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Chapter 4

Hydrological Drought Investigation

Using Streamflow Drought Index

Anurag Malik, Anil Kumar, Sinan Q. Salih, and Zaher Mundher Yaseen

4.1 Introduction

The negative effects of drought are noticed in almost every aspect of the ecosystem
(Nabaei et al. 2019; Qutbudin et al. 2019). As a natural disaster, drought affects
various sectors including water supply, hydropower generation, agriculture, and
industry (Dobrovolski 2015). The proper water resources planning and management
land area of about 3.28 million km2 , but out of this land area, nearly 1.07 million km2
is prone to various levels of water unavailability and drought episodes (Subramanya
2005). A study by Wilhite and Glantz (1985) explained the definition of drought
using conceptual and operational terms (Wilhite and Glantz 1985). Conceptually,
drought is defined in general terms, such as lack of precipitation which causes crop
damages and low crop yield. The conceptual definition of drought is significant for
the establishment of drought regulations. On the other hand, the operational defi-
nition of drought can be helpful in identifying the beginning, severity, and end of

A. Malik · A. Kumar
Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, College of Technology, G.B. Pant
University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand 263145, India
A. Malik
Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Bathinda, Punjab 151001, India
S. Q. Salih
Computer Science Department, College of Computer Science and Information Technology,
University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq
Z. M. Yaseen (B)
Sustainable Developments in Civil Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 63

R. C. Deo et al. (eds.), Intelligent Data Analytics for Decision-Support Systems
in Hazard Mitigation, Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering,
64 A. Malik et al.

drought episodes based on the assessment of the average of a 30-year record with
the current situation.
Drought has affected both groundwater and surface water that includes rivers,
reservoirs, ponds, lakes, aquifers, wells, and others (Beyaztas and Yaseen 2019). This
means general consequence reduction in water supply, poor water quality, reduced
crop productivity, low hydropower generation, and suspended water activities that
affect both social and economic activities (Riebsame et al. 1991). An appropriate
water resource planning and management must be preceded by a proper drought
assessment, and this concept demands a correct understanding of history of droughts
episodes, as well as the impact of drought in the given area (Sayl et al. 2016).
It is, therefore, necessary to have a good understanding of different concepts of
droughts when striving to develop models for investigating drought episodes and
their consequences. According to the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC),
the USA, the appropriate way to mitigate drought is to perform an overall risk analysis
based on the previous drought experiences during drought planning (Wilhite 2000).
As per (Hayes et al. 2004), it is important to understand drought risk to be in a
better position to know the natural hazards and set up a practical model that will help
mitigate drought on geographical and political scales.
Globally, the past decade witnessed several studies for hydrological droughts
analysis based on several indices (Nalbantis and Tsakiris 2009; Nikbakht et al.
2013; Pathak and Channaveerappa 2016; Razmkhah 2017). For instance, the SDI
was developed by (Nalbantis and Tsakiris 2009) to study the characteristics of the
hydrological drought of Evinos River basin in Greece. This SDI is similar to SPI
and calculates for 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month timescale in each hydrological year. The
outcome of study reported the effectiveness of SDI in hydrological drought char-
acterization and suggested to apply at a global scale. In another study, Tabari et al.
(2013) used SDI to assess the hydrological drought in Urmia Lake and the Kloy River
basins in Iran (Tabari et al. 2013). Here, log-normal distribution for the streamflow
data was used to calculate the SDI, and the results showed that almost of all the
investigated stations experienced extreme drought. They also reported that extreme
drought mostly occurred from 1997 to 1998 and 2008 to 2009, respectively. A study
by (Sardou and Bahremand 2014) used SDI to examine hydrological drought in
Halil Rud basin in Iran. The output of the study showed the variation of drought
magnitudes all over the region from upstream to downstream. Another outcome of
the study is that the study region had a high correlation between SPI and SDI. Pathak
and Channaveerappa (2016) examined the standardized runoff index (SRI) and SDI to
evaluate the multiple scale hydrological drought for a 36-year period (1972–2007)
in Ghataprabha River basin, India (Pathak and Channaveerappa 2016). From the
analysis, there was a moderate drought in the region from 1986 to 1988 and 2001
to 2005, respectively. A good correlation was also established between SRI and SDI
for a 9-month period which later increased to a 12-month period in the region. The
severity-duration-frequency (SDF) curves are derived by the threshold level method
for streamflow drought of Roudzard River basin in Iran which was compared by
(Razmkhah 2017). The study also assessed the runoff data of Mashin station (from
1970 to 2012) using 70 and 90% of mean daily runoff, and 70% of monthly average
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 65

runoff as threshold levels. From the results, the SDF curves revealed an increase in
the deficit-volume with a nonlinear trend as the duration increases. Regarding the
duration and severities, the threshold levels were observed to vary significantly.
Studies have recently been conducted on the relationship inspection between
meteorological and hydrological droughts. For instance, David and Davidová (2017)
reported the SPI and SDI approaches in Blanice River catchment located in Bohemia.
During the assessment, the monthly precipitation and streamflow data of 50 years
record were used to calculate the SPI and SDI. From the results, the hydrolog-
ical and meteorological drought indices showed a strong correlation from 3 to 6
months. A study by (Gumus and Algin 2017) used the SPI and SDI approaches to
analyze meteorological and hydrological droughts in Seyhan–Ceyhan River basins
in Turkey. From the observed correlation between SPI and SDI, a specific lag time
of one year existed for drought such that in the following year, the meteorolog-
ical drought occurred as hydrological drought. Choi et al. (2018) used the EDI and
threshold-level (TL) approaches to examine meteorological and streamflow droughts
in the Milwaukee River basin in Wisconsin for the period of 1951–2006. From the
results, a decrease was found in the intensity and duration of both meteorological
and streamflow droughts over time. As such, they suggested that the EDI and TL
approaches were effective in diagnosing the streamflow and meteorological droughts
events of all durations in the study area.
Following these literatures, the current research is conducted on the SDI approach
to analyze the hydrological drought and wet characteristics at Naula and Kedar
stations situated at the upper Ramganga River catchment, Uttarakhand, India. From
the results of this multi-scalar SDI-based analysis, hydrologist, water managers, and
policymakers can have a better understanding of the risks and danger associated with
human activities and climate changes in the study area.

