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guide Card


Your behavior when you are with your friends differ compared when you are with your acquaintances.
Being with your friends, you can be yourself, do what you want to do, and say what you want to say. But
when you are with your acquaintances, you will try to figure out if what you are doing is alright with them, and
you have to think first if what you are going to say is okay with them. Although you are with them, you may not
feel that you are part of the group. Because we live in different environments with different practices, cultures,
and beliefs, we have to adjust and understand these differences.

This lesson will give you an understanding about sociology as the systematic study of society and social
interaction. Its nature, goals and perspectives will also be discussed.

 Discuss the nature, goals, and perspective in/of sociology.

 Explain the nature of sociology
 Understand the goals and perspectives of sociology
 Apply knowledge of sociology in everyday life

Let us see how well do you know about the topic.
Begin by answering the Pre-Test on the next page..
Use your notebook in writing your answers.

Direction: Choose the correct letter of your answer from the given choices.
1. Which of the following is the definition of sociology?
a. The study of mankind
b. The study of mental processes
c. Scientific study of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
N d. Study of people in a group or social context, not as isolated individuals
2. In the study of sociology, which of the following determines whether an action or behavior is good or
a. Culture b. Government c. Lawsd. Social Norms
3. Which of the following is NOT the goal of sociology?
a. Examining our roles within the society 2
b. Different perspectives of attaining truth
c. Realize our prejudices on various social issues
d. Discover what makes people different from one another

You learned in the past lesson that political science is a social science discipline that deals with the
systematic study of the state, nation, government and politics, and government policies. It is also concerned
with the role of individuals and their participation and contribution to the performance of the state‘s functions.
The study of sociology will be of a big help for students like you to understand what is happening in politics
and your environment and why it is happening. In this way you can properly response to these situations and
help attain the goals of every organization.

ACTIVITY Card Study the pictures carefully and

the questions that follow.


Guide Questions:
1. Compare the two pictures.
2. What can you say about the lifestyles of the children in the pictures?
3. How can their situation affect the way they associate with other people?


1. The two pictures have big differences in terms of child’s way of living. In the first picture, children in their young age
started working to help their parents to gain money for their daily needs. While in the second picture, children has more
privilege than the first one because they get what they want even though they’re not yet working.

2. Both lifestyle are great. They can learn something helpful in what their life is. But due to different lifestyle, the way
they communicate to others may vary.

3. Their situation can affect the way they associate with other people base on how they reflect on their life. In the first
picture, commonly they are the type of people who are more serious on life but doesn’t pick based on someone’s look or
appearance. In the second picture, most people that are rich or average are the easy-go-lucky person especially when
they are still young, some of them are picky on someone they communicate with. That’s why different lifestyle can affect
the way they associate with others.


Sociology is a social science that studies man not as an individual but in the context of how he relates
with others in a group, needing other people to survive and vice versa.

Nature and Scope of Sociology

• Sociology as a field of study is concerned with the study of people in a group or social context, not as isolated
• It promises to help man understand what is happening in him in relation to his environment and why certain
social phenomena occur.
• Sociology explains human behavior in relation to social interactions among individuals which cause or
influence their behavior.
• It is a body of related generalization about human social behavior which were taken into account using
scientific methods.

Goals of Sociology
• Obtain possible theories and principles about society as well as various aspects of social life;
• Critically study the nature of humanity, which also leads to examining our roles within the society;
• Appreciate that all things (in society) are interdependent with each other. An individual’s personal history is
connected to his/her environment’s history, which is also tied into the nation’s history;
• Broaden our familiarity on sociological facts, which are acquired through empirical process. Incidentally, it
makes us realize our prejudices on various social issues; and
• Expose our minds to the different perspectives on attaining the truth. For instance, some theorists (especially
social philosophers) argue that the truth is relative. This sociological viewpoint diminishes the theory that
there is an absolute truth. Furthermore, the determination whether an action/behavior is good or bad depends
on one’s social norms.

