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NAHU, author of the book: UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE

Copyright 2006

Do you believe that archetypes can extend beyond the boundaries of a lucid dream? According to

the studies of F. David Peat, Arnold Mindell, Carl Jung and the scientist who originally assisted in the

development of the theory of synchronicity, Wolfgang Pauli, quantum non-locality seemed to suggest

this possibility. Please consider the following remark extracted from the fascinating book

Synchronicity the Bridge between Mind and Matter:

“Pauli believed that this dualism between objective and subjective was particularly significant and

indicated that a much deeper unification existed between matter and mind. As the structure of matter

is probed in finer and finer detail, it dissolves into the indeterminacies of the quantum world. Below

the everyday appearances of matter, in which the scientist acts as an impartial observer, are

encountered quantum processes in which observer and observed are intimately linked. Below this

level, Heisenberg and others have hinted, there may no longer exist a fundamental ground of matter

but, rather, fundamental symmetries and ordering principles.”

Perhaps, without question, this might explain the following personal encounters with dream

archetypes that apparently extended beyond the boundaries of space-time.

During an especially stressful period in the mid-seventies, I started having a series of UFO dreams

that were significantly connected to my everyday life. Because of their timely impact and coinciding

significance upon my psyche, in terms of my dreams and observations, I began research on the

transcendental nature of these dream symbols. That’s when I discovered the works of psychoanalyst

and mythologist, Dr. Carl Jung. His works revealed that persistent archetypes, such as the UFO myth,

possess a numinous, or mystical, extemporaneous quality. He described the UFO archetype as a

unifying symbol of God, or mandala shape. Jung stated that its purpose was to bring balance during

moments of psychic confusion and the corresponding fragmentation, which occurs simultaneously

during stressful periods in our lives.

I resonated subjectively with this interpretation and sought to achieve deeper insight. That’s when

I bought a copy of his mythological study of the UFO archetype entitled, FLYING SAUCERS, A

MODERN MYTH OF THINGS SEEN IN THE SKIES. As I flipped through the pages, I was

immediately impressed with the central theme which focused on the psychical or visionary nature of

the UFO encounter myth and its relationship to dreams occurring during periods of stress. The

significance of the archetype’s relationship to synchronistic space-time factors can be found in the

following quote:

“The psychological experience that is associated with the UFO consists in the vision of the

rotundum, the symbol of wholeness and the archetype that expresses itself in mandala form.

Mandalas, as we know, usually appear in situations of psychic confusion and perplexity. The

archetype thereby constellated represents a pattern of order, which, like a psychological “view-

finder” marked with a cross, or a circle divided into four, is superimposed on the weltering confusion

held together by the protective circle. The Eastern Mandalas in Mahayana Buddhism accordingly

represent the cosmic, temporal and psychological order. At the same time they are yantras,

instruments with whose help order is brought into being.”

The impact of this statement was powerful, because prior to this period of stress in my life I had a

lucid dream of encountering a spinning, luminous object inhabited by intra-dimensional beings whose

teachings started me on an incredible personal path of transformation to become both counselor and


To understand the bizarre reality of my lucid dream encounter with the UFO/light/archetype, it

would be well advised that the reader refer to my book entitled: UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE.

With the help of this book, one can begin to understand the twilight reality of my eventual

transformation and gain deeper insight into my UFO/light experiences. My encounters with the light

cannot be described as specifically limited to the lucid dream plane since they appeared to transcend

the boundaries of space/time, imposing meaningful significance upon my everyday life.

Bear in mind that it was during the year 1977, and following that first lucid UFO dream encounter,

that I had an important mystical dream that accelerated personal growth in awareness:

In this dream I am walking up a hill or incline and pass a modest, green colored house. On the

porch I spot a sleeping, brown and black German shepherd dog, (which I later interpret as a significant

element signaling polarities at work), an indication that the animal part of me – my emotions, are

resting. Suddenly, I hear a popping sound (which is present in many alterations of consciousness along

with pinging, ringing explosions, and a sense of falling), like fireworks. As I step out into the street to

see what it is, all of a sudden, I get the feeling that something unusual is going on. I sensed –

anticipating it intuitively – that something strange was about to happen.

At that moment, I hear this soft humming sound above my head, and looking up I am startled,

thrilled to see the outlines of a huge UFO descending from a low cloud layer. I raise my hands

skyward inviting contact, but the saucer ascends rapidly. Disappointment floods through me as I

intuitively realize that this behavior thwarts union with the saucer. 1 I know intuitively that striving

repulses this unification with the craft, as personified by the ascension of the light, and realize that I

must try to relax. Instant replay in the dream scene. I circle the block again. The dog is still sleeping.

I continue to the end of the block and hear the same popping noises, like miniature explosions.

Looking upwards, with as little direct attachment as possible and remaining in a non-striving state,

similar to Zen or Yoga discipline, I offer a serene, receptive peace of mind. I sense the craft is

descending this time. Perhaps this is where an out-of-body traveler encounters a teacher of an inter-

dimensional kind. I hear a low-pitched whine. I look up and see the UFO hovering overhead. The

craft appears to be symmetrical and metallic. The under-surface is concave and the color is turquoise,

glowing with a certain shimmering opalescence. It descends rapidly while I maintain an empty, ego-

free awareness.

