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Compaction and its effects on soil

Heavy Weight
2.1 Compaction and Objectives

• Many types of earth construction, such as dams, retaining walls,
highways, and airport, require man-placed soil, or fill. To compact a soil,
that is, to place it in a dense state.
• The dense state is achieved through the reduction of the air voids in the
soil, with little or no reduction in the water content. This process must
not be confused with consolidation, in which water is squeezed out
under the action of a continuous static load.

(1) Decrease future settlements
(2) Increase shear strength
(3) Decrease permeability
What is compaction?

A simple ground improvement technique, where the

soil is densified through external compactive


+ water =
2.2 General Compaction Methods
Coarse-grained soils Fine-grained soils

•Vibrating hammer (BS) •Falling weight and hammers

•Kneading compactors
•Static loading and press

•Hand-operated vibration plates

•Motorized vibratory rollers
•Hand-operated tampers

•Rubber-tired equipment
•Sheepsfoot rollers
•Free-falling weight; dynamic
compaction (low frequency •Rubber-tired rollers
vibration, 4~10 Hz)
Vibration Kneading
(Holtz and Kovacs, 1981; Head, 1992)
3. Theory of Compaction
(Laboratory Test)
3.1 Laboratory Compaction
The fundamentals of compaction of fine-grained soils are relatively new.
R.R. Proctor in the early 1930’s was building dams for the old Bureau of
Waterworks and Supply in Los Angeles, and he developed the principles
of compaction in a series of articles in Engineering News-Record. In his
honor, the standard laboratory compaction test which he developed is
commonly called the proctor test.
The purpose of a laboratory compaction test is to determine the proper
amount of mixing water to use when compacting the soil in the field and
the resulting degree of denseness which can be expected from compaction
at this optimum water
Impact compaction
The proctor test is an impact compaction. A hammer is dropped several
times on a soil sample in a mold. The mass of the hammer, height of drop,
number of drops, number of layers of soil, and the volume of the mold are
3.1.1 Various Types
Various types of compaction test


1: your test 2: Standard Proctor test 3: Modified Proctor test

3.1.2 Test Equipment
Standard Proctor test equipment

Das, 1998
3.2 Variables of Compaction
Proctor established that compaction is a function of four variables:
(1)Dry density (ρd) or dry unit weight γd.
(2)Water content w
(3)Compactive effort (energy E)
(4)Soil type (gradation, presence of clay minerals, etc.)

Height of Number of
For standard Weight of
× drop of × blows per × Number of
layer layers
Proctor test hammer
Volume of mold

2.495 kg (9.81m / s 2 )(0.3048 m)(3 layers)(25 blows / layer)

0.944 × 10−3 m3
= 592.7 kJ / m3 (12,375 ft ⋅lb / ft 3 )
3.3 Procedures and Results (Cont.)

Peak point Line of Zero air

Dry density ρd (Mg/m3)

Dry density ρd (lb/ft3)

Line of optimum optimums void
ρd max
Zero air void



Water content w (%) Holtz and Kovacs, 1981
4. Properties and Structure of
Compacted Fine-grained Soils
4.1 Structure of Compacted Clays

• For a given compactive

effort and dry density, the
soil tends to be more
flocculated (random) for
compaction on the dry side
as compared on the wet
• For a given molding water
content, increasing the
compactive effort tends to
disperse (parallel, oriented)
the soil, especially on the
dry side.

Lambe and Whitman, 1979

4.2 Engineering Properties-Permeability

• Increasing the water content

results in a decrease in
permeability on the dry side of
the optimum moisture content
and a slight increase in
permeability on the wet side of
• Increasing the compactive effort
reduces the permeability since it
both increases the dry density,
thereby reducing the voids
available for flow, and increases
the orientation of particles.

From Lambe and Whitman, 1979;

Holtz and Kovacs, 1981
4.3 Engineering Properties-Compressibility
At low stresses the sample compacted on the wet side is
more compressible than the one compacted on the dry side.

From Lambe and Whitman, 1979;

Holtz and Kovacs, 1981
4.3 Engineering Properties-Compressibility
At the high applied stresses the sample compacted on the dry side
is more compressible than the sample compacted on the wet side.

From Lambe and Whitman, 1979;

Holtz and Kovacs, 1981
4.4 Engineering Properties-Swelling

• Swelling of compacted clays is greater for those compacted

dry of optimum. They have a relatively greater deficiency
of water and therefore have a greater tendency to adsorb
water and thus swell more.

(wopt, ρd max)
Higher Higher
swelling shrinkage
potential ρd potential

From Holtz and Kovacs, 1981
4.5 Engineering Properties-Strength
Samples (Kaolinite)
compacted dry of
optimum tend to be
more rigid and
stronger than
samples compacted
wet of optimum

From Lambe and

Whitman, 1979
4.5 Engineering Properties-Strength (Cont.)

The CBR (California bearing ratio)

CBR= the ratio between resistance required
to penetrate a 3-in2 piston into the
compacted specimen and resistance
required to penetrate the same depth into a
standard sample of crushed stone.
A greater compactive effort produces a
greater CBR for the dry of optimum.
However, the CBR is actually less for
the wet of optimum for the higher
compaction energies (overcompaction).

Holtz and Kovacs, 1981

4.6 Engineering Properties-Summary
Dry side Wet side
Structure More random More oriented
Permeability More permeable

Compressibility More compressible in More compressible in

high pressure range low pressure range

Swell more,
Swelling *Shrink more
higher water

Strength Higher
Please see Table 5-1
4.6 Engineering Properties-Summary (Cont.)

Please find this

table in the

Holtz and Kovacs, 1981

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