4.2 Materials and Method

4.2.1 Study Area and Data Collection

Among several tributaries on Ganga River, Ramganga River is the foremost. It orig-
inates in the outer Himalayas, Chamoli District of Uttarakhand and travels through
the districts of Chamoli, Almora, Bageshwar, Nainital, and Pauri Garhwal before
entering the plains near Kalagarh dam after coursing about 168 km in the hilly
terrain. The Ramganga River catchment area to Kalagarh dam site is 3134 km2 in the
shoe-shape and lying between 78° 35 and 79° 34 E longitudes and 29° 30 and 30°
06 N latitudes, with the altitude varying from 260 to 2950 m above mean sea level
(MSL). For hydrological drought prediction, two streamflow gauging stations (i.e.,
Naula and Kedar) were selected in the upper Ramganga River catchment (Fig. 1).
The location details of these stations are given in Table 1. The monthly streamflow
data at the selected stations (i.e., Naula and Kedar) were collected from the Divisional
66 A. Malik et al.

Fig. 1 Location map of Naula and Kedar stream gauging stations in Ramganga river catchment

Table 4.1 Details of study stations and streamflow data availability

Hydrological Latitude Longitude Altitude Streamflow data
station (N) (E) (m) (year)
Naula 29o 04’ 20” 70o 15’ 20” 724 1975 to 2007
Kedar 29o 47’ 36” 79o 14’ 12” 929 1975 to 2007

Office, Forest and Soil Conservation Department, Ranikhet, Uttarakhand (Table 1).
The streamflow at Kedar station is collected from the Bino watershed (295 km2 )
alone, whereas the streamflow at Naula station includes the combinational flows
from Bino and Chaukhutia (570 km2 ) watersheds and some portions of ungauged
watershed (206 km2 ). In fact, the Chaukhutia watershed contributed to the streamflow
at Naula station compared to Bino watershed.

4.2.2 Streamflow Drought Index

The main concept of the SDI was proposed by (Nalbantis 2008) for the analysis of
hydrological drought characteristics (i.e., duration, severity, and intensity) at multi-
timescales. The computational procedure of the SDI is analogous to the SPI as (Mckee
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 67

et al. 1993) with the difference that the rainfall values are replaced by streamflow
values. The detailed information and application of the SDI can be found in hydro-
logical drought monitoring by (Nalbantis 2008; Borji et al. 2016; Myronidis et al.
2018). In order to compute SDI, firstly, the streamflow data are fitted to the prob-
ability distribution functions based on Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S). In this study,
three probability distributions such as normal, log-normal, and gamma were applied
to the streamflow series (i.e., 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-months) and the best one was
selected based on K-S test statistic as described below. Normal Distribution Function

The concept of normal distribution was first given by English mathematician Moivre
(1738). The probability density function (PDF) of normal distribution is written as
(Angelidis et al. 2012; Mandal et al. 2015):
1 1 x−μ 2
fN (x) = √ exp − , for − ∞ < x, μ < ∞; σ > 0 (4.1)
σ 2π 2 σ

where x = the random variable (streamflow); μ = the mean or location parameter

of random variable; and σ = the standard deviation or scale parameter of random
variable. Log-Normal Distribution Function

Based on the conceptual theory of the probability, the positive random variable (e.g.,
streamflow) is followed by the log-normal distribution. This is in the case where the
logarithm is distributed normally. The PDF of log-normal distribution is given as
(Bhattacharjya 2004; Angelidis et al. 2012; Mandal et al. 2015):
⎡  2 ⎤
1 1 ln(x) − μln(x)
fLN (x) = √ exp⎣− ⎦, for x, σ > 0
xσln(x) 2π 2 σln(x)

−∞ < μ < ∞ (4.2)

where μln(x) = the scale and σln(x) = the shape parameters of the distribution. Gamma Distribution Function

The gamma distribution can be defined using the shape and scale parameters. The
PDF of the random variable (e.g., rainfall) is given as (Bhattacharjya 2004; Angelidis
et al. 2012; Mandal et al. 2015):
68 A. Malik et al.

β α xα−1 e−βx
fG (x; α, β) = for x ≥ 0; α, β > 0 (4.3)

where x ≥ 0 = the amount of streamflow; α, β > 0 = shape and scale parameter;

and  = the gamma function. Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test

After fitting the normal, log-normal, or gamma distributions on streamflow data of

multi-timescales of SDI, their goodness-of-fit was evaluated using the Kolmogorov–
Smirnov (K-S) test which is a nonparametric approach. The K-S test is not valid for
discrete variables. However, it is a statistic test for one sample in two-sided test, which
is the maximum absolute difference between the empirical and theoretical cumulative
distribution functions (CDFs) (Stephens 1974; Lloyd-Hughes and Saunders 2002;
Olea and Pawlowsky-Glahn 2009; Hassani and Silva 2015) such that:

