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Q.1) Paraphrase-

ANTONIO : Really, I don’t know why I’m so sad; It wearies me ; you say it wearies
you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What it’s made of, where it
started, I must find out; And sadness makes me so crazy That I don’t know who I

1. Who address these line to whom?

Answer: Antonio addresses these lines to Salario in the Merchant of Venice.

2. What does the words : ‘in sooth’ mean?

Answer: The words ‘In sooth’ mean ‘to tell you the truth or indeed’

3. What is intended by the ‘Sadness’ of Antonio?

Answer: This sadness of Antonio is probably in the key-note of the play which
illustrates that the coming events cast their shadows before. The play revolves
round this theme mainly.

Q.2) Paraphrase - (Act I Sc.I Line 8-18)

1. What has Antonio just narrated that makes the speaker say that Antonio’s
mind is tossing on the ocean?

Answer: Antonio has just narrated the state of his mind. He is sad without
knowing the reason what makes him sad. He does know the nature of his
mysterious sadness, nor does he know the source of its origin. This sadness had
made him stupid. On hearing Antonio’s explanation, his friend, Salarino tries to
diagnose the disease. He guesses that Antonio is sad because he is worried about
this merchant-ships gone into different directions on the sea.
2. Where are Antonio’s ships? How do these ships move? How do they present an
impressive spectacle on the sea ?

Answer: His ships are at the sea. With their majestic sails they voyage upon the
seas and present an impressive spectacle.

3.How are Antonio’s big ships compared with the smaller ships ?

Answer: Antonio’s large ships tower above small vessels engaged in petty trade, in
the same way as gentlemen of status and other rich citizens look far superior to
humble people. The smaller ships fitted with light sails, bob up and down under
the influence of the waves and so appear to show respect to Antonio’s ships.

Q.3) Paraphrase-- (Act I, Sc.I, Lines 23-40)

1. Why would Salario be blown to an ague ?

Answer: If Salario’s ships had gone to sea and if he had heard of a storm that could
damage his ships then he would be blown to an ague.

2. What effect would be running of the sandy hour-glass produce on Salario ?

Answer: The running of the sandy hour-glass would make him think of shallow
waters and sand-banks. He would imagine his richly laden ship Andrew run

3.What would a visit to the church set him doing ?

Answer: Even the stones in the church walls would bring to Salario mind the
dangerous rocks against which his ship might crash and would scatter all her
spices into the sea and would enrobe the roaring waters with her silks.
Q.4) (Act I, Sc.I, Lines 41-51)

1. What does Antonio mean by saying “Fie, e”?

Answer: The word “Fie” means “nonsense”.

2. Why does he react to SALANIO’s suggestion in this way?

Answer: Antonio means to say that SALANIO should feel ashamed of himself for
having made the suggestion that Antonio might be in love. Antonio reacts to
SALANIO’s suggestion adversely because, being an elderly man, he cannot fall in
love. If he had not fallen in love in his younger days, there is no possibility of his
falling in love now. Thus Antonio totally rejects the suggestion which. SALANIO has

4. According to SALANIO, what strange fellows have been framed by Nature in

her time?

Answer: According to salanio there are some fellows who keep laughing without
much reason and overpeer through their eyes like a parrot and , and others
always look serious and sullen. In other words, some have extremely cheerful
temperaments, while others are too sober and serious- minded. The serious-
minded ones do not laugh even at a joke which is very amusing ( nester swear that
the joke be laughable )

5. How does Antonio afterwards explain his melancholy?

Answer: Antonio afterwards says that he regards this world as the stage of a
theatre on which everyone has to play some part, his own part on this stage being
a sad one. In other words, Antonio says that he is, by nature and by temperament,
a melancholy man and that there is no particular reason for his feeling melancholy
at this time.

6. What light does the dialogue quoted above throw upon the characters of the
Answer: This dialogue shows that Antonio is so serious-minded man that he has
never fallen in love. He regards love as a frivolous pastime. This dialogue also
shows the Antonio has full confidence in his continuing prosperity. He believes
himself to be a shrewd businessman who has not invested all his money on the
merchandise carried by a single ship, and whose other investments also have been
made discreetly and intelligently. As for SALANIO, he is a well-wisher of Antonio;
and both he and SALARINO are trying to talk Antonio out of his melancholy. They
are trying to divert Antonio’s mind by offering different explanations of his

Passage – 5 (Act I Sc.I, Lines 79-94)

Question 2.

Why does Gratiano want to drink wine?

Answer: Gratiano is a jolly Goodman who believes in eat, drink and be merry. He
doesn’t want to sticken his heart with sad sights and sobs.

Question 3.

Why doesn’t he like a serious looking man?

Answer: Gratiano believes that a young man has no reason to be sad and serious.
He can not tolerate a warm young man sitting like a marble statue of his
grandfather. It is against his nature.

Question 4.

What truth he wants to reveal to Antonio?

