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Junior Comprehension D‘Arcy Adrian-Vallance 3 4 6 7 8 11 12 15 18 19 How can animals live in a desert? Two farmers E-mail from England On the road Sport superlatives Shark! (part 1) Shark! (part 2) Adventure racing The moving stone: Animals: ten fantastic facts Computers at home BB eRe Kea 4 Ten chairs Favourite cat and mouse Fair play The man, the boy and the donkey The girl in the red T-shirt Lightning Jealous Ken How can animals live in a desert? ST A Discuss. 1 How many deserts can you name? 2 What are the problems for animals in a desert? There is almost no water in a desert, but many animals can live in deserts. How do these animals get water and stay alive? Everything is hot and dry in the daytime, but the nights are cold. Plants often have dew on them in the early morning. This is because cold air can't hold as much water as hot air. Small insects can drink the dew, and bigger animals eat the plants with the dew on them. Small birds and animals get water from the bodies of insects. Bigger birds and animals get water from the bodies of small animals. This North American bird is called a roadrunner. It runs fast and catches small snakes, lizards and scorpions. Unit1 How con animes vena cer? Read the text and write in the empty boxes. 1 There is often on plants in the early morning. 2 There is water in the of insects and other animals. hi many years 3 | rain on eggs | 5 | shrimps | —, yy rain on eggs | 4 Acamel can drink 90 litres in minutes. Some animals can wait many years for water. When rain falls, eggs. They grow quickly and lay new eggs. Then the water dries up, and the shrimps die, But the new eggs do not die. They wait in the ground for the next rain. They can wait for 50 years! Most big animals can’t live in the desert because they need a few litres of water every day. They can’t keep water in their bodies for a long time. But camels are different. They can drink 90 litres of water in ten minutes, and then drink nothing for a week. baby shrimps come out of their | PRD Unit 1 007 con animals live in a desert? C Choose a, b or c. 1. Deserts are places with . a)noanimals_ b)a lot of plants c) not much water 2 Itis in the desert. a) always hot —_b) cold at night _c) usually wet in the daytime 3 Hot air holds more ......... than cold air. a) water b)dew c) plants 4 Insects can drink when a) there isdew _b) the sun goes down _c) bigger animals eat 5 Roadrunners get water when they . a) eat small animals b) catch insects _) find plants 6 can stay alive for many years without water. a) Shrimps b) Shrimp eggs__c) Baby shrimps 7 Most big animals water every day. a) needsome_ b) donot drink c) drink 90 litres of 8 Camels ee a) have to drink every day __b) keep water in their bodies ©) do not need water D Complete the diagram. 1 water in the air \ 3 ¢ j 5 | water in ... water in . water in ... 4 A small ... i | f i | a E Read and answer. 1 What do we call words like these? live is can drink runs 2. How many verbs can you find in the text? Two farmers A Look and discuss. 1 Which of these are for digging and which are for cutting? Lod a knife a fork a saw |___a spade 2 What are the men doing to the stable? Why? B_ Read the story and answer the questions, 1 Did the horse sleep in the stable? 2 Was the entrance high enough? 3 Was the saw good? 4 Did the friend have a different idea? 5 Was the friend stupid? Two farmers Two farmers had a big horse. This was fifty years ago, when farmers used horses a lot. The horse worked in the fields in the day and slept in a stable at night. The horse was a big animal, and the entrance of its stable was too low. When the horse went in or out, its ears hit the top of the entrance. The horse did not like this. It got angry and often kicked the farmers. ‘What can we do about this problem?’ they often asked. After a long time, one of them thought of an answer. He said, ‘Let's cut away the top of the entrance. Then the entrance will be higher.’ So they found a saw and started cutting. Their saw was old and not very good, so the work was hard. After a few minutes, a friend came to see them. “What are you doing?’ their friend asked. The farmers told him about the problem. The friend said, ‘You don’t have to cut the entrance with a saw. You can dig the entrance with a spade. Then the floor will be lower. That'll be easier and quicker.’ The farmers thanked their friend, and he went away. Then one farmer said to the other, ‘That man’s stupid. The horse's ears are the problem, not its feet.’ 5 20 nitwine C Choose a, b orc. 1 The horse a) worked on the farm __b) was very old__©) slept all day 2 The horse was too ... for the entrance. a)thin b)tall cc) slow 3 It always hurt its a) feet b)head_ c) ears 4 The farmers wanted ....... a) ahigher entrance _b) a new stable _c) a smaller horse 5 They told their friend about the a) horse and the entrance b) saw and the spade _c) farm. 6 Their friend said they should make the lower. a) floor b)door c) roof 7 The farmers did not really understand the... a) horse) other farmer) problem D What did the farmers say when they told their friend about the problem? ‘The entrance of the stable is too low. When the horse goes .. SO We'TE wuiunumminmmmnmnee aWaY the entrance, Then it'll be E What can you do with these things? YQg.een, cat wood with... a saw. You.con dig with a spade. scissors. . a key. @ spoon. . a camera, . a computer. NAaRWNH E-mail from England A Discuss. 1. What is a pen friend? 2 How is an e-mail different from a letter? 3 Who wrote the e-mail on the next page? B_ Read and answer. Which things do Ben and/or Emma do at school? science maths | geography | netball rugby © Zg athletics | photography cycling he ae hockey 10 0 From: — Ben and Emma < To: Samira, Daisuke, Peter, Marisol 5 Subject: pen friends Hi everybody ) We saw your names on the Pen Friends list. You all said you wanted to get e-mail from English children. So here we are! We live near Oxford, in the south of England. We are 11 years old {Emma} and 10 years old (Ben). 5 We go to school in Oxford. Our school has 400 boys and girls between 8 and 13. We have lessons Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to lunch time. (School lunches are horrible!) After unch, we usually have lessons or sport until 4.15. We have lessons in English, French, maths, science, 10 history, geography, art and a few other things. Emma's favourite subjects are maths and science. Her worst subject is geography. Ben’s favourite subjects are art and French. His worst subject is maths. There are three terms in the year, and we do different sports 15 in each term. Autumn term: rugby for boys, netball for girls Winter term: football and hockey Summer term: cricket, swimming, tennis and athletics We like sports but we're nol very good at any of them! 20 ‘At home we like playing computer games, sending e-mail to our friends, cycling Emma) and photography (Ben). Write and tell us about you and your schools in Egypt, Japan, Russia and Spain. Emma and Ben 25 11 EE Unit 3 E-mail from England C Choose a, b or c. 1 Ben/and Emma wrote one e-mail to ... a) four people _b) everybody on the Pen Friends list ©) English children 2 Ben and Emma are » a)both 11 b) atthe same school ©) from London 3 Their school a) is very small _b) has boys and girls) is for older children 4 They have lessons a) every afternoon __b) five days a week _c) from 9 a.m. 5 Emma does not like a) maths b) geography __¢) sports 6 The school year has three a) sports b) terms ©) lessons 7 They do in the summer term. a) all the sports b) the most sports _c) football and athletics 8 Emma and Ben want to get . a) one e-mail _b) four e-mails _c) eight e-mails D Find four differences between their school and your school. 