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Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory

Assessment 2: Case Study: Theory into practice scaffolding rubric – approximately 800 words

Choose ONLY between 3 and 5 concepts to observe per theory

Year Level observed: Years 6/7 School:

How does this inform your
teaching? E.g classroom set-up,
Theory Key Concepts of the theory Evidence – what have you observed?
concrete materials, time allocation,
Piaget’s Constructivist learning, Literacy circles are conducted every As students read through the text and
Cognitive developing schemas, morning prior to recess, where students are they come across a word and/or phrase
Development (assimilation/accommodation separated into small groups and discuss the that they do not understand, the greater
/adaptation) previously read chapters of the class novel. meaning of the sentence also loses the
Students record and report any words or ability to convey its message. Students
Equilibrium/Disequilibrium phrases they do not understand, where as a at this point are experiencing a state of
disequilibrium. Rather than students
Stages of dev – class, the supervising teacher will clarify
disregarding this new information that
their meaning.
does not make sense, the supervising
Sensorimotor – N/A teachers uses this to facilitate learning
A year 1 drama class saw the supervising and prompts students to record these
Pre-operational: socio-
teacher read the book Three Billy Goats words so they can then later be
dramatic play, combination of
Gruff to students whilst also playing a clarified.
schemas, animism, The process of clarification sees the
representations of reality, YouTube video on the screen so students
could follow along. The drama room was supervising teacher ultimately guide
categorising, egocentrism, students through the process of
set up with props and other recourses such
centration, non-transformation, accommodation where they alter an
as costumes, where students were then
irreversibility existing schema or create a new one in
encouraged to play as the character and
either recreate or create their own version order to accommodate this new
Concrete-operational : information.
concrete operations (materials), of the story.
Ultimately once this clarification has
inductive and deductive occurred, the supervising teacher has
reasoning, conservation, moved students back to a state of
compensation, reversibility, equilibrium one’s mind is in a state of
compensation, seriation, logical constancy and things make sense.
and spatial reasoning
The drama lesson saw two theory
formal operational: abstract concepts implemented by the
reasoning, hypothetical supervising teacher. Firstly, socio
thinking, idealism, egocentrism, dramatic play was facilitated by the
criticism, personal fable, rich classroom recourses but also by
imaginary audience the overall arrangement of the room.
The three key points of the book Three
Billy Goats Gruff where set up as
stations and this allowed students
to successfully develop more complex
combinations of schemas and create
and develop their own scrips for play.

The concept of socio dramatic play

also sees animism occur where
students treat toys and other intimate
objects as if they are real and have
feeling. By using the props and
resources provided by the supervising
teacher, students freely displayed this
notion as part of Piaget’s Concrete-
Operational stage of development.
Vygotsky Social mediated learning, More The supervising teacher groups students in By mixing an even number of year six
knowledgeable others, small tables to create a more intimate students with year seven students and
Scaffolding learning environment. These tables are various academic levels per table,
formed based on academic levels, having a allows for Scaffolding to occur through
ZPD, Cultural values of mixed group of academic levels per tables. More Knowledgeable Others. The
learning, Cultural tools, socio- Furthermore, the pairs at each individual students of a higher academic level are
dramatic play, Language (social, desk are also strategically placed, mostly able to assist by giving those at a lower
private, inner speech), having year 6 students paired with year 7 level more help, clues or further
students. guidance in order to move them
through their ZPD.
Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
The supervising teacher regularly
implements the use of cultural tools and
intergrades them into classroom Students are seating at grouped tables
learning/teaching. Students have, at which all are directed towards the
minimum, two computing lessons per day interactive whiteboard. If the
whilst also regularly engaging with the supervising teacher is unable to explain
classroom interactive white board. In a concept thoroughly enough for
particular, math lessons are firstly taught students to understand, the cultural tool
using the interactive whiteboard where of the smartboard is implemented
videos and interactive games are view by where a video or google definition is
students. A program called Mathletics is displayed. The overall purpose of
then used by students, which tracks and cultural tools is to enable people to
keeps records of the student’s progress, communicate, learn and solve
allowing for teachers and parents to follow problems.
student’s development.

