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The Critical Links Between

Business Performance and

Governance, Risk & Compliance

Jeffrey Wheatman

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GRC Is Wasteland

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Key Issues

1. What is GRC and why is it important

for enterprise architects?
2. How does GRC deliver targeted
business outcomes?
3. How should EA teams approach integrating
GRC in enterprise architecture?

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GRC — From Platform
to Architecture

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Definition of GRC
• Governance: The process through
GRC is an integrated which policies and decision rights
program that enables are set, maintained, and effectively
the assessment, communicated.
monitoring, and • Risk management: The process
reporting of risks for ensuring that important business
and controls in support processes and behaviors remain within
acceptable tolerances, going beyond
of decision making, which creates an unacceptable level
business performance, of uncertainty to strategic objectives.
and adherence to • Compliance: The process of adherence
regulations, policies, to policies and decisions through related
and other mandates controls. Policies can be derived
and agreements. from internal directives, procedures,
and requirements, or external laws,
regulations, standards, and contractual
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Enterprise GRC Platform Use Cases
Enterprise GRC Platform Use Cases
Enterprise and Operational Risk Management 61%
Audit Management 53%
IT Risk Management 34%
Case or Incident Management 32%
Policy Management 30%
Integrated Performance and Risk… 29%
SOX Compliance (and similar regs. globally) 28%
Anti-bribery, -fraud, -corruption Compliance 24%
Third-party Risk Management 22%
Financial Services Regulations Compliance 22%
Business Continuity 18%
Project Risk Management 17%
Regulatory Change Management 17%
EHS and Sustainability 16%
Privacy Compliance 16%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Source: Gartner Enterprise GRC Platform Reference Survey — July 2013

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GRC Reference Architecture Principles




Never more Assign the Link to business Define and Tolerance and
controls than required people requirements and risks. balance risk appetite
required. for operational roles and will guide
support. Controls related to responsibilities.
risks and mandates. policy.
approach. Use what Policies and controls Someone A single
we have if — enforceable, accountable for version of
Use it works. measurable, audible, the truth.
standardized any policy or
transparent, reportable control.
methods. Don't be and relevant.
hamstrung by
sunk costs. Best practices assessed Someone will
#GartnerSYM for relevance. own any risk.
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Digital Business Requires Integrating
Big Data Into GRC
Increase in types of data Making better
(e.g., transactions, security informed decisions
intelligence, email, social, (e.g., risk data for strategic
images, video, voice) planning, risk informed

Quickening speed of data Optimizing business

(e.g., social risks, performance
continuous controls monitoring, (e.g., reputational risk
high frequency trading) mgmt., risk-adjusted
anti-bribery, anti-fraud)

Growing quantity of data Discovering hidden

(e.g., risk oversight, regulatory insights
compliance, discovery, social (e.g., early identification
compliance, third-party risk of emerging risks, discover
monitoring, OT monitoring, causal linkages between
behavioral) KPIs and KRIs)
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Enabling Advanced Analytics in the GRC
Reference Technology Architecture
Business Intelligence/Performance Integrated
Performance and
Management Integration Risk Management
GRC Management Dashboards
and Reporting
Audit Management
Risk Versus
Controls Analysis
Risk Management

Policy Versus
Controls Analysis
Compliance and Policy Management
Controls Monitoring
(Business Rules)
Regulatory Change Management

Process Controls System

Social Analytics
Access Transaction Behavioral
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Getting to

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Governance Has Four "Faces,"
Each Linked to Business Outcomes


Strategy for
Investment Business Management

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Innovation, Disruption — What Is It That
You Really Want to Do?

U.S. Holland and Russian battleship Retvizan entering the New York Navy Yard dry dock

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Risk Management 101 —
No. of Surfacings = No. of Dives

The Hunley — Charleston Harbor

Photograph: Friends of the Hunley

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Risk Management Priorities
and Business Priorities Are the Same

A Seawolf class nuclear submarine returns to port with a broom lashed to the
bridge, indicating a "clean sweep" — that is "mission fully accomplished"
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Risk-adjusted Value Management

Performance Performance Performance Performance

Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators

Value Value Value

Added Added Added

Risk Risk Risk

Indicators Indicators Indicators

Order Trucks Package Package

Received Dispatched Pick-up Delivered

Value Chain Example

(Michael Porter)

