Soal Ujian KAS - Mei.20

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No Soal Jabwan A Jawaban B Jawaban C Jawaban D Jawaban E

Kunci Jawaban
1 A: Hi! OBi, nice to … you again. How are you? : B: Hello Epul, nice to see ysee seen look watch is watching

2 A: By the way, where do you work now, Obi? B: I … in Permata Hati Hospitam working worked work job was working

3 A: I am a nurse. I … care some patients there. B: That’s sound interesting taken takes took am taking was taken

4 A: Do you … a kidney dish in pharmacy? B: Yes. I do. bayes buyer buys buy buying

5 Dr. Marley is very smart. He … four languages. speaks speaking speak spoken was speaking

6 She … to help her patients now. tries try trys trying tried

7 Mr. Halidi… very happy because he gets a good job. is are did do does

8 A: Oh! my God, my room is so dirty! B: Someone makes it. A: ... makes my who what how where when

9 Please don't make so much noise. I ... to study English hard. am try am trying was trying tries am to try

10 Mr. Arman is in his car. He is on his way to work. He ... to work. was driving is driving is drived was drived driving

11 A: Mr. Umar Said, ... you see my pen? B: Where did you leave it? does did doing done do

12   A: Rena, what happened to your hand? B: Well, I ... football. play was playing played am playing playing

13 A: Let’s ... something this evening. B: Like what? is doing doing do are doing was doing

14 Listen to those people. What language are they ... in the classroom. are speaking speaks speaking were speaking spoke
15 My parents live in Jakarta. They have ... there all their life. leave are liveing lived was living leaving

16 I work in a public Hospital now. Before that I ... in a travel agency. was worked work worked am working was working

17 A: Are you ... to take vacation next week? B: Yes, my family and I are goi went go gone going to go

18 A: Did you watch flim last night? B: No, I didn't. I ... English hard and sereostudy studying am study studied was studying

19 We invited them to our party, but they decided not to ... there. to comon to came comes to come to coming

20 A: What did you do during vacation? B: I ... to Malaysia. was going gone going went go

21 A: ... you here for an interview? B: Yes, to join nursing school. do is were was are

22 A: Hello, can I … to dr. Rohadi, please? B: Yes, please. Who is speaking? was speaking speaking spoke is speaking speak

23 A: I want to … to your party. B: Really? was coming comes came coming come

24 A: Do you think its time for lunch? B: Why? ... you starving? is do does did are

25 A: Did you go out last night? B: Yes I went to the cinema, but I didn't ... the enjoying enjoy enjoyed more ejoyed was enjoying

26 I was walking home, when I ... Joko. meeting met meet was meeting am meeting

27 Badarudin ... nice film when we arrived. was watch was watching watching seen watched

28 I hurt my back while I ... in the garden. working was working am working was worked worked
29 Susisusanti ... for me when I arrived at home. is waiting was waiting was waiting waiting wait

30 We were good friends. We ... each other well. known know knew are know was known

31 He ... reading book while his wife was preparing dinner. be were is was was not

32 My mother was not cooking when he ... to my house. was come is coming was coming came come

33 Does my mother ... rice everyday? cooking cook cooked was cooking was cooked

34 The plane ... off at 10 o'clock tonight. taked takes took take on took off

35 I heve ... English for five hourse. studying study studied is studying was studying

36 I was studying English when you ... My mother. is call was colling call called is calling

37 My family and I ... to Jogjakarta last month for vacation. has gone gone is going go went

38 Many story has already ... to play iritating in pastival film. begun begin start is begin was begun

39 I still remember my English teacher. She ... Miss Julaeha. was were is be was doing

40 I look ... in the mirror, but you can not. myself mine me my mine is mine

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