020 10:30AM on plus)

Passage  1
Let A = {a, b, c, d, e, f} & B = {1, 2, 3} are two sets. Then answer the followings.

1. The number of mappings which are into from A to B is -

(A) 103 (B) 189 (C) 729 (D) 723

2. The number of injective mappings from set B to set A is -

(A) 36 (B) 60 (C) 90 (D) 120

Passage # 2
Consider a triangular pyramid ABCD the position vectors of whose angular points are A(3, 0, 1);
B(–1, 4, 1); C(5, 2, 3) and D(0, –5, 4). Let G be point of intersection of the medians of the triangle BCD.

3. The length of the vector AG is -

51 51 51
(A) 17 (B) (C) (D)
3 9 4

4. Area of the triangle ABC in sq. units is -

(A) 24 (B) 8 6 (C) 4 6 (D) None of these

5. The length of the perpendicular from the vertex D on the opposite face is -
14 2 3
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
6 6 6

6. Equation of the plane ABC is -

(A) x + y + 2z = 5 (B) x – y – 2z = 1 (C) 2x + y – 2z = 4 (D) x + y – 2z = 1

 6 4 4 
a + a 
7. Let A = [aij]3 × 3 be a matrix. If A + AT  21 12 10 a23 + a32  where a12, a23 and a31 are the positive root
a31 + a13 4 8 
of the equation x3 – 6x2 + px – 8 = 0, p  R then find the value of det (A).
[Note : AT denotes the transpose of matrix A.]

8. Let A be 3 × 3 matrix given by A = [aij] and B be a column vector such that BTAB is a null matrix for every
column vector B. If C = A – AT and a13 = 1, a23 = – 5, a21 = 15, then find the value of det (adj A) + det (adj C).
[Note : adj M denotes the adjoint of a square matrix M.]

Om Sharma (IIT Bombay Alumni) Join telegram group Click → 2

9. Consider 6 children C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 of different heights, child with higher suffix is taller.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Number of ways in which these six children can line up in a single row so that (P) 20
none of them is standing between the two children taller than him, is
(B) Number of ways in which they appear in a line if 3 children C 1, C2 and C3 are (Q) 32
in ascending order of their height (not necessarily successive) but not C 1, C2, C3 C4 is
(C) Number of ways in which 10 alike marbles can be distributed among them if (R) 60
every child gets atleast one marble but not more than 4, is
(D) Number of ways in which they can stand in a rectangular array of 3 row (S) 90
and 2 columns so that any child in a column is taller than the child in the same column
immediately in front of him, is e.g.
(T) 120

Column-I Column-II
C1 C4
C2 C5
C3 C6

Answer Key
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A)
6. (D) 7. 28 8. 0
9. A → Q; B → S ; C → T ; D → P.

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