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Maribel B.


Learner’s Module
Subject: Living in the Information Technology (IT) Era
Hours/Week: 6 hours/Week 1 and 2
Credits: 3 units
Professor: Maribel B. Bandojo



Lesson 1: Information Communication Technology

a. History
b. Uses in Daily Lives

Lesson 1: History of Information Communication Technology

Time Frame: 6 hours/Week 1 and Week 2


Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extended term

for information technology (IT) which stresses the role of unified
communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines
and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary software, its storage and
the audio-visual systems, which enable all users to access, store, transmit, and
manipulate information.
The last few decades you have witnessed a tremendous & phenomenal
growth in the field of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in
education also which has influenced life of people especially for you in some
way or the other.
In this lesson you are going to learn about the world of ICT its history
and development in the modern world.


1. Explain the meaning of Information Communication Technology (ICT)

2. Trace the development of ICT from its history up to the present
3. Appreciate the development and contribution of ICT in the modern era

A. Engage

Activity 1: Electronic device

Task: From the item 1 to 5 below, select the electronic device that you
frequently choose in your house and explain the importance of using it. You
may select one or more devices depending the availability of it.

1. Smart phone
2. Television
3. Radio
4. Laptop
5. Tablet


B. Communicate:

What is Information Communication Technology or ICT?

ICT is the technology required for information processing, in particular,

the use of electronic computers, communication devices and software
applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve
information from anywhere, anytime.

Components of an ICT system

ICT encompasses both the internet-enabled sphere as well as the

mobile one powered by wireless networks. It also includes antiquated
technologies, such as landline telephones, radio and television broadcast -
- all of which are still widely used today alongside cutting-edge ICT pieces
such as artificial intelligence and robotics.
ICT is sometimes used synonymously with IT (for information
technology); however, ICT is generally used to represent a broader, more
comprehensive list of all components related to computer and digital
technologies than IT.

The list of ICT components is exhaustive, and it continues to grow.

Some components, such as computers and telephones, have existed for
decades. Others, such as smartphones, digital TVs and robots, are more
recent entries.
ICT commonly means more than its list of components, though. It also
encompasses the application of all those various components. It's here that
the real potential, power and danger of ICT can be found.

Breakdown of ICT

ICT is made up of three words namely Information, Communication,

and Technology.

• Information

Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading,

investigation study or research. Some of the tools that transmit
information are the telephone, television, and radio. Not to be confused
with data, information is regarded as processed data. Computers normally
process data that are later understood as information. For example, while
typing on your laptop, you usually punch in random letter on your
keyboard to make up words and sentences. The typing on the keyboard is
considered as input data while the words and sentences you see on your
computer monitor is considered as output information.
Information is needed to make decisions and to foresee the future. For
example, scientists can detect the formation of a tsunami using the latest
technology and warn the public to avoid disasters in the affected areas.

Processed information is called knowledge. Knowledge helps fulfill

daily tasks. For example, knowledge is used to predict tomorrow's weather
and decide if there is a need to bring an umbrella. Knowledge is also used
to analyze the stock market and check which company is worth investing
on. We will discussing further the difference between data, information,
and knowledge in Chapter 5.

• Communication

Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process

whereby information is exchanged between individuals through verbal
and non-verbal means.

In the ancient times, humans communicated through signs or symbols

as evidenced by cave paintings and drawings, rock, art, stone carvings and
the like. Forms of communication have evolved through times as
communicating more and more complex ideas has become necessary. And
now with technology, communication is faster, more convenient, and more
efficient. When face-to-face meeting is not possible, long distance
communication or virtual communication is now common and easy with
the use of smartphones and computers with internet.

