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SPE 76757

Experimental Verification of Methods to Calculate Relative

Permeability Using Capillary Pressure Data
Kewen Li, SPE, and Roland N. Horne, SPE, Stanford University

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

al.2 found differences between steam-water and air-water
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Western Regional/AAPG Pacific Section relative permeabilities. According to these studies, steam-
Joint Meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., 20–22 May 2002.
water flow properties may not be replaced simply by air-water
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
or nitrogen-water flow properties. It would be helpful for
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to reservoir engineers to be able to calculate steam-water
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at relative permeability once steam-water capillary pressure data
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
are available.
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is There are many papers3-13 related to techniques for the
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous calculation of relative permeabilities from capillary pressure
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. data. Purcell3 developed a method to calculate the
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
permeability using pore size distribution derived from
mercury-injection capillary pressure curves. This method was
Abstract used to calculate the multiphase relative permeabilities, as
The Brooks and Corey model has been accepted widely to reported by Gates and Leits4. Later, Burdine5 introduced a
calculate relative permeability using capillary pressure data. tortuosity factor in the model. Corey6 and Brooks and Corey7
However the Purcell model was found to be the best fit to the summarized the previous works3-5 and modified the method by
experimental data of the wetting phase relative permeability representing capillary pressure curve as a power law function
for the cases studied, as long as the measured capillary of the wetting phase saturation. Honarpour et al.14 reviewed
pressure curve had the same residual saturation as the relative the literature in this field. The published literature and
permeability curve. The differences between the experimental experimental data for relative permeability and capillary
and the Purcell model data were almost negligible. A physical pressure were not sufficient to conclude which method should
model was developed to explain the insignificance of the be the standard one.
effect of tortuosity on the wetting-phase. For nonwetting phase Unlike for oil-gas and oil-water flow properties, there are
relative permeability, the model results were very close to the few studies for the calculation of steam-water relative
experimental values in drainage except for the Purcell model. permeabilities by the capillary pressure technique.
However, calculated data in imbibition were different than the Historically, the capillary pressure techniques were developed
experimental data. This study showed that relative for drainage situations and were useful to obtain gas-liquid (oil
permeability could be calculated satisfactorily by choosing a or water) relative permeability when fluid flow tests were
suitable capillary pressure technique, especially in drainage not practical.
processes. In the reverse procedure, capillary pressure could In this study, we calculated the gas-liquid (including gas-
also be computed once relative permeability data are available. oil, air-water, and steam-water) and oil-water relative
permeabilities using experimental data of capillary pressure
Introduction from different rocks by different methods such as the Purcell,
Relative permeability is of central importance to reservoir Burdine, Corey, and Brooks-Corey methods. The calculated
engineering but difficult to measure in some cases. Such cases results were compared to the relative permeability data
include extremely low permeability rocks and special fluid measured in the same core sample. The purpose of this study
systems in which there are phase transformation and mass was to verify which capillary pressure technique would
transfer between the two phases as pressure changes. Steam- achieve the best fit to the experimental data of
water flow is an example of such a system. Steam-water relative permeability.
relative permeability plays an important role in controlling
reservoir performance for steam injection into oil reservoirs Mathematical Background
and water injection into geothermal reservoirs. At the same We chose four representative models developed by various
time, Li and Horne1 found significant differences between authors (Purcell3; Burdine5; Corey6; Brooks and Corey7) to
steam-water and air-water capillary pressures, and Horne et

calculate relative permeabilities using the capillary pressure where Sm is the minimum wetting phase saturation from the
techniques in different fluid-rock systems. The mathematical capillary pressure curve; τw (1.0) and τw (Sw) are the
expressions of the four models are described briefly in tortuosities of the wetting phase when the wetting phase
this section. saturation is equal to 100% and Sw respectively.
In the same way, relative permeabilities of the nonwetting
Purcell Model. Purcell3 developed an equation to compute phase can be calculated by introducing a nonwetting phase
rock permeability by using capillary pressure data. This tortuosity ratio. The equation can be expressed as follows5:
equation can be extended readily to the calculation of
multiphase relative permeability. In two-phase flow, the 1 2
relative permeability of the wetting phase can be calculated ∫S w dS w /( Pc )
as follows: k rnw = ( λrnw ) 2 1 2
∫0 dS w /( Pc )