1 Our school has 2 We don't 3 4 E Write as many words as you can in the boxes. Tick (VY) the ones that you like. school subjects sports 12 On the road A Look and discuss. How do you put air into a tyre? How do you let air out of a tyre? How do you stop a bicycle? What does a bicycle need at night? PeOnde helmet pump B Read and complete the text. CHECK AND BE SAFE! Learn to use GT RUMP. une, aNd check. the 2a.nacsamenmnnmnenens ON YOur front and back 8 ccounnnnninian before you tide. Always check the brakes before you 4 . Ave the front and 8.eccnennnnnnen brakes working well? Be safe. Don't ride with bad 8... s Always Wear OP oocssns Your head is important! C Read the story and discuss the question at the end. 13 The sign on the bridge says: ‘Danger. Low bridge,’ but the driver i of this van did not see the sign. So he drove the van under the bridge. There was a terrible noise, and the van suddenly stopped. The driver tried to go back, but he could not move the van. Some men tried to help him. They pushed and pushed, but they 5 could not move the van back. The driver telephoned a garage and, a few minutes later, a trick arrived from the garage. The man from the truck tied the van to the truck. Then he tried to pull the van outThe truck pulled, and the men pushed, but the van did not move. 10 The men were tired and stopped pushing. Other people were angry because they could not move their cars. Nobody knew what to do. Then a little girl pulled the truck driver's arm and said something. The truck driver did not listen, but the girl pulled his arm again. This time the truck driver listened, and iS the little girl said something in his ear. The truck driver smiled and, two minutes later, the van was out. What did the little girl say? 14 inne! —___ D Choose a, b or c. 1 The van driver did not ........... a) see the bridge b) read the sign _) drive under the bridge 2 The of the van hit the bridge. a) top b) wheels) front 3 The driver phoned the garage because he a) wanted a car _b) needed stronger men c) could not move the van 4 The truck and the men the van. a) pushed b) did not move _ ¢) tried to drive 5 People in cars ........... a) wanted to move _b) thought of anew plan ©) were tired 6 osu had a good idea. a) The truck driver) The little girl) The van driver 7 The little girl’s idea was a) very funny b) no good _ ©) the answer to the problem E Here is the end of the story. Can you complete it? The little girl said to the truck driver, ‘Let the air out of the 1 . Then the van will be lower.’ The truck driver smiled. He went to the van ?. he pressed the valves on the van’s tyres. The air came out, and the ®.......... come Came down, Then the van driver drove the'van out easily. F Write nine verbs from the story and find the mystery word. Myilifs|tleln 2ztalrl | Isl | eld tls . ep} |d 6 Ip 5s d TTF 8 w “ad 15 A Look and discuss. Look at the four titles. What can you guess about each text? Sport superlatives The largest number of people in a race Many cities have a big race every year. The biggest tace is in San Francisco, USA. More than 100,000 people run the 12 kilometres in this race. Another famous race is in London every year, This race is longer and harder, It is more than 42 kilometres, but 25,000 people usually finish it. The youngest international player The youngest international player in any sport was an 8-year-old table tennis player from Jamaica. Her name was Joy Foster. She was the Jamaican table tennis champion in 1958 and she played in the Jamaican international team in that year. The strangest superlative? Have you ever tried walking backwards? It is not a popular sport, but a few people enjoy it! The world record for walking backwards is 12,875 kilometres. A man from Texas, USA, walked backwards for 18 months in 1931-32. Nobody has ever broken this record. Would you like to try? Units Sprpives i ——— B_ Read and answer. 1 How many people run in the San Francisco race? 2 How old was Joy Foster in 1958? 3 How far did the Texas man walk backwards? 4 How many people watch the World Cup? The most popular sport Yes, you guessed right! The most popular team game in the world is football. People play football in villages, streets and stadiums all over the world. The most famous football competition is the World Cup. It happens every four years, and nearly two billion (2,000,000,000) people watch it on television. In the past, football was a game just for men, but now half the countries in the world have an international women’s.team, too. The first Women’s World Cup was in 1991. 17 SEE Unit 5 Sport superlatives 18 € Choose a, b or c. 1 The San Francisco race is not as.......... as the London race. a)long »)big ©) popular 2. Joy Foster was table tennis player in her country. a) the youngest &) the best c) the most popular 3 She played a) tennis b) for her country) against Jamaica 4 ....... people like walking backwards. a) Popular b) Small c) Not many 5 .. walked more than 12,875 kilometres backwards. a) Few people have __b) Nobody has__c) One man has 6 There are football players in every a) street b) village) country 7 The World Cup eso a) is every year _) is popular all over the world ©) has two billion players 8 There was no World Cup for women players 1991. a) before b) in) after Put these words in the correct boxes. player table tennis World Cup team champion race street running city stadium competition walking people places sports events Discuss. 1 Which are the two most popular sports in your class? 2. Which are the two biggest sports events in your country? 3 Who are the two most popular sportsmen or sportswomen in your country? 4 Do you know any world records? A Look and discuss. 1 Would you like to swim here? Why or why not? 2 What is the boy going to do? B Read and answer. 1 Did Sam want Lizzie to come with him? Did Sam Kill a fish? Was the shark dangerous or not? Could people see them on the little island? Were they safe on the island? a Pwr 19 Shark! (part 1) ‘Are you going spear fishing?” lizzie asked. 1 ‘Yes,’ said her older brother, Sam. 4 ‘Can | come with you?’ ‘No.’ ‘Oh, please. You know I’m a good swimmer,’ said Lizzie. 5 | A few minutes later, Sam and Lizzie were in the warm sea. Fish swam all around them. The colours of the fish were bright in the sunlight. ‘They’re beautifull’ thought Lizzie. | | Sam pointed his spear gun and shot a big blue fish. A cloud of red blood came from the dead fish. 10 Then they saw the shark. Sharks are not always dangerous, but this shark could smell blécd. When sharks smell blood, they want to kill and eat. The shark’s teeth closed on the dead fish and pulled the spear gun from Sam’s hand. Sam and Lizzie swam quickly to a small island. The island was 15 only a metre wide and a few centimetres above the water. Sam pushed Lizzie up onto the island and then he climbed up. He fell and cut his leg. Then they stood on the island and watched the shark. ‘We're OK,’ Sam told his sister. ‘Someone will see us.’ But 20 there was a bigger island between them and the beach. So nobody could see them. The water washed over their little island, and they nearly fell | info the sea. The water washed blééd from the cut on Sam’s leg into the sea. 25 | Then they saw a second shark. 20 nite hot eo) € Choose a, b orc. 1 Sam's sister wanted to . a) use the spear gun © swim with Sam __) stay on the beach 2 Sam we a) killeda fish b)swamalone_ ) shot a shark 3 The shark came near because it ........... the dead fish. a) did not like b) killed <) smelled blood from 4 The shark ate a) the fish b) the spear gun c) Sam 5 The island was . a) big b) faraway —_c) not much above the water 6 Sam.......... Lizzie. a) climbed up before b) helped __) said nothing to 7, Sam got a cut on his leg when ........... a) the shark got him b) he fell ©) he pushed Lizzie 8 The blood from .. went into the sea. a) the dead fish b) Sam’s leg __c) the two sharks D Make sentences about the children’s problems. 1 Their problems began—__a) see the children. 2 Now there are ~b) when Sam used his spear gun. 3 The sharks can smel. ©) stand easily on the small island. 