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Individual ethical decision making styles

1: Individualism:

 Individualist are driven by natural reason, which personal survival and preservation.Their moral
authority is their own reasoning process based on self interests. It may be called as related to “Ethical


General Pervaiz Musharraf: Emergency declared in Pakistan:

On 3 November 2007 Musharraf declared

emergency rule

across Pakistan. Hesuspended the Constitution, imposed State of Emergency, and fired the chief justice
of the Supreme Court. While addressing the nation on State Television, Musharraf declared that the
state of emergency was imposed in the country. In Islamabad, troopsentered the Supreme Court
building, arrested the judges and kept them under detentionin their homes. Troops were deployed
inside state-run TV and radio stations, whileindependent channels went off air. 


This example is suitable for individualism. Because he took this step for his owninterest. His moral
authority was based on his own reasoning process based on self interest. So, he showed individualism

2: Altruists

These individuals are concerned primarily with other people. Their moral authorityand motivation is to
produce greatest good for largest number of people.It is proved by taking the example of following


Hakeem Muhammad Saeed: 

In Pakistan Hakeem Saeed established a pharmaceutical manufacturing company andlater on pioneered

the Hamdard University,a center of excellence. Hamdard a full-fledged pharmaceutical organization got
the Hamdard Foundation incorporated in 1953to sponser scientific conferences, lectures, publish
scholary books, encourage scholars

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