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Comprehension Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2]E England and Associated Companies throughout the world © Pearson Education Limited 2000 The right of D'Arcy Adrian-Vallance to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted Copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd., 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE. First published 2000, Second impression 2000 ISBN 0582 405718 Set in Futura Bold and Stone Informal. Printed in Lebanon by Librairie du Liban. Prepared for the publishers by Gecko Limited, Granville Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX6 OJT. 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CONTENTS ey See pi ee | Fast food A Look and discuss. 1 Which of these fast foods do you like? 2 What are they made of? 3 Which one has the most vitamin C? Beefburgers are the world’s most popular fast food. You can buy a beefburger in almost every country in the world. When restaurants open on the Moon, burger restaurants will probably be there first! Burgers are not very good for you, so if you like them, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables too. Chips, or chipped potatoes, are also known as French fries. But they are not French. They were invented in Belgium about a hundred years ago. Although potatoes are vegetables, there is not much vitamin C in them, so you need other vegetables too. Ice cream was invented by the Italians. Or was it? Some people think that the Italian ‘explorer Marco Polo got the recipe from China in 1295. There is very little cream in ice creams nowadays. A typical modern ice cream is less than 1% cream. But it tastes good, doesn't it? unit1 Fost too B_ Read and answer: true or false? 1 More people eat burgers than any other fast food. Chips came from France. Ice cream is a very modern invention. Salt is bad for you if you eat too much of it. Falafels are eaten only in Arab countries. wb wr “Pizza was invented in Italy.’ Well, that’s only half true. The Itafians first put | tomatoes on a pizza base 400 years ago. But modem pizzas have cheese too. That idea came from Italians living in America in about 1800. Pizza is not as E bad as some fast food, but most pizzas have too much salt, and that is bad for Falafels are probably the oldest type of fast food. The Egyptians invented falafels about 2,500 years ago. Falafels are made of beans and chickpeas and they have always been popular in Arab countries. Now they are popular in Europe, Asia and America because a falafel sandwich is healthier than other fast food. ornare € Choose a, bor c. 1 Burgers are not bad for you if you ... a) eat lots of fruit and vegetables _b) like them ©) are on the Moon J soo AO NOt contain much vitamin C. a) Vegetables b) Chips _ c) Belgian vegetables 3 nu. made the first ice cream. Q@) Marco Polo b) We don’t know who —c} A Chinese explorer 4 Ice creams today are not really ...... a) tasty b) cold c) creamy 5 The first pizzas osu a) had tomatoes b) had cheese _c) were not Italian 6 The first modern pizzas were made .. a)in America _b) without tomatoes _c) 400 years ago 7 Falafels ......... Egypt. a) are older than —_b) were first eaten inc) are not popular in 8 Falafel sandwiches are........... a) bad for you b) American Q) eaten in many countries D Answer the questions. 1. Which three kinds of food were invented more than 100 years ago? 2 What is wrong with the names French fries and ice cream? E Same or different? ; 1 good for you, healthy 4 fruit, vegetables 2 too much, plenty of 5 not much, very little 3 chips, chipped potatoes 6 popular, modern be The picnic A Look and discuss. 1. What do you take with you for a picnic? 2 What can you see in the picture? B_ Read and answer: true or false? se 2 3 4 5 The food in the box was very good. There was only one big cardbourd box. The storyteller threw away the box of rubbish. Everybody laughed when they unpacked the car. They ate biscuits for lunch. The Picnic When our cousins came to visit us, we decided to go fora picnic 1 at our favourite picnic place. My mother is a brilliant cook. She made everyone's favourite things and she packed all this food in a big cardboard box. There were other boxes and bags too, There were picnic things, 5 swimming things, towels, knives, cups, glasses, drinks, sunshades, mats, folding chairs, and a big cardboard box full of rubbish. I threw the box into the big rubbish bin in the street, and we put everything else in our car. After driving for an hour on the big road, we came toa small 10 road and then to a track over dry rocky ground. It was a long, hot and dusty drive, but finally we saw the river. It is a beautiful river and always full of clean, clear water from the mountains. There are waterfalls and places for swimming. There are little beaches with palm trees, and there are islands 15 and big rocks. We jumped and dived from the rocks into the cool water. Then everyone was hungry. We unpacked the car and put up the sunshades. But the food wasn’t there! There was a big box of rubbish, 20 but no food, except for some bread and biscuits. Everyone looked at me. I said, ‘I think I threw away the wrong box. Sorry.’ You can imagine what everyone said! In the end, we ate the biscuits, and we all had a lovely day at the river, but I was not the most popular person that day. € Choose a, b or c. 1 The storyteller and his family planned to the river. a) take their own food to _b) buy food on the way to ©) go for a long walk in 2 When they packed the car, both the food and the rubbish were ... a)inabag b)inthecar © in boxes 3 Before they left, the storyteller threw......... in the bin. a)abox b) some bags c) knives, cups and glasses 4 The picnic place was a) by the sea b) a long way from the house _) hot and dry 5 When they unpacked the car, the food was ... a) notthere b)inabag c) inthe rubbish box 6 The storyteller ......... the food by mistake. a) ate b) forgot to pack _<) threw away 7 The picnic food wasn't in the car, so they a) ate biscuits b) were hungry _c) had a terrible day 8 Because the storyteller threw the food in the rubbish bin, he was : a) not friendly . b) not popular) not angry D Read this sentence from the story and answer the question. You can imagine what everyone said! (line 24) What do you think people said? Think of three things. E Write the words from the story in the correct column. box, clean, clear, cook, cool, dry, packed, picnic, saw, threw, track, visit Verbs Nouns Adjectives packed! Unit 3 10 A How do you say these underlined words in your language? 1 When you are hot, you start sweating. 2 I feel hot when the temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius. 3 In hot countries, modern cars have gir conditioning. B_ Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1 awn How many questions does the teacher ask the first boy? How many questions does the teacher ask the second boy? What is their answer to the first question? Can they answer the second question? What does the third boy not say? ‘TEACHER: AsT Boy: TEACHER: AsT Boy: TEACHER: 2ND Boy: TEACHER: 3RD Boy: TEACHER: 3RD Boy: TEACHER: 3p Boy: TEACHER: 3np Boy: TEACHER: 3RD Boy: TEACHER: 3RD Boy: The science lesson I want you all to imagine that youareinacar 1 on a hot day. Now here’s the problem. You're very hot and you're sweating. What will you do about it? I'll open the window. $ Good. Now, if the car is travelling at 94 Kilometres per hour, how much air will come into the car? Um ... Um ... I don’t know. Let's try another question. (He looks at the 10 second boy.) The problem is the same: you're in a car on a hot day. You feel hot, so what will you do? ll open the window. Right. Now, if the temperature outside the car is 15 40 degrees Celsius, what will the temperature inside the car be after five minutes? Um ... Um ... I don’t know. (He looks at the third boy.) What about you? Can you answer the questions? 20 Um ... What was the problem again, please sir? You're in a car on a hot day, You're feeling hot, so what will you do? I'll turn on the air conditioning. The car hasn‘t got air conditioning. 25 I'll take off my jacket. You're still feeling hot. T'll take off my jacket and my shirt. You're still too hot. You’re sweating like a river! I'll take off my jacket, my shirt and my shoes. 30. It’s so hot that snakes and scorpions are dying! I don’t care how hot it is, sir. Even if I’m dying, I won't open the window! € Choose a, b orc. 1 The teacher wants the students to imagine that they are a)inacar b)inaroom ) lost 2 The teacher is teaching about ... a)the weather b) science ©) air conditioning 3 The teacher wants the boys to ..... a) answer a problem b) playa game) go for a drive 4 The boys can’t answer the teacher's second question because a) the weather is too hot —_b) they cannot open the window c) the question is too difficult 5 When the teacher asks, ‘What will you do?’ he expects the third boy to say a) ‘I'll open the window.’ —_ b) ‘I'll turn on the air conditioning.’ ©) ‘I don’t know.’ 6 If the boy says ‘I'll open the window’ the teacher will ... a) ask a difficult question _) tell the boy the answer ©) be angry 7 The third boy doesn’t want to say ‘ a) anything b)thatheishot ©) ‘I don’t know. 8 The teacher is trying to use an example to ...... a) test the boys on science _b) make the boys angry ©) make the boys laugh D Give your opinion. 1 Are the boys bad students or are the questions very difficult? I think 2 Is the third boy caer or not? I think 3 At the end, will the te teacher laugh or a ae Tet sizes etek # E Work in fours. Read and act the play. Learn a second language A Look and discuss. 1 What can you see in the picture? 2 What should the mouse do before he goes for the cheese? B Read and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 x Who had told the mouse to wait before going for a piece of cheese? How did the young mouse know the cat was there? The next day, why did the mouse think the cat was not there? Who had told the cat to learn a second language? Which language had the cat learnt? 13 ies) Learn a second language There was once a young mouse that lived in a hole in a wall. One day, the young mouse woke up from his sleep and looked out of the hole. As he looked out, a beautiful smell came to his nose. ‘Cheese!’ the mouse said happily to himself. ‘I'll go and get it now and have it for breakfast.’ But then he remembered his parents’ words. His parents were very wise mice and often said to their son, ‘Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.’ So the young mouse waited quietly. Then he heard a quiet ‘Miaow’ and he knew the cat was there. So he stayed in the hole and said to himself, ‘I'm glad | listened to my parents and learned to wait.’ The next day, he looked out again. He put his nose out of the hole, and the beautiful smell of cheese came to his nose again. He could see the cheese. [I was only a few centimetres away. But he sat still and waited quietly. This time he did not hear any cat noises. Instead he heard a very quiet ‘Woof, woof.’ ‘Ws a dog!’ he thought. ‘If the dog is there, the cat won't be there. | expect the dog has chased the cat away. So I'm safe.’ The mouse ran out of the hole and started eating the cheese. He did not see the cat, which caught him and ate him. When the cat finished her meal, she said fo herself, ‘I'm glad | listened to my parents and learned a second language.’ 10 20 Unit 4 Learn a second language a € Choose a,b orc. 1 When the mouse woke up, he .... a) saw something beautiful _b) smelled cheese) ate breakfast 2 The mouse......... his parents’ advice. a) didn’t understand —_b) thought about —_c) forgot 3 The mouse wanted the cheese, a) but he waited —_b) so he hurried ‘out and took it ©) but he couldn't find it 4 While the mouse was waiting, he heard .... a) his parents b) another mouse —_c) a cat 5 The next day, the mouse......... a dog. a) heard the sound of b) saw ©) smelled 6 The mouse thought he was......... because dogs don't eat mice. a) safe b) intelligent —c) waiting 7 The sound of the dog was made by «1... a)abigdog b)thecat ) another mouse 8 The cat's parents had told the cat to ... a) eat mice _b) wait quietly c) learn a second language D Match, 1 The mouse a) was not eaten. 2 The cat b) was eaten. 3 The cheese ©) ate. 4 The cat and the mouse d) wanted to eat. E Write, then discuss with a friend. The mouse's parents told the mouse, ‘Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.’ The cat's parents told the cat, ‘Learn a second language.’ What wise words have you learnt from your parents? \15] Unit 5 A Look and discuss. 1 Do you think the girl liked New York? 2 What colour are cabs (=taxis) in New York? 3 What else do you know about New York? Hil Welcome to my USA holiday diary. T've just got home after a two-week holiday in the USA with my family. It was really great, and I want to remember everything, so I'm putting if all in this diary, zB zB 2 eA eA 4 a eS DAY 1 - New York We arrived at New York airport and took a yellow cab fo our hotel, Everything here is so bigl It's like the ‘Batman’ films! Facts about New York People call New York ‘The city that never sleeps’. Another popular name for it is ‘The Big Apple’. Don’t ask me why! The population is 7,323,000. 34 million people visit New York every year! [16 Unit $ USA holiday tiory B_ Read and answer. 1 How long was the holiday in the USA? 2 Which city did they go to first? 3 Which tall building did they go up? 4 When did they go shopping? 5 Where did they spend most of the third day? } DAY 2 First we went to the Empire State Building, which is 381 metres high. We went right up to the top and looked out coross New York, It was a fantastic view! Aften that I had the biggest burger I have ever seen! After lunch we went shopping. Clothes and CDs are cheaper than in England, and the shops are BIG, BIG, BIGI Getting around Although it’s a big city, you can't get lost because most of the streets have numbers. For example, if you're in Thirty-fourth Street it’s easy to find Thirty-ninth Street DAY 3 - last day in New York Saturday. Central Park is the place to go at weekends, It's full of people wallking, playing, jogging and skating. There are musicians and artists and tourists like me. There's a great 200 in the park with lots of interesting animals. In the evening we went to the cinema. (The Americans call it a “movie thectter’.) C Choose a, b orc. 1 The writer.......... the USA. a) is planning to go to b) is now visiting c) has just returned from 2 The writer ........ New York City is called the ‘Big Apple’. a) explains why —b) doesn’t know why _) doesn’t say that 3 34 million people a a) visit New York City every year __ b) live in New York City c) call New York ‘the city that never sleeps’ 4 The Empire State Building has.......... a) agood view b) big burgers _) inexpensive clothes and CDs 5 In New York, it’s........ to find your way. a) almost impossible b) easy _c) rather difficult 6 The streets are ........ a) difficult to understand _ ) like the streets in England ©) numbered 7 Lots of people in Central Park. a) work b) play _ c) get lost 8 The writer says she went ... a) toaconcert )toacinema ¢) skating D Answer the questions. 1 How did the girl travel from the airport to the hotel? 2 Can you list three things that the girl liked in New York City? 3 What would you like to see or do in New York City? Why? E Match the British English with the American English. Then check your answers. British English: American English: 1 cinema a) movie 2 film b) stores 3 holiday ©) cab 4 taxi d) movie theater 5 shops e) vacation Fun with science A Look at these experiments and guess the answers to the questions. 1 if the girl blows air over the paper, 2 Which ball will hit will the paper go up or down? the floor first? metal wood 3. If the boy takes his hand away, will the ruler and the hammer fall? desk wooden ruler elastic band: hammer handle ae head B_ Read and answer. How many of your guesses were right? Fun with Science 1 If the girl blows hard, the paper will go up! Try it and see): Scientists call this ‘The Bernoulli effect’ after Daniel Bernoulli (1700-82), the Swiss scientist who discovered it. Nowadays, the Bernoulli effect helps planes to fly. The wing of a plane is like the paper in the boy's hand. The 5 top side of the wing is curved like the paper, so the air blows over the wing in the same way and lifts it up. E 2 A fam: hundred years ago. Gal i id thi iment three i ientist, Galileo, did this experiment oe sGalileo said that all things fall at the it him and said, ‘Heavy things Se ed ee aoe So Galileo took a wooden ball ey t fall faster than light things! Seana nea ig heavy metal ball t oa : eet dropped the two balls from the oe of ae ‘a is The two balls fell together towards the ground, a they hit the ground together. 10 3 __ If the hand is mov ae ey slowly and Carefully, the ruler Think about it scientifically. The desk j i | ruler and the hammer. On the tight is the Pe ae z | head. On the left are the light wooden things. If the wooden things go down, they must lift the hammer head up. But they can’t do that because the hammer head is too heavy. So they don’t fall, Try it and see for yourself! € Choose a, b orc. 1 The Bernoulli effect no. a) makes the wind blow _ b) helps aeroplanes to fly ©) was discovered by a pilot 2 Daniel Bernoulli was from ... a) Switzerland b) Sweden c) Swaziland 3 A..... the top of the wing makes aeroplanes fly. a) strong part of |b) curve in ©) piece of paper on 4 In his experiment, Galileo ......... things to test their speed. a) threw b) lifted) dropped 5 Before he did his experiment, people thought Galileo's idea WOS ecences a) silly b)important right 6 Galileo's experiment showed that heavy things fall light things. a) fasterthan b) more slowly than _c) at the same speed as 7 In picture 3, the ruler and the hammer .......... the desk. a) lift) are heavier than ©) are held up by 8 The ruler and hammer do not fall because ........ and the hammer head is heavy. a) the ruler is strong _b) the desk is heavy ©) the wooden things are light D Answer the questions in A with complete sentences. E b elf] | f au 3 pla} p Ls d s ni t d k [ar The Wright brothers A Look and discuss. 1 How did people travel before we had aeroplanes? 2 Do you think aeroplanes changed the world a lot? 3 What do these things do? a) the engine __b) the propeller c) the wings The first flight of a plane with an engine B Read and answer. 1 Did the Wright brothers work in a bicycle shop? 2 Could other people fly a plane with an engine? 3 What did the Wrights make first? 4 What did they call their plane with an engine? 5 How long was its first flight? Unit 7 The Wright brothers rT Two brothers who changed the world Aeroplanes have changed the world in the last hundred years. But 1 this great change began with two ordinary people. Onille and Wilbur Wright were Iwo brelhers who had a bicycle shap in Ohio, USA. They were good at making bicycles, but planes were their real interest 5 At that time, people knew how to build and fly gliders (= planes with no engine}, but nobody could build @ plane with an engine and fly it The plane builders had two main problems: they could not make the wings strong enough, and the planes always crashed when they tried to take off. 10 The Wright brothers read about these problems in a newspaper, and they decided to look for answers. They made small model planes in the bicycle shop and they built a wind tunnel'to test the models. They also built real gliders. Finally, they built a plane with on engine, which they called The Flyer 18 On December 17th 1903, — Onville and Wilbur pulled The Flyer onto a flat sandy beach. The plane weighed 275 kilograms, It hed a petrol engine and two wooden 20 propellers. Two bicycle chains connected the propellers to the engine. The day was very cold, and there was a wind of about 30 kilometres oer hour. The 25 brothers tossed a coin to see who should fly first. Orville won, He climbed A wind tunnel onto the plane and siaried the engine. The Flyer began to move into the wind. Wilbur ran along beside the plane. And then the plane took offl It flew for only 12 seconds, 30 but someone took a photograph, and the plane flew into the history books. Unit 7 The Wright brothers € Choose a, b or c. 1 People have used aeroplanes with engines for about .......... years. a)50 b)100 150 2 The Wright brothers .......... bicycles. a) made and sold b) discovered) put propellers on 3 A glider is a type of........... a)engine b) bicycle c) aeroplane 4 The Wright brothers wanted to make a plane........... a) without wings b) with an engine) that would crash 5 Plane builders had problems making good......... for planes with engines. a) wings b) propellers _) gliders 6 The Wright brothers made models to ........... a) test their ideas b) sellin their shop _) fly in 7 On the day of the flight, the weather was ... a) rainy b) warm —_c) windy 8 The Wright brothers’ plane a) crashed b) flew well _c) flew for a long time D Match the phrases to make complete sentences. 1 When the Wrights began a) strong enough to working, people carry an engine. 2 The problem was to make an b) models and gliders. aeroplane ©) it flew! 3 First the Wright brothers made d) fly in aeroplanes every 4 Then the Wright brothers made day. 5 When they tested The Flyer, ¢) The Flyer. 6 Now, millions of people £) knew how to make gliders. E Discuss: what do you think these phrases mean? ordinary people (line 4) bicycle chains (line 21) tossed a coin (line 24) took a photograph (line 28) the plane flew into the history books (line 28) _ open Unit 8 A Look and discuss. a 2 3 Which is your favourite zoo animal? Can you name some intelligent animals? Why are chimpanzees popular? B Guess the answers. Then read and check your guesses. il. 2 3 4 5 Can chimpanzees smile? Where do chimpanzees come from? Can chimpanzees learn to understand words? Can chimpanzees make sentences? Do chimpanzees think? 25 | 26 — Chimpanzees The most popular animals in many zoos are the chimpanzees (or chimps). People like to see tigers, elephants, giraffes and other animals, but chimps are special. Other animals are very different from us, but chimps are less different. They have hands like ours, and their faces can smile like ours. They love to play games and they are very intelligent. Facts about chimpanzees Chimpanzees come from’central Africa. Males weigh about 40 kilograms and grow to about 1 metre. They live in trees and on the ground. They eat mostly leaves and fruit, but they also eat eggs, insects and small animals. They can live to the age of 60 or more, How intelligent are they? Scientists in the USA have taught chimps to use English. The most famous chimp is called Panbanisha. She can understand 3,000 words and she can use 250 words to make sentences. She can’t speak but she can use a computer which speaks. The computer has a special keyboard with 400 keys. Panbanisha presses the keys and the computer speaks. For example, if she wants an apple, she presses the key for Give me and the key for apple. Then the computer says ‘Give me - apple.’ Sometimes Panbanisha makes sentences for other chimps, such as ‘Matata wants a banana.’ But Panbanisha does not talk only about food. Sometimes she is quiet, and somebody asks her, ‘Is something wrong?’ Panhanisha answers, ‘No. I’m thinking about climbing a tree.’ or ‘I want to buy a swimming pool.’ Panbanisha has a one-year-old son called Nyota, and she is teaching him to use the computer, too. a 10 15 20 25 Unit 8 Chimpanzees Choose a, b orc. 1 Chimps are ......... other animals are. a) more like us than) not as popular as ___) bigger than 2 Chimps a) do not eat other animals _b) are more than 1 metre tall ©) sometimes live in trees 3 Panbanisha can ........ words correctly. a) say 3,000 b) write some ©) use 250 4 speaks when Panbanisha presses a key. a) The computer b) Ascientist ¢) A chimp 5 When she wants something, she can... a) take it b)askforit ¢) find it 6 She uses the computer to .......... other chimps. a) play games with b) talk to c) help 7 Sometimes she is quiet because she is a) unhappy) thinking) hungry 8 Nyota is........ his mother. " a) learning from b) teaching —_c) more intelligent than Answer the questions about chimpanzees. How much do they weigh? How big do they grow? Where do they live? What do they eat? ..... How long can they live? Why are they interesting? AubwNne Write about another kind of animal that you like. Have you heard the joke about ... A Look and discuss these questions about each picture. 1 Where are the people? 2 What are they wearing and carrying? 3 What are they doing? » three silly men in the desert? traveller was walking across a hot sandy desert when he met 1 three men. The first man was wearing a raincoat. ‘What's that for?’ the traveller asked. The man answered, ‘Don’t you know that it rains one day every year in the desert?’ The second man was carrying a pair of sunglasses. ‘Why don’t 5 you wear your sunglasses?" the traveller asked. The man answered, ‘Somebody told me that the stars are very bright in the desert. So these glasses are for the nighttime.’ The third man was carrying a car door. ‘What's that for?’ the traveller asked. The man answered, ‘Don't you know that the io desert is very hot at midday? When | get hot, | like to open the window.” Unit 9 Have you heard the joke about ... ae B_ Read and answer the questions. 1 Did the first man really need his raincoat? 2 What did the third man want to do at the hottest time of the day? 3 Who did they see outside the submarine? 4 How many times did they open the submarine’s door? 5 Why did the third man open the submarine’s window? or day, three men heard a noise outside their submarine. They looked through a window and saw an enemy diver. ‘Illopen the door and shoot him,’ said the first man. He opened the door, — water poured in, and the submarine sank to the bottom of the sea. A month later, the three men were in a new submarine.They 5 heard a knock at the door. ‘Somebody wants to come in,’ said the second man, and he opened the door. The enemy diver laughed as the submarine sank. A month later, the three men were in a new submarine. Again, they heard a knock at the door. The third man ran to the window 10 and shouted, ‘We know it’s you! We're not going to make the same mistake three times!’ But the diver couldn’t hear him, so the man opened the window. ¥ |29) C Choose a, b orc. F 1 The first man in the desert was ready for .... a) hot weather b) rain) walking on sand 2 The second man brought sunglasses because of the ... a) bright stars b) hot sun) dry sand 3 The third man in the desert brought a car door so that he could .. ta be cool. a) hide under it) drive ©) put down the window 4 The three men. ......... the right things for a walk in the desert. a) did not have _b) gave the traveller _c) were using 5 The first man in the submarine opened the door because he wanted Ge. a) let water in _b) sink the submarine __c) shoot the enemy 6 The enemy diver knocked on the door because he wanted the submarine. a)tosink b) to go inside) to shoot * 7 The third man opened the window because he wanted to .. the enemy diver. a)talkto b)shoot c) sink 8 The submarine sank three times because ... a) the three men were not clever _b) the enemy diver shot it ¢) it was not a good submarine D The diver wrote this. Can you complete it? When. l first saw the submarine, I was afraid. Then one of the men inside}... ... to shoot me and the submarine sank! When Is saw them again, I was less afraid. I 4 5 bs and a man opened it. Their submarine * 5 again! When I saw them the third time, I thought, ‘They are not 4. cnennnnnni simmer ... the same yatstake again.’ A man inside * “at me, but I fin And geeas wcitE” and the submarine sank! E Think and discuss. What will happen if the three silly men see the enemy diver again? Junior Comprehension 3 To the teacher ‘The texts in Junior Comprebension are suitable for work in class or at home. If you set a unit for homework, first spend a minute or two in class doing task A orally with the pupils and checking that they understand what to do in the other tasks. Before the lesson Read the text and decide which words your pupils may not know: Decide which of these words they should try to guess from che context and which words to pre-teach with the help of the picture and questions in task A. 1 Pre-reading (task A) Aimis: 1 arouse the pupils’ interest and curiosity; to make sure they have any necessaty background knowledge or experience; to pre-teach key vocabulary; to help pupils to predict the content of the text. Type of task: a brief oral task usually consisting of discussion questions or questions about the picture(s). Suggested classroom method: This can be a whole-class discussion, or you can divide the class into pairs or groups anc let the pupils discuss the questions before giving you their answers. This pre-reading task should be quite short 2 First reading (cask B) Aims: to cheek general understanding of the main points of the text before going on to more detailed comprehension in task ‘Type of task: reading and a comprehension task such as Yes/No questions, True/False sentences or simple Wh- questions with short answers of one or wo words. Suggested classroom method: 1) Make sure the pupils understand the task (though they may not understand all the questions until they have read the text). 2) Give them time to read the text silently and to complete the task. An alternative to silent reading is for you to read the text aloud while the pupils listen and read; but do nor do this every time because the pupils must {carn to read independently. 3) Ask pupils to give their answers orally. Alternatively, let them compare their answers in pairs or small groups first. In either case, if pupils disagree about an answer, they should refer again to the text and try 10 reach agreement. Finally, confirm the correct answers and make sure that everyone understands them before trying tasks C and D. 3 Compreliension (tasks C and D) Aims: (C) to check pupils’ comprehension of important details in the text; (1D) to elicir an active and thoughtful response to the text, Type of task: (C) multiple choice sentence completion with three choices, followed by (D) a variety of tasks such as answering questions, completing summaries or giving opinions. Suggested classroom method: 1) Check that the pupils understand what they have to do in task D before they stare work, (Task C is always the same.) 2) Tell the pupils to work individually until they have completed tasks G and D. 3) Hither collect written answers for marking or follow one of the procedures suggested for task B, step 3 above. 4 Language work or discussion (task E ) Aims: to provide an appropriate learning or discussion follow-up Type of task: a vocabulary task such as a word puzzle, finding words in the text, matching, and categorising words: or a personalisation task such as writing sentences about oneself: or discussion tasks such as agreeing or disagreeing. Suggested classroom method: the same as the previous stage. A note on reading aloud round the class: Reading aloud round the class may be useful sometimes, but most reading should be done silently. Do not ask pupils to read aloud before they have undersiood the text and Jearnt how to pronounce the words The author ana publisher thank the many teachers who have belped and advised us, and we hope that you and your pupils will enjoy using the hook. Answers 1 Fast food A B iC D 1 Pupils’ own answers 2 Pupils’ own answers 3 Fulafels AT 2F 3F 47 SF Ja 2h 3b de 5a Ga Th 8c 1 ice cream, pizza, falafcls 2 French fies were not invented in France. Ice cream is less than 1% cream 1same 2different 3 same 4different 5same 6 different 2 The picnic A baw 1 Pupils’ own answers 2 Possible answers: a family on a picnic in a hot country; a four-wheel-drive car; rocks; trees; a river; a blanket; drinks; a sunshade; folding chairs; a cardboard box bags. 41 26 3F 4F 5T Ja 2c 3a 4b 5a 6c 7a 8b Possible answers: ‘We haven't got any food! ‘What are we going to cat? How did/could you do thar? Why did you do that? ‘Are you erizy? Verbs: visit, packed, saw, threw Nouns: pienie, cook, hox, track Adjectives: dry, clean, cool, clear 3. The science lesson A B c D z ‘Words translated into pupils’ language. Jiwo 2two 3-‘T'll open the window? 4.No. 5 ‘Till open the window: Ja 2b 3a 4c 5a Oa 7c 8a Pupils’ own answers Pupils read the play aloud. 4 Lean a second language A moO 1 Possible answers: a mouse, a piece of cheese 2 Possible answer: He should be careful. 1 his parents 2 He heard the cat 3 He thought he heard « dog, 4 his parents 5 dog language Ib 2b 3a 4c 5a Ga 7h 8 tb 2c 3a dd Pupils’ own answers 5 USA holiday diary A. 1 Pupils’ own opinions 2 yellow 3 Pupils’ own answers B Ltwo weeks 2. New York City 3 The Empire State Building 4 afer lunch on day 2 5 in Central Park © 1c 2b 3a 4a Sb 6c 7h &b D 1 by yellow taxi 2 Answers may vary: the (view from) the Empire State Building; the big burger she had for lunch: shopping for clothes and CDs; cheaper prices; the numbered streets; Central Park; the 200; the cinema (movie theater) Bid 2a 3e 4c 5b Fun with science Pupils’ own guesses Depends on answers to question A 1b 2a 3h 4c¢ Sa 6c 7c 8c L If the boy blows hard, the paper will 80 up. 2 ‘The balls will hit the floor at the same time. 3 The ruler and the hammter will not fall. FE Words across: halls; effect; wing; paper; ground; scientist; desk ‘Mystery word: science comp ‘The Wright brothers A. 1 Answers may vary: by walking; by horse; by camel; by boat; by train 2 Pupils’ own opinions 3.) turns the propellers; b) pull the aeroplane through the air ©) hold the aeroplane B yes 4 The Flyer 2no 5 12 seconds 3 model planes tb 2a 3c 4b 5a 6a Je 8b If 2a 3b 4e 5c 6d Pupils’ discussion. Possible answers: 1 people without special education 2 the metal belt that goes from the pedals of a bicycle wo the wheels 3 Flipped a coin into the air. This is a way of deciding something, Before the coin lands, one person calls *heads’ (the front) or ‘tails’ (the back). If the call is Boo correct, the person who called is the winner. If the call is incorrect, the person who called is the loser 4 used a camera to make a picture 5 ‘The plane became famous in history because it was the first motorised plane to fly 8 Chimpanzees A Pupils’ own answers B lyes Ayes 2 central Africa Syes 3 yes la 2c 3c 4a Sb Ge 7b 8a 1 about 40 kilograms 2 about 1 metre 3 in trees and on the ground 4 mostly leaves and fruit 5 to the age of 60 or more 6 Pupils’ own answers: Chimps have hands like ours; they can smile; they like to play games; they are intelligent; they can learn language. E Pupils’ own answers c D 9. Have you heard the joke about .. A 1 picture 1: in the desert; picture 2: in a submarine 2.1n picture 1, one man is wearing a raincoat, another is carrying sunglasses and a third is carrying a car door. In picture 2, the men ate wearing military uniforms. One of them is carrying a gun, ‘The man outside the submarine is wearing diving gear. 3 Pupils’ guesses B ino 2 open the window 3 an enemy diver 4 two times 5 to shout at the enemy diver or because the diver could not hear him Ib 2a 3c 4a Sc Ga 7a 8a 1 opened the door 2 knocked on the door 3 sank 4 going to make 5 shouted. 