Dcal = maxx |Fn (x) − F(x)| (4.4)

where Dcal = the calculated value of the K-S test; n = the number of observations
in the population x; maxx = the maximum of the set of distances; Fn (x) and F(x)
= the empirical and theoretical CDFs, respectively. The empirical and theoretical
CDFs for a continuous variate X (x(1) , x(2) , . . . x(n) represent the order statistics) of a
sample of size n are defined as:

Fn (x) = Pn (X ≤ x) = I (Xi − x) (4.5)
n i=1


F(x) = P(X ≤ x) (4.6)

where P = the probability of X taking on a value less than or equal to x; I = the

indicator function, and Fn (x) = 0, for x < x(1) , Fn (x) = 1, for x ≥ x(n) . when
sample size n > 30, then the critical value or tabulated value (Dtab ) at 1% and 5%
significance levels are calculated using (Lindgren 1968):

Dtab = √ (for 1% significance level) (4.7)
Dtab = √ (for 5% significance level) (4.8)

where Dtab = the tabulated value of the K-S test. The critical value (Dtab ) at 1% and
5% significance levels is 0.2768 and 0.2308 for 33 years streamflow data. Based on
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 69

these critical values, null (H0 ) and alternate (H1 ) hypotheses are proposed as:

H0 : data are drawn from the theoretical distribution (4.9)

H1 : data are not drawn from the theoretical distribution (4.10)

If the calculated value of K-S test statistic (Dcal ) smaller than the tabulated value
(Dtab ), then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected.

4.2.3 Classification of Drought and Wet Conditions

The run theory (RT) for the definition of hydrologic drought characteristics (e.g.,
duration, severity, and intensity) was proposed by (Yevjevich 1967) and was used
for drought identification (Fig. 2). It is useful in describing the duration, severity,
and intensity of drought event. The truncation or threshold level remains the most
important parameter for orienting these characteristics as it may be constant or time-
dependent. Therefore, it is defined as a timeseries of drought variable (Xt ) wherein
all the values are either above or below a given truncation level (±1); thus, it is either
referred to as a negative run (depicting drought) or a positive run (depicting wet condi-
tion). The variable (Xt ), in Fig. 2, intersected the truncation level at several positions,
suggesting that the variable may either be a deterministic variable, a stochastic vari-
able, or both. The five major components of drought or wet events based on the run
theory are as follows (Yevjevich 1967; Dracup et al. 1980):
Drought initiation time (tdi ) is the starting time of water shortage (SDI ≤ −1),
indicating the beginning of the drought condition; while wet initiation time (twi ) is
the starting time of water surplus (SDI ≥ 1), indicating the beginning of the wet
condition (Fig. 2).
Drought termination time (tdt ) is the end of water shortage (SDI ≥ 1), indicating
the beginning of the normal or wet condition; while wet termination time (twt ) is the
end of water surplus (SDI ≤ −1), indicating the beginning of the normal or drought
condition (Fig. 2).
Drought duration (Dd ) is the time period during which the drought condition
prevails while wet duration (Wd ) is the time period during which the wet condi-
tion prevails (Fig. 2). It is expressed in terms of week, month, and year, etc., and
mathematically expressed as:

Dd = tdt − tdi (4.11)

Wd = twt − twi (4.12)

Drought severity (Sd ) is the cumulative value of a drought condition (sum of

SDI values during Dd ), while wet severity (Sw ) is the cumulative value of a wet
70 A. Malik et al.

Fig. 2 Characteristics of drought and wet patterns based on Run Theory

condition (sum of SDI values during Wd ) (Fig. 2). The drought or wet severity is
mathematically written as:

Sd = DPk (4.13)

Sw = W Pk (4.14)

where DPk and W Pk = the drought or wet parameter (i.e., SDI with timescale k),
Drought intensity (Id ) is the average value of a drought condition, while wet
intensity (Iw ) is the average value of a wet condition (Fig. 2). The drought or wet
intensity is mathematically written as:

Id = (4.15)
Iw = (4.16)

Based on the SDI values, the drought and wet conditions existing at a place could
be identified and categorized with specific symbol as presented in Table 2. The table
reports that the classification of the SDI categories in which more than 2 present the
extreme wet events, between 1.5 and 2 indicate severe wet events, between 1 and 1.5
indicate moderate wet events, between 1 and −1 present the normal events, between
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 71

Table 4.2 Classification of

SDI values Category Symbol
drought and wet conditions
based on SDI values SDI ≥ 2.0 Extremely wet C
1.50 ≤ SDI < 2.0 Severely wet B
1.00 ≤ SDI < 1.5 Moderately wet A
-1.0 < SDI < 1.0 Normal N
-1.5 < SDI ≤ -1.0 Moderately drought 1
-2.0 < SDI ≤ -1.5 Severely drought 2
SDI ≤ -2.0 Extremely drought 3

−1 and −1.5 specify the moderate drought events, between −1.5 and −2 present
severe drought events, and less than −2 defines the extreme drought events (Tabari
et al. 2013). The drought and wet patterns are also classified based on SDI values by
setting a threshold or truncation level. The SDI ≤ −1.0 represents drought pattern,
while SDI ≥ 1.0 represents wet pattern in the study region.

4.3 Results and Discussion

The calculated value of the K-S test for normal, log-normal, and gamma probability
distributions is given in Tables 3 and 4 in both stations. The critical values at 1% and
5% significance levels were calculated as 0.2768 and 0.2308 for 33-year streamflow
data. As observed from Tables 3 and 4, the normal, log-normal, and gamma distri-
butions fitted very well to the streamflow data series at all the investigated scales of
the SDI and for all the months (January to December) at 1 and 5% significant levels.
Since the gamma distribution was fitting well for most of months and all-timescales,
it was used for further analysis of hydrological drought based on all the inspected
SDI scales.
The hydrological drought and wet conditions were analyzed using all investigated
SDI in both stations, Ramganga River catchment in Uttarakhand State. The charac-
teristics of drought (SDI ≤ −1.0) and wet (SDI ≥ 1.0) conditions on multi-temporal
scales of 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-month are presented in Tables 5(a and b) to
7(a and b) in both stations, respectively. These tables provided the information on
total number of drought and wet months, number of consecutive drought and wet
incidents, drought and wet percentage, average duration, and the longest duration of
drought and wet with total severity, average intensity and category, respectively.
72 A. Malik et al.