• Technology

Technology has evolved in ways that has made people's daily lives
much easier. As mentioned above, technology has made communication
much easier and faster such as through telephones, fax machines, mobile
devices, and internet. It has also made broadcasting of information, such
as news or weather reports, more effectively. Radio, television, satellites
and the World Wide Web are powerful tools that can be used by individuals
to gather needed information to aid them in their work, school, or simple
day-to-day activities (Julita, 011)

Communication is very important. It is a key to understanding between

people. Through the years, communication has evolved. The way people
communicate with each other today is entirely different from the
prehistoric era. Before, communicating is limited to interpersonal
interaction – person to person. Until it evolved to alphabets, signs and
symbols, letters, and telephone. Today, the Internet era has paved the way
to innumerable means of communication.
Communication has improved and evolved to facilitate our daily
activities. In the 21st century, everything related to communication utilizes
technology to ‘send out’ or disseminate information to a wider audience.
Information can be ‘sent out’ in many ways. The inventions of cellular
phones, television and other electronic devices are important in enhancing

Cave Paintings
The oldest form of symbols used for communication is cave paintings.
According to theorists, cave paintings were created to mark a territory or to
record events. The oldest cave painting was discovered inside Chauvet Cave in
France around 30,000 B.C. Other earliest cave paintings were found in South
Sulawesi, Indonesia and Coliboaia Cave in Romania.

Our early ancestors have used different variations of signs and symbols
to communicate. Around 10,000 B.C., petroglyphs were created. They were
carvings in the rock surface, usually referred to as a rock art. In 9,000 B.C.,
pictograms were developed in which ancient people logographic images to tell
a story. Later on, ancient cultures developed ideograms. Egyptians had their
hieroglyphs. Chinse created characters. Lastly, the alphabet, which redefined
language and communication was developed around 2,000 B.C.

Smoke Signals
Apart from letters and symbols, ancient people also rely on elements to
communicate. Smoke signals were primarily used in sending messages in
China. In 200 B.C., guards execute smoke signals to send messages along The
Great Wall of China. In 150 B.C., Greek Historian Polybius developed smoke
signals representing the alphabet.

Carrier Pigeons
As we all know, pigeons are naturally great with directions. Over 2,000
years ago, the ancient Romans used pigeons as primary messengers between
military men. In the 12th century, messenger pigeons were widely used.
According to Naval chaplain Henry Teonge, merchants used pigeons as a
“postal” service. They also played a vital role in World Wars I and II.

Postal System
During the ancient period, Egyptians used courier serve to send out
decrees in 2,400 B.C. Until now, a piece of mail which dates back to 255 B.C. is
still preserved. Postal systems were also organized in Persia, China, India, and
Rome before. On the other hand, it was only in 1653 when Frenchman De
Valayer started a postal system in Paris which involved the use of mailboxes
and delivery of paid envelopes.

In 1440, German Johannes Gutenberg developed the printing press
system which radically changed communication forever. With this, the
newspaper began to flourish in the 16th century. The German-language
publication of Johann Carolus in Strasbourg in 1605 was the first newspaper.
The first English-language newspaper was published in Amsterdam in 1620.

After print media flourished, radio followed. In the 1830s, various
scientists, such as Maxwell and Hughes studied on wireless telegraphy which
developed the theory of electromagnetism. In 1888, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
discovered “Hertzian waves”, named after him. In 1893, Tesla started using
wireless power as a form of transmitting content. In the early 20th century,
radio broadcasting began.

Telegraph communication started after Samuel Morse invented the
Morse code which encoded the ISO basic Latin alphabet. The Morse code
transmitted messages through series of clicks, tones, and lights. In 1830,
Morse integrated the Morse code in telegraphy technology that revolutionized
the long-distance communication. In 1844, Morse sent his first telegraph

The telegraphy was immediately replaced by the telephone. It was
invented by Scottish Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The telephone acts is a
telecommunication device that converts human audio signals to electronic
signals which are transmitted via cables. It was further developed to
commercially cater to local and long distant calls. In the 1900s, landline
telephone service began. Up until now, the telephone remained one of the
most reliable telecommunication devices.
Along with telephones, television started to become a mode of indirect
communication to the mass audience. The television was not just invented by
a single person, but developed through the efforts of various brilliant people.
The earliest records of TV broadcasting occurred after the World War II, in
which the display was still black and white. Now, more than 1.5 billion
households in the world own a television.

After the creation of computers in the 1950s, the ARPANET, which was
the early predecessor of the internet was developed. The ARPANET was
designed to manage communication between ARPA computer terminals in the
1960s. The term “internet” first emerged in 1973. The first internet service
provider was the Telenet. In 1983, the domain system started. In 1991, Tim
Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN, introduced the World Wide Web (www)
which definitely started the modern internet.