Putting Performance and Risk Metrics

Together Creates a Value Model
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Gartner Business Risk Model (KRI)
Business Business
Leading Risk Indicators
Aspect Outcomes
Channel Costs Marketing Online Reputation Transparency
Demand Lost Sales Forecast Inaccuracy Lost Customers
Development Product Management R&D Failure Aging Products
Service Performance Privacy Returns Material Quality Late Delivery
Responsiveness Agreement Customer Care
Order Fill Failures Service Inaccuracy
Effectiveness Failure
Supply Supplier Supply Chain Vendor Risk Supplier Agreement Supplier Service
Enterprise Sourcing
Management Effectiveness Planning Management Effectiveness Performance
Risk Management Strategic Planning Internal Controls Quality Management
Efficiency Business Continuity Facilities
Asset Management Manufacturing
Management Management
Identity and Access
Resources IT Workforce Skills Inventory Training
Infrastructure and Service-level
Information Applications Information Security IT Investment
Operations Effectiveness
Support Responsiveness Project and Portfolio
Services Change Management Cloud Availability Internal Audit (IT)
Environmental, Internal Audit Records
Compliance E-discovery
Finance and Health and Safety (Finance) Management
Governance Insurance Ethics Financial Integrity
Legal Liquidity Policies Sustainability

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Manufacturing — Lost Cars

System Production Operations

Downtime — Line — KRI Impact — KPI

Systems Revenue
Supporting the
Lost Inventory
Production Impact
Manufacturing Quotas

Leading Leading Leading Miss

Indicator Indicator Indicator
That … That … That … the

A car rolls off the line every 90 seconds.

One hour of line stoppage due to IT is 40 "lost" cars.
IT reports lost inventory, not IT downtime.
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Financial Services — Trading Ops.
IT Trading Desk Treasury
Key Risk Settlement Negative
Indicator — Errors Increase Impact KPI

Confirmation Business Process Uncertainty to Liquidity Risk

Services Slowdown Actual Exposure
Automation to Individual
Delay Order Backlog Counterparties

Leading Leading Leading Liquidity

Indicator Indicator Indicator Problem in
That … That … That … the Event of
Stress Event

Addressing IT dependencies in trading operations

provides confidence in the process and a context
that non-IT parts of the business care about.
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Integrating GRC

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Inflection Point of Business Value

Value of

Risk Management +

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ERM/GRC Blueprint

Enterprise Risk Management

Governance Risk Compliance


Information Technology



Business Operations Management

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10 A's of Successful Risk Management
& Compliance

Enterprise Risk Management

Appetite Aggregation Assessment Analytics

Governance, Risk and Compliance

Applications Architecture Assurance

Business Operations Management

Accountability Action Achievement

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Applications and Architecture

• What technology is required to enable collaboration and

communication of risk and compliance related information
to support business performance and decision making?
• What technology enables automation of risk management
and compliance processes and reporting?
• What technology enables automation of controls and risk


• Are risk management and compliance projects and initiatives

aligned with governance objectives?
• How are GRC applications, automated and manual controls,
risk monitoring, and risk and compliance reporting
incorporated into enterprise architecture?
• How does the GRC program contribute to targeted business
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 GRC professionals need your help. Collaborate with
them to develop a GRC architecture that supports
both regulatory mandates and business value.
 Use the ERM/GRC Blueprint to integrate GRC
requirements, principles and capabilities into EA
guidance and deliverables.
 For each new business initiative assess how GRC
principles and technology can be incorporated into
EA deliverables in order maximize risk-adjusted
value of the business outcomes.

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Action Plan for Enterprise Architects
Monday Morning:
- Evaluate current risk management and compliance program
against the ERM/GRC Blueprint.
- Develop list of key stakeholders and program areas to include
in integration effort.
Next 90 Days:
- Identify gaps and/or integration opportunities using the 10 A's.
- Engage board members, senior management and business
operations management to answer key questions.
Next 12 Months:
- Define ERM framework and GRC infrastructure
build requirements.
- Begin ERM/GRC integration effort.
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Recommended Gartner Research
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 Gartner Defines 'Governance'
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 Using Risk-Adjusted Value Management to Close the
Strategy Gap and Gain Competitive Advantage
Michael Smith, Paul E. Proctor (G00225727)
 Case Study: How ING's Intermediary Division Links IT
Performance to Business Strategy
Michael Smith (G00155406)
 Highlights of 2013 Gartner IT Risk Managers Survey
Reveal Less Maturity and Missed Business Priorities
French Caldwell (G00259661)
For more information, stop by Gartner Research Zone.
© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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