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Criminal Law Review Discussion PI, PI would usually last 30

September 20, 2020 days.

 Here, PI is only 15 days from
Last Topic: the signing of the waiver.
Art 125 o IBP vs DOJ
Delay in delivery of detained persons  SC: The waiver signed by the
arrested person does not give
- Remember, should not be taken literally. It does the prosecutor’s office indefinite
not refer to actual delivery of the arrested person period to detain the arrested
to the judge. This refers to the filing of the person. They should follow the
proper criminal case with the court against the period given by the CrimPro to
arrested person.. terminate PI within 15 days.
- Offended party here was subjected to a valid  If for whatever reason, PI is not
warrantless arrest. However, arresting officer terminated (example, case is
failed to comply the requirements under this dismissed, subjected for
article which is to file appropriate charge within automatic review by DOJ
12, 18, and 36 hours. secretary)
- In order to comply, the arrested person, although  In drug cases, if
he committed a crime which should be subject to idissmiss sa prosec,
preliminary investigation, he is not given PI, but automatic review sa
his case is subjected to inquest proceedings. DOJ sec.
o He is not required to submit answer.  When there is automatic
o During inquest proceedings, inquest review and 15 days
prosecutor will just look at the affidavits have passed, the person
of the arresting officers and other arrested should be
evidences to determine if the arrest was released pursuant to the
valid. Inquest prosec would not require constitutional right of
the offended person to submit answer to said arrested person to
the charge. liberty, unless detained
o If the inquest prosec finds that the arrest for some other lawful
was valid, meaning a crime was grounds
committed, inquest prosec now files  The release should be
appropriate charge/information in court. without prejudice to the
o However, if arrested person would outcome of the case.
really want to file answer or counter  If after release,
affidavit to the charge, he needs to sign information is
a waiver, waiving his rights for the eventually filed in
filing of appropriate charges against court, court issues
arresting officer under A125, and should Warrant of arrest, and
be assisted by counsel in waiving his accused who was
rights. released because PI was
 Once he would waive his rights, not finished on time,
the case filed against him would has to be rearrested.
be subject to preliminary Does not apply when arrest is by virtue of a warrant of
investigation. But, PI here must arrest.
terminated only for 15 days. - If arrested by virtue of a warrant arrest, arresting
Period is shorter than in those officer has no more due to file appropriate case
cases subjected to regular PI. in court under 125. His duty is to deliver
Because if subjected to regular accused to the nearest police station or jail, and t
make a report to the court regarding the service o If all prosecutors are absent, the
of the warrant of arrest against the accused. arresting officer or station chief may file
the appropriate criminal case in court
Suppose appropriate case was not filed in court within through criminal complaint (Sec 7
the period of 12, 18, and 36 hours, but eventually, R112)
information was filed in court. Would the eventual filing - Or, he may release arrested person, and rearrest
of info in court erase the criminal liability of arresting him once the appropriate case is filed in court.
- No. Liability of arresting officer is not negated If during inquest proceedings, the prosec finds that the
by the filing of an information in court because arrest was invalid.
the felony or violation under Art 125 has already - Possible ba na nga a crime was committed but
been committed. the arrest is illegal? Yes.
- Example, accused committed murder. Sa dihang
Suppose an arresting officer failed to file the appropriate nakapatay, nagtago2 within 2 months. After 2
case in court? months, nibalik. Pwede ba siya dakpon without
- Remember: ang makaprevent sa pagfile under warrant?
125 is not the filing of the case before the o No. Warrantless arrest would not fall in
prosec’s office but of the filing of the case any of those circumstances mentioned in
before the court. Sec5 R113.
o Mere filing of the case before the  GR: person cannot be arrested
procutor’s office would not excuse or without warrant of arrest
relieve the arresting officer from  EXC: R113Sec5
committing a violation under Art 125. - If gidakop jud siya kadtong nakacommit ug
- Remember, it is the filing of the case in court. murder 2 months ago. Most inquest prosecutors
- Filing before the prosec’s office would not will order his release and subject the case to
relieve the officer from liability under 125. regular preliminary investigation. After the case
o If, police nifile ug kaso, ang prosec’s is filed in court and a warrant of arrest is issued,
office nagdugay2. Ang filing ug case he could be rearrested.
under 125 is not the prosec, but the
police officer. ARTICLE 126.
Delaying Release.
Suppose arresting officer failed to file appropriate case
in court. - Suppose, a person who has committed murder 2
- For example, arrest nahitabo Friday 4pm. Slight months ago is arrested without warrant. When
physical injuries. Case has to be filed within a subjected to inquest proceedings, inquest prosec
period of 12 hrs. Kay sabado, domigo, labi nag ordered his release because the warrantless
lunes holiday? arrest was invalid. He ordered that the arrested
o SC: Soria vs Dissierto person be released. Suppose arresting officer
o Holidays should be excluded in the refused to comply with prosec’s order, does the
counting of reglementary period. arresting officer have any criminal liability?
However, the case shall be filed on the o Yes, a126, delaying release.
first working hour of the next working o Penalty? Same as that in 124.
The penalties provided for in article 124 shall be
Suppose, the prosec cannot file the case before the imposed upon any public officer or employee who
prosecutor’s office because all the prosecutos are not delays for the period of time specified therein the
around. For example, they are having a seminar. Unsay performance of any judicial or executive order for the
buhaton sa police nga nagdakop niya? release of a prisoner or detention prisoner, or unduly
- Options: delays the service of the notice of such order to said
prisoner or the proceedings upon any petition for the o Ideport, and deportation is without
liberation of such person. authority of law
- Or shall compel a person to change his
- TN: Pwede sad makarelease ang prosecutor, residence.
especially to a case subjected to inquest
proceedings. If inquest prosec finds that the case Acts penalized:
is not proper for inquest proceedings, arrest 1. Expelling a person from Ph
being invalid, inquest prosecutor can release the 2. Compelling a person to change residence
arrested person, without prejudice to the conduct
of proper prelim investigation. If there are informal settlers. Gikihag ejectment. Napildi.
- If arresting officer will disobey the order of the Giissuehan sa court ug writ of demolition. Is the sheriff
inquest prosec, the arrest custodian could be who came in the place and supervised the demolition
criminally liable under A126, delaying release liable, including owner of the place?
- No. The demolition or compulsion of those
Could also be committed by the jail warden who would persons to change place of residence is being
refuse to comply with the order of the court authorized by law, being authorized by court.
- Court issues release of the accused. - Or if person is prohibited in a certain place
o Example, case dismissed. Court orders because sentenced to destierro. 127 inapplicable.
release of accused. Suppose jail warden
would not immediately release the Case of mayor who compelled prostitutes to board a ship
accuse, the jail warden could be held and transfer their residence to Davao? (Villa Vesencio vs
liable under A126. Lucban)
- This is an example of compeling a person to
Suppose not the custodian of the detained person who change residence without authority by law.
will refuse release but it is the employee who is in
charged with the service of the order. If siyay As regards aliens, the president or commissioner of BID
nagdugay2, he should also be held liable under Art 126. may order deportation of undesirable or overstaying
- Delaying service of notice would in turn delay
the release of the detained person. SECTION TWO
Violation of Domicile
What is the remedy of the offended party under Art 124
(dakpon bisag wala nakacommit ug crime), Art 125 ARTICLE 128. Violation of Domicile.
failure to file appropriate case within reglementary, or The penalty of prisión correccional in its minimum
Art 126 delaying release, if jail warden refuses order? period shall be imposed upon any public officer or
Aside from criminal case, unsay dinalian? employee who, not being authorized by judicial order,
- Petition for habeas corpus. shall enter any dwelling against the will of the owner
- The detention now is illegal. thereof, search papers or other effects found therein
without the previous consent of such owner, or, having
ARTICLE 127. Expulsion. surreptitiously entered said dwelling, and being required
to leave the premises, shall refuse to do so.
The penalty of prisión correccional shall be imposed If the offense be committed in the night-time, or if any
upon any public officer or employee who, not being papers or effects not constituting evidence of a crime be
thereunto authorized by law, shall expel any person from not returned immediately after the search made by the
the Philippine Islands or shall compel such person to offender, the penalty shall be prisión correccional in its
change his residence. medium and maximum periods.

