MPZ4230-Assignment 01-04

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Department of Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering

MPZ 4230-Engineering Mathematics II



• Answer All Questions

• Write your address back of your answer script

• Use both both sides of paper when you are doing assignments

• Show all your workings

• Please send the answer script of your assignment on or before the due date to the
following address
Due Date 04 − 12 − 2013 08 − 01 − 2014 07 − 05 − 2014 04 − 06 − 2014
Coordinator- MPZ4230,

Department of Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering Technology,

The Open University of Sri Lanka,



MPZ 4230-Engineering Mathematics II
Assignment NO.01

Due Date: 04 -12 -2013 Academic Year 2013/2014

1. (a) If u = f(r) prove that

∂ 2u ∂ 2u 1
+ 2 = f 00 (r) + f 0 (r)
∂x ∂y p r
where r = (x + y ) 2

(b) If a2 x2 + b2 y 2 − c2 z 2 = 0, show that

∂ 2z ∂ 2z a2 b 2
+ = (x2 + y 2 )
∂x2 ∂y 2 c2 + y 3
(c) Ifu and v are functions of x and y , defined by x = u+e−v sin u , y = v +e−v cos u.
Prove that,
∂u ∂v
∂y ∂x

2. The deflection y at the center of the circuler plate suspended at the edge and uniformly
loaded is given by y = 3 , where w is total load, d is diameter of plate, t is thickness
and k is a constant.
Calculate the approximate percentage change in y if w is incresed by 3 percent , d is
decresed by 2.5 percent and t is incresed by 4 percent.

3. A rectangular building is being designed to minimize the heat loss. The east and west
walls lose heat at a rate of 10 units/m2 per day, and the north and south walls at a
rate of 8 units/m2 per day, the floor at a rate of 1 unit/m2 per day and the roof at a
rate of 5 units/m2 per day. Each wall must be at least 30 m long, the height must be
at least 4 m, and the volume must be exactly 4000 m3 .

(a) Find and sketch the domain of the heat loss as a function of the length of the

(b) Find the dimensions that minimize the heat loss. (Check both critical points and
the point on the boundary of the domain)

4. Given that the function f (x, y) = xy 3 + 4x3 y − 16xy + 128.

(a) i. Write down all the first and second order partial derivatives of the function
f (x, y).

ii. Show that first order partial derivatives of f (x, y) are zero at the origin, and
verify that f (0, 0) is neither a maximum nor a minimum value of f (x, y).

iii. Find all the maximum and minimum points of the function f (x, y) .

(b) Suppose that the function f (x, y) has an error at most 0.1 unit of each measure-
ment x and y. Estimate the maximum error in calculating the function f (x, y) ,
when x =1 and y=1.

(c) Find the grad of f (x, y) at the point (1,1) in the direction of the unit vector
4 3
e= i+ j
5 5

5. (a) State the Cauchy Riemann equation for the function f (z) = u + iv to be analytic.

(b) Show that the function u = xex cos y − yex sin y is a harmonic function.

(c) Derive the analytic function of the form f (z) = u + iv , where v is complex
conjugate of u = xex cos y − yex sin y.

(d) Express f (z) of part (c) in terms of z.

6. Compute the following integrals

R 2π (sin θ)2
(a) I = 0

5 + 4 cos θ
Rπ dθ
(b) I = 0
2 − cos θ

MPZ 4230-Engineering Mathematics II
Assignment NO.02

Due Date: 08 -01 -2014 Academic Year 2013/2014

1. Using Taylor series method find

(a) the approximate value of y when x = 0.1 given that y(0) = 1 and y 0 = 3x + y 2 .

(b) the approximate value of y and z corresponding to x = 0.1 and x = 0.2 given
dy dz
that y(0) = 2 , z(0) = 1 , = x + z, = x − y2.
dx dx

2. The motion of the damped spring mass system is describe by following ordinary dif-
ferential equation.
d2 x dx
m 2 + c + kx = 0
dt dt
Where x is displacement from equilibrium position(m), t is time (s), m is 20kg mass,
and c is the damping coefficient. The damping coefficient c takes on three values of
5(under damped), 40(critical damped), and 200 (over damped). The spring constant
is 20N m−1 . The initial velocity is zero, and the initial displacement x = 1 m. Solve
this equation using a numerical method over the time period 0 ≤ t ≤ 15 s.