Suddenly, it tilts sideways and I get a view of its occupants who are crowded into three portals in a

domed, metallic cupola or rotunda. At each of the three portals, rounded heads emerge, dark against

the transparency of the outer aperture where they stand. In each of the three heads I see two large eyes,

oval to round – like an owl’s. At this point, my behavior has a decided religious significance. I appear

contrite, humbled, ready for redemption, properly receptive to the gods, shall we say. The symbols are

evangelical, transcendental and universal. I am reminded here of the involuntary, bicameral invocation

of the gods described by Julian Jaynes in the book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of

the Bicameral Mind:

The mighty themes of the religions of the world are here sounded for the first time. Why have the

gods left us? Like friends who depart from us, they must be offended. Our misfortunes are our

punishments for our offenses. We go down on our knees, begging to be forgiven. And then find

redemption in some return of the word of a god.

My psyche is filled with an ebullient exultation. Joy enters me, filling me with radiance, distinctly

reminding me of my original UFO encounter. There is a quality about these godlike beings that

reminds me of pure, innocent creatures of the forest. Oddly, there is an intangible, yet clear out-

pouring of empathy, like family members who have been separated for a long time and now are

reunited. I feel enthralled! My heart rejoices! I lift my arms up and they pull me towards them. I

know that I’m going to be reunited with them, as if an ancient, half-forgotten family has returned for

me! But sadly my dream fades and abruptly ends.

However, a certain joy lasts for days afterwards along with a sense of ennui; an incomprehensible

sadness. I felt that this second meeting with the teachers (as I deem them) was extremely important. It

is interesting to note that according to Jaynes, God, the ONE, is always described in plural terms. In

my dreams I saw the ONE represented by three figures symbolizing the divine trinity: father, son and

Holy Ghost. Clearly the symbol of a plural divinity served to strengthen my emerging higher self, my

faith renewed by their unified bond. On another note, there is a special Zen dispensation publicized by

the teacher Hui-neng who was associated with the so-called “Sudden “school of Zen in China. Hui-

neng once said that “there is a teacher within your own mind who enlightens you spontaneously!” In

this instance, they have returned with greater impact to remind me to prepare for work ahead that must

be done. Unquestionably, I know that my work must now progress to the primary or developmental

stages and serious studies lay ahead. The year is 1977.

I must learn patience and inner calm if I shall ascend to the higher path, and attune my instrument

(refine my perceptions) to the tasks that lay ahead. The presence of the light and the alien faces

pressed against the cupola’s portal has reaffirmed my dedication.

Later, after some research, I found out that my experiences were not unique. Many people have

complained of experiencing conflicting emotions swinging from mental exaltation to depression after

UFO dreams and so-called real life encounters. I sense their emotional reaction is related to a kind of

spiritual post-partum blues, the result of being separated from heaven or the presence of God. This

alteration of consciousness represents an expansion of the individual ego “I” and its integration with

the light, the symbol wholeness, ergo, the divine ONE, similar to Nirvana or Satori.

In my opinion, all UFO experiences should be studied from a subjective plateau just like any other

form of stress-induced transformation simply because each encounter contains highly significant,

personalized emotional symbols. These symbols may span the transformative gamut of human

emotions from fear, anxiety and rejection to hope, joy and love. For instance, for some people a UFO

encounter might incur symbolic manifestations representing a dangerously alienated universe,

depending on one’s receptivity to change. Thus, a UFO experience may be personified as a meeting

with angels, devas, heralding spiritual changes for humankind, or a bizarre alien, gargoyle or

leprechaun. After all, one person’s friend might be viewed as another’s monster.

Dreams appear to be an inseparable part of life-transforming experiences. These kinds of lucid,

archetypal UFO dreams could be described as energy catalysts. Seen from a psycho-geometric

perspective, the funnel or lenticular shape of the UFO represents the intrusion of a parallel dimension

of self. This intrusion of an inner hyper-dimension into our awareness, shall we say, takes on the

current technological shape relevant to our culture. Symbolically, UFO dreams could be viewed as

channels for creative growth between dimensions of self. The dream scenario is formed from a creative

intra-dimensional matrix as diverse levels of awareness are joined in a synergistic union. Seen from

this level, Jung’s works clearly indicate that dreams can affect our daily lives and alter the

physiological fabric of subjective reality.

1--Note: There is an interesting, metaphysical theory suggesting that any intentional effort to receive the
light blocks receptivity to higher consciousness. G. Scott Sparrow, a psychotherapist of the A.R.E.
Society espousing the teachings of the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce, states that a non-striving frame of
mind is the key to reception of the transformative light.


Nahu. UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE. Outskirts Press

Peat, F. David. Synchronicity: The Bridge between Matter and Mind.

Jung, Carl. FLYING SAUCERS, A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, Translated by R.F.C.

Hull 1978, Bollingen Series, Princeton University Press

Edited by C. A. Meier. ATOM AND ARCHETYPE, The Pauli/Jung Letters 1932-1956.

Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

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