Table 4.3 K-S test statistic of three probability distributions for monthly streamflow data at different
time scales at Naula station
Month/ K-S test statistic (D) for monthly streamflow data at different time
distribution scales
1-m 3-m 6-m 9-m 12-m 24-m
Jan Normal 0.1957* 0.1812* 0.1475* 0.1640* 0.1404* 0.1164*
Log-normal 0.1056* 0.1515* 0.1385* 0.1204* 0.1206* 0.1178*
Gamma 0.1297* 0.1375* 0.1241* 0.1196* 0.1005* 0.1091*
Feb Normal 0.1932* 0.2248* 0.1392* 0.1707* 0.1404* 0.1181*
Log-normal 0.1058* 0.1557* 0.0711* 0.1167* 0.1269* 0.1093*
Gamma 0.1777* 0.1649* 0.0842* 0.1272* 0.1068* 0.1112*
Mar Normal 0.2458* 0.1975* 0.2112* 0.2023* 0.1568* 0.1164*
Log-normal 0.1164* 0.1041* 0.1458* 0.1498* 0.1074* 0.1035*
Gamma 0.1514* 0.1361* 0.1624* 0.1666* 0.1124* 0.1090*
Apr Normal 0.1599* 0.1761* 0.1568* 0.1396* 0.1741* 0.1130*
Log-normal 0.0584* 0.0891* 0.1176* 0.1163* 0.1150* 0.1272*
Gamma 0.1025* 0.1383* 0.1324* 0.1034* 0.1319* 0.1046*
May Normal 0.1405* 0.1966* 0.1642* 0.1386* 0.1867* 0.1031*
Log-normal 0.0732* 0.1116* 0.0954* 0.0981* 0.1315* 0.1333*
Gamma 0.0862* 0.1209* 0.1243* 0.0988* 0.1471* 0.1090*
Jun Normal 0.2678* 0.1654* 0.2075* 0.1958* 0.1996* 0.1021*
Log-normal 0.1595* 0.0946* 0.1080* 0.1170* 0.1471* 0.1359*
Gamma 0.1646* 0.1101* 0.1425* 0.1384* 0.1636* 0.1114*
July Normal 0.1809* 0.1481* 0.1696* 0.1540* 0.1128* 0.0933*
Log-normal 0.0917* 0.0761* 0.1044* 0.0855* 0.1028* 0.1060*
Gamma 0.0998* 0.0949* 0.1097* 0.0917* 0.0909* 0.0985*
Aug Normal 0.1534* 0.1342* 0.1623* 0.1499* 0.1163* 0.1069*
Log-normal 0.1350* 0.0959* 0.1041* 0.1109* 0.0689* 0.1232*
Gamma 0.1205* 0.1014* 0.1083* 0.0994* 0.0674* 0.1029*
Sep Normal 0.1759* 0.1591* 0.1310* 0.1245* 0.1127* 0.1393*
Log-normal 0.1003* 0.1045* 0.0939* 0.0933* 0.0914* 0.1289*
Gamma 0.0973* 0.1084* 0.0931* 0.0792* 0.0871* 0.1292*
Oct Normal 0.1969* 0.1501* 0.1574* 0.1447* 0.1457* 0.1236*
Log-normal 0.1063* 0.1485* 0.1218* 0.1191* 0.1105* 0.1117*
Gamma 0.1248* 0.1317* 0.1067* 0.0994* 0.0939* 0.1184*
Nov Normal 0.1398* 0.2015* 0.1572* 0.1524* 0.1539* 0.1237*
Log-normal 0.0776* 0.1113* 0.1280* 0.1164* 0.1169* 0.1121*
Gamma 0.0885* 0.1376* 0.1082* 0.1053* 0.1027* 0.1185*
Dec Normal 0.1933* 0.1555* 0.2045* 0.1575* 0.1370* 0.1247*
Log-normal 0.1390* 0.0836* 0.1438* 0.1116* 0.1164* 0.1111*
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 73

Table 4.3 (continued)

Month/ K-S test statistic (D) for monthly streamflow data at different time
distribution scales
1-m 3-m 6-m 9-m 12-m 24-m
Gamma 0.2016* 0.0983* 0.1648* 0.1148* 0.0958* 0.1139*
Note: *Indicates significant probability distribution at α = 1% (critical D = 0.2768)
**Indicates significant probability distribution at α = 5% (critical D = 0.2308)