- Committed by any public officer or employee, - Committed by a public officer not authorized by
who without any authority of law, shall expel any judicial order
any person from the ph islands. - Enter dwelling of a person
exceeding 1,000 pesos shall be imposed upon any public
Acts penalized: officer or employee who shall procure a search warrant
1. Entering dwelling against will of owner without just cause, or, having legally procured the same,
- There must be an express or implied prohibition shall exceed his authority or use unnecessary severity in
against the entry of a public officer. executing the same.
o Example, a policeman is prohibited
from entering, and despite prohibition, - Refers to a search with search warrant.
enters the dwelling
2. Entering a dwelling surreptitiously and Acts:
refuses to leave after being required to do so 1. Maliciously obtaining search warrant without
- “surreptitiously,” wala nagsaba. just cause
- If nisulod walay pananghid, not yet a crime. - Searching officers would commit a crime if they
- It will be a crime if after entering surreptitiously would procure search warrant without just cause
refuses to leave after being required to leave. o Why is that searching officers would
3. By searching documents or papers, or other commit a crime? They would commit a
effects, without prior consent of owner crime if they would procure a search
- Musulod, unya manguhag evidence. warrant without just cause, meaning
without factual basis.
Usually committed when officers will search a  Example, they applied for
contraband without a court order, or without search search warrant and a search
warrant or warrant of arrest. warrant was eventually issued
based on perjured affidavit or
Suppose, the one who entered the dwelling is a private perjured testimony.
person, crime committed is trespass to dwelling. If  Law enforcers would be
public officer, violation of domicile. liable for Crime of
perjury for signing false
Suppose search is conducted on a vehicle. Is violation to affidavit and Crime
this article violated? under 129 for securing
- If sakyanan nga gipark ang gisearch. Would that search warrant
constitute a crime under Art 128? maliciously, without
o No. Ang vehicle dili balay. 128 is not prejudice to their
violated. criminal liability for
o Remedy on a warrantless search perjury.
convicted to a vehicle? 2. Crimes committed: Exceeding authority or using
 SC: merely civil under Art32CC unnecessary force in the execution of the search
in relation to Ar219CC warrant legally obtained.
o Case: Galvante vs Casimero - Here, the search warrant was legally obtained
- If ang gisearch kay balay kay nangitag shabu, but they exceeded their authority.
violation of domicile. o Example: search wearrant directed them
- With or without violence. to search for shabu. When they executed
the search warrant, hasta ang pieces of
ARTICLE 129. jewelry owners giapil ug dala,
Search Warrants Maliciously Obtained and Abuse in Exceeding authority.
the Service of Those Legally Obtained. - or executing unnecessary force.
o Example: No need to break doors of
In addition to the liability attaching to the offender for cabinet but broke them. Use of
the commission of any other offense, the penalty of unnecessary force.
arresto mayor in its maximum period to prisión
correccional in its minimum period and a fine not
Liability of the public officers shall be without prejudice - ROC basis: Rule 126 Sec 8
to their other liabilities. o No search of a house, room or any other
- Example, committed perjury for securing search premises, shall be made except in the
warrant. presence of the lawful occupant, or any
o They could be held liable under 129, at member of his family, or in the absence
the same time they could be held liable of those persons, of two witnesses of
for perjury. sufficient age and discretion residing in
o This is an example of Two-Tiered the same locality
ARTICLE 130. - Those under Articles 124-130 are crimes related
Searching Domicile Without Witnesses. to the provisions of the Consti
The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium and
maximum periods shall be imposed upon a public officer ARTICLE 131.
or employee who, in cases where a search is proper, Prohibition, Interruption, and Dissolution of
shall search the domicile, papers or other belongings of Peaceful Meetings.
any person, in the absence of the latter, any member of
his family, or in their default, without the presence of The penalty of prisión correccional in its minimum
two witnesses residing in the same locality.\ period shall be imposed upon any public officer or
employee who, without legal ground, shall prohibit or
Under this article, the law officers have secured valid interrupt the holding of a peaceful meeting, or shall
search warrant. But upon conduct of search, there was no dissolve the same.
witness. The same penalty shall be imposed upon a public officer
- It is not enough that a valid search warrant is or employee who shall hinder any person from joining
secured. It is also necessary that during the any lawful association or from attending any of its
enforcement of the search warrant, there should meetings.
be a w itness. The same penalty shall be imposed upon any public
officer or employee who shall prohibit or hinder any
Who can be witness? person from addressing, either alone or together with
1. Subject of search warrant others, any petition to the authorities for the correction
- Owner of the search. of abuses or redress of grievances.
2. In the presence of the family of the subject in
the absence of the subject of the search - Committed by public officer or employees
- If X is owner. If wala si Mr. X? Can search be
conducted? Yes, in the presence of the family of Acts punished:
the person subject to the search. 1. Prohibition or interrupting of peaceful
3. Absent subject and his famil members, two meeting, or shall dissolve the same
witnesses residing in the same locality
- If, wala ang subject sa search. Wala pud ang “Peaceful” “Without legal ground”
pamilya. Pwede ba makapadayon ug search? - Law enforcers may disperse meetings, rallies if
Yes. In the presence of two witnesses residing in there is legal ground, or if the same would turn
the same locality out to be chaotic.
o Same barangay. - If meeting is peaceful and is allowed by law, law
o Who? Brgy tanod or barangay officials enforcers who would interrupt or prohibit such
(at least 2) meeting or assembly could be held criminally
- This is another instance of the two-witness rule. liable.