3. Given that y 0 = log(x + y) with y(0) = 1 . Find y(0.1) and y(0.2) using

(a) Euler method

(b) Improved Euler method

(c) Modified Euler method

4. (a) Classify the elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic form of the second order partial
differential equation.

(b) i. Suppose that a point O is at the center and A, B, P and Q are surrounding
points such that PO = QO = h , OA = ah and OB = bh , 0 ≤ a ≤ 1 ,
0 ≤ b ≤ 1 . If lines OP and OA are parallel to the X axis and OQ and OB
are parallel to the Y axis. Using Taylor Series expansion, show that
∂ 2u 2 1 1
= 2[ uA + uP − a1 uO ]
∂x h a(1 + a) (1 + a)

∂ 2u 2 1 1
= 2[ uB + uQ − 1b uO ]
∂y h b(1 + b) (1 + b)

∂ 2u ∂ 2u
ii. Hence derive the five point scheme for the Laplace equation + =0.
∂x2 ∂y 2
(c) Solve the Laplace equation defined in the region and the boundary values shown
in figure, and write down the solution in matrix form and hence find the solution
at the points u1,1 , u1,2 and u2,1 .

5. Solve the equation uxx = ut with the conditions u(0, t) = 0, u(x, 0) = x(1 − x),
u(1, t) = 0 . Assume that the region between x = 0 and x = 1 is divided in to 10 equal
parts of h = 0.1 . Tabulate u for t = k, 2k, 3k choosing and approximate value of k.

6. Solve utt = uxx up to t = 0.5 with spacing of 0.1 given that u(0, t) = 0 = u(1, t),
ut (x, 0) = 0 and u(x, 0) = 10 + x(1 − x).

MPZ 4230-Engineering Mathematics II
Assignment NO.03

Due Date: 07-05-2014 Academic Year 2013/2014


• You must answer all questions both R and manually.

• Please prepare your answer scripts including R codes, R outputs, Interpre-

tations and also manual calculation.

• Choose your appropriate dataset based on last two digit of your registration
number. (For example, if your registration number looks like ********68
then you have to select 68th dataset.)

• You can collect your dataset from virtual class(

1. Obtain relevant answers for the following questions.

(a) Import the text file data into R workspace and name it as mydata.

(b) Plot a stem and leaf plot for the solar radiation of mydata. Interpret it (Do
only by R).

(c) Obtain the following summary statistics for the solar radiation of mydata.

Mean First Quartile Median Third Quartile 33rd Percentile

7th Decile Kurtosis Skewness Minimum Maximum

(d) Test the normality of the solar radiation of mydata, by clearly stating the null
and alternative hypothesis of the test, using Shapiro - Wilk test at 5% significance

(e) It is claimed that the standard deviation of solar radiation of mydata is 30Wm.
Clearly stating the null and alternative hypotheses, test this claim at 5% level of

(f) In a random sample of 85 automobile engine crankshaft bearings, 10 have a surface
finish roughness that exceeds the specifications. Does this data present strong ev-
idence that the proportion of crankshaft bearings exhibiting excess surface rough-
ness exceeds 0.10? Test this claim with an appropriate test by clearly stating the
null and alternative hypothesis of your test at 5% level of significance.

2. A text file which contains the required data for this question is stored in virtual class
with the name ”DataXX.txt”. Copy the appropriate file into your current working

(a) Import the text file data into R workspace and name it as solardata.

(b) Plot a side - by - side boxplot for solar radiation and sunshine hours. Are they
any outliers?(Do only by R)

(c) Obtain the mean,standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the solar data
of solar radiation and sunshine hours and interpret the output.

(d) By stating appropriate null and alternative hypothesis, compare the variances of
solar radiation and sunshine hours, at 5% level of significance

3. The length of gestation period (the period from conception to birth) was registered for
20 horses. The observed numbers of days were.

339 339 339 340 341 340 343 348 341 346 342 339 337

(a) Import the text file data into R workspace and name it as gestationdata.

(b) Compute the mean and standard deviation of the length of gestation period.