4.3.1 Assessment of Hydrological Drought and Wet

Conditions at Naula Station

The general pattern of drought events for Naula station is given in Table 5(a) which
indicates that out of total available months, the number of drought months was 43
(SDI-1), 46 (SDI-3), 58 (SDI-6), 54 (SDI-9), 60 (SDI-12), and 72 (SDI-24). The
percentage of drought occurrence was found to be 10.86, 11.68, 14.83, 13.92, 15.58,
and 19.30% for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI, respectively. The number of drought
incidents (e.g., single or consecutive) was identified as 33, 37, 51, 50, 55, and 68
for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI, respectively. The average duration of drought
was found to be 1.30, 1.24, 1.14, 1.08, 1.09, and 1.06 months for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-,
and 24-SDI, respectively. The period of the longest duration of drought was also
identified with its duration, period, severity, average intensity, and corresponding
drought category. The longest drought duration was found to be of 8, 12, 28, 26, 28,
and 38 months for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI, respectively. Drought severity and
average intensity were found to be −10.55 and −1.32, −16.95 and −1.41, −40.83
and −1.46, −40.24 and −1.55, −42.47 and −1.52, and −59.30 and −1.56 for 1-,
3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI, respectively. Accordingly, the drought category varied
from moderate drought (−1.32 to −1.46) for SDI-1, SDI-3 and SDI-6 to severe
drought (−1.52 to −1.56) for SDI-9, SDI-12, and SDI-24. Figure 3(a–f) shows the
distribution of drought events for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales at Naula station
for the study period (1975–2007).
The general pattern of wet events for Naula station is given in Table 5(b) which
indicates that out of total available months, the number of wet months was 52 (SDI-1),
61 (SDI-3), 64 (SDI-6), 64 (SDI-9), 61 (SDI-12), and 60 (SDI-24). The percentage
of wet occurrence was found to be 13.13, 15.48, 16.37, 16.49, 15.84, and 16.09% for
1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The number of wet incidents (e.g.,
single or consecutive) was identified as 42, 48, 56, 57, 58, and 58 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-,
and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The average duration of wet events was found to be
1.24, 1.27, 1.14, 1.12, 1.05, and 1.03 months for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales,
respectively. The period of the longest duration of wet events was also identified with
its duration, period, severity, average intensity, and corresponding drought category.
The longest wet duration was found to be of 10, 14, 24, 25, 24, and 36 months for
1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. Wet severity and average intensity
were found to be 15.27 and 1.53, 23.83 and 1.70, 38.71 and 1.61, 39.66 and 1.59,
74 A. Malik et al.

Table 4.4 K-S test statistic of three probability distributions for monthly streamflow data at different
time scales at Kedar station
Month/ K-S test statistic (D) for monthly streamflow data at different time
distribution scales
1-m 3-m 6-m 9-m 12-m 24-m
Jan Normal 0.1015* 0.1319* 0.1343* 0.1219* 0.0960* 0.0804*
Log-normal 0.1396* 0.1184* 0.0941* 0.1009* 0.0667* 0.1365*
Gamma 0.1138* 0.1006* 0.0753* 0.0747* 0.0560* 0.1043*
Feb Normal 0.2258* 0.1791* 0.1462* 0.1542* 0.0959* 0.0923*
Log-normal 0.1246* 0.1071* 0.0711* 0.1091* 0.1163* 0.1518*
Gamma 0.1688* 0.1203* 0.0801* 0.1011* 0.0931* 0.1171*
Mar Normal 0.2327* 0.1805* 0.1197* 0.1103* 0.0852* 0.1021*
Log-normal 0.1089* 0.0976* 0.1229* 0.1507* 0.1089* 0.1672*
Gamma 0.1449* 0.1214* 0.0969* 0.1191* 0.0806* 0.1375*
Apr Normal 0.1601* 0.1574* 0.1182* 0.1330* 0.0973* 0.1144*
Log-normal 0.1165* 0.0919* 0.0782* 0.1338* 0.1271* 0.1692*
Gamma 0.1092* 0.0984* 0.0812* 0.1096* 0.0986* 0.1386*
May Normal 0.1528* 0.1880* 0.1615* 0.1496* 0.1028* 0.1227*
Log-normal 0.0969* 0.1352* 0.0905* 0.0952* 0.1170* 0.1842*
Gamma 0.1108* 0.1446* 0.1148* 0.0872* 0.0911* 0.1523*
Jun Normal 0.1932* 0.1436* 0.1028* 0.0972* 0.0874* 0.1241*
Log-normal 0.0882* 0.1021* 0.1010* 0.1680* 0.1085* 0.1821*
Gamma 0.1166* 0.0887* 0.0812* 0.1446* 0.0779* 0.1603*
July Normal 0.1395* 0.1383* 0.1300* 0.1175* 0.1266* 0.1106*
Log-normal 0.1169* 0.1524* 0.1153* 0.0793* 0.1257* 0.1721*
Gamma 0.0943* 0.1372* 0.1227* 0.0838* 0.0986* 0.1437*
Aug Normal 0.1788* 0.0867* 0.1117* 0.1256* 0.1168* 0.1000*
Log-normal 0.1553* 0.1206* 0.1582* 0.1355* 0.0843* 0.1606*
Gamma 0.1194* 0.1179* 0.1377* 0.1380* 0.0878* 0.1313*
Sep Normal 0.1870* 0.1279* 0.1287* 0.1181* 0.1083* 0.0885*
Log-normal 0.1115* 0.1092* 0.0879* 0.1215* 0.1088* 0.1468*
Gamma 0.1279* 0.0943* 0.0980* 0.1052* 0.1209* 0.1196*
Oct Normal 0.1631* 0.1134* 0.1326* 0.1076* 0.0856* 0.1205*
Log-normal 0.1130* 0.0812* 0.0890* 0.0837* 0.0850* 0.1772*
Gamma 0.1139* 0.0930* 0.0869* 0.0693* 0.0784* 0.1488*
Nov Normal 0.1084* 0.1567* 0.1335* 0.0975* 0.1019* 0.0925*
Log-normal 0.1626* 0.0801* 0.1190* 0.0740* 0.0762* 0.1480*
Gamma 0.1358* 0.0978* 0.0849* 0.0724* 0.0648* 0.1176*
Dec Normal 0.2369* 0.1558* 0.1432* 0.0984* 0.0862* 0.0899*
Log-normal 0.0852* 0.1250* 0.1255* 0.0945* 0.0871* 0.1447*
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 75