What will happen if search is conducted without

witness? Would commit a crime under 130.
If, for example, naay magrally. Nya muviolate sa covid Could be religious ceremony or manifestation
protocols nga kinahanglan naay 1m distance and should - Ceremony is mass or service
wear face mask - Manifestation? Prayer meeting.
- Pwede
Preventing or disturbing the ceremonies or
2. Hindering a person from joining a lawful manifestations of any religion without valid reason shall
association or from attending its meetings. be liable for interruption of religious worship.
- Ceremony or manifestation need not be
- Or prohibits another from addressing petition to conducted in church. It could be inside the
the authorities for the correction of abuses or house.
redress of grievances. o Example. Prayer meeting. If dissolved
or prevented by a public officer such as
In order to be held liable, the public officer who is an a law enforcement officer, crime is
offender should be a stranger. interruption of religious ceremony or
- Crime should not be committed if the one who worship.
disturbs, prohibits is a participant.
o If participant, crime committed could be Penalty would be higher if the crime is committed with
unjust vexation or public disorder. violence (par.2)

Right to peaceful meeting, right to assembly is not ARTICLE 133.

absolute. Offending the Religious Feelings.
- It is subject to regulations promulgated by
appropriate government offices to promote order The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to
and public safety. prisión correccional in its minimum period shall be
- Organizers of a rally are required to secure a imposed upon anyone who, in a place devoted to
permit first before they can use the streets to religious worship or during the celebration of any
conduct a rally. religious ceremony shall perform acts notoriously
offensive to the feelings of the faithful.
UNDER ART132 AND ART133? If the one who disrupts religious ceremony or
- Violation of freedom of religion or religious manifestation is a private person?
worship. - Example. Seldran (?) In the middle of a religious
ceremony, nisulod ang accused ug nagdala ug
ARTICLE 132. placards, which states “Damaso, Bishops, stop
Interruption of Religious Worship. involving yourselves in politics”
The penalty of prisión correccional in its minimum o Crime committed, if any?
period shall be imposed upon any public officer or  Crime committed is offending
employee who shall prevent or disturb the ceremonies or the religious feelings under Art
manifestations of any religion. 133.
If the crime shall have been committed with violence or  PP vs Seldran (march 21 2018)
threats, the penalty shall be prisión correccional in its
medium and maximum periods. Accused here performed acts which are seriously
offensive to the feelings of the faithful
- What is the crime committed a policeman who - Could be done either while a celebration is
would prevent ceremony or manifestation of any going on, or it could be done in a place devoted
religion without valid reason? Art 132 to religious worship even if there is no religious
o Example, naay misa. Iyang paundangon ceremony going on.
ang misa without valid reason.
What is the crime committed if a person who does not for the purpose of removing from the allegiance to said
believe in saints, kitag simbahan nga naay santos, walay Government or its laws, the territory of the Philippine
misa. He is convinced that ang mga santos kay kahoy Islands or any part thereof of any body of land, naval or
nga gihimong “diyos-diyos.” If iyang gipanglambos ang other armed forces, or of depriving the Chief Executive
statues, did he commit any crime? or the Legislature, wholly or partially, of any of their
- That is an act which are seriously/notoriously powers or prerogatives.
offensive to the feelings of the faithful in a place
of religious worship How is rebellion committed? Elements:
1. There should be a public apprising and taking
Also acts which are seriously offensive to the feelings of arms against the government and the purpose
the faithful during celebration of any religious ceremony of public uprising is either to remove allegiance
- Could be done outside the church or temple to said govt or its laws, the territory of the Ph or
- If naay magprosesyon. Naa sa gawas sa any part thereof, or any body of water
simbahan. Crime committed if iyang pambatoon
ang nangapil? Aside from the crime of physical - The crime cannot be committed just by one
injuries who may be injured sa pambato, the person. This is a crime of the masses; a vast
crime of notoriously offending religious feelings movement of men seeking to establish a new
during the celebration of any religious ceremony order
is also committed. - Naa juy pusil
- Igo lang gani ka mag singgit2 sa dalan, not
Offending the Religious Feelings, how committed? rebellion
Performing or commission of an act which is notoriously - No mention unsay kadako, basta any part of the
offensive to the feelings of the faithful, and the act can Ph territory. It could be a city or province.
be committed in a place dedicated to religious worship
even if there is no religious ceremony going on, or 2. To deprive chief executive or congress, wholly
during the celebration of any religious ceremony or partially, of any of their powers or
In another case, according to SC, when can you say that
an act is notoriously offensive to the feelings of the This is the crime committed by the New People’s Army.
faithful? - Because they want to overthrow the govt and
- W/N offensive from the catholics should be make their own govt
viewed from the latter’s point of view, and not
of the offender. (PP vs Baez) Also the crime committed against the group of Muslim
o W/N or not a certain act is offensive to rebels who wants to separate certain provinces in
the feelings of the faithful, it is not to be Mindanao, which are predominantly Muslim provinces
judged by the offender but of the and wants to separate from the Republic
offended party.
What is the crime committed if thousands of armed men
TITLE THREE would attack provincial capitol of bohol and would
Crimes Against Public Order declare independence of the republic of bohol?
- The crime committed is rebellion.
CHAPTER ONE - Because, they want to remove the allegiance to
Rebellion, Sedition, and Disloyalty the government, a part of the Ph territory.

ARTICLE 134. What is the crime committed if thousands of armed men,

Rebellion or Insurrection. — How Committed. for example would call themselves as “Red Army of
God” lead by General Pacman? They would attack
The crime of rebellion or insurrection is committed by congress to prevent congress from passing the law which
rising publicly and taking arms against the Government would allow divorce. Crime committed?
- Could be Rebellion Rebellion is considered as a continuing crime.
- To deprive congress of any of their power. - A person who is a rebel since 1969 until now,
daghan nakag napatay, usa ra kacrime ang
If, would attack Malacañang and deprive the president mafile batok nimo. And that is rebellion.
of his powers? Rebellion.
Suppose prosec’s office would charge a rebel with
If would attack SC to prevent SC to rule on the murder. What will happen? Would that be dismissed
constitutionality of the Human Security act? Is rebellion because the accused is charged with the wrong crime or
committed? the charge is improper?
- No. Under 134, SC is not included. It is only the - Case: Ocampo vs Obando
executive or the legislation. - Under the Political Offense Doctrine, common
- Crime committed could be sedition crimes committed, such as murder, are absorbed
by the crime of murder when committed as a
Rebellion is the same with treason that would only be necessary means or in furtherance of rebellion.
legal if endeavor would fail. However, prosecs may choose to charge the
- Treason would only be considered a crime if the respondents with common crimes, since filing of
treasonous act failed, if traitors failed in their criminal charges is addressed to the sound
endeavor. discretion of the public prosecutor.
- In rebellion, the rebels would only be punished o Kay ang prosec man ang mufile sa kaso,
if they would fail in their endeavor. kung gusto jud niya mufile ug murder
- Example. EDSA people power. If wala instead of rebellion, he may do so.
nasuccessful, ang mga nangulo sa EDSA people o But, if the accuse would assert that the
power would be in jail for the crime of rebellion. proper charge should be rebellion, the
court should not automatically dismiss
Rebellion vs Treason the case.
T – fights against govt to deliver country to the foreign  When POD is asserted as a
enemy defense, it is crucial for the
R – fight against the govt to establish their own govt court to determine if the act of
killing is done/committed in
R – there is always taking of arms against govt. Mere furtherance of rebellion through
giving aid or comfort is not enough. a hearing. If after hearing, court
T – could be committed without taking of arms. It could finds that the killing is
be committed by giving aid or comfort. committed in furtherance of
rebellion, court will order filing
- Mere membership of the communist party of Ph of appropriate case case, and
does not make one liable for rebellion because would this time dismiss the
rebellion requires taking of arms against the charge of murder before iya
govt. ipadismiss ang charge sa
Common crimes are absorbed in rebellion.  No automatic dismissal of the
- Murder, homicide, robbery murder charge.
- If a rebel kills another person, the crime - If, the killing was not in furtherance of rebellion.
committed is not murder or homicide but If iya gipatay kay personal nga kontra. That
rebellion. would not prevent filing of homicide or murder
- No such crime as rebellion complexed with because the killing is not in furtherance of
murder, or with homicide, or with robbery. rebellion.
Common crimes are absorbed in rebellion.
(Enrile vs Salazar) Not necessary that they will succeed.
- It is enough that they fight against the diminishing state power? Crime committed is coup
government for the purpose of removing d’etat
allegiance from the govt, or deprive the chief - OR: What’s the crime committed when a grp of
executive or congress from exercising their disgusted soldiers would attack a military camp
powers. for the purpose of seizing or diminishing state
power? Coup d’etat
Art 134-A
Coup d’etat Purpose?
The crime of coup d'etat is a swift attack, accompanied - seizing or diminishing state power.
by violence, intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth,
directed against duly constituted authorities of the Rebellion vs Coup d’etat
Republic of the Philippines, or any military camp or R – requires public uprising
installation, communications networks, public utilities or C – does not require public uprising. Relies on swift
facilities needed for the exercise and continued attack or stealth necessary for acquisition of power
possession of power, singly or simultaneously carried
out anywhere in the Philippines by any person or R – movement of the multitude
persons, belonging to the military or police or holding C – conducted by a compact or select group of persons
any public office or employment, with or without belonging to the military, or police, or persons holding
civilian support or participation, for the purpose of public office or employment, with or without civilian
seizing or diminishing state power. support

