Of Structural Steel: Robert R. Bonenfant, Jr. - July 2008

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the COST


Specific Sub-Division/Specification Section INFORMATION
Brief Description of Structural Steel 9. GLOSSARY
Steel Beam Sections and Dimensions
Large Quantities Versus Small – Economies of Scale
Union Labor Versus Non-Union Labor
Geographical Location
Supply and Demand of Steel
Height of Building
Site Conditions
Experience of Erection Crew
Renovation Project Versus New Construction
Connection Details
Moment Connections
Beam Penetrations
Material Pricing
Fuel Costs
Value of the Dollar
Lead Times
Estimating Today • January 09 15
The purpose of this technical paper is to provide a basic In the construction of structural steel building some basic design
understanding of how to prepare an estimate for structural criteria needs to be developed. One is the column spacing and an-
steel beams and columns. This paper will focus on how to do other is the floor-to-floor height. This leads to the sizing of columns
a quantity survey of steel members, bent plate (pour stops), and beams to carry the building loads. A 30’ by 30’ column bay is
shear studs, connections, steel floor and roof decking, and typical and a 12’ deck height is typical in an office building. A 14’
price accordingly. The paper will not address AESS, diago- deck height is normal in a laboratory building due to significant
nally braced frames, open web steel joists, trusses, steel HVAC requirements that need to be placed in the plenum space
tube, steel stairs, grating and other miscellaneous compo- above ceilings. Structural steel beams and columns are designed
nents that may be part of a building system. In addition, on the basis of their yield stress. The most common design stress is
ancillary trades such as cementitious spray-fireproofing 36 KSI and referenced by ASTM designation A36. Structural steel
and intumescent fireproofing will not be considered in this is fabricated in many sections such as wide flange (W), American
technical paper. The intent of the paper is to isolate on a standard beam (S), miscellaneous beams (M), American standard
few key aspects of a structural steel framed building and channel (C), miscellaneous channel (MC), angle (L), and structural
not all possible components. Please note that CSI’s 2004 tees (T). A beam and column is designated in the following way;
MasterFormat edition has been used. W18x35. The W references the section shape; 18 references the
nominal height of the beam/column flange in inches; and 35 ref-
erences the weight of the beam in pounds per linear foot of beam
or column length. This description is interpreted as a wide flange
Main CSI Divisions beam with a nominal depth of 18 inches and a weight of 35 pounds
Division 05 Metals per linear foot.

Subdivisions - 050000 Metals The standard unit of measurement for steel

beams and columns is tons. The formula for
050100 Maintenance of Metals
calculating tons of steel will be:
050500 Common Work Results of Metals
Wt. (Tons) = (L x Wt.) / 2,000
050600 Schedules for Metals
050800 Commissioning of Metals L = Length of Beam of Column
051000 Structural Metal Framing Wt. = Unit Weight of Beam or Column in Pounds
051200 Structural Steel Framing 2,000 = Conversion Factor from Pounds to Tons
053000 Metal Decking
053100 Steel Decking The unit measurement for floor and roof deck is
square feet (SF).
Area (SF) = (L x W) x 1.15
L = Length of Building in Feet
BRIEF DESCRIPTION W = Width of Building in Feet
A steel framed building is an alternative to a concrete framed 1.10 = Excess Factor for Seams (10%)
building. The steel framed building is equally a good choice
as a concrete framed building. They each have distinct
building materials, practices and benefits that have to be The unit measurement for pour stop is Tons.
carefully weighed, as timing and situation will dictate the Wt. (tons) = (P x Wt.) / 2,000
best choice. However, steel is a material that has the high-
est strength-to-weight ratio and is very ductile. Steel is also P = (L + W) x 2 if rectangular or square building
shop fabricated and therefore has a higher quality control as and measured perimeter (P) if irregular shaped
it’s produced in a controlled environment. Steel beams and L = Length of Building in Feet
steel columns are used to structurally frame a building so
that it supports the exterior façade, roof, interior construc-
W = Width of Building in Feet
tion, mechanical and electrical systems of the building and Wt. = Unit Weight of Beam or Column in Pounds
of course the personnel, furnishings and equipment that 2,000 = Conversion Factor from Pounds to Tons
will occupy the building. The structural steel framed build-
ing also includes components such as steel floor decking,
steel roof decking, steel joists, bolted connections, welded The unit measure of shear studs is Each.
connections, base plates, slab pour stops, braced framing, Shear Studs (Each) = Quantity Count from
moment connections, and other miscellaneous cold-formed Structural Steel Drawings x 1.05
metals to complete the steel framing system. Again, for the
purposes of this paper I will only focus on a few of these 1.05 = Excess Factor for Defective or
components. Broken Studs (5%)

16 January 09 • Estimating Today

Structural steel drawings will be provided that shows
plan views, column schedules, and connection details. The
plan drawings will show beam lengths and sizes with shear
stud counts and cambering and the column schedules will
show column heights and sizes. Detail drawings will also
show items such as beam penetrations, moment connec-
tions, base plates, deck opening framing, HVAC support
framing, and other special framing conditions. The follow-
ing charts will show some typical steel sections, specifica-
tions, dimensions and welding symbols.