Table 4.4 (continued)

Month/ K-S test statistic (D) for monthly streamflow data at different time
distribution scales
1-m 3-m 6-m 9-m 12-m 24-m
Gamma 0.2749* 0.1075* 0.0927* 0.0670* 0.0630* 0.1138*
Note: *Indicates significant probability distribution at α = 1% (critical D = 0.2768)
**Indicates significant probability distribution at α = 5% (critical D = 0.2308)

40.81, 38.81 and 1.70, 1.59, and 52.30 and 1.45 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12- and 24-SDI
scales, respectively. Accordingly, the wet category varied from moderate wet (1.15)
for SDI-24 to severe wet (1.53–1.70) for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-SDI scales. Figure 3(a
to f) shows the distribution of wet events for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales at
Naula station for the study period (1975–2007).

4.3.2 Probability of Occurrence of Drought and Wet Events

at Naula Station

The probability of occurrence of drought and wet (e.g., moderate, severe, and
extreme) events at Naula station is summarized in Table 6 from SDI-1 to SDI-24,
respectively. Table 6 reveals that out of total drought months, the probability of occur-
rence of moderate, severe, and extreme drought events was provided as 0.79, 0.16,
and 0.05 for SDI-1; 0.74, 0.22, and 0.04 for SDI-3; 0.69, 0.31, and 0.00 for SDI-6;
0.67, 0.33, and 0.00 for SDI-9; 0.73, 0.27, and 0.00 for SDI-12; and 0.68, 0.32, and
0.00 for SDI-24, respectively. Similarly, out of total wet months, the probability of
occurrence of moderate, severe, and extreme wet events was calculated as 0.58, 0.12,
and 0.31 for SDI-1; 0.56, 0.28, and 0.16 for SDI-3; 0.61, 0.19, and 0.20 for SDI-6;
0.61, 0.23, and 0.16 for SDI-9; 0.54, 0.31, and 0.15 for SDI-12; and 0.58, 0.35, and
0.07 for SDI-24, respectively.
Figure 4(a and b) demonstrates the probability of occurrence of drought and wet
events using 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales at Naula station. It was evident
from Fig. 4(a) that the probability of occurrences of the moderate drought was higher
than severe and extreme droughts, whereas the occurrence of severe drought for SDI-
6, SDI-9 and SDI-24 has probabilities 0.31, 0.33, and 0.32, respectively. Similarly,
Fig. 4(b) also shows that the probability of occurrences of moderate wet condition
was higher than severe and extreme wet conditions. It is also observed from Fig. 4(b)
that the chances of occurrence of wet conditions (e.g., inundation or flood) for SDI-1,
SDI-12, and SDI-24 were marked as nearly 0.30.

Table 4.5 (a) SDI-based drought pattern of streamflow series for Naula station
SDI Total No. of No. of Drought Average Longest drought pattern
Category months drought drought percentage duration Longest Period of Drought Average Drought
months Incidents (%) (month) duration longest drought severity intensity category
SDI-1 396 43 33 10.86 1.30 8 Oct, 2003 to -10.55 -1.32 1
May, 2004
SDI-3 394 46 37 11.68 1.24 12 Aug, 2003 to -16.95 -1.41 1
Jul, 2004
SDI-6 391 58 51 14.83 1.14 28 Apr, 2002 to -40.83 -1.46 1
Jul, 2004
SDI-9 388 54 50 13.92 1.08 26 Jul, 2002 to -40.24 -1.55 2
Aug, 2004
SDI-12 385 60 55 15.58 1.09 28 Jul, 2002 to -42.47 -1.52 2
Oct, 2004
SDI-24 373 72 68 19.30 1.06 38 Jul, 2002 to -59.30 -1.56 2
Aug, 2005
A. Malik et al.
Table 4.5 (b) SDI-based wet pattern of streamflow series for Naula station
SDI Total No. of wet No. of wet Wet Average Longest wet pattern
Category months months Incidents percentage duration Longest Period of Wet severity Average Wet
(%) (month) duration longest wet intensity category
SDI-1 396 52 42 13.13 1.24 10 Jun, 1978 to 15.27 1.53 B
Mar, 1979
SDI-3 394 61 48 15.48 1.27 14 Mar, 1978 to 23.83 1.70 B
Apr, 1979
SDI-6 391 64 56 16.37 1.14 24 Jul, 1977 to 38.71 1.61 B
Jun, 1979
SDI-9 388 64 57 16.49 1.12 25 May, 1994 to 39.66 1.59 B
May, 1996
SDI-12 385 61 58 15.84 1.05 24 Sep, 1977 to 40.81 1.70 B
Aug, 1979 38.13 1.59 B
Jul, 1994 to
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index

Jun, 1996
SDI-24 373 60 58 16.09 1.03 36 Jul, 1977 to 52.30 1.45 A
Jun, 1980
78 A. Malik et al.