With the onset of the internet, electronic mails started to become
popular. Although emails came before the ARPANET, however, it was “offline”.
In 1975, John Vittal developed a software to organize emails. From that time,
75% of ARPANET traffic was email. In 1994, Yahoo! was born. It was followed
by other mailing platforms, including Hotmail and Google Mail.

Text Message
The first official SMS messaging took place on December 3, 1992, when
Neil Papworth, an engineer from Sema Group (now Airwide Solutions) used a
computer to send “Merry Christmas” through the Vodafone network. In 1994,
the Radiolinja was the first network service provider to carry out person-to-
person text messaging. Now, SMS has evolved in which over 9 trillion SMS are
sent every year.

Social Media
The latest mode of communication in the digital era is the use of social
media platforms. It has become more available because of the proliferation of
smartphones where social media apps can easily be installed. In 2004,
Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg. Today, the Messenger is one of the
most widely used messaging apps. There are more than two billion Facebook
users worldwide. In 2005, YouTube became the first-ever popular video
hosting social media site. In 2006, Twitter began to dominate the social media
scene. Other social media platforms have followed.

The evolution of technology has always depended on one thing: the

human rationale. Humans tend to think of ways on how to improve tasks,
workload, or simply day-to-day activities. The concept of technology started
off with the basic tool. In order to build a house, one cannot simply use his or
her own two hands to cut wood and place them together. A hacksaw, hammer,
and set of nails are needed to put these pieces of wood together. The concept
of a wheel also made transportation much easier, being able to move several
objects from one place to another with ease.

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and

resources to create processes and products that fulfill human needs.
Technology is vital in communication.

 Aiding Communication
Telephone and fax machines are the devices used in extending

 Spreading Information
To broadcast information such as news or weather reports
effectively. Radio, television, satellites and the World Wide Web (www)
are powerful tools that can be used.
In the early years, before the
computer was invented, there are several
inventions of counting machines.
With the evolution of technology
computers have taken a major role in the
later years. This is due to the fact that
people have become increasingly
dependent on computers to do their daily
tasks in school, at work, or pretty much
their routines. What started off as simply
for research purposes, computers are now
designed to be more compact, more
mobile, and more integrated with daily
The first generation of computer
were huge, slow, expensive and often
unreliable. In 1946, two Americans,
Presper Eckert and Willian Mauchly build
the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer). It use vacuum
tube instead of mechanical switches of the

Hardware Technology

New invention of hardware were needed with the new computer technology.

The famous computer scientists during the second

generation era were:

The creation of transistor spark the production of a wave of

second generation computer. Transistor was small devices use to
transfer electronic signals across a resister. Transistors had many
advantages compared to other hardware technology.
 transistors were smaller than vacuum
 they needed no warm up time
 consumed less energy
 generated much less heat
 faster and more reliabl

In the third generation era, the IBM 370

series were introduced in 1964. It came in
several models and sizes. It was used for
business and scientific programs. Other
computer models introduced were CDC 7600
and B2500.
The development of integrated circuit
(IC), signal the beginning of the third
generation computers. Silicone chips were
manufactured in 1961 at the Silicone Valley.
Then came th integrated circuit technology,
which had reduced the size and cos of

It is a complete electronic circuit on a small chip of silicone.

Which is also known as semiconductor. Other than that the
Magnetic Core Memory was replaced by a device called the
microchip. Also the first 256 bit RAM was introduced and it was the
basis for development of 1K bit RAM.

A new concept in this generation was that of a family of
computer which allowed computer to be upgraded and expanded
as necessary.
 Silicone chips were reliable,
compact and cheaper.
 Sold hardware and software
separately which created the
software industry. customer service
industry flourished (reservation
and credit checks)

It took only 55 years for the 4 generations to evolve. The growth of

the computer industry developed technologies of computer inventions.
There are many types of computer models such as:

• Apple Macintosh

In 1971 Intel created the first microprocessor. In 1976, Steve Jobs

built the first Apple computer. Then, in 1981, IBM introduced its first
personal computer.