4 The children can’t d) the blood from Sam’s leg. 5 Nobody can e) two sharks. E Discuss. Wh&t do you think happens next? Shark! (part 2) A Look and discuss. 1 Who and what can you see in the picture? 2 Why can’t the people on the beach see the children? 3 Sam has a cut on his leg. Why is that dangerous? B_ Read and answer: true or false? 1 Sam could not swim to the big island.” Lizzie fell into the water. The sharks began to follow her. Sam could not help her. Someone from the beach came in a boat. ak wn 22 7 nv? __ Shark! (part 2) ‘We have to swim to the bigger island,’ Sam said. ‘People will see us there.’ : ‘You can't swim,’ Lizzie said. ‘The sharks will smell the blood on your leg, and ...” The water washed over their little island again. The water was "higher than before, They nearly fell in again ‘We can’t stay here. We have to swim,’ Sam said. ‘No,’ Lizzie said. I have to swim.’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘You can’t go, so I'll go. I'll get help.’ “Noi Lizzie!” But she was already in the water. She swam fast. All the time she thought, ‘Are the sharks behind me?’ The sharks began to move towards Lizzie. Sam watched. What could he do? He put his legs in the water. He kicked the water and shouted at the sharks. The sharks heard the noise and they smelled the blood from his leg. They furned. They came towards him, but he kept his feet in the water and kicked. Then Lizzie was at the bigger island, and Sam jumped up. Lizzie waved her arms at the people on the beach and shouted ‘Help!’ A few minutes later, Sam and Lizzie were safe in a boat. ‘Are you OK, Sam?’ Lizzie asked. Sam said, ‘lizzie, you're the best and bravest sister in the world. You can swim with me every time.’ ‘But no more spear fishing?’ she said with a smile. ‘OK. No more spear fishing.’ 20 23 Se Unit 7 Shark! (Part 2) C Choose a, b orc. 1 Sam could not swim to the big island because a) his leg was weak b) he hadacut ©) he was afraid 2 They ... on the little island. . a) were safe b) could not stay 6 fell 3 Lizzie to the big island. a) had to swim b) went with Sam __ ©) liked swimming 4 She the sharks when she was in the water. . a) was not afraid of _ b) could go faster than _<) thought about 5 Sam made a lot of noise, so the sharks a) got him b) swam away —_¢) did not get Lizzie 6 Sam pulled his feet out of the water ..... a) slowly b) toolate cc; when Lizzie was safe 7 People on the beach.......... Lizzie. a)saw b) didnot help —_c) swam to 8 Sam said that Lizzie was . a) very brave b) OK c) a good swimmer D Complete the sentences about Sam and Lizzie. 1. Lizzie was very brave when she... 2 Sam was very brave when he .....0 3 They were very happy when ., 4 Lizzie was very happy when... E Complete the sentences with these words. at behind towards with on in 1 There was blood his leg. 2 ‘Are the sharks .. me?’ 3 They came... .. her. 4 She shouted ....0........ the people. 5. She's the best . 7 the world. 6 She said it ccc swene @ Smile, 24 Adventure racing eer tT nT A Look and discuss. 1 Which of these sports would you like best? 2 Which things can you see in the pictures? bicycles fields a forest akayak a mountain ariver ropes skates a village B_ Read and answer. 1 How many people are in an adventure racing team? 2 How many teams were in this race? 3 How many days was the race? 4 How many kilometres was the race? 25 Ee Unit 8 Adventure sacing WHAT’S AN ADVENTURE RACE? 26 db db a Sh An adventure race is a mix of different sports in one long race. Each feam in the race has three men and a woman, and all four must finish together. These notes are about an international fourday race. There were 68 men ‘cand women from many countries in 17 teams, and the race was in China One of the women wrote these notes every evening DAY | 4) 36 kilometres on bicycles and on foot. Each team had only two bicycles. So the fastest runners did most of the running. Then 16 kilometres on long skates with wide wheels. Finally, across a lake ma kayak (6 kilometres) DAY 2 We ran up ant down a mountain, through a beautiful forest and. two villages (20 krs). 25kna down a river in a kayak. Rough water anc heavy rain. A \S-kaa run through rice fields. My feet are burting row. DAY 3 30 km on bicycles across a river ard up & mountain The stronger riders pulled the weaker riders with ropes Water ard food at the top, then a 20-km run down Tm alwost dead! DAY 4 @ l2-kra run up &@ wourtain ard into a dark cave Through the cave and then down the mountain on a rope. We cycled 50 km, then I2 km im a kayak ard a 3-km run. 13 of the (7 teams finshed. My teans finshed loth Our tme was 26 hours, 27 minutes ard 53 seconds +10 15 20 Unit Adventure oir ¢ Choose a,b orc. 1. Every person in an adventure race a) does many sports b) isa woman _¢) finishes at the same time 2 The fastest............ wins. a)man_b) person’ c) team 3 The teams in this race were . a) from China b) from many different countries c) all women 4 For the first 30 kilometres, each person ran. .......... of the way. a) half b) some) most 5 The journey down the river in a boat was very a) easy b)slow cwet 6 On the third day, the stronger riders the slower riders in their team. a) pushed) carried _¢) helped 7 They went through a dark cave before the last mountain. a) running up b) climbing down) cycling down 8 ......... teams did not finish the race. a) Four b) Thirteen) Seventeen D Answer the questions. 1 How many different sports did they do? 2 How many mountains did they go up? 3. How many times did they travel in a boat? E Read, think and discuss. 1 Did the writer enjoy the race? Why or why not? 2 How did the stronger people help the others? Why? 3 Where is a good place for an adventure race in your country? 27 The moving stones ES ———— ————— A Look at the stone and the track behind it. Discuss the questions. 1 Has the stone moved? How do you know? 2 Can you see any footprints or car tracks? 3 Who or what moved the stone? People? Animals? Birds? Astorm? Wind? Water? Ice? B_ Read and correct the wrong words. 1 The scientists asked, ‘Where do the stones move?’ A few people have seen the stones moving. The rain pushes the stones. The nights can be very hot. 2 3 4 5 The stones move when there is water on the ground. 28 Unit9 The moving tons The moving stones These big stones leave long tracks behind them. The long tracks 1 show that the stones have moved along the ground. But how do they move? Scientists have tried to answer this question for the last 50 years. f These famous moving stones are in Death Valley, USA. Many 5 | of the stones are small but a few of them are very big. Some of the big stones are as big as a man. The biggest stones weigh / 350 kilograms. They are heavier than four men! | The stones only move at night and only once every year or | two. Nobody has ever seen them moving, but now scientists 10 | know the answer to the question. | The answer is the wind. When the wind comes from the west, the stones move to the east. When the wind is from the south, they always move to the north. But how can the wind move a stone that weighs 350 kilograms? 15 This answer is more complicated. Death Valley is one of the hottest places in the world, but it can be very cold at night. Sometimes there are bad storms in the night. Rain falls, and the hard ground becomes soft and wet. The wind is very strong and cold. The water on the ground changes to very thin ice. 20 Then the strong wind can move flat stones along the flat ground. In the morning, the sun comes up and dries the ground. 29 GER Unit 9 The moving stones 30 € Choose a, b orc. 1 Scientists . the stones 50 years ago. a) understood b) moved _c) began thinking about 2 un Of the moving stones are very heavy. a) All b) Some c) None 3 The stones do not move . a)atnight b) often c) more than once 4 They move the same way as the wind. a) always b) sometimes _c) never 5 The longer and more difficult. a) second answer is _b) first question is _ ©) bigger stones are 6 The nights are a) sometimes very cold and wet __ b) hot in the daytime ©) never stormy 7 The wind can move stones because the ground is a) soft and wet) flat and icy ©) hot and dry 8 The ground is a) dry in the daytime __b) always wet at night —_) not flat Answer the questions. 