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JNNCE, Dept.

of MCA,

Assignment Questions – Module 1 - .NET Programming – 18MCA51

Date: 24 Sep 2020

1. What is .NET Framework? Explain the benefits of .Net framework?

2. Discuss the architecture of .Net Framework 4.0 with a neat diagram?
3. With a neat diagram, explain the workflow that takes place between .NET
source code, ●NET compiler and the execution engine?
4. Briefly discuss the role of Common Language Runtime (CLR) in .NET
Framework with a neat diagram?
5. Differences between managed code and unmanaged code?
6. Explain the role of Common Type System?
7. What is Common Language Specification? Explain?
8. Differentiate between single file and multi file assembly?
9. What is Assembly? List out the information stored in assembly manifest?
10. Explain the role of Metadata and Assemblies?
11. Write short notes on:
i. JIT Compiler v. Private and Shared assemblies
ii. Strong Names assembly vi. Global Assembly Cache
iii. Static and Dynamic assemblies vii. Window Communication Foundation
iv. Windows CardSpace and LINQ
12. Explain windows workflow foundation architecture with a neat diagram?
13. Explain value types and reference types. List the differences?
14. Write a short notes on:
i. Verbatim string literal iii. Boxing and unboxing v. foreach
ii. Identifiers and Keywords iv. Type Conversion vi. Object Type
15. What are namespaces? List and explain the purpose of any three namespaces?

Mr. Prashant Ankalkoti, Faculty, MCA Dept. JNNCE. Page 1

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