During the fourth generation, hardware technology such as silicone

chips, microprocessor and storage devices were invented. A
microprocessor is a specialized chip which is developed for computer
memory and logic.
The microprocessor is a large-scale integrated circuit which
contained thousands of transistors. The transistors on this one chip are
capable of performing all of the functions of a computer's central
processing unit.

Advantages : Microprocessor
 Computers became 100 times smaller than ENIAC
(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) the first
 Gain in speed, reliability and storage capacity
 Personal and software industry boomed


The fifth generation computers are technologically advance and

are still being development to become more efficient. The inventions of
new hardware technology in the fifth generation have grown rapidly
including many other modern computer devices such as :

 silicone chips
 processor
 robotics
 virtual reality
 intelligent systems
 programs which translate languages


After the fifth generation computer, the technology of computer

has become more advanced, modern and sophisticated. The latest
invention in the era of computers are :
 ·Super Computers
 Mainframe Computers
 Mini Computers
 Personal Computers
 Mobile Computers
In the new era of computers, expert system such as
teleconferencing and speech-recognition system have been invented as
part of modern world communication tools.


Today, most schools and higher educational institutions have

computers in the classroom for teacher and students. In education,
teachers, students, researchers and school administrators benefits
from the usage of ICT.

The computer is the nerve center of the Researchers use

computers to collect and process data. School administrators us
computers for administrative purposes to make sure that the entire
operation runs smoothly. banking system around the world. It
functions to control the entire banking system that also includes
'Electronic Banking Services'.

Electronic banking provides 24 hour services.

The services include :

• Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

• Cheque Deposit
• Electronic Fund Tranfer
• Direct Deposit
• Pay by phone system
• Personal computer banking/ internet banking

In the banking sector, customers, businessman and bank

administrator benefits from the usage of ICT.
E-commerce helps in boosting the economy. It makes buying
and selling activities easier, more efficient and faster. For this
application, computers, Internet and shared software are needed.
In the e-commerce sector ,customers r, suppliers and
employees benefits from the usage of ICT.

Activity 2: Multiple Choice: Circle the letter that

corresponds to you answer.

1. It refers to a technology that supports activities involving

information, such as gathering, processing, storing and presenting
a. Communication
b. Information
c. Information Technology
d. Information and Communication Technology

2. It refers to processed information that helps fulfill people's daily

task, such as predicting tomorrow’s weather and deciding the need
to bring an umbrella
a. Communication c. Knowledge
b. Information d. Technology

3. It is the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system

operate automatically. It includes a broad range of technologies
connecting computer systems to other systems.
a. Automation c. Network
b. Connection d. Server

4. During this generation, hardware technology such as silicone

chips, microprocessor and storage devices were invented. A
microprocessor is a specialized chip which is developed for
computer memory and logic.
a. First c. Second
b. Third d. Fourth

5. . In the 1830s, various scientists, such as Maxwell and Hughes

studied on wireless telegraphy which developed the theory of
electromagnetism. What particular communication is referring
a. Television c. Email
b. Radio d. Social Network
6. Which of the following is NOT a component of ICT?
a. Software c. Hardware
b. Data d. Language

7. Refers the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources

to create processes and products that fulfill human needs.
Technology is vital in communication.
a. Information c. Technology
b. Communication d. ICT

8. During the ancient period, Egyptians used courier serve to send

out decrees in 2,400 B.C. Until now, a piece of mail which dates
back to 255 B.C. is still preserved.
a. Electronic Mail c. Abacus
b. Vacuum Tube d. Postal System

9. It is a small devices use to transfer electronic signals across a

a. Resistor c. Capacitor
b. Computing d. Vacuum

10. In what year that Intel created the first microprocessor.

a. 1972 c. 1970
b. 1971 d. 1973

Activity 3:Chronological Order:

Task: Briefly summarize the evolution of computer in

chronological order. After which answer the procedural
questions below.

Procedural Questions:

1. State the importance of computer in the modern era.


2. Can you work with different data without using

computer? Defend your answer.

Activity 4:Essay

Write an essay entitled

“ ICT: It’s uses and implications for Me”
Make use of the rubrics below so that you are guided on how
to evaluate your essay.


Activity 4: Reflect!

1. What have you learned from this activity?


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