(Diagrams Cont. page 18)

Estimating Today • January 09 17

18 January 09 • Estimating Today
Currently the strong global demand of steel; particularly in
China, India and Russia is driving up the cost of steel. Even
though steel mills have become more efficient and there are
additional mills coming online demand is outstripping sup-
ply leading to higher prices. Foreign mills are also not ex-
porting to the U.S. as they once did.

The height of the building will dictate the type of crane to
be used on the project. Smaller projects may be able to use
a mobile wheel-mounted or track-crawler crane. Tall build-
ings will need a tower crane that will require concrete pad
foundations and electrical power requirements.

The site conditions and constraints will also dictate the type
crane that will be utilized. Tight sites in city areas will need
tower cranes versus the ability to use mobile cranes in open
sites assuming heights aren’t an issue.


The experience of the erection crew can affect the number
of picks they make in day. The less experienced the crew
the longer the erection duration will be resulting in higher
erection costs.


TAKE-OFF AND PRICING Sometimes an existing building has to be structurally rein-
forced. The unit cost of structural steel will be higher on a
renovation project than on a new building. On a renovation
project the steel has to be fabricated in smaller sections to
EFFECT OF SMALL QUANTITIES VERSUS LARGE access the existing building and scissor lifts and other small
QUANTITIES; ECONOMIES OF SCALE hydraulic lift equipment has to be utilized in order to posi-
tion the steel in place. The production rate is much slower
If the project is small and there’s a minimal amount of working in an existing building, as you will be utilizing
tonnage the unit cost will be higher than a project with a lighter equipment and probably using some handwork.
significant amount of tonnage. The mobilization and crane
costs that need to get absorbed into the small project with CONNECTION DETAILS
less efficiency in production will make for a higher unit cost
than on a large project. A project that utilizes welded connections takes longer to
erect than with bolted connections. In addition, the field-
UNION VERSUS NON-UNION testing of welded connections will also add time to the
schedule. Curtainwall support connections will add to the
If the project is based on union labor the project will have a
cost as well as precast panel connections. Therefore, it’s im-
higher cost than non-union labor. Unions negotiate higher
portant to know what the façade of the building will be so
wage rate and benefit packages than would be provided by
connection detail costs can be accounted for.
open-shop contractors.
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION Moment connections carry a premium cost to be installed,
The location of the project may have an influence on cost as they’re a special condition connection to make a rigid
due to regional material, labor, and equipment costs based or semi-rigid connection between a column and a beam.
on availability of resources and manpower. R.S. Means uses They’re more labor intensive to install so the result is slow-
a coefficient factor to adjust for regional differences. er production leading to increased erection costs.

Estimating Today • January 09 19

Beam penetrations are cutouts made in the steel beams so The equipment utilized will be mobile cranes or tower
that mechanical piping and ductwork can pass through. cranes. Tower cranes will be predominantly utilized on high
There will be unreinforced and reinforced beam penetra- buildings in tight city quarters.
tions depending on the size of the opening. Sometimes the
architectural, structural, and mechanical drawings are co- INDIRECT COSTS
ordinated enough to allow the Engineer to show on the plans
where a portion of these beam penetrations may occur. The Tower cranes also require concrete pad foundations to be set
beam penetrations shown on the plans that can be fabri- on and also require electrical power service. Safety costs for
cated in the shop will have a much lower cost than the beam perimeter cabling needs to be considered along with other
penetrations that will have to be provided for in the field. temporary construction costs to provide a secure and safe
There will inevitably be beam penetrations that will need working environment.
to be cutout and reinforced in the field at a higher unit cost. Other indirect costs to consider are sales tax, payment
and performance bonds and liability insurance.


