Range of Teaching Strategies

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APST Standard 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus area 3.3: Use teaching strategies Graduate level: Include a range of teaching strategies
Pre-service teacher name:

Strategy: Differentiation
Date: Activity/ Context: Mentor Teacher Comment:
20/6 You offer levels in all your teaching, maths,
guided reading, grammar. You have become
confident at differentiating for students above
and below expected standard.

17/6 Mathematics – You included a differentiated task for Olivia

differentiating task for and she was clearly confident and proud of
student with intellectual herself for participating in our learning.

17/6 Mathematics – learning You had a mixture of shapes, to challenge

perimeter different students. The task incorporated
hands on learning with more abstract

Strategy: Feedback
Date: Activity/ Context: Mentor Teacher Comment:
11/6 Hass You observed each student during the
working time, reading and offering
constructive feedback.

20/6 Claudia marked and drafted the students

Narrative work providing constructive
feedback for each student.

Strategy: goal Setting

Date: Activity/ Context: Mentor Teacher Comment:
11/6 Hass Gave students a clear standard of what was
expected. Highlighting students that did above
the expectation.

4/6 Morning work time – Set clear and reasonable time frames for each
students need to component of the activity. This held students
complete 3 grammar accountable.
activities within the
20/6 Science – reflection of Claudia has set clear and appropriate learning
learning intentions and intentions for the maths lesson. She
focusing on measuring encouraged students to reflect on their
and graphing learning in relation to the learning intentions
which proved to be successful.

Strategy: Explicit Teaching

Date: Activity/ Context: Mentor Teacher Comment:
4/6 Maths – explaining new You demonstrated the mental routine
mental routine which concepts with confidence. Maintain quiet
students complete whilst your giving instructions
before each lesson

Strategy: Worked Examples

Date: Activity/ Context: Mentor Teacher Comment:
3/6 Mathematics – exploring You had students up demonstrating their
worded problems strategies. You labelled the strategies well and
linked these to their prior knowledge.
Demonstrated multiple strategies. You
elaborated and discussed the positives of
strategies used.

Strategy: Collaborative Learning

Date: Activity/ Context: Mentor Teacher Comment:
11/6 Hass – students were I like how the task included the think, pair,
ask to research whether share model.
they should stay or
leave in the instance of
the bushfire. They had
to choose one option to
research and share with
someone who had
chosen the other option.

Strategy: Behaviour management

Date: Activity/ Context: Mentor Teacher Comment:
20/6 Mathematics You wait for quiet before speaking and
employ techniques like “eyes to me” to get
the attention of the room. Your ability to
continue and maintain focus during
disruptions is excellent. You confidently
maintain control of the room and use your
voice and presence to maintain the focus and
attention of the room when giving
17/6 You waited until all students were quiet. You
corrected student behaviour

3/6 Morning work time You were proactive in managing off task
(spelling/ grammar) behaviour and noise level monitoring.
Students worked quietly .

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