The supervising has a “class law” which

states there is to be no silent work during The social and private speech which is
collaborative tasks and that discussions are promoted, even encouraged by the
an important part of a learning supervising teacher, allows students to
environment. The supervising teacher also Scaffold one another and also aid in
permits self-talk, especially during tests recalling information.
and reading activities and these notions are
displayed on poster throughout the
classroom which read “Silent work isn’t
always productive work” and “Our learning
community is a talkative community”.
Behaviourism Classical and operant “Sacky Dollars” are given to students who Giving Sacky dollars to well behaved
conditioning, Positive and have been paying attention/behaving well students, enabling them to purchase
negative reinforcement throughout the day, sitting quietly or from the Sacky shop, is a form on
(schedules of reinforcement), displaying desirable behavior. Sacky Positive Reinforcement and increases
dollars can be used to purchase fun items in the likelihood of the behavior
Punishment the Sacky shop, such as erasers for 2 Sacky reoccurring.
dollars, all the way up to 200 Sacky dollars
Reciprocal determinism for a pair of Dre Beat headphones and By using a variable interval schedule
assorted items in-between worth various of reinforcement, the students are
amounts of money. Sacky dollars are given reinforced after an unpredictable
out to students more frequently during interval of time and as a result, learn to
disruptive times such as after PE or when
respond at a steady rate. Variable
there are many students off task, however,
occurs randomly throughout the day. interval schedules of reinforcement are
Students can have Sacky dollars taken of greater benefit than other schedules
away for extreme situations of poor as they encourage self-motivation.
behaviors, however, students are able to
Examples of negative reinforcement
earn “get out of jail free cards” where
Sacky dollars cannot be taken from and punishment can also be seen in the
students for a whole day of extremely good provided observation. Punishment can
behavior is show by the entire class for a occur through the removal of
long period of time. something that is desired. The
supervising teacher removed Sacky
dollars from students who were
behaving poorly in class or disrupting
other students.

However, during get out of jail free

day, negative reinforcement is used
where the supervising teacher removes
the potential threat of Sacky dollars
being taken away from students under
the circumstances that the entire class
shows exquisite behaviors over the
course of an entire day.
Bandura’s Social Observational learning, During PE, the supervising teacher engaged Both observational learning and role
Cognitive the class in a game of soccer. The lesson modeling occurred during the observed
Role-modelling, began by the supervising teacher breaking PE lesson. The supervising teacher
down the entire process into small enabled students to acquire the correct
Attention, retention, fragments of movements. The class stood
reproduction, motivation, triadic skills of kicking a soccer ball through
in a circle so all students could observe the behaviors that was role modeled. The
reciprocal causation (personal, demonstration. Words were associated with
social, behavioural factors), self- supervising teacher took the role of the
particular movements to aid students in
efficacy, self-regulation role model who displays the desired
remembering the process of kicking the
ball correctly to another participant of the behaviors. The students, however, took
Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
team. For example, “bend” was called out the role of the observational learners,
when the leg was drawn right back and also where their skills and strategies were
“side” when the teacher wanted to remind learnt through observing others.
the class to kick with the inside of the foot.
After the demonstration was complete, In order for the observational learning
students paired up to practice their to be successful, the four psychological
techniques while the supervising teacher processes which underlie observational
gave positive feedback and reinforcement learning (attention, retention,
to those producing the correct movements. reproduction, and motivation (and
Students wo were not paying attention were reinforcement)) needed to be met.
asked to redirect their attention back to the Students acquired the knowledge of
kicking a soccer ball by paying
Vicarious Learning At highly disruptive times, the supervising attention to the modeled behavior.
teacher rewards students with Sacky dollars Students who were not paying the
for being on task, well behaved and/or attention needed to retain the
answering questions correctly. Sacky information had their focus directed
dollars are only given to the students who back to the task. The supervising
are displaying the desired behavior, teacher assisted by highlighting the
relevant to the task or classroom setting. important features of kicking a ball and
For example, after lunch when students are encoded the knowledge with particular
more likely to be off task and take more words in order for students to easily
time to settle, Sacky dollars will be given to retain the information. Reproduction
the few students who are quiet and on task. occurred when students were asked to
pair up with a partner and practice
kicking a ball to one another and direct
incentives were used by the
supervising teacher to reinforce the