S 2
∫0 w dS w /( Pc ) where λrnw is the tortuosity ratio of the nonwetting phase,
k rw = 1 2
∫0 dS w /( Pc ) which can be calculated as follows5:

where krw and Sw are the relative permeability and saturation of τ nw (1.0) 1 − S w − Se
λrnw = = (6)
the wetting phase; Pc is the capillary pressure as a function τ nw ( S w ) 1 − Sm − Se
of Sw.
Similarly, the relative permeability of the nonwetting
phase can be calculated as follows: Here Se is the equilibrium saturation of the nonwetting phase;
τnw is the tortuosity of the nonwetting phase.
Honarpour et al.14 pointed out that the expression for the
1 2
∫S w dS w /( Pc ) wetting phase relative permeability (Eq. 3) fits the
k rnw = 1 2
(2) experimental data much better than the expression for the
∫0 dS w /( Pc ) nonwetting phase (Eq. 5).

where krnw is the relative permeability of the nonwetting phase. Corey Model. According to the Purcell and Burdine models,
It can be seen from Eqs. 1 and 2 that the sum of the wetting an analytical expression for the wetting and nonwetting phase
and nonwetting phase relative permeabilities at a specific relative permeabilities can be obtained if capillary pressure
saturation is equal to one. This may not be true in most porous curves can be represented by a simple mathematical function.
media. In the next section, the relative permeabilities Corey6 found that oil-gas capillary pressure curves could be
calculated using this method are compared to the experimental expressed approximately using the following linear relation:
data. The comparison shows that Eq. 1 is close to
experimental values of the wetting phase relative permeability
1 / Pc2 = CS w* (7)
but Eq. 2 for the nonwetting phase is far from the
experimental results.
where C is a constant and S w* is the normalized wetting phase
Burdine Model. Burdine5 developed equations similar to
Purcell's method by introducing a tortuosity factor as a saturation, which could be expressed as follows for the
function of wetting phase saturation. The relative permeability drainage case:
of the wetting phase can be computed as follows:
S w − S wr
S w* = (8)
S 2 1 − S wr
∫ w dS /( P )
k rw = ( λrw ) 2 0 1 w c 2 (3)
∫0 dS w /( Pc )
where Swr is the residual saturation of the wetting phase. In
Corey's case, Swr is the residual oil saturation.
where λrw is the tortuosity ratio of the wetting phase. Although originally the Corey model was not developed
According to Burdine5, λrw could be calculated as follows: for the imbibition case, in this study it was used to calculate
the imbibition relative permeabilities by defining the
normalized wetting phase saturation as follows:
τ w (1.0) S w − Sm
λrw = = (4)
τ w (Sw ) 1 − Sm