6 couldn't hear 7 opened the window FE Discussion ba 10 The talkative tortoise A Lovo birds are carrying it 2 Pupils’ guesses 3 Ie will fall B I the king 2a beautiful mountain 3 astick 4 He fell, Syes G la 2b 3a de 5a 6b 7b 8c D Lindi 2 Pupils’ own opinions; The king Jearned a lesson but the tortoise didn’t 3 Pupils’ own opinions; ‘The king understood that his friend wanted to help him. E Discussion 11 Speed A Pupils’ guesses B 1 298 kilometres per hour 2.36 kilometres per hour 3 250 kilometres per hour 4 240 kilometres per hour 5 1,227 kilometres per hour 6 40,000 kilometres per hour 7 299,792 kilometres per second © le 2b 3c 4a 5a 6b 7h Be D b8,95 5,250 d6, 240 €3, 1,227 £7, 160 g2, 40,000 hd, 298 E closer the closest fast the fastest short shorter higher the highest slow the slowest exciting more exciting bigger the biggest 12 School stories A moo 1 Pupils’ guesses 2 Pupils’ guesses 1 2T 3F 46 5ST Ib 2b 3a 4b 5a 6b 7a 8c Pupils’ own answers across: grammar, zoo, elephant, formula, chemical, alphabet down: apples, water, peanuts, letter, hands 13 Making a TV serial A B c 1 Pupils’ own answers 2 Pupils’ own answers 3.) all of the pictures; b) every pleture except for 5; ¢) picture 4 A3 Bd C1 D2 F6 FS Ib 2a 3c 4a Sb 64 7a 8a 154 de D 1 They are reading their words aloud 2 She's telling the actor how to move, 3 They are recording the episode. 4 She is giving the actors the script for the next episode E_ pcople: crew, actors, director ‘equipment: camera, microphone, script, table actions: record, part ofa seri ad, act, practise cene, episode 14 How to use a computer safely A Pupils’ own answers and guesses B Islowly 2 more than 3 at the same height as 4 back, neck 5 30 minutes (half hour) la 2c 3a 4b 5b Ga 7b 8c Isafe 2close 3 wrists 4 height S exercise 6 sit 7 forearms 8 parallel E Lwrists 2computer 3 injure ‘screen Sthigh 6 forearm T exercise 8 elbows go tive puzale A La bank robbery 2 The police are questioning two men, 4 stavements by the men to the police B Lat 8 p.m. yesterday 2 Bill Burger and Ben Burger 3 yes Ayes 5 yes © tb 2h 3a de 5a 6b Je Bb D 1 Ben’s 2 the news and some football 3 says they watched a film about a football player 4 into the town centre but Ben says they took a taxi 5 fod that they ate B 1 What 2 Where was 3 What time/When was 4 Who are the police 5 Who are 6 Do the men have 16 Girl on the Titanic (part 1) AT 20 31 4P B Lewelve 2 the USA 3 11:40 p.m. 4 Tt was going too fast. 5 just after midnight le 2b 3a 4b 5b Ga 7c 8a 2 they went through the Suez 3 they crossed the Mediterranean 4 they arrived in 5 they got on the 6 they hit an E Discussion va 17 Girl on the Titanic (part 2) A Pupils’ own answers B 1 ‘There weren't enough lifeboats. 2 It. was very cold. 3 The lifeboat was already full. 4 The lifeboats were already dangerously full 5 Yes, she did. © lb 2b 4a fc 5b Ga 7b Be D Pupils’ own opinions E put 2run Shave dhe 5send return 7gct Bleave 9 shout break I1sink I2see 13 pull 14 find 18 Letters to a magazine A’ 1 Pupils’ own answers 2.Children give cards and small presents to their fathers. 3 Pupils’ own answers 4 Father's day’ B_ 1 She fell out of the car. 2. She was wearing her seat belt 3 She felt very proud of him. 4 They are going to have a test. 5 Yes, he has. € lb 2a 3c de 5a 6¢ 7b 8c D Pupils’ own answers E lacy tells about how to be safe. Claire sends a message to her father. Jenny asks about her brother, Claire's father will be surprised by Claire's letter. Jenny’s brother doesn’t tell his friends about his revision. 19 A builder's story A. Discussion BAM BOT C23-24 D9 E19-21 © tb 2c 3b 4a 5c Ga 7c 8b D First 2Nest 3 After 4 Because Sup 6When 7down 8again 9 Finally E Pupils’ own answers The talkative tortoise A Look and discuss. 1 How is the tortoise flying? 2 What do you think the young king is saying? 3. What will happen if the tortoise opens its mouth? B Read and answer. 1 Who could not stop talking? Where did the birds and the tortoise want to fly to? | What did the tortoise hold onto? | What happened when the tostoise tried to talk? Did the king change after that? ES) [31| sy | §€ € [32 ’ seme The Talkative A long time ago in India, there was a young king andawise man who was the king’s friend. This king was a good man, but he talked too much. In fact, sometimes the king could not stop talking. The wise man thought, ‘I must help the king to be less 5 talkative. But how?’ Not far away, there was a lake. A tortoise and two birds lived near the lake, and they were all good friends, One day, the birds said to the tortoise, ‘We are going to a beautiful mountain tomorrow. Would you like to come with us?’ 10 The tortoise answered ‘How can I go with you? I can’t fly.’ ‘We can take you.’ the birds said. ‘Hold a stick in your mouth, and we'll carry the stick between us.’ ‘Thank you. You're very kind,’ said the excited tortoise. ‘Bite on the stick, and don’t talk. If you open your mouth, 15 you'll fall,’ the birds said. The next day, the king and the wise man saw the two birds in the sky. ‘Look!’ said the king. ‘Those birds are carrying something! What is it?’ The tortoise heard this and wanted to say, ‘I’m a tortoise! I'm flying!’ He opened his mouth to say it, and fell to the ground. ‘It's a dead tortoise!’ said the king. ‘Why did it fall from the sky?” The wise man answered, ‘This talkative tortoise couldn't 25 hold onto the stick because it couldn’t keep its mouth shut. Great King, this shows us how bad it is to talk too much.’ The king said, ‘I understand you, my friend,’ and after that he became a wiser and less talkative king. Unit 10 The talkative tortoise C Choose a,b orc. 1 The story a) teaches a lesson b) is true c) is about a zoo 2 The king's problem was that he was ....... a) not good b) too talkative ) wise 3 The king's friend wanted to a) help the king b) learn from the king) fly 4 The birds asked the tortoise to ........... a) carry a stick b) carry them c) go to the mountain with them 5. The birds told the tortoise not to while they were flying. a) open his mouth — b) hold the stick in his mouth. ©) look at the king 6 The tortoise ........ because he spoke. a) flew b) died ) bit the stick 7 The king saw the tortoise a) speak b) fall c) shut its mouth 8 After seeing the tortoise fall, the king .......... a) didn’t like animals _ b) talked to the birds c) didn’t talk as much D Answer the questions. 1 Which country is the story from? 2 How was the king different from the tortoise? (Give your opinion.) 3. Why wasn’t the king angry with the wise man? (Give your opinion) E Discuss which people and animals in the story are ... .. talkative .. Wise friendly excited surprised «+. good, .. silly | Unit i 34 A Guess the answers. 1 How fast are the fastest birds? 164 or 298 kilometres per hour? 2 How fast can a person run? 36 or 42 kilometres per hour? 3 How fast can a skier qo? 250 or 390 kilometres per hour? 4 How fast can a tennis ball go in a game of tennis? 185 or 240 kilometres per hour? How fast is the fastest car? 861 or 1,227 kilometres per hour? 6 How fast have astronauts travelled in space? 40,000 or 80,000. kilometres per hour? 7 How fast does light travel? 299,792 kilometres per minute or per second? a B Read and check your guesses. Animals You probably know that cheetahs are the fastest land animals. They can do 95 kilometres per hour for a short distance. But that is slow compared with the fastest birds, which are peregrine falcons. These falcons catch and kill smaller birds. They fly high and then dive down at 298 kilometres per hour. Smaller birds never know what hit them! People People are quite slow compared with animals. The world’s fastest runner can only do 36 kilometres per hour. However, we can do lots of things that animals can’t. With skis on our feet we can go downhill at nearly 250 kilometres per hour. = “ Cheetahs, get your skis on! With a tennis racket in his hand, Greg Rusedski, the British tennis Number One, can hit a ball at 240 kilometres per hour. That’s not as fast as the peregrine falcon, but it’s not slow! Machines Planes can travel faster than sound. But what about cars? In 1997 Andy Green from Britain did it. He drove at 1,227 kilometres per hour across a desert in the USA. Roller coasters are not as fast, but they are just as exciting. The Fastest roller coaster in the world is at Six Flags Mountain in California. First you go from 0 to 160 kilometres per hour in seven seconds, then you ride up a 126-metre high tower, and finally you fall back to Earth at 160 kilometres per hour, Don’t eat before you go! Space Space is the place for really big speeds. Astronauts in space can sometimes travel at 40,000 kilometres per hour. The planet Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, travels at 172,000 kilometres per hour around the Sun. The fastest thing of all is light. Light from the stars travels at 299,792 kilometres per second! ¢C Choose a,b orc. 1 Cheetahs are the fastest animals........... a) in the world b) that kill birds c) on land 2. Peregrine falcons ....... cheetahs. a) killand eat b) are faster than _c) don’t fly as high as 3 Compared with people, animals a) are good skiers b) are slow runners __c) are quite fast 4 A tennis ball can go a skier. a) almost as fastas _b) a little bit faster than c) much faster than 5 Andy Green......... faster than the speed of sound. a) droveacar ) flewaplane ©) built a roller coaster 6 On the rollercoaster at Six Flags Mountain, you swe. very fast. a)caneat ) fall ©) don't travel 7 travels very quickly. a) The Sun b) The planet Mercury _¢) Space 8 Nothing travels faster than a) stars b) the planet Mercury) light D Write the speed of each thing described in the text. Then number them from the fastest (1) to the slowest (10). a) 1... light 229.792 kps e) acar kph v Cheetahs nm kph 1) cntae @ POMEL COASLEF snieinene KPH ©) rouse @ skier kph Q) ne QSHTONAUES «se KPA A) rene @ OMNES BAL eee KP) senor FALCONS eeercone KPH Which speed is most surprising to you? Write a ! next to it. E Complete the chart. close faster the shortest high slower the most exciting big Unit12 ante | A Look at the picture and the titles. Then discuss the questions. 