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Introduction Introduction Introduction

XI Peruvian Symposium on Artificial Introduction
Intelligence (SPIA)

Emotion recognition using Texture Maps and

Convolutional Neural Networks
Lourdes Ramírez Cerna*
Edwin J. Escobedo Cárdenas+
Guillermo Cámara Chávez+
*Department of Informatics
National University of Trujillo
+Department of Computer Science
Federal University of Ouro Preto
Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


Why Facial Expressions?

• Facial expressions are one of the more important aspects of human


• The face is responsible for communicating not only thoughts or

ideas, but also emotions.

• Automatic facial expression recognition (FER) has recently

attracted increasing attention due to its wide range of applications.

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


Why Facial Expressions?

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


Why Facial Expressions?

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


Sign language recognition

b) work without desire c) work happily

a) Work

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


• Authors usually do not consider the face behavior and head motion of

begin end

Neutral The last N frames are considered as

samples for a class.

Fig. Image sequence of happy emotion.

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


• The Facial Expressions are a secondary parameter for Sign Languages.

• The head motion is important to interpret a sign.

Fig. Sample of the affirmative sign in BSL.

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

Proposed Method

• This study considers the importance of face behavior and head motion to
recognize facial expressions.
• We propose to generate texture maps [1] to encode the face variations and
• We consider the Landmark [2] points to generate our texture maps.

Fig. Facial expression sequence begins with a neutral expression and proceeds to
target expression. For each frame, we compute its respective landmark points . 8
Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

Proposed Method

Fig. Pipeline of our proposed model

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

Proposed Method

Grouping Points

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

Proposed Method

Texture Maps Generation (Ding et al. [1])

• We compute three different distances using the face landmarks
• Each distance is allocate into a different color channel.

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

Proposed Method

Texture Maps Generation R1 R2 R3

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

Proposed Method

• We use transfer-learning.
• We use the pre-trained ImageNet-vgg-f model.
• The images are resized to 256x256x3.

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


The Extended Cohn-Kanade dataset (CK+) (Lucey et al. [3])

Anger Contempt Disgust Fear

Surprise Happiness Neutral Sadness

Fig. The CK+ dataset consists of 593 images sequences, 123 subjects
performed 8 facial expressions categories.

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion


Comparison with other methods

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

• It is necessary to combine facial changes with face motion and local information to
produce a robust method.

• In this work, we prove that using texture maps is a feasible way to encode the
temporal information.

• As future work, we will extend our CNN models to improve the achieving results
and test our method on a continuous dataset.

Motivation Introduction Proposed Method Experiments Conclusion

[1] Zewei Ding, Pichao Wang, Philip O Ogunbona, and Wanqing Li. Investigation of different
skeleton89features for cnn-based 3d action recognition. In2017 IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia90& Expo Workshops (ICMEW), pages 617–622. IEEE, 2017b.

[2] Yuval Nirkin, Iacopo Masi, Anh Tran Tuan, Tal Hassner, and Gerard Medioni. On face
segmentation,92face swapping, and face perception. In2018 13th IEEE International Conference on
Automatic93Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), pages 98–105. IEEE, 2018.

[3] Patrick Lucey, Jeffrey F Cohn, Takeo Kanade, Jason Saragih, Zara Ambadar, and Iain Matthews.
The69extended cohn-kanade dataset (ck+): A complete dataset for action unit and emotion-specified
ex-70pression. In2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition-71Workshops, pages 94–101. IEEE, 2010.

[4] Hui Ding, Shaohua Kevin Zhou, and Rama Chellappa. Facenet2expnet: Regularizing a deep
face83recognition net for expression recognition. In2017 12th IEEE International Conference
on84Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), pages 118–126. IEEE, 2017a.

[5] Nianyin Zeng, Hong Zhang, Baoye Song, Weibo Liu, Yurong Li, and Abdullah M Dobaie.
Facial86expression recognition via learning deep sparse autoencoders. Neurocomputing, 273:643–

[6] Mengyi Liu, Shaoxin Li, Shiguang Shan, and Xilin Chen. Au-aware deep networks for
facial97expression recognition. In2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on
Automatic98Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2013. 17

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