Answer: Gratiano wants to reveal to Antonio that there are some persons whose
faces are always sad and sullen. They look like a stagnant pool. But the fact is that
they deliberately look serious so that they may earn the reputation of being wise
and thoughtful.

Question 5.
Explain the line- “I am Sir Oracle. And when I ope my lips let no dog bark.”

Answer: Like Sire Oracle, commenting upon the men who always look serious and
thus pretend to be wise and deep thinkers. Gratiano says that they wish to be
known as prophet. When they speak they do not want any one to disturb them. In
other words, nobody should have courage to contradict them for they speak the
last word on the subject.

Passage – 6 (Act I, Sc.I, Lines 95-112)

Question 1.

What is the point of the rst speech in the above dialogue?

Answer: The point of the rest speech in this dialogue is that there are some
people who try to win the reputation of being wise by remaining silent most of the
time. Actually such persons are not wise. Actually they may even be foolish or
stupid; but, by remaining silent most of the time, they ‘ try to create an impression
that they are serious-minded and philosophical.

Question 2.

Explain the following lines in your own words :

But fish not with this melancholy bait

For this fool gudgeon, this opinion :

Question 3.

Is Gratiano right in his comment on Antonio’s melancholy? What is your view of

Antonio’s melancholy, and how has Antonio himself explained his melancholy?

Answer: No, Gratiano is not right in his comment on Antonio’s melancholy

Antonio is not trying to win any reputation for wisdom by looking melancholy. Our
own view of his melancholy is that he is by nature a melancholy man; and he
himself also explains his melancholy as something temperamental and inborn. He
says that his part on the stage of the theatre of this world is that of a sad man.

Question 4

What is the dramatic importance of Antonio’s melancholy?

Answer: Antonio’s melancholy in the opening scene strikes the keynote of the
whole play. The Merchant of Venice certainly contains several comic elements and
several romantic elements. Yet there is an atmosphere of seriousness and sadness
in it also. The whole of the Bond story in the play is serious and sad; and Antonio’s
melancholy prepares us unconsciously for the sad events which would take place
in Antonio’s life.

Passage – 7 (Act I, Sc.I, Lines 114-125)

Question 2.

In what sense has the word “pilgrimage” been used here in the above dialogue?

Answer: The word “pilgrimage” means a journey to a sacred place. Here this word
has been used for the place which Bassanio wishes to visit; and Antonio uses this
word for that place because Bassanio has given him an impression that his
proposed journey is connected with a matter of the heart or with his passion of
love for a lady. For a lover, the woman, with whom he is in love, is a kind of
goddess to be worshipped; and the place where she lives is sacred. Thus from
Bassanio’s point of view Belmont is kind of shrine. Of course Antonio at this
moment does not know Bassanio’s exact reason for undertaking a journey but
Bassanio has mentioned to him a lady whom he wants to visit without telling
many people about his intention.

Question 3.

To which place has Bassanio sworn a secret pilgrimage, and what is the outcome
of his pilgrimage? Answer: Bassanio has sworn a secret pilgrimage to Belmont,
and the outcome of his pilgrimage is his marriage with Portia.
Question 4.

What light does Bassanio’s reply to Antonio’s question throw on Bassanio’s


Answer: Bassanio’s reply to Antonio’s question shows that he is a prodigal young

man who has been living beyond his means and who now nds it di cult to continue
the standard of living which he has been maintaining till now. He has
impoverished himself by his lavish style of living, and he may thus be regarded as
being an irresponsible, and even reckless, kind of young fellow.

Question 2.

What light do the above lines throw on the character of Bassanio?

Answer: The above lines reveal the character of Bassanio. He is a young man who
has been living his life beyond his means and has now reduced himself to penury.
He is now unable to maintain the high standard of living that he has been used to.
Another important facet of Bassanio’s character that is revealed to us is his
honesty. Although Bassanio has squandered all his wealth and is now in distress
yet he is keen to pay his debts which he has incurred because of his extravagance.

Question 3.

Explain the meaning of the phrase ‘swelling port’. To whom is this phrase
applicable? Answer:

In the above mentioned passage the word ‘swelling’ means ostentations and the
word ‘port’ means a style or living beyond one’s means. This phrase applies to
Bassanio who has lived his life spending lavishly much beyond his means.

Question 4.

From the above mentioned lines what do you know about Antonio?

Answer: The above mentioned passage throws a valuable light on the personality
of Antonio. He seems to be a wealthy and generous man as he has lent money to
Bassanio in the past.
Question 5.

What does the above mentioned passage tell us about the relation between
Bassanio and Antonio?

Answer: From the above passage we come to know that Bassanio and Antonio
are very good friends. Bassanio has full faith in Antonio and he discloses to
Antonio all his plans and thoughts.

Passage – 8 (Act. I, Sc.I, Lines 135-152)

Question 1.

What Antonio says in the following lines :

And if it stand as you yourself still do,

Within the eye of honor, be assured.