1. Which story probably goes with the picture? 2 Which story is probably about ... a) ...a maths lesson? b) ... a science lesson? c) ... an English lesson? B_ Read and answer: true or false? 1 Gary and Larry were throwing their friend to the elephants. 2 ‘Peanuts’ was Peter's nickname. 3 The chemical formula for water is H to O. 4 The teacher wanted the little girl to add ten and ten. 5 When the girl began ‘Tis ...', her sentence was right. 8 School stories the zoo Some English boys went to the : z00 with their new teacher. First they looked at the elephants. They had just lef the elephants when they heard a lot of noise behind them, The teacher went back and | found three of the boys fighting. He stopped them and said, ‘What are your names and what were you doing?” f The first boy said, ‘My name’s Gary, and | was just throwing peanuls to the elephants’ The second said, ‘My name's Larry, and | was throwing peanuts to the elephants, too.” The third boy said, ‘Well, my name's Peter, but my friends call me Peanuts.” H20 ee day the science teacher asked the class, ‘What's th chemical Formul: A boy put uy P his hi eitesther said, "Yes? ee he boy said ‘H1) } id oy said ‘HII KL MN la for water?" Are you tryin 1g to be Funny?" asied the teacher angrily, NO, sir,’ said the boy, “ said the formula was Tech 10 + 20 A teacher was trying to teach a little girl to add. So she asked the girl, ‘If [ have ten apples in my left hand, and someone puts twenty apples in my right hand, what have | got?’ The little girl thought and then said, ‘Big hands.” sentence beginning Lots of girls put their hands up, The girl began, ‘is ..” ‘No,’ the teacher said ‘OK. / am the ninth letter of the alphabet? 38 | lish i with 1?’ she ashaahe eee ee and the teacher chose one of them. “You must Say / am.’ Unit 12 School stories, aa C Choose a, bore. 1 The three bays at the zoo were a)angry b) playing ©) eating 2 Peter's friends call him .......... a) Larry b) Peanuts ¢) Elephants 3 HO is the scientific name for .... a) water _b) some letters of the alphabet _c) a joke 4 ‘HtoO' waa the same as ‘H,0’ a) means b) sounds _) is spelled 5 In ‘10420’, the teacher is trying to by using an example. a) teach the girl by make the girl laugh _) feed 6 Apples are too... 10 hold twenty of them in one hand. a) delicious b) big c) hard to find 7 When the teacher said ‘I’, she meant = a)aperson b) ‘eye’ c) a letter of the alphabet 8 When the teacher said ‘I’, the little girl thought ““I” means a)me ob) the teacher ©) a letter of the alphabet D Can you remember one of the stories? Close your book and tell your neighbour. E Find ten more nouns from the stories. q (CG) Teale (a an re ep eed eae =) 0 02 Jp | 9.2 bi "xa he ae eeee Cn W Uae ipl th. « iuniieveas oh) em Co Tee AL Pahl Deets d remo ce | sj Ac. Spur) ule ocean dems ee epieme ds Shy kei sro) bape ke: al hPa faewole reer. GT) Saree gueet Vee te Coenen ne ie. Galan OMe pee henna © be ovens fpr x > pe! y Making a TV serial A Look and discuss. 1 What is the name of your favourite TV serial? 2 Does it have one episode every week or more? 3 The pictures show people making an episode of a TV serial. Which pictures show ... a) ... the actors?) ... the director? } c) ... the crew? B The pieces of text are in the wrong order. Read the introduction. Then match the picture numbers to the other pieces of text. Making a TV serial It usually takes five days to make one episode of a TV serial. In that time, the actors must learn their words, the director must plan every move of the actors and the crew, and then they must record the episode on video. AT} The actors and the director work together for another day. The director also starts to think about how the actors should move and how the cameras should record each scene (A scene = a part of an episode). (1B The fourth day is a big day for the crew. While the actors go through the episode again, the crew work out what they must do in each scene. There are usually about forty people in the crew, so this is important: everybody must know what to do, where and when. First, the actors read the script to themselves. Then they come together and read the script aloud with the director. They call this a ‘table reading’ because they all sit round a table. Dp The hard work begins on the second day. The actors and the director work through the episode again and again. The director helps the actors to do it better each time. E Before the actors go home after the recording, the director gives them the script for the next episode. F On the last day, the actors and the crew practise and prepare together for the last time before the recording, Then the cameras and microphones start recording. Each part of the episode is recorded more than once, so the director can choose the best recordings later. The recording usually takes about four hours. But if there are problems, everyone works all night. Unit 13 Making a TY serial C Choose a, borc 1. Actors usually have to learn their words wc... a) on the last day b) in five days) from the director 2 The director has to.......... very carefully. a) think b)act ¢) write 3 At the ‘table reading’, the actors read the script... a) for the first time b) to themselves) aloud 4 On the second day, the actors read their words a) many times b) forthe second time _c) and record them 5 On the third day, the director .......... the moves of the actors. a) doesn’t know about —b) begins planning —_) records 6 On the fourth day the ........ plan the recording. a) crew b) director c) actors 7 During recording, the actors say their words .......« a) a few times b) only once ) perfectly every time 8 After the episode is recorded, it is time to = a) think about the next episode _b) go on holiday ©) record the next episode D Look at the text again and answer the questions. 1 What are the actors doing in picture 1? 2 What is the director telling the actor in picture 3? 3 What are the crew doing in picture 5? 4 What is the director doing in picture 6? E Put these words in the correct boxes. act, actors, camera, crew, director, episode, micraphone, practise, read, record, scene, script, table actors. A Look and discuss. 1 Do you often use a computer? 2 What about your brothers, sisters and parents? 3 Computers can be bad for some parts of your body. Which parts? B Read and correct the wrong information. 1 abwn Computers can injure you suddenly. Your eyes should be less than 50 centimetres from the screen. Your elbows should be above the height of the keyboard. Sitting wrongly is bad for your wrists and your eyes. You should have a break from the computer every hour. Unit 14 How to use a computer safely How to use a computer safely Computers can injure you. Mast other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you fall off a bicycle and break your arm, it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slow} You probably know how to ride « bicycle Taw, Now lear to use a computer safely. Your eyes Too much light con injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen, Your eyes should de at least 50 centimetres from the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest. When you use a computer, the window should be on your lef or your right. lf itis behind you, the light will re‘lect on the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes. Your hands and wrists Hand and wrist injuries con happen because the hands and wrists ‘are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long time, follow these three rules: 1) Rest your wrists on something, 2) keep your eloows at the same height as the keyooard, and 3] stop sometimes and exercise your hands, wrists and fingers in a different way. Your back Some people sit for many houts in front ofa computer. If you sit in ietercr atin enn iniuiecvour tack on your feeks So voll should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should ‘be in front of your eyes. Your forearms, wrists, hands and your thighs should all be parallel to the floor. If you are siting for a long time, gel up every 30 minules and exercise your arms, legs and neck. Enjoy your computer, but use it safely. 