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Types of Employee Training Programs

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0:06 Types of Training Programs

0:42 Literacy Training
1:25 Interpersonal Skills Training
2:07 Technology Training
2:48 Problem-Solving Training
3:37 Diversity or…

Instructor: Kat Kadian-Baumeyer

Kat has a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership and Management and teaches
Business courses.

There are several types of employee training programs. Employees may receive basic literacy
training, interpersonal skills training, technical training, problem-solving training and
diversity or sensitivity training. Each type of training targets a different facet of an
organization's overall culture and performance.

Types of Training Programs

Most businesses offer their employees some type of training. Managers know that the
investment in employee training programs in a wide variety of areas is important to the
bottom line, or profitability, of the business. In this lesson, we will take a look at how the
implementation of several types of employee training programs is used as well as those
programs' benefits aboard the Breezy Ocean cruise ship, including:

Literacy training
Interpersonal skills training
Technical training
Problem-solving training
Diversity or sensitivity training

Literacy Training
Breezy Ocean's crew is hired from all over the world. Many of the crew do not speak English,
the official language of the ship. Problems arose when passengers had special requests, like
food and drink preferences, asked for lounge locations and, most importantly, needed safety

Basic literacy training is training for things like reading, writing and problem-solving skills.
Once the crew learned how to read, write and understand the written word to solve
problems, they were better able to communicate with passengers. There are several benefits
to literacy training for employees. Employees will be more likely to:

Meet company goals

Perform job tasks
Understand work processes
Work in teams
Make decisions
Learn technology

Interpersonal Skills Training

Breezy Ocean's crew lived in small cabins on the bottom deck of the ship. Tight quarters
often led to tensions on the high seas. Crew members fought over things like privacy and
space for their personal belongings.

Interpersonal skills training is training on how to maintain positive relationships,

communicate better, resolve conflicts and build trust. This training was offered to every
member of the crew. There are several benefits to interpersonal skills training for
employees. Employees will be more likely to:

Get along with each other

Exchange positive communication
Minimize conflict
Influence others to be positive

Technology Training
Breezy Ocean is a high-tech ship with lots of different technologies on board, like the ship's
cruising system, the lounge, theater lighting, cash registers and lifeboats. Crew members
needed to be proficient in technology in order to operate on a day-to-day basis and in an
emergency situation.

Technology training is training on computer software and hardware offered to specific crew
members depending on their position. There are several benefits to offering technological
training to employees. Employees will be more likely to:

Perform at higher standards

Have more self-confidence
Develop higher skill levels
Perform many different tasks

Problem-Solving Training
Because so much can happen aboard the Breezy Ocean, it is important that employees are
trained to make split-second decisions. Rough seas, power failures, fire or even running out
of margarita mix can cause a serious situation at sea. Crew members need to work together
and quickly solve any problem that occurs.

Problem-solving training is training on how to analyze problems and make decisions and is
mandatory for all crew members. Crew will learn how to identify problems, analyze
problems, assess solutions, implement solutions and monitor outcomes.There are many
benefits to offering problem-solving training to employees. Employees will be more likely to:

Offer creative solutions to problems

Collaborate on problem-solving
Avert disasters

Diversity or Sensitivity Training

Breezy Ocean's crew is a mix of many different cultures. This sometimes causes arguments
amongst the crew. Sometimes crew members fight because of their differences. In order to
maintain civility and avoid mutiny, the crew members must find a way to get along.

Diversity or sensitivity training is training on how to deal with people of different races,
ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexual preferences or disabilities. There are many benefits to
diversity or sensitivity training. Employees will be more likely to:

Experience higher morale

Avoid harassment
Embrace new cultures

Lesson Summary

In summary, there are several types of employee training programs. Each type of training
targets a different facet of an organization's overall culture and performance. Employees
may receive one or several of the following trainings:

Basic literacy training involves teaching employees things like reading, writing and problem-
solving skills. Once trained, employees will have a higher skill set, work in teams, problem-
solve and make decisions.

Interpersonal skills training teaches employees how to maintain positive relationships, better
communicate, resolve conflicts and build trust. Once trained, employees will be able to
influence others and have a much stronger company commitment.

Technology training teaches employees how to use computer software and hardware
required for the job. Once trained, employees will demonstrate higher work performance
and possess more confidence.

Problem-solving training teaches employees how to analyze problems and make decisions.
Once trained, employees will be able to offer creative solutions and collaborate more

Lastly, diversity or sensitivity training teaches employees how to deal with people of different
races, ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexual preferences or disabilities. Once trained,
employees will feel a higher morale, turnover will be lower and harassment will decrease.

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