1. Where are the moving stones? 2 How do we know they move? 3 How heavy are the heaviest stones? Complete the sentences with these words. along behind to of for than 1 The stone has a track ...... it, 2 It has moved the ground. 3 They have tried seome 50 years. 4 Some the stones are very big. 5 They are bigger aman. 6 We know the answer 000.0... the question. Animals: ten fantastic facts A Look and discuss. How many of the animals in the pictures are ... .. birds? ... insects?__... fish?_... reptiles?__... mammals? B_ Read the ten fantastic facts and match the numbers to pictures. Bats always turn left when they fly out of their home ~ at night. Nobody knows why. 2 When your left eye moves, your right eye moves with it. But chameleons can move one eye up and the other eye down, or one eye left and the other eye right. 3 An archerfish uses its mouth like a water gun. It shoots water at an insect. The insect falls, and the fish eats it. 4 Albatrosses can sleep and fly at the same time. This is useful because they sometimes fly for many days over water. 5 Ahummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards. 6 Mosquitoes are dangerous insects because they bite us. But did you know that only the females bite? 7 Some chimpanzees can learn to understand 3,000 words. 8 Sand tiger sharks never have more than two baby sharks at one time. Why? Because the two strongest baby sharks eat their brothers and sisters inside their mother before they are born. 9 Bees have a language. It is not a language of words but a language of dances. When a bee finds food, it flies back to the other bees and does a dance. The dance makes a shape like an ‘8’. The size and direction of the ‘8' shows the distance and direction of the food. 10 A cockroach can live for a week without a head. 32 Cc Ch 1 2 10 Unit 10 Animas triotwico: —___ joose a, b or c. Bats never turn right...... a) at night —_b) when they leave their home _c) when they fly Chameleons in two different directions at the same time. a) always move b) can look —¢) can go The insect falls when ....... a) the water hits it _b) the fish bites it) it sees the fish An albatross stop flying when it sleeps. a) can’t b) does not always) has to bird can fly backwards. a)No b) Only one) Every Male mosquitoes ... a) do not bite usb) are dangerous _©) bite only females Some chimpanzees ......... a) can speak English _b) can read stories _c) can learn words Sand tiger sharks .......... before they come into the world. a)alldie b) can kill ©) can’t eat A dance like a small ‘8’ means the food is .......... a) near ) inthe east c) very small A cockroach without a head dies after vos» a) a few seconds b) a few minutes _) a few days D How many fantastic facts can you remember? Close your book and tell your neighbour. E Make sentences with like and the words in the box. aPWwNneR birds awatergun an ‘8’_—other birds_-—_people The archerfish’s mouth is like. water gun, The bees’ dance js ... esses essen . Bats are ooo soe -cusuueny Dut they are really mammals. Chimpanzees are almost Hummingbirds are not .. 33 Computers at home A Look and discuss. 1 What are the children doing? 2. What other things can you do with a computer at home? 3 How can you use the Internet? B_ Read the eight opinions. Which are for computers at home and which are against computers at home? for against 2 Computers are bad for your health. In the past, children ran around and Computer games are great! | They're better than TV. On IV | you can watch a space ship, but in a computer game you can fly a space ship! played sports. Now they just sit at home. 4 ( when children play with computers, they learn to understand them. Computers are going to be very important in the future. So children should play with them and learn about them. A lot of children spend too much time with computers. They start playing and then they can’t stop. They don’t talk to anyone, they just sit and look at the computer for hours and hours. \ ~ 6 A lot of computer games are very bad. There is a lot of shooting and killing. These games are worse than TV. You see bad things on TY, but in computer games you do bad things. It can’t be good for you. useful. There is more information on the Internet than in the world’s biggest library. 5 Zz ( The Internet is very | I don’t think children learn much from computers. They can’t learn about life from a computer. And they can't do their homework if they play computer games all the time. 8 (ve got friends all over the world. I’ve never seen any of them, but I know them all well because we send e-mail to each other. My computer is the door to the world! 35 ¢€ Choose a, b or ¢ to match the opinions. 1 Ina computer game, you exciting things. a) just watch b)do_ c) read 2 Children .......... before computers. a) were less healthy b) did more sport __c) sat at home 3 Some children play with computers 4) too little) and talk too much) nearly all the time 4 Children important things when they play with computers. a) should dob) lear) do 5 You can find ......... information on the Internet than in a library. a) better b) more c) more useful 6 Some games are very bad because you ........ bad things. a) only see b) have todo c) hear 7 Children do not if they use computers a lot. a) learn anything —b) do homework __) play games 8 You can use a computer to a) open doors _b) visit other countries _c) make new friends D Choose three sentences that you agree with. Write them here. 1 E Complete the words with these letters. au ou oo ea ee ie Vo ghemnt # SRianuld 7 n 2h Ith 51 rn 8d B Reve S 6 Fenn MAS 9 BEC oman SE 36 BU eLomeeys(aomiKou A Discuss. 1. Who drinks the most coffee in your family? 2. Does coffee help people to sleep or to stay awake? 3 Do you know how to make a cup of coffee? so 1 coffee beans 2. a coffee grinder 3 ground coffee B_ Read and answer. Why couldn't Kaldi sleep? How did he feel after he tasted the fruits? How long ago did Kaldi discover coffee beans? Who drank gahwa first: the Arabs or the Turks? bone MN Unit 12 The coffee story 38 c f ‘ The coffee story Kaldi was tired but he couldn’t sleep. His goats were awake and 1 very noisy. ‘Why can’t they sleep?’ Kaldi thought. He couldn’t understand the problem so he watched the animals carefully. They were eating some green plants with little red fruits on them. Kaldi decided to taste the fruits. He ate the soft part of 5 \ each fruit and the hard things in the centre. After a minute he began to feel different. He was not tired. He felt more awake * and did not want to sleep. A: Those hard things were coffee beans, and Kaldi discovered them in Ethiopia more than 1,000 years ago. At Jeast, that's the _ 10 traditional story. Perhaps it is true, perhaps not. Nobody knows. But we know that coffee grew first in Ethiopia, and we know that somebody discovered it there more than 1,000 years ago. After that, Arab travellers took coffee plants to Egypt and other Arab countries. Arab farmers began to grow coffee plants. 15 People learnt to make a drink from the beans, and they called it qahwa. a For 400 years, only the Arabs knew about gahwa, Then people in Turkey learnt about it. Soon after that, western Europeans began to drink it, and in 1652 the first coffee 20 shop in London opened. Now farmers grow coffee in many parts of the world. Some famous coffee-growing countries are Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and, of course, Ethiopia. Coffee is one of the world’s favourite drinks, thanks to Kaldi and his goats. 