Fig. 3 (a–f) Drought and wet patterns for SDI-1, SDI-3, SDI-6, SDI-9, SDI-12 and SDI-24 at
Naula station
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 79

Table 4.6 Probability of occurrence of drought and wet events at different SDI time scales for
Naula station
SDI time scale Drought events Wet events
Moderate Severe Extreme Moderate Severe Extreme
1 2 3 A B C
Event months 34 7 2 30 6 16
Total months 43 43 43 52 52 52
Probability 0.79 0.16 0.05 0.58 0.12 0.31
Event months 34 10 2 34 17 10
Total months 46 46 46 61 61 61
Probability 0.74 0.22 0.04 0.56 0.28 0.16
Event months 40 18 0 39 12 13
Total months 58 58 58 64 64 64
Probability 0.69 0.31 0.00 0.61 0.19 0.20
Event months 36 18 0 39 15 10
Total months 54 54 54 64 64 64
Probability 0.67 0.33 0.00 0.61 0.23 0.16
Event months 44 16 0 33 19 9
Total months 60 60 60 61 61 61
Probability 0.73 0.27 0.00 0.54 0.31 0.15
Event months 49 23 0 35 21 4
Total months 72 72 72 60 60 60
Probability 0.68 0.32 0.00 0.58 0.35 0.07

4.3.3 Assessment of Hydrological Drought and Wet

Conditions at Kedar Station

The general pattern of drought events for Kedar station is given in Table 7(a) which
indicated that out of total available months, the number of drought months was 51,
61, 67, 66, 58, and 55 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The
percentage of drought occurrence was found to be 12.88, 15.48, 17.17, 17.01, 15.06,
and 14.75% for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The number of
drought incidents (e.g., single or consecutive) was identified as 40, 46, 56, 60, 56,
and 53 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The average duration
80 A. Malik et al.

Fig. 4 (a & b) Comparison of probability of occurrence of drought and wet categories demarcated
using SDI-1, SDI-3, SDI-6, SDI-9, SDI-12 and SDI-24 for Naula station

of drought was found to be 1.28, 1.33, 1.20, 1.10, 1.04, and 1.04 months for 1-, 3-,
6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The period of the longest duration of
drought was also identified with its duration, period, severity, average intensity, and
corresponding drought category. The longest drought duration was found to be of 6,
8, 14, 23, 35, and 36 months for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively.
Drought severity and average intensity were found to be −8.41 and −1.40, −11.15
and −1.39, −17.78 and −1.27, −44.88 and −1.95, −49.93 and −1.43, and −67.32
and −1.87 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. Accordingly, the
drought category varied from moderate drought (−1.39 to −1.43) for SDI-1, SDI-3,
SDI-6, and SDI-12 to severe drought (−1.95 and −1.87) for SDI-9 and SDI-24.
Figure 5(a to f) shows the distribution of drought events for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and
24-SDI scales at Kedar station for the study period (1975–2007).
Table 4.7 (a) SDI-based drought pattern of streamflow series for Kedar station
SDI Total No. of No. of Drought Average Longest drought pattern
Category months drought drought percentage duration Longest Period of Drought Average Drought
months Incidents (%) (month) duration longest drought severity intensity category
SDI-1 396 51 40 12.88 1.28 6 Jun to Nov, -8.41 -1.40 1
SDI-3 394 61 46 15.48 1.33 8 Dec, 2003 to -11.15 -1.39 1
Jul, 2004
SDI-6 391 67 56 17.14 1.20 14 Dec, 2001 to -17.78 -1.27 1
Jan, 2003
SDI-9 388 66 60 17.01 1.10 23 Aug, 1991 to -44.88 -1.95 2
Jun, 1993
SDI-12 385 58 56 15.06 1.04 35 Dec, 2001 to -49.93 -1.43 1
Oct, 2004
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index

SDI-24 373 55 53 14.75 1.04 36 Jul, 2002 to -67.32 -1.87 2

Jun, 2005
82 A. Malik et al.

Fig. 5 (a–f) Drought and wet patterns for SDI-1, SDI-3, SDI-6, SDI-9, SDI-12 and SDI-24 at
Kedar station
Table 4.7 (b) SDI-based wet pattern of streamflow series for Kedar station
SDI Total No. of wet No. of wet Wet Average Longest wet pattern
Category months months Incidents percentage duration Longest Period of Wet severity Average Wet
(%) (month) duration longest wet intensity category
SDI-1 396 54 40 13.64 1.35 3 May to Jul, 4.33 1.44 A
1977 4.72 1.57 B
Sep to Nov, 5.60 1.87 B
1978 4.27 1.40 A
Mar to May, 5.51 1.84 B
Oct to Dec,
Nov, 1993 to
Jan, 1994
SDI-3 394 60 46 15.23 1.30 7 Jun to Dec, 12.32 1.76 B
SDI-6 391 65 55 16.62 1.18 11 Mar, 1983 to 13.02 1.18 A
Jan, 1984 20.42 1.86 B
Sep, 1993 to
Jul, 1994
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index

SDI-9 388 63 59 16.24 1.07 22 Jun, 1982 to 27.06 1.23 A

Mar, 1984
SDI-12 385 53 49 13.77 1.08 19 Sep, 1982 to 24.74 1.30 A
Mar, 1984
SDI-24 373 65 61 17.43 1.07 24 Sep, 1978 to 35.39 1.47 A
Aug, 1980
84 A. Malik et al.

The general pattern of wet events for Kedar station is given in Table 7(b) which
indicates that out of total available months, the number of wet months was 54, 60, 65,
63, 53, and 65 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The percentage
of wet occurrence was found to be 13.64, 15.23, 16.62, 16.24, 13.77, and 17.43% for
1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The number of wet incidents (e.g.,
single or consecutive) was identified as 40, 46, 55, 59, 49, and 61 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-,
and 24-SDI scales, respectively. The average duration of wet events was found to be
1.35, 1.30, 1.18, 1.07, 1.08, and 1.07 months for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales,
respectively. The period of the longest duration of wet events was also identified with
its duration, period, severity, average intensity, and corresponding drought category.
The longest wet duration was found to be of 3, 7, 11, 22, 19, and 24 months for 1-,
3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. Wet severity and average intensity
were found to be 4.33, 4.72, 5.60, 4.27, 5.51 and 1.44, 1.57, 1.87, 1.40, 1.84, 12.32
and 1.76, 13.02, 20.42 and 1.18, 1.86, 27.06 and 1.23, 24.74 and 1.30, and 35.39
and 1.47 for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales, respectively. Accordingly, the wet
category varied from moderate wet (1.23–1.47) for 1-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales
to severe wet (1.57–1.87) for 1-, 3-, and 6-SDI scales. Figure 5(a to f) shows the
distribution of wet events for 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales at Kedar station
for the study period (1975–2007).

