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1. Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses


2. Examples : and, but, so, because, after

a. I tried to hit the nail but hit my thumb instead.
b. I have two goldfish and a cat
c. I like her because she is pretty

3. Although and since

a. Although (walaupun) – shows contrast
Example: I like that doll although it is dirty
I like today’s weather although it rained a lot
b. Since (di sebabkan ) – shows cause and effect
Example: I’ve been very busy since I started my new job
I can’t buy anything since I don’t have money


Write ‘although’ or ‘since’.

1. ___________ it was raining, I didn’t get wet.
2. _________ it is Saturday, I can play football.
3. She wants to be a singer __________ she likes music.
4. ___________ she is beautiful, everyone hates her.
5. John rarely sees Alan ___________ they are neighbours.
6. ___________ I was very hungry, I couldn’t eat.
7. I’ll stay here ___________ it’s raining.
8. _______ I’m busy tomorrow, let’s go get coffee today.
9. She runs very fast ___________ she’s injured.
10.I don’t know her ________ she is not in my class.

Choose the write conjuctions (and, but, so)

1. I love burgers _________ soda.

2. I like Mondays _______ I hate Fridays.
3. They were bored _______ they went to the mall.
4. My mother _____ father were at work yesterday.
5. I want to buy that ______ I don’t have enough money.
6. There are apples _______ oranges in the fridge.
7. Lisa was sick _____ she was absent.
8. The children play football _______ badminton at the park.
9. The doll is cute ____ it is very expensive.
10. He was smart ________ clever.

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