S w − S wr to calculate the corresponding steam-water relative

S w* = (9) permeability. Note that the capillary pressure data were
1 − S wr − Snwr
represented using Eq. 12 in all the calculations by the Purcell
model. The calculated results were compared to the
where Snwr is the residual saturation of the nonwetting phase. experimental data of steam-water relative permeability
Substituting Eq. 7 into Eqs. 3 and 5 with the assumption measured by Mahiya16. During the process of the fluid
that Se=0 and Sm=Swr, Corey6 obtained the following equations flooding tests, the water saturation in the core sample was first
to calculate the wetting (oil) and nonwetting (gas) phase decreased from 100% to the residual water saturation, about
relative permeabilities for drainage cases: 28%, representing a drainage process. The water saturation
was then increased, representing an imbibition.
Fig. 1 shows the experimental data of the steam-water
k rw = ( S w* ) 4 (10) relative permeability16 and capillary pressure15 in drainage. All
these data were measured at a temperature of about 120oC in
the same Berea core sample. The permeability and porosity of
k rnw = (1 − S w* ) 2 [1 − ( S w* ) 2 ] (11) this core were 1400 md and 24.8%; the length and diameter
were 43.2 cm and 5.04 cm, respectively. Because the relative
permeability and the capillary pressure were measured
A constraint to the use of Corey's Model (Eqs. 10 and 11) is simultaneously, the two curves had the same residual water
that the capillary pressure curve should be represented by saturations. This feature is important and will be discussed
Eq. 7. later in more detail. Note that the steam relative permeability
data shown in Fig. 1 have been calibrated under the
Brooks-Corey Model. Because of the limitation of Corey's consideration of gas slip effect (Klinkenberg Effect17) in two-
model, Brooks and Corey7 modified the representation of phase flow by Li and Horne18.
capillary pressure function to a more general form as follows: The drainage steam-water relative permeabilities were
calculated using the experimental data of the drainage steam-
Pc = p e ( S w* ) −1 / λ (12) water capillary pressure shown in Fig. 1 and plotted versus the
normalized water saturation that is defined in Eq. 8. The
calculated results and the comparison to the corresponding
where pe is the entry capillary pressure and λ is the pore size experimental data are shown in Fig. 2. The relative
distribution index. permeabilities in Fig. 2 were normalized to conduct the
Substituting Eq. 12 into the Burdine model (Eqs. 3 and 5) comparison. The method to do so is to divide the experimental
with the assumption that Se=0, Brooks and Corey7 derived relative permeabilities by the corresponding end point values.
equations to calculate the wetting and nonwetting phase The same normalization was applied to the experimental
relative permeabilities as follows: relative permeabilities shown in figures used to compare
results in the rest of this paper.
We can see from Fig. 2 that the water relative
2 + 3λ
permeabilities calculated using the Purcell model are the best
k rw = ( S w* ) λ (13) fit to the experimental data. This implies that it may not be
necessary to adjust the calculation of the wetting phase
relative permeabilities by introducing the concept of the
tortuosity factor in such a case. The water phase relative
k rnw = (1 − S w* ) 2 [1 − ( S w* ) λ ] (14) permeabilities calculated by all the other models are less than
the experimental values. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the
steam phase (nonwetting phase) relative permeabilities
When λ is equal to 2, the Brooks-Corey model reduces to the
calculated by all the models but the Purcell model are almost
Corey model.
the same and consistent with the experimental data for the
drainage case. The steam phase relative permeabilities
calculated by the Purcell model are not shown in Fig. 2 and all
The experimental data of capillary pressure from our previous
the figures following in this section because the curve is
study15 and the literature were used in this paper. The
concave downwards, which is unexpected and far from the
calculation and comparison in steam-water, nitrogen-water,
experimental values.
oil-water, and oil-gas flow are presented and discussed in
The experimental data of the imbibition steam-water
this section.
relative permeability from Mahiya16 and the imbibition
capillary pressure from Li and Horne15 are shown in Fig. 3.
Steam-water flow. The data of both drainage and imbibition
These data were also measured simultaneously in the same
steam-water capillary pressure from Li and Horne15 were used
Berea core sample at a temperature of about 120oC. The steam