The following example is intended to demonstrate a simple

take-off and pricing method for a structural steel frame sys-
tem including beams, columns, decking, shear studs, bent
plate (pour stop), and connections.
With today’s technology many companies perform take-
off using OST and digitizers. OST allows you to take-off
quantities on your computer screen while color coding the
element you’re taking off and recording up to three (3) units
of measure for that element at the same time.
However, for the purposes of this paper I will complete
the take-off and pricing sheets on Excel to demonstrate the
method being used.

Take-off the lengths of each different size beam and col-
umn. Next I’ll multiply the length of each beam and col-
umn by its respective weight. From the sum of all these
beams and columns I’ll then calculate the total tonnage.
The shear studs will be counted for each beam and a to-
tal tallied. The perimeter of the floor plates will be calcu-
lated in order to figure the length of pour stop. The area
of the floors will be calculated to determine the deck-
ing quantity. And lastly, the connections will be figured
by calculating percentages of the total steel tonnage.

Since the steel is fabricated in the shop the labor por-
tion refers to the erection crew. Generally, it’s assumed
that for erection a crane can pick between 35 and 60
pieces a day. Assuming the average is 45 picks per day,
and using common sizes of beams and columns that
would probably equate to around 30 tons erected per day.

20 January 09 • Estimating Today

Office Building Parameters Bent Plate Take-Off

Assume 6"x6"x7/16" bent plate at 18 pounds per linear foot (plf).

Structure Floor Length (lf) Width (lf) Perimeter (lf) Area (sf) Floor Perimeter Un Unit Wt. Un Total Wt. Un Total Wt. Un
SOG 1st Floor 90 90 360 8,100 2nd Floor SOMD 360 LF 18.00 PLF 6,480 LB 3.24 TN
SOMD 2nd Floor 90 90 360 8,100 3rd Floor SOMD 360 LF 18.00 PLF 6,480 LB 3.24 TN
SOMD 3rd Floor 90 90 360 8,100 4th Floor SOMD 360 LF 18.00 PLF 6,480 LB 3.24 TN
SOMD 4th Floor 90 90 360 8,100 Roof SOMD 360 LF 18.00 PLF 6,480 LB 3.24 TN
Total Weight: 25,920 LB 12.96 TN
Total Interior Building SF: 32,400

SOMD Roof 90 90 360 8,100

Structural Steel Connections Take-Off

Subtotal of Steel Tonnage 160.07 TN

Steel Tonnage Min. % Max. % Min. Wt. Un Max. Wt. Un Total Wt. Un
Base Plates 2.00% 3.00% 3.20 TN 4.80 TN 9,604 LB
Column Splices 4.00% 5.00% 6.40 TN 8.00 TN 16,007 LB
Steel Columns Take-Off Miscellaneous Details 4.00% 5.00% 6.40 TN 8.00 TN 16,007 LB
Total Weight: 20.81 TN 41,618 LB
Floor-to-Floor Height is 12'0"

Floor # of Col. Size Unit Wt. (plf) Height (vf) Len (lf) Total Wt. Un Total Wt. Un
2nd Floor 16 W14x82 82 12 192 15,744 LB 7.87 TN Steel Deck
3rd Floor 16 W14x61 61 12 192 11,712 LB 5.86 TN
4th Floor 16 W14x61 61 12 192 11,712 LB 5.86 TN
Roof 16 W14x53 53 12 192 10,176 LB 5.09 TN L W A
Floor Length (lf) Width (lf) Area (sf) Waste (10%) Total SF
Total Weight: 49,344 LB 24.67 TN
2nd Floor 90.00 90.00 8,100 810 8,910
3rd Floor 90.00 90.00 8,100 810 8,910
4th Floor 90.00 90.00 8,100 810 8,910
Total Steel Floor Deck: 26,730 SF

Roof 90.00 90.00 8,100 810 8,910

Total Steel Roof Deck: 8,910 SF

Total Steel Decking: 35,640 SF

Ste e l Be a m s Ta ke -Off

Typical for 2nd floor through the roof (4 levels)

4- Story Office Building Estim a te (32,400 GSF)

2nd floor

GSF 32,400
Qty Size Le ngth Unit Wt. Tota l Wt. (lbs.) Tota l Wt. (tns.)
8 W24x55 30 55 13,200 6.60 Ite m De scription Qty Un Ma t Un Pr Ma t Tota l La b Un Pr La b Tot Equip Un Pr Equip Tota l Tota l Cost $/SF