Keyword? R – usually committed by persons outside the govt

1. Swift attack committed by any person or C – can be committed by persons who are working in
persons belonging to the military or police, the govt.
or holding any public office or employment.
o Can’t be committed by private persons ARTICLE 135.
or persons alone. Penalty for Rebellion or Insurrection.
o Pwede dili police, di military, pero
nagtrabaho sa govt. Any person who promotes, maintains or heads a
o Example, cabinet secretary unya nisukol rebellion or insurrection shall suffer the penalty
sa presidente of reclusion perpetua.
2. Accompanied by intimidation, violence, Any person merely participating or executing the
stealth, committed by any person or persons commands of others in a rebellion or insurrection shall
belonging to the military or police, or suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal.
holding any public office or employment. Any person who leads or in any manner directs or
commands others to undertake a coup d'etat shall suffer
the penalty of reclusion perpetua.
To whom shall attack be committed? Any person in the government service who participates,
- Against duly constituted authorities of the or executes directions or commands of others in
republic of the Ph or any military camp or undertaking a coup d'etat shall suffer the penalty
installation, communication networks, public of reclusion temporal in its maximum period.
utilities or facilities needed for the exercise and Any person not in the government service who
continued possession of power singly or participates, or in any manner supports, finances abets or
simultaneously carried out anywhere in the aids in undertaking a coup d'etat shall suffer the penalty
Philippines of prision mayor in its maximum period.
When the rebellion, insurrection, or coup d'etat shall be
Crime committed by disgusted soldiers who would under the command of unknown leaders, any person
attack gma network for the purpose of seizing or who is in fact directed the others, spoke for them, signed
receipt and other documents issued in their name, or
performed similar acts, on behalf of the rebels shall be
deemed a leader of such rebellion, insurrection, or coup Remember: conspiracy or proposal to commit a crime is
d'etat. not punishable. They are merely preparatory acts. But if
there are specific provisions of law penalizing mere
- Merely provides penalty conspiracy or proposal, they are considered as crimes.

Rebellion, penalties: ARTICLE 137.

For the leaders Disloyalty of Public Officers or Employees.
- penalty is RP The penalty of prisión correccional in its minimum
- Non-bailable. period shall be imposed upon public officers or
employees who have failed to resist a rebellion by all the
For mere participants means in their power, or shall continue to discharge the
- RT (one degree lower) duties of their offices under the control of the rebels or
shall accept appointment to office under them.
For coup d’etat:
For the leaders - This crime is committed by public officers or
- RP employees

For those working in the govt who participates in the Three acts of disloyalty:
govt 1. Failure to resist rebellion by all the means in
- RT max their power

Civilian? - For example, Mayor who would fail to resist the

- PM acts of rebels in attacking the capitol, he could
- Those civilians who supported the soldiers or be held liable under this article
police who committed the coup d’etat
2. Continuing to discharge the duties of their
Suppose, leader is unknown for rebellion, coup d’etat? offices under the control of the rebels
- any person who is in fact directed the others,
spoke for them, signed receipt and other - If for example, the rebels have successfully
documents issued in their name, or performed taken over the capitol, they continue to
similar acts, on behalf of the rebels shall be discharge their duties.
deemed a leader of such rebellion, insurrection,
or coup d'etat. 3. Accept appointment to office under them

ART. 136.
Conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d'etat, To be liable under this article, there must be
rebellion or insurrection. rebellion.
- The crime of rebellion must have been
The conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d'etat shall committed.
be punished by prision mayor in its minimum period and - If there is no rebellion
a fine shall not exceed eight thousand pesos (P8,000.00). o Example, there are rebels in their place
and ila ang gipasagdan, they will not be
The conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion or liable for disloyalty
insurrection shall be punished, respectively, by prision - If there is rebellion and they failed to resist the
correccional in its maximum period and a fine shall not crime or continue to discharge duties of office or
exceed five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), and by prision accept appointment under them, then the crime
correccional in its medium period and a fine not is disloyalty
exceeding two thousand pesos (P2,000.00). -
ARTICLE 138. Government or the Government of the United
Inciting to Rebellion or Insurrection. States, of all its property or any part thereof.

The penalty of prisión mayor in its minimum period TN: Rebellion and sedition differ in their purpose.
shall be imposed upon any person who, without taking
arms or being in open hostility against the Government, How is sedition committed?
shall incite others to the execution of any of the acts - ―By person who rise publicly and
specified in article 134 of this Code, by means of tumultuously‖
speeches, proclamations, writings, emblems, banners or o Public uprising
other representations tending to the same end.  There is violent opposition.
 There is civil disobedience.
- any person who, without taking arms or being in  Offenders will not anymore
open hostility against the Government follow the law.
- Incite or induce others to commit acts mentioned o Tumultuous
in art 134 through speeches, proclamations,  There is a state of unrest or
writings, emblems, banners or other violent disorder
representations which tend to induce other  If you connect with Art153,
persons to rebel against the government there must be at least 4.

Not necessary that persons incited has committed Not committed by a single person.
rebellion. What’s necessary is that the accused induced - The law says, committed “by persons”
them to commit rebellion - The law does not specify how many persons in
- If persons induced has actually committed order that there would be sedition, but it says
rebellion, persons who induced them to commit tumultuously.
rebellion would not be charged under 138 but as o If you connect this to Art 153, there
principal of the crime of rebellion. must be at least 4 persons