relative permeability data shown in Fig. 3 have also been is also from the Purcell model. The water phase relative
calibrated under the consideration of gas slip effect in two- permeabilities calculated using other models are not notably
phase flow18. different from each other but are much less than the
The imbibition steam-water relative permeabilities were experimental data in this case. For the nonwetting phase (oil
then calculated using the measured data of the imbibition phase in this case) relative permeability, all the models except
steam-water capillary pressure shown in Fig. 3 and also the Purcell model give good fit to the experimental data.
plotted versus the normalized water saturation. Fig. 4 shows Beckner et al.20 reported imbibition oil-water relative
the calculated results and the comparison to the experimental permeability and capillary pressure data which were
values. The water relative permeabilities from the Purcell representative of actual field data (see Fig. 9). The capillary
model are also the best fit to the experimental data, the same pressure data were also used to calculate oil-water relative
as in drainage. The results from the Corey model are a good fit permeability with various methods. The results and the
too. The water phase relative permeabilities calculated by the comparison are shown in Fig. 10. The Purcell model produced
Burdine and the Brooks-Corey models are less than the the best fit to the water phase relative permeability, the same
experimental values. Actually the results calculated using the as observed previously. The water phase relative
two models are the same if the capillary pressure data in the permeabilities calculated using other models are less than the
Burdine model are represented using Eq. 12. The steam phase relative permeability data from Beckner et al.20.
relative permeabilities calculated by all the models except the
Purcell model are not significantly different from each other Oil-gas flow. We made the same calculation and comparison
but are less than the experimental data in the imbibition case. using the data of oil-gas relative permeability and capillary
pressure measured in Berea sandstone by Richardson et al.21.
Nitrogen-water flow. In the following section, we will The permeability and porosity of this core were 107 md and
discuss the calculated results and the comparison in nitrogen- 17.7%; the length and diameter were 30.7 cm and 6.85 cm,
water systems to further confirm the phenomena that we respectively. The oil phase was kerosene and the gas phase
observed. Li and Horne18 measured the nitrogen-water relative was helium. The experimental data of the drainage oil-gas
permeabilities in a fired Berea core sample similar to that used relative permeability and the capillary pressure are shown in
in the measurement of steam-water relative permeabilities by Fig. 11. The calculated results of relative permeability and the
Mahiya16. In this study, we drilled a plug from another part of comparison to the experimental values are demonstrated in
the same fired Berea sandstone that was used by Li and Fig. 12. We also observed that the best fit to the wetting
Horne18. The length and diameter of the plug sample were phase relative permeability in oil-gas flow was from the
5.029 cm and 2.559 cm respectively; the porosity was 24.37%. Purcell model.
The drainage nitrogen-water capillary pressure of the plug was All the relative permeability and capillary pressure curves
measured by using the semipermeable porous-plate method. we used in the previous sections have a common feature: the
The measured data of the drainage nitrogen-water capillary residual saturation from the capillary pressure curve is equal to
pressure along with the relative permeabilities from Li and that from the relative permeability curve. Gates and Lietz4
Horne18 are plotted in Fig. 5. Although the nitrogen-water reported oil-gas relative permeability and capillary pressure
capillary pressure and relative permeability curves were not curves without such a feature. The experimental data of
measured simultaneously, the residual water saturations were drainage oil-gas relative permeability and capillary pressure,
almost the same for both. taken from Fig. 4 in the paper by Gates and Lietz4, were used
The results calculated using the capillary pressure models in this study and are depicted in Fig. 13. These data were
for the nitrogen-water flow (drainage) and the comparison to measured in a Pyrex core with a permeability of 1370 md and
the experimental data are shown in Fig. 6. The experimental a porosity of 37.4%. The oil phase was kerosene and the gas
data of water relative permeability are located between the phase was air. The residual oil saturation was about 30%
Purcell model and the Corey model. The two models provide a according to the oil phase relative permeability curve but was
good approximation to the experimental data in this case. The about 12% according to the capillary pressure and the gas
features of gas phase relative permeability curve calculated by phase relative permeability curves (see Fig. 13). The reason
these models are similar to those of steam-water flow (see Fig. might be the evaporation of oil caused by continuous gas
4) except that the calculated results are greater than the injection even after the residual oil saturation by displacement
measured data. was reached.
The oil and gas relative permeabilities calculated using
Oil-water flow. Kleppe and Morse19 reported the various capillary pressure techniques were compared to the
experimental data of imbibition oil-water relative permeability experimental data measured by Gates and Lietz4 and the
and capillary pressure in Berea sandstone with a permeability results are demonstrated in Fig. 14. We observed that all the
of 290 md and a porosity of 22.5%. The three curves are models except the Purcell model yielded the best fit to both
shown in Fig. 7. The calculated results of oil and water the wetting and nonwetting phase relative permeabilities.
relative permeability and the comparison to the experimental In summarizing all the calculations that we have made,
data are plotted in Fig. 8. In oil-water flow, the best fit to the including some not presented here, the Purcell model was the
wetting phase (water phase in this case) relative permeability best fit to the wetting phase relative permeability if the