25 Ro Unit theoite tony C€ Choose a, b orc, 1 Kaldi watched the goats because he wanted to a) understand the problem __b) eat something —_c) count them 2 The little red fruits were on... a) the plants) the goats) Kaldi 3 Kaldi ate one fruit. a) one part of |b) only c) more than 4 Kaldi and the goats were awake because the hard things were a)hard b) coffee beans ___c) in the centre 5 We know that coffee in Ethiopia a long time ago. a) Kaldi drank —_b) nobody found —_) there was 6 The Arabs made the first .......06 a) coffee plant b) cup of coffee _c) coffee beans 7 The Turks learnt about coffee .. a) before western Europeans b) in 1652 _c) soon after the Arabs 8 Now coffee in every part of the world. a) farmers grow b) people drink —_c) goats eat D Find six countries (lines 12-24) and write two in each box. Africa Asia South America E Discuss. Do you think the story of Kaldi is true? Why or why not? A Look and discuss. 1 How many chairs can you see? 2 Who do you think has carried them here? 3 What are the boys doing now? B_ Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1 How many chairs are in the room when Tom sits down? 2 Why does Tom not see one of the chairs? 3 Which line in the dialogue matches the picture? 4 Have they got ten chairs at the end? tinh: _—_ (There are eight chairs. Matt and Tom bring two more chairs.) TOM: How many chairs do we need? 1 MATT: Ten. Tom: OK. We've got ten, I think. MATT: That was hard work. I need a drink. (He goes out.) TOM: (Tom sits down on one chair and counts the others.) $s One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Nine? yim: Hello. How's it going? TOM: We've only got nine chairs. We need another one. IM: OK. I'll get it. (Jim goes out.) MATT: (Matt comes back and sits down.) 10 TOM: We've only got nine chairs. MATT: Didn’t you say ten before? Yes. | made a mistake. (Jim comes in with a chair.) Here's the tenth chair. Let’s count them again and make sure. 18 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (To Tom) You didn’t count the chair that you’re sitting on. ° You didn’t count your chair! Ha, ha, ha! Did you count your chair? (Stops laughing.) No. 20 So that’s ten plus my chair. Eleven. Plus your chair is twelve. Twelve? How did that happen? I don’t know. I'll take away two. Then we'll have ten. (Matt takes two chairs out.) ym: Let's count them one more time. 28 Tom: Again? Oh, all right. (Matt comes back.) JIM: (To Matt) We're going to count the chairs once more. MATT: OK. TOM, MATT AND JIM: — One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. (They ali look at each other.) I don’t believe it!!! 30 41 € Choose a, b orc. At the beginning they have got 1 2 chairs. a) toomany b) too few __c) the right number of. Tom before he counts the chairs. a} sits down _b) goes out —_) sees Jim Jim arrives after the other two boys and gets a) no chairs b) another chair c) two chairs Jim’s chair is really the chair. a) tenth b) eleventh —_c) twelfth boy counted the chair that he was sitting on. a) Only one b) Each _c) Neither Tom thinks ......... a)10+1+1=12 b)10+1=12 0 10+2=11 He should think a) 10+1=11 b) 10+2=12 ol+1=12 Matt thinks, ‘12 — 2 = 10’, but there are soon not twelve chairs. a)ten b)eleven c) twelve D Complete the table. Who carries How many do | How many How many do the chairs? they carry? have they got? | the boys count? Tom and Matt +10 Ie wlolr|e E Work in threes. Read and act the play. Favourite cat and mouse ee a rT Ne A Discuss. 1 How many cartoon characters can you name in 30 seconds? 2 In your class, which is the most popular cartoon character? 3 In Tom and Jerry cartoons, which character is often angry? B Read and answer. The text is in three parts. Which part tells a story? When was the first Tom and Jerry cartoon? Who makes a lot of noise? Who tells Tom not to break anything? Who throws glasses and plates? Who has to go outside into the cold? Aarwne PES Unit 14 Favourite cat and mouse Favourite cat and mouse Many cartoon characters are popular all over the world. But not many have been popular for as long as Tom and Jerry. People, young and old, have laughed at Tom, the angry cat, and Jerry, the clever mouse, for more than sixty years. THE FIRST TOM AND JERRY CARTOON (1941 ACU CEM CCR Munck nn IMM asa Tc) itis a real hole and he runs into it, hitting his head against the wall. Jerry ‘sees stars’ and then has to run away from Tom. Ae Suen EN CR- WM Ui eULUea ems} DRUM MSRM UM UMA Uma LeU ol cE house if he breaks another thing. Tom does not want to go out fol-ter-l CM MNO ROU OMNI UN Ce) EBS CM UM] et is going to break, but Tom catches it. Jerry throws lots of glasses and plates, and Tom has to catch them all. Then Jerry sits in Tom's milk. Tom is very angry, he tries to catch Jerry and drops ti) RU ee ese COMMU Leese SEL RU RL and puts Tom out in the cold. Jerry is safe and happy. DID YOU KNOW? @ 140 Tom and Jery films were made beween 1940 and 1977 & We offen see MammyTwo-Shoes’ feet, but we never see her head ®& Most cartoon animals speak, but Tom and Jey speck in only one film Unit 14 Favourite cat and mouse C Choose a, b orc. 1 Tom and Jerry have been .......... than most cartoon characters. a) more popular) popular for longer _c) to more countries 2. Jerry runs into the wall because he ......... a) thinks there is a hole in the wall _b) can’t see __¢) falls 3 Tom breaks a plate when he Jerry. a) runs after b) catches c) crashes into 4 The woman says Tom will have to go out if he a) runs around _b) breaks one more thing _ c) makes a noise 5 Jerry throws things because he wants ........ out. a)togo b)Tomtorun _ ) the woman to put Tom 6 Tom catches everything but then he.......... a) catches Jerry) drops everything) hears a noise 7 Nobody has ever seen the woman's a) shoes b)hands_ ©) face 8 Tom and Jerry oo... , a) use a few words) are like most characters c) almost never speak What do these words refer to? 1 it (ine 2) refers to Gpictune. of amouse hole... 2 it (line 4) refers ten 3. he (line 6) refers to 4 5 it (ine 8) refers to them (line 9) refers to Make words from these letters. 1 lopupra onsen 5 CCB AUCS vce 2 ghlaued wn, 6 sseglas..... 3 meous 7 snoie 4 ipectur 8 amnilas 45 Fair play A Discuss. What do you know about the Olympic Games? Where? ) How feo) Who?) what?) A bobsled goes down the course at the Olympic Games. B_ Read and choose: true or false? 1 Bobsleds go down the course all at the same time. 2 After the second run, Monti’s team was the fastest. 3 Monti helped the other team. 4 Monti won the first International Fair Play Trophy. 46 Bobsledding is a fast and exciting winter sport. A bobsled has a two-person team or a four-person team and it goes at about 100 kilometres per hour. When a bobsled team goes down the course, the other teams wait and watch. Then each team tries to go down faster than the others. Each team can try three 5 times. In the end, the fastest team wins the prize. This is a true story about a bobsledder, Eugenio Monti from Italy. The year was 1964. The place was the bobsied course at the Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Austria. The two best teams were Eugenio Monti’s Italian team and Tony Nash’s British team. 10 After their first two runs, these two teams were equal. Then the Italians made their third run, and it was the fastest of all. The British team got ready for their third run, but suddenly a bolt* on their bobsled broke. The British bobsled could not go down. When Monti heard this, he took a bolt from his bobsled and 15 sent it to the British team. The British team put the bolt on their bobsled. They went down very fast and they won. The British got the gold medal, but everyone wanted to talk about Monti. They called him a great sportsman. He also received a special prize, the 1964 International Fair Play Trophy. 