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The ki g e cl he

A long time ago, there was a king who loved to have beautiful new clothes.
Every day he wore different new clothes and he used all his money to buy new
One day two bad men came to the town. They saw how much the king loved
clothes and they thought they could get a lot of money. They told the king that
they could make very beautiful clothes. Not only were the clothes beautiful,
but they were magic too. The magic was this. Only good people could see the
clothes. Bad people could not see them.
The bad e c d ea a e ag c c he a d he d d a ea
clothes at all. But, the king thought they were telling the truth. He was very
ha He h gh h e f Th very good. Now I can find out which of
e e a e g d a d h ch f e e a e bad
The two bad men said they were working very hard day and night. They always
needed more money to buy everything for the magic clothes.
After many days of waiting, the clothes were done. But when the bad men
h ed he g h e c he he c d ee a h g
Oh h g d he h gh h ef I really am a very bad
B he d d a a e he a a bad e he a d Oh y
e c he a e e bea f
Then the king had to put on his beautiful new clothes and go and talk with all
his people. First, all the people said how beautiful the clothes were. Then a
very little girl ca ed The g ea g a c he The e e e
a ed ca g The g ha g a clothes
And they were right.

4. The ki g e cl he

1. The king d d e: 5. How long did it take to make

the clothes?
a. new clothes
b. old clothes a. One day
c. beautiful clothes b. Two days
c. Many days

2. How many bad men came to

town? 6. What did the people say
when they first saw his new
a. One clothes?
b. Two
c. Three a. They are beautiful.
b. They are new.
c. Nothing
3. They said, the clothes were:

a. beautiful 7. What was the king wearing

b. new when he talked to his people?
c. magic
a. New clothes
b. Magic clothes
4. If you could not see the c. No clothes
clothes you were:

a. a good person 8. Who called out first?

b. a bad person a. A little girl
c. a smart person b. The bad men
c. All the people

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