measured capillary pressure curve had the same residual (see Fig. 15a), which demonstrates that there is little effect of
saturation as the relative permeability curve. the wetting phase saturation on the tortuosity of the wetting
phase. Similarly, based on Eq. 6, the tortuosity of the
Calculation of capillary pressure using relative nonwetting phase is infinite when the wetting phase saturation
permeability data. In some cases, relative permeability data is equal to 1-Se. This may be true because the nonwetting
are available but capillary pressure data are not. A method to phase may exist in the form of discontinuous droplets (see Fig.
calculate capillary pressure function using relative 15c). In this case, Se is equal to Sgr.
permeability is proposed in this section. As observed It can be seen from the analysis here that the tortuosity of
previously, the Purcell model may be the best fit to the wetting and nonwetting phases would behave differently as a
experimental data of the wetting phase relative permeability. function of wetting phase saturation. This may be why it is
Substituting Pc using Eq. 12, the Purcell model can be necessary to introduce the tortuosity for the nonwetting phase
expressed as follows: but not for the wetting phase.
As stated previously, capillary pressure techniques were
2+ λ
developed originally in cases in which it is difficult to measure
relative permeability. Actually these techniques may also be
k rw = ( S )
useful even in cases in which both relative permeability and
capillary pressure data are available. In these cases, we can
Therefore we can fit the experimental data of the wetting still calculate relative permeability using the appropriate
phase relative permeability using Eq. 15 to obtain the value of models with the capillary pressure data and compare the
the pore size distribution index λ. According to Eq. 12, the results to the experimental values. If the calculated results are
corresponding capillary pressure function can be determined consistent with the experimental data, we may have more
confidence on the experimental measurements. This idea may
once the value of the pore size distribution index λ is
also be applied to numerical simulation. For example, it may
available. The entry capillary pressure may be measured
be helpful to check the relative permeability curves obtained
readily or can be evaluated using other methods.
from upscaling using the capillary pressure techniques.
The techniques using capillary pressure to calculate relative
Based on the present study, the following conclusions may
permeability were developed in the late forties. Burdine5
be drawn:
pointed out that the calculated relative permeabilities are more
1. The calculated results in gas-liquid and oil-water flow
consistent and probably contain less maximum error than the
indicate that the Purcell model may be the best fit to the
measured data because the error in measurement is unknown.
experimental data of the wetting phase relative
This may be true in some cases. However, the differences
permeability for both drainage and imbibition processes
between different capillary pressure models are obvious,
but is not a good fit for the nonwetting phase.
especially for the wetting phase. Therefore, one important
2. It may not be necessary to introduce the tortuosity factor
question is which model is most appropriate for practical use.
in calculating the wetting phase relative permeability as
The calculations in this study showed that the Purcell model
long as the measured capillary pressure curve
was the best fit to the wetting phase relative permeability. This
had the same residual saturation as the relative
seems surprising because the concept of the tortuosity factor
permeability curve.
as a function of wetting phase saturation is not introduced for
3. Except for the Purcell model, the results of the nonwetting
the calculation of the wetting phase relative permeability in
phase relative permeability calculated using the models
such a case. A physical model was developed to demonstrate
for the drainage case were almost the same and very close
the insignificant effect of the tortuosity factor on the wetting
to the experimental values. However, those for the
phase, as shown in Fig. 15. L is the direct distance between the
imbibition cases were different from the measured data.
ends of a single capillary tube and La is the length of the
4. The capillary pressure techniques would be valuable not
tortuous capillary tube.
only in cases in which it is difficult to measure relative
Burdine5 obtained an empirical expression of the effective
permeability curves but also in cases in which both
tortuosity factor as a function of wetting phase saturation (see
relative permeability and capillary pressure data
Eq. 4). λrw is actually the ratio of the tortuosity at 100%
are available.
wetting phase saturation to the tortuosity at a wetting phase
5. In general, the Purcell model is proposed to calculate the
saturation of Sw. According to Eq. 4, the tortuosity of wetting
wetting phase relative permeability and the Brooks-Corey
phase is infinite at the minimum wetting phase saturation that
model is proposed to calculate the nonwetting phase
is equal to residual water saturation Swr here. This may not be
relative permeability once reliable capillary pressure data
true for the wetting phase because the wetting phase may exist
are available.
on the rock surface in the form of continuous film, as shown in
Fig. 15b. In this case, τw (Sm = Swr) may be close to τw (1.0)

Acknowledgements 11. Land, C. S.: "Calculation of Imbibition Relative Permeability for