20 Many people think this trophy is a greater prize than a gold medal. It was new then, but now it is given every year to a great sportsman or sportswoman. SERRE Unit 15 Fair play 48 C Choose a,b orc. 1 Each team goes three times a) down the course __b) faster than the others —_c) more than 2 This story is about at the Olympic Games in 1964 a) an Italian sportsman _b) the bobsled course _c) the teams 3 The British were .......... the Italians in the first two runs. a) faster than b) as fastas _) not as fast as 4 When the bolt broke on the British bobsled, the Italians a) were in first place b) went down again) did not know 5 Monti gave his bolt to the British because he did not want a) towin b) tokeep it c) to win unfairly 6 Monti was very because of his fair play. a) rich b) popular c) sad 7 The British team o a) did not use the bolt _b) could not go _c) were the fastest 8 won the trophy since 1964. a) Only Monti has b) Many people have) Only men have Answer the questions. Give your opinion. 1 What is your opinion of Eugenio Monti? Why? 2 Which would you prefer: a gold medal or the Fair Play Trophy? Discuss: Here are five good titles instead of Fair play. Which title do you like best? Why? 1 The man who lost and won A great sportsman The broken bolt The first International Fair Play Trophy Better than gold? ap wn The man, the boy and the donkey A Look and discuss. 1 What can you see in the picture? 2 What do you think the people are saying? B_ Read and answer. 1 Who rode first? Who rode next? Who rode after that? Then what did they both do? Why did people call them mad? obwn 4s EE Unit 16 The man, the boy and the donkey The man, the boy and the donkey This is a very old story, but it teaches us something that 1 is still true today. One day, a wise man said to his young son, ‘Come with me and I will show you something,’ The father got onto his \ donkey and told his son to walk behind him. 5 { On the road, some people pointed at the man and said, .‘Look at that man. Why doesn’t he let the boy ride the donkey?’ The man and the boy heard this, and so they changed places. The boy rode and the man walked. | A few minutes later they passed some other people. 10 The people pointed and said, ‘Look at that boy. How can he ride while his old father walks?’ So the man got onto the donkey with the boy. Then they passed some other people, who said, ‘That poor little donkey can’t carry two people. They’re much too 15 | heavy.’ So they got off the donkey and they both walked. = They walked through a village, and people laughed at them, saying, ‘Look at those two fools! Why do they walk when they have a donkey?’ The man and the boy thought, and then the man said, 20 “We've tried walking and we've tried riding, Let's try carrying it.’ So they carried the donkey, and all the people in the village laughed at them, saying, ‘Look! They’re carrying the donkey! They're mad!’ : Finally, they put the donkey down, and the man said to 25 his son, ‘This is a lesson for you, my son. In this life, you can never please everyone.’ Ai 50 Unit 16 The man, the boy and the donky ___—_—_/ C Choose a, b orc. 1 The story a) is true b) teaches us something _ ) is new 2 The wise man told his son to follow him a) on foot b) withadonkey ©) quickly 3 The first group of people thought that the boy .. a) was a fool b) should ride) was lazy 4 The second group of people thought......... a) the same thing _ b) that the man should ride c) that they should both ride 5 They both rode because they wanted to a) please both groups b) go quickly) go home 6 The donkey was not enough to carry two people. a) old) strong) clever 7 They could not ride or walk......... they carried the donkey. a) because b) after) so 8 The wise man wanted to show that can please everyone. a) donkeys b) only wise men ___c) nobody D Complete the summary of the story. When the boy walked, some people thought that the man should 1 . So the man walked, but that did not please people either. So they Oth 2... the donkey. That did not please people because two people Were t00 9... for the donkey. But when they both 4 , people laughed and called them fools. Finally, they tried * the donkey, and then RVETYONE Oo eoeenee at them. E Put these adjectives in the right boxes. old wise young heavy little wet strong tall fast great popular angry flat people people or things things 51 The girl in the red T-shirt a A Look and discuss. 1 Describe the people in the picture. 2 What do you think the girl on the bench is doing? 3 What do you think will happen next? B_ Read and answer: true or false? 1 Cathy is the older girl in the picture. The girl in the red T-shirt walked away with some money. They could not catch the girl. The girl was a thief. Anna and Cathy made a mistake. aRwNn 52 Do you krow ts girl? Twas in the park with my older sister, Cathy, on Friday. My sister left her jacket on a berch while we talked to some frierds. When we went back to the berch, a girl ma red T-shirt was sitting there She had some woney mn her hand. When she saw us, 5 she got up ard walked away 1 said to wy sister. ‘Did you have any woney m your jacket? She said, “Yes, Ana, 1 did” T said, ‘Look in your jacket quickly” Cathy looked in her jacket, but her morey was vot there. ‘That gril stole it? 1 said, and we all ran after her. We caught her quickly My sister was very argry and she sad, “Give me 15 | the money! The girl gave the money to Cathy ard ran away. We all ran after her, but we lost her Then we wert home. But before we could tell our parents, my mother said to Cathy, “You left your worey at home. It’s on the table m the sitting room. 20 You wust be more careful with money.’ So the girl in the red T-shirt was rot a thef! She probably thought we were theves! We felt terrible. Vlease telephore us if you krow ths girl. We are very sorry for our mistake. We would Iike to say sorry to her ard qve her woney back to her. Our rumber is SI2667. My rame ss Anna 53 EN Unit 17 The oir! in the red T-shirt C Choose a, b orc. 1 Cathy's jacket was a)athome b)on the bench _ c) full of money 2 Cathy thought the money was oo... a) from her jacket b) on the bench _c) at home 3 The girl gave the money to Cathy because a) she was afraid _b) Cathy asked her nicely c) it was Cathy's money 4 Cathy’s.......... was really at home. a) jacket b) sister c) money 5 When Cathy’s mother spoke, they knew that a) they had the girl’s money _b) the girl was a thief ) the money was Anna's 6 Anna and Cathy the girl. a) want to find b) have telephoned __c) know 7 They want to to the girl. a) give their money) say thank you) return the money D The girl in the red T-shirt wrote this. Can you complete it? I was in the park alone on Friday. I was sitting on a bench with my money in ! .... When two girls came to the bench. I got up and 2 Then they and three other people 3... me and caught me. The big girl said, 8c uu the money!’ There were five of them, $0 To .ncsnsnnnnne .... the money and © E Discuss these questions. 1 if the girl telephones, what will Anna/Cathy say? 2. What should Anna and Cathy do? 3 What can we learn from this story? 54 Lightning A Look and discuss. 1 How many volts of electricity come from a a oe socket at home? 2 How many volts are in a flash of lightning? 3 What happens when lightning hits a tree? There can be 100,000,000 volt8 of electricity in a flash of lightning. B Read and answer. 1 Can one flash kill more than one person? 2 Can people live after lightning hits them? 3 What do you hear after a lightning flash? 4 Are you safe in a closed car when there is lightning? 5 Are you safe under a tali tree? 55 ee Unit 18 1 56 LIGhI PING Is lightning dangerous? Lightning is beautiful and exciting, but it kills a thousand people in the world every year. Lightning is electricity. The electricity in lightning is very strong. {n 1998, one flash of lightning killed eleven players at a football maich. What does it feel like? -Sabrina, aged 12, and her father are lucky to be alive. Last year, they were hit by lightning, but it did not kill them. Sabrina said afterwards, ‘It felt Tike GG hammer. My feet and legs hurt for an hour afterwards. My Dad said he felt as if his hands were in an electric socket.’ How far away is it? When you see lightning, start counting the seconds: one ... two ... three ... . Stop counting when you hear the thunder. Every three seconds is one kilometre. So if you count six seconds, the lightning was two kilometres away. That does not mean it is safe. lighining can move very fast. How to be safe in a storm 1 Stay inside if you can. You will be safe if you do not use the telephone, electrical equipment or water. Do not stand too close to windows or doors. 2 Lightning often hits metal things, so do not touch metal things outside. But you are safe in a car if the windows are closed. The electricity goes down through the car’s metal and not through the people! 3 Lightning often hits the tallest thing. Ask yourself "What is the tallest thing here?’ If the answer is ‘A tree’, do not stand under that tree. If the answer is ‘Me’, move quickly! 10 15 20 25 Unit 8 igh C€ Choose a, b orc. 1 Every year 1,000 people ...... by lightning. a) kill b) were killed) are killed 2 When Sabrina was hit by lightning, she a) did not feel it b) was killed ©) was with her father 3 Count the seconds the lightning and the thunder. a) before b) between ©) after 4 Ifyou can count nine seconds, the lightning is ....... a) only 3 kilometres away _b) 9 kilometres away ©) 18 kilometres away 5 If there is a storm, stay .......... if you can. a) ina building b) away from home __) near the window 6 ........ metal things outside when there is lightning. a) Be careful with —b) You should not touch __c) Carry 7 You are usually safe ........ Car. a)inanopen b)neara_ c) ina house ora 8 You are usually safe if you ......... the tallest thing. a) are b) are not too near __©) go quickly to Which of these things are not safe in a storm? 1 using a computer 2 having a bath or a shower 3. standing on a metal bridge 4 riding a bicycle 5 standing on flat, open ground 6 sitting in an open boat 7 sitting on low ground near higher ground E Discuss these questions. 1 Why are telephones not safe in a storm? 2. Why do we see lightning before we hear thunder? 3 Have you ever been outside in a storm? What happened? 57 Jealous Ken A Look and discuss. 1 Which bike is better? 2 The boy on the left feels jealous. What does that mean? 3 Does everyone feel jealous sometimes? B_ Read and answer. 1 Which boy in the picture is Ken? Who bought a motorcycle first? Who bought a car first? Who has the best car now? Who travels faster, Ken or Dick? arRwn 58 Lit jis‘ Jealous Ken Dick and Ken lived in the same street. Both children had a good home and lots of nice things. But Ken was unhappy because some of Dick’s things were better than his. In other words, Ken was a jealous boy. Dick and Ken grew up and got jobs. At first, they both cycled to work every morning. Then Dick bought a motorcycle. Every moming, Dick on his motorcycle rode past Ken on his bicycle, and Ken felt jealous. So Ken bought a motorcycle and he was happy. He was happy until Dick bought a car. Ken worked hard until he had enough money for a car. He bought a car, and it was as good as Dick’s car. There were a lot of other cars on the road, so the journey to work was slower, but Ken was happy. But after a year, Dick bought a bigger car. So Ken worked very hard, and yesterday he bought an expensive new car. This morning, Ken left home in his new car. There were cars in front as far as he could see, and none of them could move. But Ken was happy because his car was bigger, better and faster than Dick's car. Then he saw Dick behind him, but Dick was not in a car. Dick was riding a bicycle. It was a new bicycle. The cars moved very slowly, so Dick cycled past them easily. Ken watched as Dick cycled away in front of him. He watched from his big, expensive car and felt jealous. 20 59 ee Unit 19 Jealous Ken ee C Choose a, b orc. 1 of Ken’s things were as good as Dick’s. a) None b)Notall cc) All 2 Dick bought a motorcycle a) when he was a young man __b) every morning __c) after Ken 3 Ken was happy when .......... had a motorcycle. a) both he and Dick) only Dick c) only Ken 4 Ken bought a car.......... Dick bought a car. a) before b) because) so 5 The journey was slow because .. a) Ken’s car was slow b) Ken was happy c) there were a lot of other cars 6 Ken bought a new car... a) today —_b) that was better than Dick’s car ©) to get to work quickly 7 Dick's new bicycle than Ken's new car. a) went faster b) was newer _c) was more expensive 8 Ken the man is Ken the boy. a) not as jealous as__b) wiser than _c) not very different from D Answer the questions. 1 What three things did Dick buy after the motorcycle? 2 What do you think Ken will do next? E Complete the table with irregular verbs. [Present Past Present | Past Present | Past buy bought grow ride had heard run feel hit said give hurt see went leave take Junior Comprehension is a graded series of three reading comprehension books for young learners. erry Leela: Morag ToD RM eos and support the texts Interesting, varied Cees BCT ary check general DUT utelat) er eerie Peer ann PTT UR Lute guided summary Narr Th ets aieta ToT eDiets Me erly 582-40570-x iil Junior Comprehension 2 To the teacher ‘The texts in Junior Comprehension are suitable for work in class or at home. If you set a unit for homework, first spend a minute or two in class doing task A orally with the pupils and checking that they understand what to do in the other tasks. Before the lesson Read the text and decide which words your pupils may not know. Decide which of these words they should try to guess from the context and which words to pre-teach with the help of the picture and questions in task A. 1 Pre-reading (task A) Aims: to arouse the pupils’ interest and curiosity; to make sure they have any necessary background knowledge or experience; to pre-teach key vocabulary; to help pupils to predict the content of the text ype of task: a brief oral task usually consisting of discussion questions or questions about the picture(s). Suggested classroom method: This can be a whole-class discussion, or you can divide the class into pairs or groups and let the pupils discuss the questions before giving you their answers. This pre-reading task should be quite short. 2 First reading (12sk B) Aims: to check general understanding of the main points of the text before going on to more detailed comprehension in task C. Type of task: reading and a comprehension task such as Yes/No questions, True/False sentences or simple Wh- questions with short answers of one or two words. Suggested classroom method: 1) Make sure the pupils understand the task (hough they may not understand all the questions until they have read the text). 2) Give them time to read the text silently and to complete the task. An alternative to silent reading is for you to read the text aloud while the pupils listen and read; but do not do this every time because the pupils must learn to read independently. 3) Ask pupils to give their answers orally. Alternatively, let them compare their answers in pairs or small groups first. In either case, if pupils disagree about an answer, they should refer again to the text and try co reach agreement. Finally, confirm the correct answers and make sure that everyone understands them before trying tasks C and D. 3. Comprehension (tasks € and D) Aims: (C) to check pupils’ comprehension of important details in the text; (D) to elicit an active and thoughtful response to the text. ‘Type of task: (C) multiple choice sentence completion with three choices, followed by (D) a variety of tasks such as answering questions, completing summaries or giving opinions. Suggested classroom method: 1) Check that the pupils understand what they have to do in task D before they start work. (Task C is always the same.) 2) Tell the pupils to work individually until they have completed tasks C and D. 3) Either collect written answers for marking, or follow one of the procedures suggested for task B, step 3 above. 