20 25 Unit 14 How to use a C Choose a, b orc. 1. Bicycle injuries computer injuries. a) happen more quickly than b) are the same as ©) help you prepare for 2 A computer screen may injure your eyes if . a) you sit 60 centimetres away b) you remember to look away c) your eyes are too close to it 3 A window can cause problems when the light a) reflects on the screen _b) comes from the left or right ©) comes from the screen 4 Hand and wrist injuries are caused when you... a) get too much exercise _b) move the same way again and again c) rest your wrists on something 5 Your eyes and your hands will be safe if you... a) work near a window __b) often take rests from working ©) use a keyboard for a long time 6 Your back and neck will not be injured if you sit ........... a) the right way —_b) for many hours c) with the screen below your eyes 7 Itis important to ........ while using a computer. a) keep your back parallel to the floor b) get up and exercise often ©) rest your wrists on your thighs 8 Your computer can injure you if you don’t............ a) enjoy it b) use it often) use it safely D Somiplete the summary, It is! .. t0 use a computer if you follow the rules. You shouldn’ 't sit too 2 ... to the screen. You should rest your ? : on something, keep your elbows at the same 4 as the keyboard, and stop often to Seer er i You should § .... . with your back straight. Your” ., wrists, hands and thighs should be 8 .. to the floor. E Make words from these letters. 1 swirst 5 ghith 2 potercum... 6 earmrof 3 reinju....... —— 7 rexesice 4 creens 8 wobles.. 45 | Unit 15 BN A Look and discuss. 1 What is the newspaper article about? 2 What is happening in the pictures? 3 What are the two signed documents? B Read and answer the questions. 1 When was the bank robbed? Who have the police questioned? Did the men give similar answers? Bank robbery The town bank was robbed yesterday at 8 p.m. Late last night, the police questioning two men about the robbery. The men are Bill as One-Eye Bill), and 2 3. Did they ask both men the same questions? Burger (also known 4 5 Ave there any important differences between Bill's story and Ben's story? Where were you between 7 and 9 p.m. yesterday? | was with my brother, Ben. his brother, Ben Burger (also known as Big Ben). Where were you between 7 and 9 p.m. yesterday? | was with my brother, Bill. POLICE INTERVIEW WITH Me Bill Burger was asked, ‘Where were you between 7 and 9 p.m. yesterday?’ He answered as follows: ‘I was with my brother, Ben, all the time. I arrived at Ben’s house at about 6.45 and we watched TV until about 7.30. We watched the news and some football. Then we walked into the town centre and had a meal at a restaurant. can’t remember the name of the restaurant. It was a big restaurant, but it was almost empty. We both had fish and chips. We left there at about 8.45 and walked back to Ben's house.’ This statement is true. Signed: Bill Burger POLICE INTERVIEW WITH Ben Burger Ben Burger was asked, ‘Where were you between 7 and 9 m. yesterday?’ He answered as follows: ‘IT was with Bill, all the time. Bill came to my house at about quarter to seven, and then we watched TV for about 45 minut We watched a film about a football player, but I can’t remember the name of the film. Then we took to a restaurant. I don’t know the name of the restaurant. There weren't many people there. I had steak and chips, and Bill had chicken. We left there at quarter to nine and we went back to my house.‘ This statement is true. Signed: Ben Burger C Choose a,b orc. 1. The police want to find the person who took a) the bank b) the money _¢) the robbers 2 The police ........ Bill and Ben. a) robbed b) interviewed —_¢) answered 3 In their statements, Bill and Ben both said they were ....... a) together b) at the cinema _) at the bank 4 In their statements, both men ... the time. a) said they didn’t know __b) said they couldn't remember ¢) gave the same information about 5 They didn’t give the same information about......... they went into the town centre a) how )when ©) why 6 They didn’t give the same information about the restaurant a) the time they left _b) the food they ate at c) the place they went to after 7 Both men said the restaurant.......... a) wasn't big b) wasn’t good ©) had only a few people in it 8 The police probably think Bill and Ben were ..... at 8.00. a) eating dinner b) robbing the bank —_c) watching television D Complete the summary and answer the question. hee are three important differences between Bill’s statement and . First, Bill says they watched decal , but Ben 4 . Secondly, Bill says they ‘walked * p Thy, the two men say different ihiiniys ‘about the QUESTION: Do you think hey robbed the bank?... E Read the answers. What questions did the news reporter ask when she wrote the news article? ... happened? There was a robbery. the robbery? At the town bank. . the robbery? At 8 p.m. the police questioning? They're questioning two men. .. the men? Bill and Ben. nicknames? Yes. ‘One-Eye’ Bill and ‘Big’ Ben. Auhwrde A Do you know about the Titanic? Answer true or false. 1 2 3 + The Titanic was the biggest ship in the world. It sank on its first voyage. It sank because it hit an iceberg. Most of the passengers got away in lifeboats. B Read and answer the questions. 1 apwn How old was Ruth? Where was she travelling to? At what time was the iceberg seen? Why couldn’t the ship turn away? At what time did the steward say, ‘It’s only a small problem’? (50 Girl on the Titanic a true story (part 1) Ruth Becker was twelve years old in March 1912 when she travelled from India to England with her little brother, Richard, aged one, her sister, Marion, aged four, and their mother. They were on their way home to the USA. After travelling by boat through the Suez Canal and across the Mediterranean Sea, they arrived in England. They planned to cross the Atlantic Ocean to the USA in a famous new ship, the Titanic. The Titanic was the biggest and most modern ship in the world, and this was its first voyage. It was as long as three football fields and eleven stories high. The newspapers said the Titanic was like a palace. They also said it could not sink. When the Titanic left England, the weather was good. For the first four days, the passengers enjoyed life on the ship. Then, on Sunday, April 14, the weather turned cold. The northern part of the Atlantic is near the Arctic Circle, so there were icebergs in the water. At 11.40 p.m. a lookout saw a big iceberg 500 metres ahead. An officer tried to turn the ship, but it was going too fast, and the Titanic hit the iceberg. At first, nobody was worried. Just after midnight, Ruth and her mother woke up. There was a strange silence because the ship’s engines had stopped. Ruth’s mother got up and spoke to a steward outside her cabin. He said, ‘Don't worry. I’s only a small problem.’ She went back to bed, but some time later a steward knocked on their door and said, ‘Put your life jackets on and go up to the lifeboat deck.’ ‘Do we have time to dress?’ she asked. ‘No, Madam, you have time for nothing. The ship is sinking,’ 20 C Choose a, b orc. 1 Ruth Becker was .......... a) Indian 6) English) American 2 Ruth and her family ........ in England. a) lived») got on the Titanic) began their long journey 3. The Titanic.......... before March 1912. a) didn’t make a voyage —_b) wasn't in the newspaper ©) wasn’t built 4 The newspapers said that the Titanic was a) too big b) very safe _c) not comfortable 5 The Titanic hit ........ a) abad storm b) a large piece of ice ©) the Arctic Circle 6 Just after midnight, the steward told Ruth's mother ..... a) the problem wasn’t serious _b) to wake the children c) to put on her life jacket 7 When the steward knocked on the door, he said the problem WOS ronan a) only small _ b) with the ship’s engines _c) very serious 8 They had to......... very quickly. a) leave their cabin b) get dressed _—_¢) pack their suitcases D Summarise the family’s journey. First they left. india. Then...... After that 1 2 Canal. 3 & @ Next tee ... England. & 6 -» Sea. In England Titanic. Near the Arctic Circle .... iceberg. E Discuss. What do you think happened next? Talk about ... .. the ship .. the captain .. the ship’s crew ... the passengers .. Ruth and her family 52 Say what you remember from part 1 about ... 1 Ruth Becker and her family. 2 the Titanic. 3 what happened on the night of 14th April 1912. Read and answer the questions. 1 apon Why did the men stay on the ship? Why did Ruth’s mother send Ruth back to get blankets? Why couldn’t Ruth get into the lifeboat with her family? Why couldn't they help the people in the water? Did she see her family again? Girl on the Titanic a true story (part 2) Ruth and her mother woke the two younger children. They 1 put coats over their nightclothes and ran up the stairs to the lifeboats. There were not enough lifeboats, so the captain said, “Women and children first.’ Men had to say goodbye to their 5 families and stay on the ship. It was very cold, so Mrs Becker sent Ruth back to their cabin for warm blankets. When Ruth returned, officers were putting her little brother and sister into q lifeboat. Ruth’s mother got into the boat with them, but an officer stopped Ruth and said, 10 ‘Sorry. It's full.’ He lowered the boat into the sea, and Ruth was left on the ship. Ruth’s mother shouted, ‘Ruth! Get in the next lifeboat!’ A few minutes later, Ruth was in another lifeboat. But more than 1,500 people were still on the ship. 15 Then the great ship broke into two halves. The front half sank below the water, and two minutes later the other half sank. Hundreds of people were in the water, crying for help. But nobody could help them because the lifeboats were already dangerously full. 20 About three hours later, Ruth saw a light from another ship. When the ship got to them, Ruth was so cold that she could not move. Men pulled her onto the ship and gave her a hot drink. Then Ruth ran all over the ship, looking for her mother and her brother and sister. She watched as other lifeboats came in. 25 Hours later, she found them. All three of them were safe. In the end, 705 people were saved. But many were not as lucky as Ruth. More than 1,500 people died in the freezing water. And Ruth Becker? She lived a long life. She finished school 30 and went to university, became a teacher, had three children, and lived to the age of 90. C Choose a, b or c. 1 When they left their cabin, they didn’t have enough time to a) get their coats _b) get fully dressed _c) run up the stairs 2 There were too many and too few lifeboats. a) life jackets b) people _c) blankets 3 Before they could all get in a lifeboat, Ruth and her family a) became separated b) fellinto the sea __¢) fell asleep 4 Ruth and her family were .. when the ship sank. a) on the Titanic b) in the water _) in lifeboats 5 After three hours, Ruth ... a) was warm b)sawaship ) cried for help 6 After she was safe, Ruth.......... her family. a) looked for b) helped ©) gave blankets to 7 No one in Ruth's family... a) wascold bb) died c) was on the other ship 8 Ruth Becker died a) when the Titanic sank _ b) just after she finished school ©) after a long, full life D Answer the questions. What do you think Ruth ... 1... thought when she couldn't get on the lifeboat with her family? 2. ... felt when she was pulled onto the ship that saved her? E 1 put 8B left nun 2 ran... iret 9 shouted . 3 had ¥ 10 broke .. Ds WDE ccs Maronseaninsninsswincnst 11 sank SF Sent wsicsatin. 12. saw... 6 returned .... 13. pulled .. 7 got. ‘i 14 found |54 Unit 18 A Discuss. 1 Do you always wear a seat belt in a car? 2 What happens on Fathers’ Day? 3 How much do you revise before a test? 4 Look quickly at the three letters. Which letter goes with this picture? B Read and answer the questions. 1 What happened to Lucy when the car went round a corner? Why didn’t Lucy fall onto the road? How did Claire feel about her father after the run? What are Jenny and her brother going to have on Monday? Has Jenny’s brother done any work this weekend or not? a bhwn Always wear a seat belt I'm writing to tell you and all the readers how a seat belt Can save your life. Last week | was in the back of my mum's car when | noticed that my doer was not shut properly | pushed it open so that [ could shut it hard. But we went round a comer, and | fell through the open door. | was hanging out of the car above the road. The only thing that kept me in was my seat belt. Mum heard me screaming and she stopped. the car and helped me back in. Although | was very shocked, | was not dadly hurt. So my message is: Always wear @ seat belt. Lucy Ahmed (13) Your letters Father’s Day Next Monday is Father’s Day, and this year | want to give my dad a very special present. | think my dad is the best. He’s always there for me when { need his help. This summer he ran in the London Marathon to raise money for a hospital. The Marathon is a very long run, and he hurt his leg when he was only half way. But he kept going until the end of the run. My brother and | felt very proud of him. IF this Jecter is printed in the magazine, it will be ty special present for him. Ciaire Brown (73) Why does my brother say this? ! can't understand my brother! Our teachers are going to give us a test at school on Mondey, so my brother end t have done some revision this weekend. Burt when his friends ask, ‘Have you done any work for the test?’ he says, ‘Na. I've done nothing.’ Do all boys do this, or is it just my brother? I'm not afraid ta say | worked hard, so why is he? Jenny Batley (12) € Choose a, b orc. 1 A seat belt can save you from a) your life b)death ¢) shock 2 Lucy Ahmed didn’t waco a) get badly hurt b) try to shut the door —_c) scream 3 Claire Brown wants to her father for Father's Day. a) plana party for b) help ©) give something to 4 Claire’s father a a) had to go to hospital b) can’t run ©) finished the London Marathon. 5 Claire's present to her father is a) the letter b) money c} a magazine 6 Jenny Bailey wants to understand ... a)atest b)herteacher ©) her brother 7 Jenny's brother a) didn’t revise) said he didn’t revise c) revised with his friends 8 Jenny thinks her brother should........... a) talk to the teacher b) tell the truth _—_c) revise more D Give your opinion. Explain your opinion if you can. 1. What is your opinion of Lucy's message? (Why?) 2 What is your opinion of Claire’s present to her father? (Why?) 3 What is your opinion of Jenny’s brother? (Why?) E Use one phrase from each column to make sentences. Lucy doesn't tell his friends about _ her brother. Claire will be surprised by his revision. jenny asks about her father. Claire's father _is proud of how to be safe. Jenny's brother writes about Claire’s letter. A builder's story pictures in B are in the wrong order.) 1 Where is the builder now, and what is he doing? 2 Can you see these things in B: a rope, a pulley wheel, bricks in a box? A Look and discuss. (Note: the ZZ | 3 Can you guess the correct ai order of the pictures in B? SZ B Read and match the pictures to line numbers. Dear Friends, shark you Sor visiting me. The docter says | must not 1 speak. So I'm writing to tell you what happened. 1 was working alone at the top of a tall building. | needed to meve 200 kilos of bricks down to the growd, so | decided to use a pulley. First, | walked 5 down to the ground and tied the other end of the | rope to my van. thes, | went back up and put all the | bricks into the pulley box. Then | went dewn again and untied the rope. | held the rope in my hands because | wanted to let the 10 heavy box down slowly. But this was a mistake because the Wicks weighed 200 kilos, and | weigh only 70 kilos. so the bricks were heavier than me. They came down very fast, and | went up very Sast. 1 was half way up when | met the 200 kilos of 15 bricks coming down. Luckily, the bricks broke ony one of my arms, so | could hold the rope with the other arm. Then my head bit the pulley at the top. At the same time, the bex hit the gromd. the box broke and 20 the bricks fell out. Without ary bricks, the box weighed omy 20 kilos. | was heavier than the empty box. So | began to go down. Half way down, | met the box coming up. This Was 25 a good thing because, although it lvcke my lest leq, it slowed my Fall. so when | bit the ground, | broke only | three bones in my back and neck. | lay there, locking up at the sky and the empty box high above me. And then | made my second 30 mistake: | let the rope go from my hand. The box was heavier than the rope. So it came down on me and broke my other leg. the doctor says I'l be fine in about twelve weeks! _ ST 597 laa Unit 19 A builder's story 60 C Choose a,b or c. 1 The builder who wrote the note to his friends a) isatwork b) is in hospital ©) is on holiday 2 The builder wrote a note because he must not move his..... a) hands b)arms c) mouth 3 The builder needed to move some bricks a) into his van _b) down to the ground —_c) but he couldn't 4 The builder didn’t.......... the bricks. a) weigh as much as__b) try to move __c) know what to do with 5 When the builder untied the rope, the bricks ....... a) fell on the builder) didn’t move _ 0) lifted the builder 6 The builder fell back to the ground because the box ......0 a) broke _b) was heavier than the builder c) hit the builder’s head 7 After the builder fell, he let go of the rope, so the box .. a) broke b) was too heavy) fell on him 8 The builder broke both of his ........... a)arms b) legs c) hands Use these words to complete the summary of the story. after, again, because, down, next, finally, first, up, when Die ... the builder tied the rope to the van. ” yd put the bricks in the DOX. > wenn ene that he untied the rope. * Piditide . the ek were heavier than the builder, ¥s was pulled into the air, “Half way ° trieaivineny HEHE the box. © .. the box broke, the builder fell. Half. way he hit the box ® sere the box fell on the builder. Can you remember the story? Close your book and tell your neighbour. Junior Comprehension is a graded series of three reading comprehension books for young learners. pees cory aM recs a and support the texts

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