ARTICLE 139. Here, they won’t anymore follow the law. Purpose
Sedition — How Committed. being, to attain by force, intimidation or means out of
legal methods
The crime of sedition is committed by persons who rise - Instead of availing legal means such as going to
publicly and tumultuously in order to attain by force any courts for redress of grievances, they resorted to
of the following objects: force, violence, or intimidation, in order to
1. To prevent the promulgation or execution of any achieve their purpose.
law or the holding of any popular election;
2. To prevent the Insular Government, or any Sedition then is:
provincial or municipal government or any - public uprising plus existence of purposes
public officer thereof from freely exercising its
or his functions, or prevent the execution of any Purpose in Sedition:
administrative order; 1. To prevent the promulgation or execution of
3. To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon the any law or the holding of any popular
person or property of any public officer or election;
4. To commit, for any political or social end, any - Prevent promulgation of laws
act of hate or revenge against private persons or o Example: Jeepney modernization act. If
any social class; and jeepney operators and drivers of old
5. To despoil, for any political or social end, any jeepneys would unite themselves and
person, municipality or province, or the Insular would stage public uprising in order to
prevent the govt from phasing out the
old jeepneys; resort to violence in order would inflict hate and revenge. Pamatyon nilang
to prevent phasing out mga turko nga nagpautang nga ilang makit’an.
- Sedition is not only against the government.
- Prevent holding of popular elections: Offended parties could also be private persons or
o Example. Local elections. Offenders any social class.
does not want the same. Resorts to
violence. 5. To despoil, for any political or social end, any
- person, municipality or province, or the
2. To prevent the Insular Government, or any Insular Government or the Government of
provincial or municipal government or any the United States, of all its property or any
public officer thereof from freely exercising part thereof.
its or his functions, or prevent the execution
of any administrative order; - “Despoil” means to take away or strip position
- If example, the jeepney drivers would unite
- Example, a leader of a certain group. When themselves, would rise publicly and
policemen tried to arrest subject of warrant of tumultuously, atakehon nila ug panguhaon nila
arrest, person subject to the warrant and his ang bugas nga gipangpundo sa warehouse sa
people resisted to prevent arrest of the person LGUs, or ila kuhaon ang bugas. Crime
subject to the warrant. committed? Sedition
- Example: Mayor of LGU wanted to remove
informal settlers residing along the river banks. REMEMBER:
If these people will perform public uprising to For sedition to be committed, there should be public
prevent the removal, what crime is committed? uprising plus any of the purposes.
o That could be sedition - As long as there is public uprising, plus any of
the purposes mentioned in Art 139.
3. To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon the
person or property of any public officer or Rebellion vs Sedition
employee; R – purpose is always political. To remove from the
allegiance to the government.
- If a city councilor would enact an ordinance. For S – purpose could be political or social, other than
example, tanan nga owners sa mga iro nga removing from the allegiance
nagsuroy2 shall be penalized for not taking care
of their pet dogs. If the owners would unite and R – there is public uprising and taking arms against govt
inflict hate or revenge on the public officer nga S – public uprising and tumultuously is sufficient.
nagpasar sa balaod. What crime is committed? Taking of arms not necessary (there could be, but not
o Could be sedition. necessary)
- If councilor X is the author. Ila giadto, pero wala
didto. Naa ang sakyanan. Maoy gipusposan. Remember: Purposes of each crime. Purposes would
Crime committed? distinguish one from the other.
o Not only malicious mischief. Also liable
for sedition. No public uprising, no sedition.
- There is a crime committed, but if no public
4. To commit, for any political or social end, any uprising, it could be another crime.
act of hate or revenge against private persons o If there is no public uprising, but
or any social class; and offended party is a public officer
considered as a person in authority
- Example: if a group of persons, numbering to 50  Crime could be direct assault.
people would rise publicly and tumultuously,
o If he is not a person in authority, the lawful authorities or to disturb the peace of the
crime could be homicide or attempted or community, the safety and order of the Government, or
frustrated homicide, as the case may be. who shall knowingly conceal such evil practices.
(Reinstated by E.O. No. 187).
If there is public uprising but none of the purposes is
present mentioned in 139, no sedition. Acts punishable under this article relates to freedom of
speech or of the press.
Common crimes are absorbed in rebellion. But in
sedition, common crimes not absorbed Rules relative to seditious words:
- Offenders may be liable for sedition and of the 1. Clear and Present Danger Rule
common crimes they committed - The words must be of such nature, that uttering
them, there is a danger of public uprising, and
ARTICLE 140. that such danger should be clear and imminent
Penalty for Sedition. o Absent clear and present danger that the
The leader of a sedition shall suffer the penalty of public would stage public uprsing, then
prisión mayor in its minimum period and a fine not the alleged seditious words should not
exceeding 10,000 pesos. be punished if there is no clear and
Other persons participating therein shall suffer the present danger.
penalty of prisión correccional in its maximum period 2. Dangerous Tendency Rule
and a fine not exceeding 5,000 pesos. - Words used tend to create danger of public
uprising, such words would tend to create
ARTICLE 141. danger, those words could be proper subject to
Conspiracy to Commit Sedition prosecution for sedition.
Persons conspiring to commit the crime of sedition shall
be punished by prision correccional in its medium period Our government follows “Clear and Present Danger”
and a fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos. - If imong gipangsulti and gipangsuwat, as long as
there is no clear and present danger that the
- Proposal to commit sedition not penalized. public would;
- As long as there is no danger of public uprising,
ARTICLE 142. person who tend to use words that tend to incite
Inciting to Sedition. people to commit sedition would not be
The penalty of prision correccional in its maximum penalized
period and a fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos shall be o Kanang magsuot ug Tshirt or placards,
imposed upon any person who, without taking any direct imong gibutngan “Oust Duterte Now.”
part in the crime of sedition, should incite others to the Inciting sedition?
accomplishment of any of the acts which constitute  David vs Arroyo
sedition, by means of speeches, proclamations, writings,  Wearing shirts, having “Oust
emblems, cartoons, banners, or other representations Gloria now” does not constitute
tending to the same end, or upon any person or persons inciting to sedition.
who shall utter seditious words or speeches, write,
publish, or circulate scurrilous libels against the Case: PP vs Espuelas
(Government of the United States or the Government of - Accused was convicted of inciting to sedition.
the Commonwealth of the Philippines) or any of the duly Nagpapicture siya as if he committed suicide.
constituted authorities thereof, or which tend to disturb Then, iya gibutangan sa iyang suicide note, “He
or obstruct any lawful officer in executing the functions committed suicide because he was not pleased
of his office, or which tend to instigate others to cabal with the administration of pres. Roxas and the
and meet together for unlawful purposes, or which govt is infested with many hitlers and mussolinis
suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or riots, or for reason he cannot hold high brows to the
which lead or tend to stir up the people against the world with this dirty government.” He instructed
his children to burn pictures of Roxas if and - There is a session of legislative bodies and the
when they come across one same is interrupted.
- SC: Liable for inciting to sedition. - This is without prejudice to the contemptuous
power of legislative, particularly of congress.
In another case, PP vs Nabong. During a necrological
service, in the course of his speech, he said Example: Mayor conducted a meeting, and meeting was
“overthrow the government.. let us make a disrupted because one of the participants had a heated
government for the poor..” argument with the mayor. Liable for Art 144 for the
- Accused liable for inciting to sedition. disruption of meeting?
- No.
Chapter Two - 144 is applicable only when a meeting of
CRIMES AGAINST POPULAR legislative bodies is being disrupted. This does
REPRESENTATION not apply to a meeting conducted by the
Section One. - Crimes against legislative bodies and executive branch.
similar bodies o Could be held liable for other crime
(example unjust vexation), but not art
Article 143. 144
Act tending to prevent the meeting of the Assembly and
similar bodies. Section Two. - Violation of parliamentary immunity
The penalty of prision correccional or a fine ranging
from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon Article 145.
any person who, by force or fraud, prevents the meeting Violation of parliamentary immunity.
of the National Assembly (Congress of the Philippines)
or of any of its committees or subcommittees, The penalty of prision mayor shall be imposed upon any
constitutional commissions or committees or divisions person who shall use force, intimidation, threats, or
thereof, or of any provincial board or city or municipal fraud to prevent any member of the National Assembly
council or board. (Reinstated by E.O. No. 187). (Congress of the Philippines) from attending the
meetings of the Assembly (Congress) or of any of its
- Purpose here is similar to rebellion. Accused committees or subcommittees, constitutional
here prevents meeting of Congress or local commissions or committees or divisions thereof, from
legislative bodies, but no public uprising. expressing his opinions or casting his vote; and the
Considering no public uprising, no sedition or penalty of prision correccional shall be imposed upon
rebellion. any public officer or employee who shall, while the
Assembly (Congress) is in regular or special session,
Here, no session yet. arrest or search any member thereof, except in case such
member has committed a crime punishable under this
Article 144. Disturbance of proceedings. - The penalty Code by a penalty higher than prision mayor.
of arresto mayor or a fine from 200 to 1,000 pesos shall
be imposed upon any person who disturbs the meetings What is the crime committed by a policeman who would
of the National Assembly (Congress of the Philippines) arrest a congressman who committed a crime which is
or of any of its committees or subcommittees, punishable by prision correccional or less while the
constitutional commissions or committees or divisions congress is in session?
thereof, or of any provincial board or city or municipal - Violation of parliamentary immunity.
council or board, or in the presence of any such bodies
should behave in such manner as to interrupt its Who shall be liable?
proceedings or to impair the respect due it. (Reinstated - any person who shall use force, intimidation,
by E.O. No. 187). threats, or fraud to prevent
- any member of the National Assembly
(Congress of the Philippines) from attending the
meetings of the Assembly (Congress) or of any
of its committees or subcommittees, Kinds:
constitutional commissions or committees or 1. A meeting attended by armed persons for the
divisions thereof, purpose of committing any of the crimes
- from expressing his opinions or casting his vote punishable under the RPC
- or shall arrest or search any member of congress - Dili kinahanglan nga tanan nila armed. Pwede
while in regular or special session for duha.
committing a crime by prision correccional or - Not necessary that all of them attending the
less. meeting are armed.
2. A meeting in which the audience is incited to
“higher than Prision mayor” commit a crime of treason, rebellion or
- should be prision mayor or higher insurrection, sedition or assault upon a
- if the crime he committed is punishable only by person in authority or his agents.
PC or less, he cannot be arrested or detained. - Not necessary that persons are armed
o Persons could be with or without
Why is it de Lima is detained even if Congress is in weapons
session? - They are incited to commit the crimes provided.
- Crime charged is punishable by life - What crime is committed by the persons who
imprisonment which is higher than prision induced them to commit rebellion, sedition or
mayor. treason?
- Pwede siya maarrest if crime charged is prision o Inciting to rebellion or sedition
mayor or higher.