4.3.4 Probability of Occurrence of Drought and Wet Events

at Kedar Station

The probability of occurrence of drought and wet (i.e., moderate, severe, and extreme)
events at Kedar station is summarized in Table 8 for SDI-1 to SDI-24. Table 8 reveals
that out of total drought months, the probability of occurrence of moderate, severe,
and extreme drought events was calculated as 0.71, 0.29, and 0.00 for SDI-1; 0.75,
0.13, and 0.11 for SDI-3; 0.60, 0.27, and 0.13 for SDI-6; 0.53, 0.29, and 0.18 for SDI-
9; 0.36, 0.40, and 0.24 for SDI-12; and 0.13, 0.36, and 0.51 for SDI-24, respectively.
Similarly, out of total wet months, the probability of occurrence of moderate, severe
and extreme wet events was produced as 0.46, 0.35, and 0.19 for SDI-1; 0.62, 0.22,
and 0.17 for SDI-3; 0.68, 0.15, and 0.17 for SDI-6; 0.68, 0.11, and 0.21 for SDI-9;
0.57, 0.21, and 0.23 for SDI-12; and 0.66, 0.34, and 0.00 for SDI-24, respectively.
Figure 6(a and b) demonstrates the probability of occurrence of drought and wet
events for 1.47 of 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales at Kedar station. As observed
from Fig. 6(a), the probability of occurrence of moderate drought was higher than
severe and extreme droughts for SDI-1, SDI-3, SDI-6, and SDI-9, but the probability
of occurrence of severe and extreme droughts was 0.40 higher than SDI-12, and
0.36 and 0.51 for SDI-24 with severe and extreme, respectively. Similarly, Fig. 6(b)
depicts that the probability of occurrences of moderate wet was higher than severe
and extreme wet conditions for 1.47 of 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales. It was
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 85

Table 4.8 Probability of occurrence of drought and wet events at different SDI time scales for
Kedar station
SDI time scale Drought events Wet events
Moderate Severe Extreme Moderate Severe Extreme
1 2 3 A B C
Event months 36 15 0 25 19 10
Total months 51 51 51 54 54 54
Probability 0.71 0.29 0.00 0.46 0.35 0.19
Event months 46 8 7 37 13 10
Total months 61 61 61 60 60 60
Probability 0.75 0.13 0.11 0.62 0.22 0.17
Event months 40 18 9 44 10 11
Total months 67 67 67 65 65 65
Probability 0.60 0.27 0.13 0.68 0.15 0.17
Event months 35 19 12 43 7 13
Total months 66 66 66 63 63 63
Probability 0.53 0.29 0.18 0.68 0.11 0.21
Event months 21 23 14 30 11 12
Total months 58 58 58 53 53 53
Probability 0.36 0.40 0.24 0.57 0.21 0.23
Event months 7 20 28 43 22 0
Total months 55 55 55 65 65 65
Probability 0.13 0.36 0.51 0.66 0.34 0.00

also evident from Fig. 6(b) that 0.35 and 0.34 for probability of occurrence of wet
conditions (e.g., inundation/flood) for SDI-1 and SDI-24 were calculated.

4.4 Conclusions and Remarks

This chapter has analyzed hydrological drought and wet conditions using multi-
scalar streamflow drought index (SDI). The study area was Naula and Kedar stations,
located in the upper Ramganga River catchment in Uttarakhand, India. The following
specific conclusions are drawn from this study:
86 A. Malik et al.

Fig. 6 (a & b) Comparison of probability of occurrence of drought and wet categories demarcated
using SDI-1, SDI-3, SDI-6, SDI-9, SDI-12 and SDI-24 for Kedar station

• The K-S test shows all the distributions fit well to streamflow data series for 1-,
3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales for all the months at 1% and 5% significance
levels. However, gamma distribution is used for analysis of hydrological drought
and wet conditions for Naula and Kedar stations.
• At Naula station, on an average, there is 0.72 probability of having normal condi-
tion. Under the influence of hydrological drought, probability of occurrence of
moderate drought condition is 0.72, followed by 0.27 for severe drought condi-
tions with merely 0.01 for extreme condition at 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI
• At Naula station, on an average, there is 0.58 probability of having moderate wet
condition, followed by 0.25 for severe wet conditions with only 0.17 for extreme
condition at 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales.
• At Kedar station, on an average, there is 0.69 probability of having normal condi-
tion. Under the influence of hydrological drought, probability of occurrence of
4 Hydrological Drought Investigation Using Streamflow Drought Index 87

moderate drought condition is 0.51, followed by 0.29 for severe conditions with
0.20 for extreme condition at 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales.
• At Kedar station, on an average, there is 0.61 probability of having moderate wet
condition, followed by 0.23 for severe wet conditions with only 0.16 for extreme
condition at 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, and 24-SDI scales.
• At Kedar station, probability of occurrence of extreme drought condition is 0.51
for SDI at 24-month timescale.
• Occurrence of moderate hydrological drought and wet conditions can be taken
care of by adopting appropriate water/moisture conservation measures such as
in situ rainwater harvesting, mulching, terracing, contour bunding for enhancing
agricultural productivity in the study region.

Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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