4 Language work or discussion (task E ) Aims; to provide an appropriate learning or discussion follow-up ‘Type of task: a vocabulary task such as a word puzzle, finding words in the text, matching, and categorising words; or a personalisation task such as writing sentences about oneself, or discussion tasks such as agreeing or disagreeing. Suggested classroom method: the same as the previous stage. A note on reading aloud round the class: Reading aloud round the class may be useful sometimes, but most reading should be done silently. Do not ask pupils to read aloud before they have understood the text and Jearnt how to pronounce the words. The author and publisher thank the many teachers who have belped and advised us, and we hope that you and your pupils will enjoy using the book. Answers 1 How can animals live in a desert? Discussion dew 2bodies 3 eggs 4 ten 1c 2b 3a da Sa 6b 7a 8b 2 plants 3 insects 4 birds and animals 5 bigger birds and animals E 1 Verbs 2 There are more than twenty different verbs. pomp ‘Two farmers A 1. digging: a fork, a spade cutting: a knife, a saw 2. Discussion B 1¥es 2No 3No 4¥es 5No C la 2b 3c 4a Sa 6a 7c D ... in or out, its ears hit the top of the entrance. The horse does not like this. It gets angry and often kicks us. So we're cutting away the entrance. Then it'll be higher. E Some possible answers: 3, You can cut paper with scissors. 4 You can open a door with a key. 5. You can eat with a spoon. 6 You can take photos with a camera 7 You can play games / edit documents/ send e-mails / connect to the Internet with a computer. E-mail from England A. Discussion. Some possible answers: 1 Apen friend lives in another country and writes to you. 2 An e-mail goes from one computer to another, It’s faster than a letter, 3. Ben and Emma, two children from England B- science, maths, geography, netball, rugby, hockey, cricket, athletics € la 2b 3b 4c Sb 6b 7b 8 D Pupils’ own answers E Pupils’ own answers On the road A Possible answers: 1 You use a pump. 2 You press the valve. 3 You use the brakes. 4 Itneeds lights. 2tyres 3wheels 4 ride 5 back brakes 7 helmet Discussion Ib 2a 3c 4b 5a 6b 7c ltyres 2and 3 van llisten 2drove 3smiled 4 see S stopped 6 pushed 7tied 8 knew 9g0 Mystery word: something Sport superlatives A. Discussion. Check that pupils understand the titles and invite them to guess what is in the text. B_1 More than 100,000 2 Bight 312,875 km 4 Nearly two billion Ja 2b 3b 4c Sb 6c 7b 8a people: player, team, champion places: street, city, stadium sports: table tennis, running, walking events: World Cup, race, competition E_ Discussion =m OO vo Shark! (part 1) A 1 Discussion 2. Possible answer: He is going to kill/shoot a fish (with his spear gun). B 1No 2Yes 3¥s 4No 5No € Ib 2a 3c 4a Sc 6b 7b 8b D Ib 2e 3d 4c Sa E_ Discussion Shark! (part 2) A. Discussion. Some possible answers: 1 Two children (Sam and Lizzie) ‘on a small island. Two sharks in the water. A bigger island. 2. The big island is between the beach and the children. 3. Sharks are dangerous when they smell blood. 1T 2631 48 ST 1b 2b 3a 4c 5c 6c 7a 8a Some possible answers: 1 swam to the bigger island. 2 put his legs in the water. 3 they were safe in a boat. 4 Sam said, ‘You're the best and bravest sister in the world.’ E Ion 2behind 3 towards 4 at Sin 6 with vow 8 Adventure racing A. 1 Discussion 2 bicycles, a river, ropes, skates B 1Four 2Seventeen 3 Four 4 Two hundred and thirty-seven Ja 2c 3b 4b Sc 6c 7b 8a 1 They did five sports (cycling, running, skating, kayaking, climbing/abseiling). 2 They went up three mountains. 3 They travelled in a boat three times. E_ Discussion. Some possible answers: 1 Yes and no. It was very exciting. It was in beautiful country. But she was very tired. On day 3 she wrote, I'm almost dead! 2. The strong people did most of the running on day 1 while the others cycled. They pulled the weaker riders on day 3. They did this because all the people in the team ‘must finish together. 3. Pupils’ own opinions. vo 9 The moving stones A. Discussion. Some possible answers: 1 Yes, it has. We can see a track behind the stone. 2 No. 3. Pupils give their opinions about each possibility. B 1How 2Nobodyhas 3 wind 4cold 5 ice lc 2b 3b 4a 5a Ga 7b 8a 1 They are in Death Valley, USA. 2 They leave long tracks behind them. 3 The heaviest stones weigh 350 kg. E 1behind 2along 3for 4 of Sthan 610 bo 10 Animals: ten fantastic facts A. owo birds, three insects, two fish, one reptile, two mammals. B a2 bS c9 di0 el {6 g h7 i8 53 Ib 2b 32 4b 5b Ga 7e 8b 9a 10¢ (Pair work) 1 like a water gun 2 like an ‘8° 3 like birds 4 like people 5 like other birds mo 4 11 Computers at home A_ Discussion. Some possible answers: 1. They are playing a computer game. 2 You can send e-mail, use the Internet, get information from encyclopedias on CD. 3 You need a computer, a telephone * line and the right software. Then you can communicate with computers all over the world. ‘You can find information about almost anything. B for: 1, 4,5,8 against: 2, 3, 6, 7 € 1b 2b 3c 4b 5b 6b 7b 8 D Pupils’ choices E lea 2ea 30u 4ou Sea Gie Tec 800 9au 12 The coffee story A Discussion 1 Pupils’ own answers 2. Ichelps people to stay awake. 3. Possible answer: You put the coffee beans into a coffee grinder Then you take out the ground coffee. ‘You put boiling (very hot) water on the ground coffee. After a short time, you can drink it. Some people add milk and sugar. B 1 His goats were very noisy. 2 He felt more awake. 3 More than a thousand years ago. 4 The Arabs. la 2a 3c 4b 5c 6b 7a 8b Africa: Ethiopia, Egypt ‘Asia: Turkey, Indonesia South America: Brazil, Colombia E_ Discussion yo 13 Ten chairs A Discussion. Some possible answers: 1 Eleven 2. Discussion 3. Tom and Matt are sitting down / resting, Jim is standing. Jim and Matt are pointing at Tom’s chair and laughing. B 1 Ten 2 He is sitting on it. 3 Line 18 4 No. lc 2a 3b 4b 5c 6a 7a 8b 1 Tom and Matt, +10, 10, 9 2 Jim, +1, 11, 10 3 -,-,11,12 4 Matt, -2, 9,9 vo 14 Favourite cat and mouse A. Discussion B 1 The middle part 1940 ‘Tom Mammy-Two-Shoes Jessy Tom Ib 2a 3a 4b Se 6b 7c 8c 2achina plate 3. Tom 4 the glass 5 glasses and plates E popular 2 laughed 3 mouse 4 picture 5 because 6 glasses 7 noise 8 animals auae'n vo 15 Fair play A Discussion, ‘Where and how often? The first Olympics were in ancient Greece. Now they are in different countries every four years. Who? About 10,000 athletes from about 150 countries, What? At the Summer Games there are more than 20 different sports. Winter sports, like skiing and bobsledding take place at the Winter Games. IF 2E 3T 47 la 2a 3b 4a Sc 6b 7c Sb Pupils’ own answers Discussion. (All the titles are possible. Pupils should choose one and say why it is good. Finally the class can vote.) moO 16 The man, the boy and the donkey A Discussion B 1 The man / The father 2 The boy 3 The man and the boy 4 They (both) walked. 5 Because they carried / were carrying the donkey. ib 2a 3b 4b Sa 6b 7c 8c walk 2rode 3 heavy 4 walked S carrying 6 laughed E_ people: wise, young, angry people or things: old, great, heavy, litle, wet, strong, tall, fast, popular things: flat vo 17 The girl in the red T-shirt Discussion 1T 21 3F 48 5T Ib 2a 3a 4c 5a 6a 7c Amy hand 2 walked away 3 ran after 4Giveme 5 gave her 6 ran away E_ Discussion pomp 18 Lightning A Discussion. B 1Yes 2¥es 3 Thunder 4Yes 5No C lc 2c 3b 4a Sa 6b 7c 8b D 1, 2,3,4,5,6 E_ Discussion: Some possible answers: 1 Lightning can hit telephone wires and travel down the wire to the phone. 2. Light travels faster than sound. 3. Pupils’ own answers 19 Jealous Ken 4 ‘A 1 The bike on the right is probably better. 2 Jealous means to feel angry or unhappy because someone has something you would like to have. 3 Discussion B_ 1 The boy on the left 2Dick 3Dick 4Ken 5 Dick Ib 2a 3a 4b 5c 6b 7a 8c 1 He bought two cars and a bicycle. / He bought a car, then a bigger car and then a new-bicycle. 2 Pupil’s own answer.) E_ bought, have, felt, gave, go, grew, hear, hit, hurt, left, rode, ran, say, saw, took vo

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