World Vision India CSR Journey

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• Interventions which have a direct impact on children in the communities we
serve and their well-being
• Areas of high vulnerability – (water stress areas, areas with poor water and
WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE sanitation coverage, areas prone to water and climate related hazards, urban
slums/squatter settlements, etc.)
• Strategic participation of community, especially of women and socially
vulnerable groups in WASH management and governance
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) is an integral component of World Vision
India’s health programmes and has been crucial in the reduction of infant mortality,
establishment of good governance, creation of community livelihood, and promotion
of the rights of children with equitable access to hygiene and sanitation services in
schools. Only 46.9% of the 24.66 crore households have toilets. 49.8% defecate in the
open. The remaining 3.2% use public toilets.
36% of households don’t even have a source of water in places where they live.


World Vision India’s WASH programme focuses on providing sustainable water,
sanitation and hygiene services and over 3 lakh people have been sensitised on
sanitation and hygiene through demand generation activities. This is achieved through
five key approaches.


2014 - 2016
• Tested 3653 water points for contaminants
• 546 functional WASH committees
• Provision of 407 community-based hand pump attached filtration units
Behaviour-change Community-based WASH in schools benefitting 61,050 families
communication WASH solutions
• 33,415 families have access to potable water through low-cost household
purifiers addressing bacterial contamination
• 208 schools with gender and disabled-friendly toilets
• 251 functional water users management committees with user fee collection
• 963 villages covered through Community-led Total Sanitation(CLTS)
• 25,507 individual twin pit pour flush household toilets have been constructed
WASH during WASH in urban as a result of the CLTS interventions
natural disasters communities • 378 Open Defection Free (ODF) certified villages
• 926 bio-sanitation toilets using aerobic/anaerobic technology in urban slums
In our efforts to meet the immediate needs of the communities affected by earthquakes
and floods, World Vision India provides access to potable water and sanitation through
the provision of Hygiene Kits, Water Purification Tablets, Water-Filtration Units and
low cost twin pit pour flush toilets as part of the relief and rehabilitation. World Vision
India has been involved in various interventions to help the communities fight diseases
and outbreak during these disasters by helping the community take precautions and
increasing their awareness in the context
of water-borne and vector-borne diseases.

World Vision India leverages schools as a focal point in communities to establish
strong awareness among children on the importance of WASH, so that over time,
good WASH practices are adopted & imparted throughout the community. At
present, through the Support My School programme, in partnership with Coca-Cola,
World Vision India is working in over 100 government schools across the country in
BEHAVIOUR-CHANGE COMMUNICATION AND INTEGRATED COMMUNITY-BASED SOLUTIONS activating and developing the capacity of Parent-Teacher committees.
HYGIENE PROMOTION • The intergrated community based approach works on the principle of empowering
• World Vision India focuses primarily on children, mothers, and adolescent youth communities to be agents of change HOW WE DO THIS
• Focus on menstrual-hygiene for adolescent girls • Twin pit pour flush and bio-san environment friendly toilets for disabled children • Setting up and capacitating school WATSAN (Water and Sanitation) committees
in schools and in their households to build demand through regular hygiene and sanitation awareness and monitoring
• Promoting the use of hygiene products by distributing kits containing hygiene of school WASH facilities. These committees have a strong representation of
essentials • Working with government authorities to provide sanitation to selected households
children, especially girls
using the champion family positive deviant approach
• Promoting community-based hygiene solutions through local Self-Help Groups • Provision of access to safe water with emphasis on rain-water harvesting in schools
World Vision India has noticed that in its communities implementing the BCC • Addressing malnutrition through WASH committees
and provision of appropriate filtration to existing water points
(Behaviour - Change Communication) model has caused a reduction in diarrhoea
from 10% to 1% among children below the age of 5 years • Provision of disabled and gender friendly toilets with provision for Menstrual
Hygiene Management

were established and together the community built a solar community toilet which is PARTNER WITH CONFIDENCE
run on solar energy using subsidised government funds. The committees also established
paid user fees system for the toilets and a solid waste management system in collaboration World Vision India maintains highest standards of accountability and transparency. We
with local authorities. Recently this site was selected by the Government of India (GoI) have maintained a good record of statutory compliance as mentioned below
as a learning site for urban sanitation. This model is now being replicated in other urban • Incorporated by Memorandum of Association & By-laws
and semi- urban locations across India.
• Registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Act, 1975
• FCRA Registration with Ministry of Home Affairs
• 12A registration under Income Tax Act 196
• 80G Registration
• Regular filing of Income Tax Returns and filing of Annual Audited Accounts
• Periodic filing of annual foreign contributions accounts (FCRA) with Ministry of
Home Affairs
• Publication of Annual Reviews each year and made available for public viewing on the
World Vision India website



TThe Government of India has several principles in its WASH operations, which World
Vision India integrates within its WASH programming, and these include:
• Low-cost innovative solutions such as hand pump and solar based water filtration
units to address issues related to arsenic and fluoride contamination
• Empowerment of local NGOs: World Vision India works with local communities
and CBO’s in empowering them to achieve the Prime Minister’s Flagship “CLEAN WAYS TO PARTNER WITH US FOR YOUR CSR
INDIA” goal of SWACHH BHARAT. And Open Defecation Free Communities to • Improve basic infrastructure by deepening ponds, percolation of ponds for rainwater
build individual disabled and gender friendly twin pit pour flush household toilets. harvesting and replenishing ground water reserves
World Vision India also works with various technical consultants in promoting
• Build check dams at water sources to increase access to water for communities facing
CLTSH and BCC models in communities. World Vision India plans to build on this
success and Pilot Test other sustainable low cost sanitation innovations
• Improve sanitation facilities in schools for boys and girls
• Promotion of CLTSH as an effective solution to hygiene/sanitation promotion: World
Vision India takes a step-up form CLTSH using the concept of HYWASH (A World • Increase WASH awareness for children in schools
Vision model designed to promote private sector development within communities
• Increase awareness on sanitation and hygiene among communities
while promoting CLTSH) that when demand is created in the community, World
Vision India works with the community to identify local masons/private sector • Provide low-cost toilets for families and communities
WASH IN URBAN CONTEXTS companies to construct affordable water and sanitation facilities for the community
• Provide water purification facilities for houses and communities
To counter the challenges of urban contexts, World Vision India has developed the and individuals
Community-Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene model (CLTSH). Under this model, • Install drinking water facilities in villages and schools
• World Vision India also works closely with the government rural water and sanitation
community-based committees are formed and held responsible for assisting households offices and trains government health workers (ASHA) and ICDS (Integrated Child • Promote roof top rainwater harvesting
to take ownership of sanitation and solid waste management issues. Development Services) staff to deliver hygiene/sanitation outcomes
• Programmes on watershed management
• World Vision India has established links with WASH networks such as UN FOR CSR PARTNERSHIPS:
SUCCESS STORY Solution Exchange, Sanitation Updates, and Fluoride Network, UNICEF, National
• Initiatives on menstrual hygiene for adolescent girls and women
Charles Newton | +91 9500 150 910 |
The first CLTSH programme was implemented in Raipur in partnership with the sanitation COP, FICCI and CII. World Vision India has country-wide vendor lists • Build the capacity of local people in operation and maintenance of water treatment
municipal authorities. With technical guidance from World Vision India, committees for sanitation, water testing, arsenic and fluoride filters solution providers, low cost plants, manufacturing soaps / cleaning solutions, manufacturing low-cost sanitary World Vision India, No. 16, VOC Main Raod, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 600024.
toilets and e-toilet marketing companies napkins etc.


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