Vicarious learning occurs through

students who observe other students
being praised and/or rewarded and in
turn display the same behaviors. When
the disruptive/off task students realize
Sacky dollars are being given out to
students, they will begin to show the
same behaviors being demonstrated by
those receiving the reward. The
strategy helps gain quick control of the
class and the supervising teachers
classroom arrangement also facilitates
vicarious learning. All tables are set
out so they face the front of the
classroom, where the “Sacky Shop” is
also situated. If a student is rewarded a
Sacky dollar and proceeds to the shop,
all other students can see this taking
place and will, therefore, display the
same behavior in order to reap the
same reward.
Attachment Relationships The supervising teacher has the classroom Sitting at these same tables for long
Theory set out with small groups of tables, periods of time allows students to
Security allowing up to six students per table and become familiar and comfortable with
some being four students per table. other students in their learning
Sense of belonging Students are able to communicate and learn community and get to know
in these small communities and interact classmates. This buddy system creates
Class climate
amongst students of the class. a sense of bonding with group
members and allows students to feel a
sense of belonging and security with
their peers. These groups also help
students confirm their group identity
establishing a place through positive
emotional experiences and acceptance
of other members.
Erikson Initiative vs Guilt (3-6) – make A year 1 drama lesson saw the recreation of Allowing students to participate in
believe play, ambition, the book Three Billy Goats Gruff, where make believe play meant the
responsibility, free exploration the supervising teacher encouraged supervising teacher provided the
students to participate in make believe play. opportunity for students to take
Industry vs Inferiority (6-11) – Students where provided props and the initiative in their learning as they were
cooperation, goal directed freedom of the performing arts room to act ultimately in charge of making
learning, opportunity to achieve out scenes depicted in the book or create decisions based on the story they
Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
success their own interpretations. wished to create. Students were given
free exploration of the text and
Identity vs Role Confusion (12- experimented with role play and
adolescents) – self-exploration explored new directions. The
and experimentation of social, The supervising teachers begins each
lesson by discussing the learning intentions supervising teacher aided students to
moral and political beliefs, develop initiative and responsibility by
dreams, career and how they of the lesson and also the success criteria.
Learning intentions are ultimately the goal supporting their sense of exploration
want to be seen by the world and purpose.
of the lesson and depict the knowledge and
understand the class intends to gain by the
end of the lesson. Success criteria outline
the measures needed to be taken in order to A combination of the learning
meet the intentions. During the lesson intentions and also success criteria, aid
introduction, the supervising teacher writes the supervising teacher in creating goal
on the board the learning intentions and directed learning in the classroom. All
three success criteria so all students are students are made aware of the desired
aware of the goal of the lesson. The time outcome for the lesson and have the
allocation of the lesson is also placed in opportunity to achieve success through
brackets to give students a time in which the notion of the success criteria.
the learning intentions must be met. Therefore, the supervising teacher has
provided students not only with goal
directed learning but also the
During a science lesson, the supervising opportunity to achieve success through
teacher organized a class debate on
the detailing of the success criteria.
Renewable energy were all students had the
The time allocation lastly motivates
opportunity to pick either for or against and
prepare a debate to the class. Each student students to implement the success
was provided with the opportunity to make criteria to meet the learning intentions
their point and the presentation was given within the time restraint. This infers
to the entire class. To reinforce each lessons must not be too long, otherwise
student’s ideas and position in the debate, students will lose focus of their goal.
the supervising teacher recorder the class By learning to work cooperatively with
list on the board and further noted the others and apply goal directed
students stand on renewable energy along learning, students felt supported by the
with their points of reasoning. supervising teacher and developed a
sense of industry.