4 W36x135 30 135 16,200 8.10 1. Structural Steel Beams & Columns 147.11 tons $ 2,200.00 $ 323,642 $ 900.00 $ 132,399 $ 200.00 $ 29,422.00 $ 485,463 $ 14.98
2. Bent Plate at Pour Stops 12.96 tons $ 2,200.00 $ 28,512 $ 1,100.00 $ 14,256 $ - $ - $ 42,768 $ 1.32
8 W21x44 30 44 10,560 5.28 3. Connection Steel 20.81 tons $ 3,350.00 $ 69,714 $ 1,650.00 $ 34,337 $ - $ - $ 104,050 $ 3.21
4. Shear Studs - 3/4"x5" 5,124 each $ 2.68 $ 13,732 $ 1.32 $ 6,764 $ - $ - $ 20,496 $ 0.63
8 W8x10 10 10 800 0.40 5. Steel Floor Deck - 3"x18 Gauge 26,730 sf $ 2.18 $ 58,271 $ 1.07 $ 28,601 $ - $ - $ 86,873 $ 2.68
22 W16x31 30 31 20,460 10.23 6. Steel Roof Deck - 3"x20 Gauge 8,910 sf $ 2.01 $ 17,909 $ 0.99 $ 8,821 $ - $ - $ 26,730 $ 0.83
Direct Construction Cost $ 511,780 $ 225,177 $ 29,422 $ 766,380 $ 23.65

Overhead & Profit 20.00% $ 153,276 $ 4.73

Subtota l We ight: 61,220 30.61
Tota l Construction Cost $ 919,655 $ 28.38

3rd floor

Qty Size Le ngth Unit Wt. Tota l Wt. (lbs.) Tota l Wt. (tns.)
8 W24x55 30 55 13,200 6.60
4 W36x135 30 135 16,200 8.10
8 W21x44 30 44 10,560 5.28
8 W8x10 10 10 800 0.40
22 W16x31 30 31 20,460 10.23

Subtota l We ight: 61,220 30.61

4th floor
Qty Size Le ngth Unit Wt. Tota l Wt. (lbs.) Tota l Wt. (tns.)
When estimating the cost of structural steel there is signifi-
8 W21x44 30 44 10,560 5.28 cant risk to mitigate. These risk items include the following:
8 W8x10 10 10 800 0.40
22 W16x31 30 31 20,460 10.23

Subtota l We ight: 61,220 30.61

Roof The cost of structural steel is increasing, as there’s a huge
Qty Size Le ngth Unit Wt. Tota l Wt. (lbs.) Tota l Wt. (tns.)
global appetite for steel currently underway. Contributing
8 W24x55 30 55 13,200 6.60 to this escalation is also the fact that steelmakers are pay-
4 W36x135 30 135 16,200 8.10 ing large premiums for raw materials from mining com-
panies and passing this cost onto the consumer. Raw ma-
8 W21x44 30 44 10,560 5.28
8 W8x10 10 10 800 0.40
22 W16x31 30 31 20,460 10.23 terial costs have recently contributed to 50% of the steel
Subtota l We ight: 61,220 30.61
cost where a short time ago they traditionally accounted
for roughly 15% of the steel material cost. Steelmakers
Tota l We ight: 244,880 122.44 are now trying to acquire mines to provide raw materials
for their own companies in order to be more self-sufficient.

