Label - Subject - Target - Headquarters - Terms and Period of Operation of The Club

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Label_ Subject_Target_Headquarters_Terms and period of operation of

the club
Article (2) :
The club is called : the university club : Elit Club

Article (3) :
The university club Elit ClubIt is a scientific and cultural club where the founders and participants are
involved in harnessing their knowledge, talents, intellectual and artistic energy and their means on a
voluntary basis and for a non-profit purpose in order to promote its activity and encourage it within
the public interest of the university without violating the national constants and values and without
prejudice to the system and literature. General and the provisions of laws and internal regulations of
the University and in force

Article (4) :
The university club mainly aims at the following :

_ Developing the alphabet of working as a team

_ Create an open space within the university (for exchange, formative activation, participation,
interaction, communication)

_Open the field for creative and talented students by offering their works in the form of exhibitions,
seminars or various artistic activities

_Work to develop the competencies of members of the club

_Assist the student in forming a social personality and have the ability to take responsibility

_Contribute to spreading entrepreneurship

_The club seeks to get out of the atmosphere of the school and change it to refine their talents and

_Practicing and disseminating scientific culture

_Contribute to the introduction of the university through active participation in various cultural,
social and sports activities

The club pledges not to pursue goals other than what it said

Article (5) :
It is stipulated in the establishment of the Scientific and Cultural Club that all the founding or
constituent students of the club's office or the participants should be from the same college or unThe
University Club shall be located at the University of Taheri Mohamed Bashar, subject to the
legislation in forceiversity. This headquarters can only be transferred by decision of the University
Article (6) :
The club operates at the level of university institutions

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