This research was conducted with financial support to the Two- and Three-Phase Flow from Rock Properties", SPEJ,
Stanford Geothermal Program from the Geothermal and Wind (June 1968), 149.
division of the US Department of Energy under grant 12. Land, C. S.: "Comparison of Calculated with Experimental
DE-FG07-99ID13763, the contribution of which is Imbibition Relative Permeability", Trans. AIME, (1971), 251,
gratefully acknowledged. 13. Huang, D. D., Honarpour, M. M., Al-Hussainy, R.: "An
Improved Model for Relative Permeability and Capillary
Nomenclature Pressure Incorporating Wettability", SCA 9718, Proceedings of
C = constant International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts,
krnw = relative permeability of nonwetting phase Calgary, Canada, September 7-10, 1997.
krw = relative permeability of wetting phase 14. Honarpour, M. M., Koederitz, L., and Harvey, A. H.: Relative
L = direct distance between the ends of a single Permeability of Petroleum Reservoirs, CRC press, Boca Raton,
capillary tube Florida, USA, 1986, ISBN 0-8493-5739-X, 19.
La = the length of the tortuous capillary tube 15. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “An Experimental and Analytical Study
of Steam/Water Capillary Pressure,” SPEREE (December 2001),
Pc = capillary pressure 477-482.
pe = entry capillary pressure 16. Mahiya, G.F.: Experimental Measurement of Steam-Water
Se = equilibrium saturation of wetting phase Relative Permeability, MS report, Stanford University, Stanford,
Sm = minimum wetting phase saturation Calif., 1999.
Sw = wetting phase saturation 17. Klinkenberg, L.J.: “The Permeability of Porous Media to
S w* = normalized wetting phase saturation Liquids and Gases,” API Drilling And Production Practice
(1941), 200-213.
Snwr = residual saturation of nonwetting phase 18. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Gas Slippage in Two-Phase Flow and
Swr = residual wetting phase saturation the Effect of Temperature,” SPE 68778, presented at the 2001
λ = pore size distribution index SPE Western Region Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, USA, March
λrw = tortuosity ratio of wetting phase 26-30, 2001.
λrnw = tortuosity ratio of nonwetting phase 19. Kleppe, J. and Morse, R. A.: "Oil Production from Fractured
Reservoirs by Water Displacement," SPE 5084, presented at the
τw = tortuosity of wetting phase 1974 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, TX, USA, October 6-9, 1974.
References 20. Beckner, B.L., Firoozabadi, A., and Aziz, K.: "Modeling
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2. Horne, R.N., Satik, C., Mahiya, G., Li, K., Ambusso, W., Tovar, AIME, (1952), 195, 187.
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1.0 40
3. Purcell, W.R.: "Capillary Pressures-Their Measurement Using
Mercury and the Calculation of Permeability", Trans. AIME, krs, Exp.

Capillary Pressure (psi)

krw, Exp.
Relative Permeability

(1949), 186, 39. 0.8

Pc, Exp. 30
4. Gates, J. I. and Leitz, W. J.: "Relative Permeabilities of
California Cores by the Capillary Pressure Method", paper 0.6
presented at the API meeting, Los Angeles, California, May 11, 20
1950, 286. 0.4
5. Burdine, N. T.: "Relative Permeability Calculations from Pore
Size Distribution Data", Trans. AIME, (1953), 198, 71. 10
6. Corey, A. T.: "The Interrelation between Gas and Oil Relative
Permeabilities", Prod. Mon., (1954), 19, 38.
7. Brooks, R. H. and Corey, A. T.: "Properties of Porous Media 0.0 0
Affecting Fluid Flow", J. Irrig. Drain. Div., (1966), 6, 61. 0 20 40 60 80 100
8. Fatt, I. and Dykstra, H.: "Relative Permeability Studies", Trans. Water Saturation (%)
AIME, (1951), 192, 249.
9. Rapoport, L. A. and Leas, W. J.: "Relative Permeability to Fig. 1: Experimental data of drainage steam-water relative
Liquid in Liquid-Gas System", Trans. AIME, (1951), 192, 83. permeability from Mahiya
and capillary pressure from Li
10. Wyllie, M. R. and Gardner, G. H. F.: "The Generalized Kozeny- 15
and Horne .
Carman Equation, Its Application to Problems of Multiphase
Flow in Porous Media", World Oil, (1958), 146, 121.

1.0 1.0
Relative Permeability

Relative Permeability
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalized Water Saturation (%) Normalized Water Saturation (%)

krs, Exp. krw, Exp.

krs, Exp. krw, Exp.
krw, Purcell krw, Burdine
krw, Purcell krw, Burdine
krs, Burdine krw, Corey
krs, Burdine krw, Corey
krs, Corey krw, Brooks-Corey
krs, Corey krw, Brooks-Corey
krs, Brooks- Corey
krs, Brooks- Corey
Figure 4: Calculated steam-water relative permeability and the
Fig. 2: Calculated steam-water relative permeability and the 16
16 comparison to the experimental data in imbibition.
comparison to the experimental data from Mahiya in drainage.