Answer: Antonio says that he would do anything for Bassanio’s sake if Bassanio
has undertaken some honourable task. Antonio admits that Bassanio has always
behaved and acted in an honorable manner in the past, and says that, if Bassanio’s
present intention is also honorable, then he would go to any length to help him.

Question 2.

What is Bassanio driving at, and in what context is he talking about shooting

Answer: Bassanio is going to ask Antonio for a second loan; and it is in that
context that he here talks about the sport of shooting arrows. Bassanio tells
Antonio that as a boy he sometimes used to locate the first arrow by shooting a
second arrow in the same direction in which he had shot the first arrow which he
had failed to and. By keeping a watch on the second arrow, he could and the
second arrow, and then also and the first arrow which lay somewhere near the
second arrow. Thus Bassanio indirectly assures Antonio that, if he now gets a
second loan, he would not only repay the second loan in course of time but would
also repay the first loan which has so far remained unpaid.

Question 4.

What does Bassanio’s request lead to?

Answer: Bassanio’s request leads to Antonio’s obtaining a loan of three thousand

ducats from Shylock, and his signing a bond to the effect that, if he fails to repay
this loan to Shylock within a period of three months, the latter would acquire the
right to cut off a pound of esh from any part of Antonio’s body that he might like.

Question 5.

Do you approve of Antonio’s response to Bassanio’s request?

Answer: In view of Antonio’s deep affection for Bassanio, we certainly approve of

Antonio’s favourable response to Bassanio’s request. Bassanio wants to go to
Belmont to try to win a rich and beautiful heiress as his wife. There is nothing
wrong with Bassanio’s aspiration; and, as Bassanio should have enough money to
equip himself for his journey to Belmont, Antonio would certainly like to help him.
Nobody could have anticipated that Antonio would suffer heavy losses and would
be reduced to a state of bankruptcy. His obtaining a loan from Shylock even on
Shylock’s own terms is nothing to which we can object.

Passage – 9 (Act I, Sc.I, Lines 161-176)

Question 3.

What kind of lady lives in Belmont?

Answer: Bassanio makes a reference about a lady who lives in Belmont. She has
inherited considerable wealth. She is extremely beautiful and possesses wonderful

Question 4.
What response did Bassanio receive from Portia?

Answer: Bassanio loves the lady very much. He has received speechless messages
from her. This is a clear indication that she has love for him.

Question 5.

What attraction Portia offers to the suitors?

Answer: Portia is rich and virtuous. She draws highborn suitors from every part of
the world. Her golden locks look like golden fleece and make of her a golden prize.

Passage – 12 (Act I, Sc.I, Lines 167-180)

Question 2.

What light does the rst speech throw on the character of Portia?

Answer: From Bassanio’s speech we come to know that Portia is a beautiful and
rich lady of many good qualities. Many eminent men from all over the world visit
her place Belmont with a desire to get married to her.

Question 3.

Explain the significance of ‘golden fleece’, “Colchos strand’ and ‘Jason’.

Answer: In Colchos in Asia near the Suxine on the Black Sea was a ram with
golden fleece. In one of the oldest stories Jason led a party of Greek heroes called
the Argonauts through many hazards in order to bring back golden fleece. Jason
succeded with the help of Medea, daughter of Acetes, who loved him.

Question 4.

What light does the second speech throw on the character of Antonio?

Answer: The second speech of Antonio reveals him as a wealthy and generous
merchant. Although all his money is invested in the cargoes which his ships are
carrying on the ocean yet he is willing to help Bassanio. He asks Bassanio to raise
money on Antonio’s surety on any terms.

Question 5.

From the above mentioned lines what idea do you form of relation between
Bassanio and Antonio?

Answer: From the above mentioned lines we come to know that Bassanio and
Antonio are good friends. Bassanio trusts Antonio so much that he reveals to
Antonio al his plans and thoughts. He tells Antonio about his wish to be married to
a girl called Portia. Antonio also proves to be a good friend. Although he has no
money to lend it to Bassanio yet he is willing to help him in raising money on his

Passage – 13 (Act I, Sc.I, Lines 179-185)

Question 1.

Who speaks these words? To whom are these addressed?

Answer: Antonio speaks these words to his friend Bassanio who has made a
demand of money as loan to nance his journey to Belmont to win the hand of a
rich beautiful lady.

Question 4.

What is his suggestion about raising the sum?

Answer: When Antonio finds that he has neither ready money nor he has
commodity to sell for cash, he suggests that a loan may be raised on interest. He
tells Bassanio to go and try if he can get any money in the city of Venice on his
behalf. After all, Antonio is famous merchant of Venice and there should be
people willing to give loan on his security.

Question 5.
Is the speaker taking any risk in raising a loan for the other person?

Answer: Antonio has made a liberal offer to his friend to raise a loan for him on
any condition. Thus, he is going to run a great risk of his life by signing a bond
which stipulates dangerous conditions.


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