(c) Make a histogram of the data by scaling the densities on the vertical axis, and
comment on the symmetricness of these data.(Do only by R)

(d) Make a QQ - plot of the data. Do you believe that it is reasonable to use a normal
distribution for these data? (Do only by R)

(e) Assume that the length of population of horses is normally distributed with the
mean and standard deviation equal 340 and 3 respectively. Compute the proba-

bility that a horse drawn at random from the population has a gestation period
of length between 337 and 343 days(both numbers included).

4. A text file which is contains the required data for this question is available in the course
website. Download this file into your current working directory.

(a) Import the text file data into R workspace and name it as slrdata.

(b) Display the data in a scatterplot and comment. Calculate the correlation between
X and Y. Does this suggest anything about fitting a simple linear regression to
the data?

(c) Fit a simple linear regression to the data with an intercept. Add the fitted re-
gression line to the scatterplot of the data.

(d) Obtain a more complete statistical summary of the above model?

(e) Report the F-Test result(s) and the confidence intervals of the regression coeffi-
cients (at the 95% level). Also report the R2 statistic value.

(f) Predict the values when X is equal to 12.8, 13, 13.7, 14.2 and 15.6

5. Answers the following questions.

116 126 125 119 89 89 105 116 118

(a) Read the above data into R as a vector object and name it as intelligence.

(b) By clearly writing the null and alternative hypothesis test whether this sample
provide statistically significant evidence in support of the researcher’s claim at
1% significance level.

MPZ 4230-Engineering Mathematics II
Assignment NO.04

Due Date: 04 -06 -2014 Academic Year 2013/2014

1. A vertical spring having a constant 5 lb/ft has a 16 lb weight suspended from it. An
external force F (t) = 24 sin 10t, t ≥ 0 is applied. A damping force given by 4 v is
assumed to act. Initially the weight is at rest at its equilibrium position.

(a) Determine the position of the weight at any time.

(b) Indicate the transient and steady state solutions.

(c) Find the amplitude, period and frequency of the steady state solution.

2. An electromagnetic field of 500 v is in series with a 20 ohms resistor, an inductor of

1/0.25 H and a 0.008 F capacitor. At t = 0 , charge and current are zero.

(a) Find charge and current at any time t = 0 .

(b) Indicate the transient and steady state terms in charge and current.

(c) Find the charge and current after a long time.

   
0 1 0 1
3. Consider the linear transformation T (M ) =  M −M   from R2×2 to R2×2
0 0 0 0

(a) Find the matrix B of T with respect to the standard basis of R2×2 .

(b) Find bases of the image and kernel of B.

(c) Find bases of the image and kernel of T, and thus determine rank and nullity of
transformation T.

4. Which of the following sets are subspaces of R3

(a) W = {(x, y, z) : x + y + z = 1}

(b) W = {(x, y, z) : x ≤ y ≤ z}

(c) W = { (x + 2y + 3z, 4x + 5y + 6z, 7x + 8y + 9z) : x, y, z are constant }

5. Given that the vectors u1 = (1, 0, 0, 0), u2 = (1, 2, 0, 1), u3 = (1, 1, 1, 1) and
u4 = (1, 0, 0, 1) and ui ∈ R4 , i = 1, ..., 4.

(a) Show that the vectors u1 , u2 , u3 and u4 are linearly independent vectors on R4
and those vectors span R4 .

(b) Consider the R4 as a real inner product space with Euclidean inner product. Find
the orthogonal vectors of the above vectors using Gram Schmidt process.

(c) Using part (b) verify the following identity for any two orthogonal vectors u and
ku + vk2 = kuk2 + kvk2
 
1 −2 0
 
6. Let A −2 0
 
 
0 2 −1

(a) Find the eigen values of A and its corresponding eigen vectors.

(b) Find an orthogonal matrix P such that D = P −1 AP where D is a diagonal matrix.

(c) Using part (b) prove that, D = P −1 A−1 P and Dn = P −1 An P

(d) Derive the quadratic functions of Q(x) = xT Ax and Q(y) = y T Dy

   
x y
 1  1
where x = x2  and y = y2 
   
   
x2 y2
(e) Show that P −1 = P T , and hence Show that Q(x) = Q(y) where y = P T x


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