Chapter Three Article 147.

The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and
Article 146. medium periods and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos
Illegal assemblies. shall be imposed upon the founders, directors, and
The penalty of prision correccional in its maximum presidents of associations totally or partially organized
period to prision mayor in its medium period shall be for the purpose of committing any of the crimes
imposed upon the organizers or leaders of any meeting punishable under this Code or for some purpose contrary
attended by armed persons for the purpose of to public morals. Mere members of said associations
committing any of the crimes punishable under this shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor. (Reinstated by
Code, or of any meeting in which the audience is incited E.O. No. 187).
to the commission of the crime of treason, rebellion or
insurrection, sedition or assault upon a person in - Mere membership is punishable.
authority or his agents. Persons merely present at such
meeting shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor, unless 146 vs 147
they are armed, in which case the penalty shall be prision 146 – illegal meeting. There should be an actual meeting
correccional. or assembly
If any person present at the meeting carries an 147 – illegal association. Meeting not required. Mere
unlicensed firearm, it shall be presumed that the purpose forming of association purpose of which is to commit
of said meeting, insofar as he is concerned, is to commit crimes under RPC, crime is committed.
acts punishable under this Code, and he shall be
considered a leader or organizer of the meeting within Being member of the communist party of the Ph?
the purview of the preceding paragraph. - Not anymore committing a crime.
As used in this article, the word "meeting" shall be - Before, there is RA1700 anti subversion act. But
understood to include a gathering or group, whether in a repealed by RA 7636,
fixed place or moving. (Reinstated by E.O. No. 187). - Membership is no longer illegal.
- Under Sec 288 LGC:
Before going to Ch. 4 – Assault upon, and Resistance o Brgy captains, chairman, councilors, and
and Disobedience to persons and authority and their member of the Lupong Tagapamayapa
agents, let’s jump first to article 152 are considered persons in authority.
o TN: bgry captain and brgy chairman are
Article 152. the same
Persons in authority and agents of persons in - Judges are also considered persons in authority
authority; Who shall be deemed as such.
―Agents of persons in authority‖
In applying the provisions of the preceding and other - Persons who are tasked to maintain public order
articles of this Code, any person directly vested with and the protection and security of life and
jurisdiction, whether as an individual or as a member of property.
some court or governmental corporation, board, or - Charged with the maintenance of peace and
commission, shall be deemed a person in authority. A order.
barrio captain and a barangay chairman shall also be - Who? Policemen, brgy tanods
deemed a person in authority.
―Persons deemed persons in authority‖
A person who, by direct provision of law or by election - They could not be employees of the govt but are
or by appointment by competent authority, is charged also “deemed persons in authority”
with the maintenance of public order and the protection - “teachers, professors and persons charged with
and security of life and property, such as a barrio the supervision of public or duly recognized
councilman, barrio policeman and barangay leader and private schools, colleges and universities, and
any person who comes to the aid of persons in authority, lawyers in the actual performance of their
shall be deemed an agent of a person in authority. professional duties or on the occasion of such
In applying the provisions of Articles 148 and 151 of - All teachers in public or private schools are
this Code, teachers, professors and persons charged with deemed persons in authority, including
the supervision of public or duly recognized private professors and persons charged with the
schools, colleges and universities, and lawyers in the supervision of public or duly recognized private
actual performance of their professional duties or on the schools, colleges and universities
occasion of such performance, shall be deemed persons - Lawyers all also deemed to be persons in
in authority. (As amended by PD No. 299, Sept. 19, authority
1973 and Batas Pambansa Blg. 873, June 12, 1985). o Lawyers may be in the private or public
Are all public officers considered persons in o If lawyer ka nya nagtudlo kas college of
authority? law, doble.
- No.
―Persons deemed agents of persons in authority‖
―Person in authority‖ - Persons who any person who comes to the aid of
- any person directly vested with jurisdiction, persons in authority who is under attack
whether as an individual or as a member of some - Who? barrio councilman, barrio policeman and
court or governmental corporation, board, or barangay leader and any person who comes to
commission the aid of persons in authority