1.0 80
1.0 12
krg, Exp.

Caillary Pressure (psi)

krs, Exp.
Relative Permeability

Capillary Pressure (psi)

krw, Exp.
Relative Permeability

0.8 10 60
krw, Exp. Pc, Exp.
Pc, Exp. 8 0.6
0.6 40
6 0.4
4 20
0.2 2
0.0 0
0.0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Water Saturation (%)
Water Saturation (%)
Fig. 5: Experimental data of drainage nitrogen-water relative
Fig. 3: Experimental data of imbibition steam-water relative permeability and capillary pressure.
16 15
permeability and capillary pressure .

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

Relative Permeability
Relative Permeability

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalized Water Saturation (%) Normalized Water Saturation (%)

krg, Exp. krw, Exp. kro, Exp. krw, Exp.

krw , Purcell krw, Burdine krw , Purcell krw, Burdine
krg, Burdine krw, Corey kro, Burdine krw, Corey
krg, Corey krw, Brooks-Corey kro, Corey krw, Brooks-Corey
krg, Brooks- Corey kro, Brooks- Corey

Fig. 6: Calculated nitrogen-water relative permeability and the Fig. 8: Calculated oil-water relative permeability and the
comparison to the experimental data in drainage. comparison to the experimental data from Kleppe and Morse .

1.0 20
1.0 5
kro, Exp.

Caillary Pressure (psi)

Relative Permeability

0.8 krw, Exp. 16

kro, Exp.
Capillary Pressure (psi)
Relative Permeability

0.8 krw, Exp. 4 Pc, Exp.

Pc, Exp. 0.6 12
0.6 3
0.4 8
0.4 2
0.2 4
0.2 1
0.0 0
0.0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 Water Saturation (%)
Water Saturation (%)

Fig. 7: Imbibition oil-water relative permeability and capillary Fig. 9: Imbibition oil-water relative permeability and capillary
19 20
pressure from Kleppe and Morse . pressure from Beckner et al.

1.0 1.0
Relative Permeability

Relative Permeability
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalized Water Saturation (%) Normalized Oil Saturation (%)

kro, Exp. krw, Exp. krg, Exp. kro, Exp.

krw, Purcell krw, Burdine kro, Purcell kro, Burdine
kro, Burdine krw, Corey krg, Burdine kro, Corey
kro, Corey krw, Brooks-Corey krg, Corey kro, Brooks-Corey
kro, Brooks- Corey krg, Brooks- Corey

Fig. 10: Calculated oil-water relative permeability and the Fig. 12: Calculated oil-gas relative permeability and the
comparison to the data from Beckner et al.
20 comparison to the experimental data from Richardson et al.

1.0 3.0 1.0 10

Capillary Pressure (psi)

krg, Exp. 2.5 krg, Exp.
0.8 8
Relative Permeability
Capillary Pressure (psi)

Relative Permeability

kro, Exp. kro, Exp.

Pc, Exp. 2.0 Pc, Exp.
0.6 0.6 6
0.4 0.4 4
0.2 0.2 2

0.0 0.0 0.0 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Oil Saturation (%) Oil Saturation (%)

Fig. 11: Drainage oil-gas relative permeability and capillary Fig. 13: Drainage oil-gas relative permeability and capillary
pressure from Richardson et al.
21 pressure from Gates and Lietz .

Relative Permeability





0 20 40 60 80 100
Normalized Wet Saturation (%)

krg, Exp. kro, Exp.

kro, Purcell kro, Burdine
krg, Burdine kro, Corey
krg, Corey kro, Brooks-Corey
krg, Brooks- Corey

Fig. 14: Calculated oil-gas relative permeability and the

comparison to the experimental data from Gates and Lietz .


Liquid Gas Gas

(a) Sw = 100% (b) Sw = Swr (c) Sw = 1- Sgr

L La 2
τw (Sw) = ( a ) 2 τw (Sw) ≈ ( ) τw (Sw) =

Fig. 15: Tortuosity in a single capillary tube.

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