The supervising teacher facilitated in

the development of Identity through
allowing students to self-explore and
experimentation of both moral and
political beliefs. By presenting to the
rest of the class and having their points
of view displayed on the board for
everyone to see, students are being
viewed in the persona they wish to be
seen, further reinforcing their sense of

Bronfenbrenner' Nested environments Each student of the placement class has a The student folder aids in developing a
s Bio-ecological designated progress folder which holds strong parent teacher relationship by
School context various samples of work, achievement having frequent communication of
Systems Theory
records, copies of the class newsletter and each child’s progress. As the
Parent/teacher relations supervising teacher welcomes parents
also a communication section for parents
and teachers to communicate. At any point into the classroom to discuss the
Child/teacher relations
progress of the students, the parents are
throughout the day, before or after school,
Cultural values of learning reassured and feel included into the
parents are welcomed to come in and
school environment. Parents are part of
(curriculum) browse through their child’s folder and the mesosystem which focuses on the
discuss any contents with the supervising way the microsystems interact and the
Government initiatives and laws
teacher. impact of these relations on the child.
As the supervising teacher ensures
parents and included in their child’s
learning, the child in turn experiences a
Learning intentions are created prior to
sense of trust and unity between the
each lesson which outline the overall goal
parent’s beliefs and expectations about
for the students learning. The supervising education and his/her school
teacher creates a focus on the success experience.
criteria for students, however, also ensure
the learning intentions are linked to the Cultural values of learning are
Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
curriculum. (links to curriculum implemented by the supervising
teacher through the means of learning
intentions. Cultural values in relation
to education, are in the means of the
During discussions with the school national Curriculum which outlines the
Principal, it was revealed that in an attempt levels and achievements of students in
to deal with student’s who experience accordance to their age/year level. This
difficult home lives, the principal works to is, therefore, governed by laws,
understand the interests of his students. By practices and also educators
doing this, he is able to further relate and themselves, and reflect the overall
create conversation, further building this attitude of the wider community.
relationship. A particular student felt very Educators are, therefore, responsible
strongly about the Port Adelaide football for providing the required level of
team and, therefore, the principal support for their students to ensure
these needs are met.   
proceeded to watch every game and take
note of the team’s progress.
This observation sees the student
taking an active role of the model and
can be influence by their environment.
As the principal took the initiative to
relate to the student in relation to their
hobbies and interest, this positively
impacts on their immediate
environment and, therefore, the student
also has the ability to influence their
own environment.
Information Short term memory: sensory Each week, the supervising teacher assigns The process of look, cover, write,
Processing register, attention a spelling list for all students to practise check sees students enable their
Theory and learn over the course of the week. sensory memory, along with their
Working memory: focus, Students are then tested on their knowledge working memory. “Look” refers to the
processing, rehearsal, cognitive Friday morning, however, are given visual stimulus, where student then
load opportunities to practice throughout the actively decide to retain this
week with activities such as Look, Cover, information, which is then passes to
Long term memory: transfer, Write, Check. the working memory.
storing and recalling
information, reconstruction, Once the information has been
meaning attended to, or paid attention, the
working memory processes the
Memory deficits (special needs) information from sensory memory,
maintains new information, and
retrieves relevant information from
long-term memory. With frequent
rehearsal and continuous exposure to
these words, the supervising teacher is
aiding in the retaining of the new
information through the rehearsal
process and it is through rehearsal that
the knowledge is then transferred to
long term memory.

The “cover” and “write” aspect refer to

the storing and retrieval of information
in terms of conscious recall.

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