―Vested with jd‖ - Kung ang teacher sumbagon ug studyante, nya

- Has the power to govern and execute laws. naay other student nga nilaban sa prof (prof is a
person in authority). Ang person nga nilaban is
Who? deemed to be an agent of the person in authority
- Governors, Mayors
2. Person attacked is a person in authority or any of
Article 148. his agents
Direct assaults. 3. At the time of assault, person in authority or his
agent is in the act of performing of his duty, or
Any person or persons who, without a public uprising, by reason of past performance of his duty
shall employ force or intimidation for the attainment of 4. Offender knows that the one he is assaulting or
any of the purpose enumerated in defining the crimes of attacking is a person in authority or his agent
rebellion and sedition, or shall attack, employ force, or 5. No public uprising.
seriously intimidate or resist any person in authority or
any of his agents, while engaged in the performance of “actual performance of duty”
official duties, or on occasion of such performance, shall - Nagbuhat sa iyang katungdanan
suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its medium
and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding P1,000 There’s this public officer who consulted with a lawyer.
pesos, when the assault is committed with a weapon or Unsay kaso if ang usa kapulis, pusposan ug civilian?
when the offender is a public officer or employee, or Ingon ang lawyer. ang kaso is direct assault. Pwede ba
when the offender lays hands upon a person in authority. ang wife filean ug direct assault sa pulis?
If none of these circumstances be present, the penalty of - Yes.
prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not - If nagperform ug duty, nya giduol nya gipuspos.
exceeding P500 pesos shall be imposed. - The law says “any person”

2 kinds/forms of direct assault TN: When a person in authority is being attacked

1. Direct assault without any public uprising, and while performing his duties, the reason why he is
the purpose of the employment of force or being attacked is immaterial.
intimidation is for the attainment of any of the - As long as he is attacked while in the actual
purposes for the crime of rebellion or sedition performance of duties.
2. No public uprising but the offender shall attack,
employ force, or seriously intimidate or, resists Example: Teacher. Nagsuwat sa board. Nisulod ang
a person in authority or any of his agents, while turko. Gilaparo ang maestro. Crime of turko?
engaged in the performance of official duties, or - Crime is direct assault.
on occasion of such performance - Reason is not because of her teaching job but of
failure to pay loan. Still direct assault bec DA is
Common form - #2 committed when attacked while in the actual
performance of duties. Motive is immaterial.
―assault‖ - Kung ang maestro, naglakaw na padung sa ilaha.
- Meaning, attack. Ang iyang student nga iyang giingnag bogo sa
classroom nasuko niya. Pagpadulong niyag uli,
Elements of 1st Form: giatangan siya, nya gisumbag. Crime
1. Offender employs of force or intimidation committed?
2. Purpose is to attain any of the purpose of the o Still direct assault.
crime of rebellion or sedition o Why? She is being attacked by reason of
3. No public uprising the past performance of her duties.
o ―On occasion‖ means past
- First form is not common. performance
- Only very few cases are decided by the SC o No time limit. Bisag last year nahitabo
ang performance, pero karon gisumbag.
Elements of 2nd form: Direct Assault.
1. Offender shall attack, employ force, or seriously - If padung siya uli, gisugat sa turko. Gisagpa ky
intimidate or, resists wala kabayad. DA?
o No. Attack is not by reason of the past an order nga papahawaon sila. Giorder sa pulis nga
performance of her duties. papahawaon. Wa man sila nihawa, giguyod sa pulis.
- Would that constitute DA? Wala silay gibuhat.
As regards employment of force, there is a distinction as Nagpaguyod.
to the amount of force or violence to be used against o SC: Resistance must be active, not
person in authority or agent passive. If igo rakang nagpaguyod, wa
- If considered person in authority, any amount of kay gibuhat.
force. o Ang pulis ang naay gibuhat. Giguyod
o Not necessary nga serious. Not ka.
necessary nga musuffer ug injury to
constitute direct assault. Serious resistance that will constitute direct assault?
- If mere agent of person in authority, force used - Gidunggab, wala naigo.
must be of serious character.
o Kanang igo jud makasustain ug injury Direct assault by serious resistance is normally
ang agent. committed during arrest (warrantless or with
In one case, ang pulis gisumba sa chest sa offender. - Niserve ug warrant, nisukol ang subject.
Would that constitute direct assault?
- Police is considered a mere agent of a person in If naay public uprising, daghan kayo sila, nya they don’t
authority. want the subject to be arrested kay leader sa ilang group,
o SC: Doe not constitute DA. there could be sedition.
o If the victim or offended party of the - If wala ray public uprising, DA.
direct assault, and the offender used
force, the force must be of serious It is necessary that the subject of the use of force (ang
character to constitute DA. giattack) is a person in authority or agent.
 or offended party of the
o So crime macommit? Iabswelto? No. Suppose, wala kahibalo ang accused nga mayor, or
Serious disobedience or simple police?
disobedience may be commited. (151) - Ignorance of facts.
 So wala ra gani sumbaga, or if - That would excuse him from committing direct
gisumbag man, wala naigo, that assault.
could be simple disobedience. - He would be liable for physical injuries, but it
 If gisumbag, naigo, serious would excuse him of liability for direct assault.
o If imong gidunggab or gipusil, wala If ang offender is also a person in authority. Can he also
naigo? It is serious. It would now be be liable for direct assault?
considered DA. - Yes. The law says “any person”
o If imong gipusil, naigo, patay. That - In fact, if offender is a public officer or
would result now to complex crime. employer, penalty would be higher. (Qualified
 Direct assault with homicide, or DA)
if wala namatay DA with o If used weapon, it would also be
frustrated homicide (or Qualified DA
Allegations that accused used force, intimidation, and
DA may complex under A48 with other crimes. against persons in authority, it must be stated, must be
alleged, in the information.
Naay case nga ang pulis, giorderan niya nga
papahawaon. Ilang gibabagan ang entrance. There was If gihagit ug sumbagay ang maestro. Nisukol ang
maestro. Can there be direct assault?
- Yes. - Persons who would come to the rescue to a
- Justo vs CA: When the agent of the person in person in authority who is being attacked.
authority who is challenged to a fight, and - For example, P is a professor. He is attacked by
accepts the challenge, there is still DA. his student S because P failed S in his subject.
Gidunggab niya si P. Si Y, other student of P,
Suppose, the policemen, in the performance of duties, helped P. Nilaban ni P. Sa paglaban ni Y ngadto
exceeded their power, there is no DA, because they ni P.
could be the aggressors. o Si P, sa dihang gidunggab ni S, what
crime? Direct assault.
Motive in direct assault is only important when the  Prof is considered person in
victim is no longer in the performance of his duties authority.
- When the attack happened when victim is in the  When S attacked P, S
actual performance of duties, motive is committed the crime of DA.
irrelevant. o Y, who came to the rescue for P, what is
the classification of Y now?
Qualified DA?  Y, even if not a police, is
1. When assault is committed with a weapon deemed to be an agent of a
2. When offender is a public officer or employee person in authority.
3. When offender lays hand upon a person in  If, S now attacked Y. Iya pud
authority gidunggab si Y nga nisuway ug
pacify niya. Crime committed?
There could be complex crime.  Remember that Y is an
- Suppose, the crime produced is only slight agent of a person in
physical injuries. Is there a crime of DA with authority for helping a
slight physical injuries? person in authority.
o See: Art 48  So crime committed?
 Light felonies are absorbed, or Direct assault
are prosecuted separately.  Private persons coming
- In DA, it is absorbed. No DA with spi. to the aid of persons in
authority would
Remember elements of DA, especially the second form. automatically become
agents of persons in
Article 149. authority.
Indirect assaults. - If, P is not a professor but a police. Si Patrolman
The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and P nakadakop ug suspected drug pusher S.
medium periods and a fine not exceeding P500 pesos Nakagawas si S. Wala kalimot sa gibuhat ni P.
shall be imposed upon any person who shall make use of Sa dihang nagkita sila, gidunggab ni S si P.
force or intimidation upon any person coming to the aid Maygani kay diha si Y, and Y nilaban ni P.
of the authorities or their agents on occasion of the o Ang kalagot ni S, napunta napud ni Y.
commission of any of the crimes defined in the next Gidunggab si Y. What crime was
preceding article. committed?
 Here, the police is only an agent
When committed? to a person in authority.
- Committed whenever there is DA committed,  Crime committed against P is
and the victim of the DA is a person in authority. DA.
 Against Y? Crime committed is
Remember those “deemed persons in authority” and Indirect Assault.
“deemed as agents”
“any person coming to the aid of the authorities or their - There must be an order, and that order is given
agents on occasion of the commission of any of the either by a person in authority or agent, and that
crimes” order is being disobeyed.
- Kwaa nanang authorities. o Example, niserve ug warrant of arrest,
o So, if ang atakehon kay person in nya niresist. Crime to be charged will be
authority, and ang nitabang niya disobedience, either simple or serious
atakehon pud, the case would be direct disobedience.
assault. Par 2 – Simple Disobedience
o When will indirect assault come in? If
person attacked is mere agent of the Elements of Disobedience
person in authority, and the person who 1. Person in authority or his agent is engaged in the
comes to the aid of the agent of the performance of his duty or gives lawful order,
person in authority who is in turn being 2. Accused disobeys the order.
attacked, the attack against such person 3. Disobedience is either serious or simple
helping is considered indirect assault.