Estimating Today • January 09 21

ESCALATION will take the total steel tonnage and divide by the total
building square footage (assuming the ground is a slab-on-
Escalation is a significant cost factor when putting a steel
grade) and expect to get a unit weight of between 11 psf and
bid together. Your project may not require the steel to be
15 psf. If my tonnage is not in this range I will investigate
on-site for many months to a year, if not longer. Many steel
further to determine why the structure is seemingly light or
contractors will not even try to guess what steel prices may
heavy. Having a structure with inadequate steel strength is
be at that time because of price volatility. In order to level
one issue and having a structure with excessive weight may
the playing field for the steel contractors during a bid you
may have to forecast as best you can the projected future be inefficiency in beam usage leading to an unnecessarily
steel cost and carry an escalation allowance. This strategy higher cost.
should be discussed should be discussed with the Owner. In regards to shear studs I would also divide the total
building square footage by the total quantity of shear studs
SURCHARGES and expect this number to be in the range of 6-8 sf per stud
(or 0.13 – 0.17 studs per sf). If not, I’ll make adjustments to
Surcharges are added to the steel material costs because make sure that I carry enough shear studs in the estimate.
the material cost is volatile and it gives the steel supplier The following logic chart below is a sample calculation used
more flexibility to lower and raise his price. This practice to check the validity of the estimate. I have shown how to
eliminates the need to constantly adjust a fixed price so that complete a logic check on the structural steel beams, col-
you can appear to remain competitive. umns, bent plate, and connections to see if the unit weight
of the structural steel system is in the projected range. I
FUEL/ENERGY COSTS have also shown how to complete a logic check on the shear
The cost of a barrel of oil is hovering around $140/barrel studs to make sure there are enough for the composite slab-
and the average cost of gasoline in the U.S. right now is on-deck system. I have performed a quick check on the
about $4.00/gallon. Fuel and energy costs are making steel structural steel erection cost to see if it is in-line with my
more expensive to produce and ship steel. estimate. As you will the erection estimate at $161,821 is
close to what I calculated in the estimate at $176,077. This
VALUE OF THE DOLLAR again is a logic check to make sure that the numbers in the
estimate are a reasonable cost for the scope of work.
The value of U.S. dollar has been declining steadily for sev-
eral years now and is playing a large part in the high cost of
exported steel to the U.S. Steel is exported at a higher cost
to the U.S. because of the weak dollar. And many foreign
Steel Logic Check
companies buying U.S. steelmakers are exporting to their
own country because of strong demand instead of selling
to the U.S. Therefore, we’re left still paying higher prices
because many U.S. steel companies are foreign owned.
Columns 49,344 LB
Beams 244,880 LB
If the steel sections required for your project are not in stock Connections 41,619 LB
then it becomes more critical to get your shop drawings ap-
Total Weight 361,763 LB
proved in a timely manner to secure a place on the mill fab-
rication schedule. Depending on how many rolling jobs are Building (SF) 32,400 SF
ahead of you this lead-time will have to be taken into con- Unit Weight (PSF) 11.2 PSF
sideration relative to your construction schedule.
Okay: The unit weight of steel for the structure falls
in the range of 11-15 psf at 11.2 psf. Since this is an
6. RATIOS AND ANALYSIS office building I would expect it to be closer to 11#.

Shear Stud Logic Check

There are a few ways to analyze whether your bid or esti-
mate is in the “ballpark” and reflects whether or not you are
providing a reasonable cost. One way is to look at historical Shear Studs 5,124 EA
data from similar projects and escalate those previous proj- Building (SF) 32,400 SF
ect costs to current day costs. Using past project costs can Square Feet Per Stud 6.3 SF
be a good benchmark to gauge your bid or estimate.
Another way is to use conceptual design information Okay: The quantity of shear studs falls in the range
that has been acquired through experience with putting to- of one (1) stud per 6-8 sf of floor area. We're at one (1)
gether conceptual estimates and/or interaction with struc- stud per 6.3 sf of floor area for the structure.
tural engineers. For the office building example used, I

22 January 09 • Estimating Today

Structural Steel Erection Cost
A36 – ASTM Steel Designation
AESS – Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel
Item Qty Un
OST – On-Screen Take-off
Steel Columns 48 Each SOG – Slab on grade
Steel Beams 200 Each SOMD – Slab on metal deck
Total # of Beams & Columns 248 Each BIM – Building Information Modeling
Moment Connection – A rigid or semi-rigid column to
Total Weight of Beams & Columns 147.11 Tons
beam connection
Average Weight of Steel Member 0.59 Tons
Shear Stud – A metal stud welded to the top of a beam
If Pick 30 Tons Per Day Production = 51 Pieces in a composite slab on deck
Intumescent – Referring to fire retardant paint on
Duration of Steel Erection 5 Days
architecturally exposed steel
Crew Unit Cost ($/Ton) $ 1,100.00 Camber – An arch fabricated in the beam so that
designed loads acting on the beam limit the deflection of
Crew Daily Cost (30 Tons Per Day) $ 33,000 the beam. The intent is to have a level floor.

Total Steel Erection Cost $ 161,821

Check Cost From Estimate $ 176,077

Means Estimating Handbook
AISC Manual of Steel Construction


Recently, in order to evaluate the construction sequencing

of erecting structural steel BIM modeling has been utilized.
BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and is used
to create a computer model of the building from the design
drawings. This computer model is capable of detecting dimen-
sional busts as well clashes with other building elements. It
also has shown weaknesses in erection sequencing that can
lead to a more efficient construction schedule. Another in-
teresting development is the use of barcodes that are placed
on the fabricated steel in the shop, scanned when shipped,
scanned when delivered to the site, and scanned when
erected in place. This real-time scanning process allows the
BIM model to show the Construction Manager and Client
when the steel has been fabricated, shipped, delivered to
the site and erected. The computer model then displays that
actual to-date work put in place showing a time sequence.

Estimating Today • January 09 23

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