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Indian Education Society’s

Management College and Research Centre, Mumbai


Date : 26/09/2018 Day: Wednesday Time: 10.30 am To 01.30 pm Duration: 3 Hrs.

Course : PGDM-2nd Year Term.: IV Sub: Sales Force Management Max. Marks: 60
1. Question number 7 is compulsory.
2. Answer any other 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1. You have been appointed as a Sales Manager for a new automobile company launching two wheelers
(Scooters) in the Indian market.
(a) What factors will you consider to prepare to sales budget? Discuss.
(b) What type of training will you impart to the salespersons? Give justification for your

Q.2. Why is your performance disappointing”? asked Vijay Dhavan, district sales manager, to Ashok after
looking at the computer printout of his district’s performance. The four territories are by and large
similar in market potential and competition. Vijay therefore, set monthly quotas for the four territories
by dividing the district quotas equally to the four territories as follows:
Monthly Performance Analysis: Month-December 2005, District: Bijapur.

Performance Criteria Quota Alok Suresh Ashok Pradeep

Net sales product ‘A’ Rs.2,00,000 2,10,000 2,05,000 1,58,000 1,95,000
Net sales product ‘B’ Rs.3,00,000 3,20,000 3,01,000 2,78,000 3,10,000
Net sales total Rs.5,00,000 5,30,000 5,06,000 4,36,000 5,05,000
Number of new customers 2 3 2 1 2
Number of Calls 140 170 150 125 145
Sales expenses Rs.5000 5300 5100 4800 4900
a. How Vijay’s district performance is analyzed?
b. What actions should Vijay take?

Q.3. a) Explain the different types of sales organization structures.

b) Discuss how sales forecast and sales quotas are related to each other.

Q.4. As a regional manager of an electrical equipment’s manufacturing company, discuss the methods you
would use to identify the training needs of your sales staff.

Q.5. a) Explain the various steps involved in the sales process.

b) Discuss the diversity of selling situations in the following cases:
(i) Publishing house representative calling upon academicians.
(ii) Sales executive of automobile company selling mid sized cars for company executives.
(iii) Insurance salesmen selling Life Insurance Policies for working

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Q.6. Read the caselet given below and answer the questions at the end of the case:
Kiran Pvt. Ltd. is a 100% Indian confectionery manufacturing and Distribution Company. Nimal is the
National Sales Manager of Kiran which has over 50 varieties of confectioneries. Kiran was the market
leader in over 35 varieties. However, due to many macro and micro reasons they have lost the market
leadership in all these 35 categories. The Director Marketing, Mohan was a worried man on realizing
this and embarked on fact finding research and the conclusion was the lack of motivation among the
sales and marketing team as the main cause for this. After an intense head hunting exercise, Mohan was
able to recruit Nimal as the National Sales Manager for Kiran. Nirmal’s passionate experience in the
industry and his reputation for the excellent interpersonal relationship was the edge he had over others
for his selection for the job.
Assume that you are Nimal, you are requested by Mohan to provide a sales team motivational plan.
Develop the structure of such a plan giving justification.

Q.7. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

Rajan, the regional sales manager of Hercules Motorcycles Ltd. (HML), has just completed the monthly
meeting in his office with his six dealers of Chennai. Rajan is quite upset as the meeting did not go well
as planned. The problem started with the targets for the next month he gave to the dealers. None of
them was willing to accept it saying that the targets were too stiff and not achievable. The dealers were
also not convinced about the ability of the proposed promotional support for the month helping them
achieve the targets. The problem is compounded as 25 per cent of the margins to the dealers are
directly linked to achieving their monthly targets This is third month running that Rajan is facing the
target issue with the dealers. Rajan strongly believes that (HML) and its sales management team
understands the company needs, the competition and the prospects better and hence they can decide
the targets for the dealers. The dealers have been missing the targets in the previous two months. In the
first month only two dealers beat the targets and in the second month only one dealer could meet his
target. In the current third month targets just given to them are even stiffer as Rajan is under pressure
from his VP-marketing to make up some of the losses of the previous two months. He is planning to
meet five of his Bangalore dealers the next week and is sure to face a similar situation.
(a) What should be the course of action taken by Rajan to ensure that the targets are met?
(b) Suggest a system of sales planning for the future to avoid such situations in future.


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