Branches of Sociology
1. Social Organization: This includes the study of social institutions, social inequality, social mobility,
religious groups, and bureaucracy.
2. Social Psychology: This area focuses on the study of human nature and its emphasis on social processes as
they affect individual or responses which are called “social stimuli”.
3. Applied Sociology: This is concerned with the specific intent of yielding practical applications for human
behavior and organizations. The goal of Applied Sociology is to assist in resolving social problems through
the use of sociological research.
4. Population Studies: This area includes size, growth, demographic characteristics, composition, migration,
changes, and quality vis-à-vis economic, political, and social systems.

5. Human Ecology: It pertains to the study of the effects of various social organizations (religious
organizations, political institutions and etc.) to the population’s behavior.
6. Sociological Theory and Research: It focuses on the discovery of theoretical tools, methods, and
techniques to scientifically explain a particular sociological issue.
7. Social Change: It studies factors that cause social organization and social disorganization like calamity,
drug abuse, drastic and gradual social change, health and welfare problems, political instability,
unemployment and underemployment, child and women’s issue, etc.

Guide Questions:
1. What is sociology?
2. Why is understanding of sociology important?
3. Describe the characteristics of the group where you belong (example church choir, dance troop, glee
club, etc.)
1. It says in a quote that “No man is an Island” because sociology is a study of human with their
surroundings, on how they interact and on how they help each other.
2. Understanding this is important because it can help us to understand more the significance of interaction
between two or more people and to ameliorate our way of living.
3. In a group, Filipino Radiobroadcasting and Scriptwriting where I belong, we help each other as an
individual and as a team to make our task easy and fun. We divide the task and when someone needs
help those finished in their task can help the others. And while we are standby, we confront each other if
something is off or needed to be change or improve.


Sociological Perspectives
There are three sociological perspectives that sociologists employ in
1. Symbolic interactionism
This view use symbols and face-to-face interaction; it generalizes about
fundamental or everyday forms of social interaction.
2. Functionalism
According to this theory, each aspect of society is interdependent and
contributes to society's functioning as a whole.
3. Conflict theory
Views that there is competition for scarce resources; how the elite control the
poor and the weak. Conflict or tension between competing groups enables
one to better comprehend social behaviour.

Based on the perspectives of the sociologist, Can you cite two examples of
Theoretical perspectives in the society?


Fill-in the chart below with the different branches of sociology.
Answer the questions that follow.
Apploed Sociology

Human Ecology

Social Organization

Branches of Sociology Social Psychology

Sociological Theory and Research

Population Study

Social Change

Identify the branch of sociology that is being described by the following. Match column A with
column B. space provided before each number.
1. It studies factors that cause social organization A. Social Organization
and social disorganization. (G. Social Change) B. Social Psychology
2. The study of social institutions, social inequality, C. Applied Sociology
social mobility, religious groups, and bureaucracy. (A. Social D. Population Studies
Organization) E. Human Ecology
3. This area of study includes size, growth, F. Sociological Theory and
demographic characteristics, economic and research
social systems. (D. Population Studies) G. Social Change
4. It pertains to the study of the effects of various
social organizations to the population’s behavior. (E. Human
5. This area of study focuses on the study of human
nature and its emphasis on social processes. (B. Social Psychology)
6. It focuses on the discovery of theoretical tools,
methods, and techniques. (F. Sociological Theory and research)
7. The goal is to assist in resolving social problems. (C. Applied
8. It studies the effect of social processes to the individual. (B. Social
9. It studies the effects of religious organizations and
political institutions to the population’s behavior. (E. Human

10. It studies the effect of calamities, drug abuse, and
other issues to the societies’ behavior. (G. Social Change)


Complete the table below with explanations THIS!
of the theoretical perspectives of sociology.

Perspectives of Sociology Explanation

1. Symbolic Interactionism Human’s everyday social interaction with.
2. Functionalism Each person are alliance (interdependent) that contributes
to the society and function as a whole.
3. Conflict Theory Examines the conflict or tension between competing
persons or group.

Tell whether the following statements is True or False

1. Sociology as a field of study is concerned with the study of people in a group. (true)
2. Sociology is a social science that studies man as an individual. (false)
3. An individual’s personal history is connected to his/her environment’s history. (true)
4. Functionalism generalizes about fundamental or everyday forms of social interaction. (false)
5. One of sociology’s goal is to expose our minds to the different perspectives on attaining the truth. (true)
6. Conflict theory views that there is competition for scarce resources. (true)
7. Sociology studies human social behavior using scientific methods. (true)
8. Sociology helps us understand that all things in society are independent with each other. (false)
9. The determination whether an action/behavior is good or bad depends on one’s social norms. (true)
10. Sociology studies the nature of humanity. (true)

Use a concept map to explain sociology to someone who knows nothing about it.


Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

Guide Questions:
1. What was the article all about?
2. Why do you think the bill was not turned into law?
3. Give your personal opinion on the issue of same-sex marriage.
Why is it not approve in our country but is approved in other countries?
Apply your knowledge in sociology.

Reflection Card


Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the chart below in 2-
3 sentences.

What were your thoughts or ideas about I THOUGHT…


What new or additional ideas did you learn I LEARNED THAT…

after taking up this lesson?

How did you apply the things you have

learned about sociology?


Create an infographic about sociology showcasing its goals.

Choose the correct letter of

your answer from the
given choices.
1. Which of the following is NOT the goal of sociology?
a. Examining our roles within the society
b. Different perspectives of attaining truth
c. Realize our prejudices on various social issues
d. Discover what makes people different from one another
2. Which of the following is the definition of sociology?
a. The study of mankind
b.The study of mental processes
c. Scientific study of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
d.Study of people in a group or social context, not as isolated individuals
3. What is the main subject of the study of sociology?
a. Animals b. God c. Human groupd. Mankind
4. It focuses on the study of human nature.
a. Applied Sociology c. Social Organization
b. Human Ecology d. Social Psychology
5. In sociology, which of the these determines whether an action/behavior is good/bad?
a. Culture b. Government c. Laws d. Social Norms
6. It analyzes conflict or tension between competing groups.
a. Conflict Theory c. Functionalism
b. Human Ecology d. Symbolic Interactionism
7. It states that each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to society's functioning as a whole.
a. Conflict Theory c. Functionalism
b. Human Ecology d. Symbolic Interactionism
8. In sociology, it explains how the elite control the poor and the weak and how it affects them.
a. Conflict Theory c. Functionalism
b. Human Ecology d. Symbolic Interactionism
9. Which of the following focus on the study of social institutions, social inequality, social mobility, religious
groups, and bureaucracy?
a. Applied Sociology c. Social Organization
b. Human Ecology d. Social Psychology
10. Which of these uses symbols and face-to-face interaction in studying human group?
a. Conflict Theory c. Functionalism
b. Human Ecology d. Symbolic Interactionism
11. Which of the following study the effects of various social organizations to the population’s behavior?
a. Applied Sociology c. Social Organization
b. Human Ecology d. Social Psychology
12. Which of the following studies factors that cause social organization and social disorganization?
a. Applied Sociology c. Population Studies
b. Human Ecology d. Social Change
13. What method does sociology use in solving social problems?
a. Inquiry Process c. Research Method
b. Mathematical Equation d. Scientific Method
14. Which of the following focuses on the discovery of theoretical tools, methods, and techniques to scientifically
explain a particular sociological issue?
a. Applied Sociology c. Population Studies
b. Human Ecology d. Sociological Theory and Research
15. In sociology, familiarity on sociological facts are acquired through___:
a. Empirical Process c. observation
b. Mathematics d. Research

1.Came from two Greek words Anthropos (human) and Logos (study).
A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Political Science D. Biology
2. Is the comparative study of cultural and social life.10
A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Political Science D. Biology
3. Examines the remains of ancient and historical human population to promote an understanding of
how humans adopted to their environment and developed.
Understanding culture, society, and politics by Lanuza and Raymundo pages 166-179

Pre- Guided Guided Assessment
Assessment Assessment 1 Assessment 2 1. D
1. D 1. G 1. True 2. D
2. D 2. A 2. False 3. C
3. D 3. D 3. True 4. D
4. C 4. E 4. False 5. D
5. B 5. B 5. True 6. A
6. A 6. F 6. True 7. C
7. D 7. C 7. True 8. A
8. C 8. B 8. False 9. C
9. D 9. E 9. True 10. D
10. D 10. G 10. True 11. B
11. C 12. D
12. A 13. D
13. D 14. D
14. D 15. A
15. A


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