Going back to the professor example: - Usual case that the police will file against those
- Ang nitabang kay dritso agent. He becomes who will resist kung dakpon.
automatic agent. Because he becomes agent, the - If ang mama/papa ang mubabag para ang anak
rules as to the use of force also applies.. di madakop ang anak?
o If person in authority, it is direct assault o Crime to be charged is obstruction of
regardless of the force used. justice.
o If mere agent, force use must be of
serious character to constitute direct Case: PP vs Breis
assault. If not serious, the crime could - About disobedience
be disobedience.
o Same rules apply to those “deemed What crime can you commit if nakaagi kag
agent” checkpoint, unya di ka muhunong.
 So if serious force, would also - Kasohan ka sa Art 151.
constitute direct assault. If dili - There is an order for you to stop. Because you
kayo serious ang force, crime disobeyed the order, 151.
would only be serious or simple o If serious, imong gisumbag ang pulis,
disobedience. serious disobedience
o If wala lang ka nihunong, simple
Article 151. Resistance and disobedience to a person in disobedience
authority or the agents of such person. - The penalty
of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos Case: PP vs Sydeco
shall be imposed upon any person who not being
included in the provisions of the preceding articles (148) Article 150.
shall resist or seriously disobey any person in authority, Disobedience to summons issued by the National
or the agents of such person, while engaged in the Assembly, its committees or subcommittees, by the
performance of official duties. Constitutional Commissions, its committees,
When the disobedience to an agent of a person in subcommittees or divisions.
authority is not of a serious nature, the penalty of arresto
menor or a fine ranging from 10 to P100 pesos shall be The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine ranging from two
imposed upon the offender. hundred to one thousand pesos, or both such fine and
imprisonment shall be imposed upon any person who,
Par 1 – Serious Disobedience having been duly summoned to attend as a witness
before the National Assembly, (Congress), its special or
standing committees and subcommittees, the medium period to prision correccional in its minimum
Constitutional Commissions and its committees, period and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos shall be
subcommittees, or divisions, or before any commission imposed upon any person who shall cause any serious
or committee chairman or member authorized to disturbance in a public place, office, or establishment, or
summon witnesses, refuses, without legal excuse, to shall interrupt or disturb public performances, functions
obey such summons, or being present before any such or gatherings, or peaceful meetings, if the act is not
legislative or constitutional body or official, refuses to included in the provisions of Articles 131 and 132.
be sworn or placed under affirmation or to answer any The penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed upon
legal inquiry or to produce any books, papers, persons causing any disturbance or interruption of a
documents, or records in his possession, when required tumultuous character.
by them to do so in the exercise of their functions. The
same penalty shall be imposed upon any person who The disturbance or interruption shall be deemed to be
shall restrain another from attending as a witness, or who tumultuous if caused by more than three persons who are
shall induce disobedience to a summon or refusal to be armed or provided with means of violence.
sworn by any such body or official. The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon any
person who in any meeting, association, or public place,
- Disobedience to summons issued by the shall make any outcry tending to incite rebellion or
Congress to attend as a witness, for example. sedition or in such place shall display placards or
- Suppose imong gidisobey, aside from emblems which provoke a disturbance of the public
contemptuous power of Congress or Senate, the order.
person who refuse to follow summons or
subpoena issued by the congress could also be The penalty of arresto menor and a fine not to
liable criminally (will be liable for 150) exceed P200 pesos shall be imposed upon these persons
who in violation of the provisions contained in the last
If dili ikaw ang gisubpoenahan. Pero ikay niinduce nga clause of Article 85, shall bury with pomp the body of a
di lang tungahon. Your liability? person who has been legally executed.
- Still 150.
Unsay crime macommit if naa kas SM, unya mukalit kag
Acts punished? pabuto ug firecracker. Or mukalit lang kag singgit ug
1. Refusing to obey summons without legal excuse sunog pero walay sunog.
2. Refusing to be sworn to or testify - Crime? Public disorder.
(Nitunga ka, pero wa ka nitestify.)
3. Refusal to answer or produce any books or Or if naay linog nya musinggit kag tsunami.
documents - Crime could be public disorder.
4. By restraining another from attending as a
witness How committed?
(Di ikay gisubpoenahan, pero ikay naghulhog - Any person who shall cause any serious public
nga ayawg tungaha.) disturbance.
5. You induce the witness to disobey the summons - If the act would not constitute 131 (peaceful
meetings) or 132 (religious ceremony)
TN: Art 152 does not define a crime but tells us the
definition of the person in authority, their agents, and Penalty would be higher if the disturbance or
those deemed as such. interruption is of tumultuous character.
- When can you say that the interruption is of
Chapter Five tumultuous character? If it is caused by more
PUBLIC DISORDERS than 3 persons who are armed or provided by
Article 153. Tumults and other disturbance of public means of violence.
orders; Tumultuous disturbance or interruption liable to
cause disturbance. - The penalty of arresto mayor in its
- If the public disturbance is committed by at least
4 persons, that would be tumultuous in
character, penalty is higher.

If the accused would shout or make outcry tending to

incite rebellion or sedition or shall display placards or
emblems which provoke disturbance of public order?
- Kanang magsinggit2 which would incite
rebellion or sedition in a public place? Crime
would be public disorder under Art 153

Also committed when accused will also bury with pomp

the body of a person who has been legally executed.
- Bury with pomp the body of a person legally
- If magsinggit2 sila and the body of the person
was a victim of extrajudicial killing, would not
fall under Art 153.

Next Sunday: Pre-Lim
- Coverage would be until Art 153.
- Essay
o Prepare writing pad, and take pictures
o Will give time for taking pics and
- Time of exam: Excludes time for uploading
No class this week to give time to study other
Friday – REM quiz

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