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School of Engineering and Architecture

Aeronautical Engineering Program


Preliminary Examination

Name: San Luis, Justin

Paolo T.
Section: AE-308
Semester: 1st
School Year: 2020-2021
Date: 9/9/2020

Mr. Welfredo Q. Mamaril

792X Days: A chapter of my life
I was born on the 25th of November year 1998 around 7pm. I’m the youngest among the
family. My father works under the government and my mother is a full-time housewife. I have 3
older siblings who are all women so I turned out to be the only boy among the siblings. We are
living a simple life in which we have enough sources to provide our needs and get through the
day. I can say simple because our parents taught us to be grateful for the things that we have.

Upon growing up we always move from house to house making my environment really
diverse because of meeting new people and playing with other kids. Our parents are kind of
strict to us that we receive spanking from our mistakes. Although nowadays, they really
prohibit spanking children because of the trauma that it gives to young minds but we know that
our parents do that because they want us to grow responsible and a good person. They want
us to be disciplined for us to commit less mistakes. They always support us in whatever we do
which boosts our confidence in the things we do because we know that they are always on our
backs to aid us if we need help and seek for guidance. However, we are not really open for the
things that we do outside the home, we are not vocal to what we feel and often manage our
own problems. Well for me, I believe that when you have problems, you can find a solution on
your own because all the problems that you are experiencing is a phase to strengthen the
foundation of our whole being and when it comes to problems, we cannot rely on other people
to solve it and the only thing we can do is to rely on ourselves and find for solution. Most of my
morality and beliefs are cultivated in our homes. It somehow cultivated me from who I am
today. As time goes by, we started to attend school and meet new friends. Back in the day that
we are still young and playful, our teachers taught us to be faithful, learn to make new friends,
and to have fun. I can say that I have a great childhood because I really enjoyed playing with
my friends and it is where I started to learn to take care of other people and as well as adapt
different circumstances.

Although my childhood years seem perfect, there are also bad days of my life. Looking
back when I was on my later years on elementary, I was really moody, insensitive, and kind of
rude because I learned to toughen myself up because I was being bullied and belittled. I had
my worst years that time because I felt that I am alone and the hate that they made me feel.
But that doesn’t stop me from being a good person. Upon graduating on elementary I started
to recalibrate myself and try to be a better person in which I changed my personality by being
friendly to others, vulnerable, and more sensitive to what others feel. My high school years
turned out really great because I met and made a lot of new friends and learned to apologize
for the mistakes that I made. My high school years really cultivated for who I am today, it
taught me how to adapt situations especially to a diverse environment. It taught me as well to
be an optimistic person and always look for the brighter side of every situation. I was more
aware of the people around me and learned more about respect. I learned to respect other
people’s beliefs, decisions, and I became more open to their perspectives. My high school
years are my peak years in where I cultivate myself to be a better person. It opens a lot of
opportunities for me and it inspired me to be better and better as a person, because there are
people who believed in me and supported me.
As time goes by, there are new challenges that we are facing. When I was in Senior
High School, my father died due to aneurysm. It was the darkest part of my life where I felt that
I was really falling apart and my world started to shatter. It happened suddenly while I’m at
school which traumatized me and give me anxieties every time I go out and leave my mom
alone. It is my darkest phase where I really feel nothing, I only feel numbness and I felt that I
don’t have any purpose. It was a good thing that my older sister has a great perspective about
life and death. The situation made me tougher, look for more reasons to live, learned to look at
the brighter side of every object even if it seems really hopeless, and to be more open and
vocal of what I feel. What happened when my father died made me realized that life is short,
that is why we need to cherish those people around us especially our parents. The situation
made the foundation of our family stronger and tighter. It made us to be more open about
ourselves, to be closer, and to be more affectionate towards each other. This phase of my life
seems to be the darkest but as well as the brightest. I learned and realized so much more into
life. It made me value people and things around me more.

A new chapter of my life came, I transferred from a small public school to a university.
This chapter of my life, taught me more about diversity. I started to have friends coming from
different places and as well as with different beliefs and culture. This is a stage where I’m
getting more aware about our differences and more aware about the word respect and
adapting a new and much wider environment. It opened another opportunity in my life because
I met spectacular people coming from different places. They taught me different kind of things
that the old Justin won’t do. It made me more adventurous and passionately curious about
things. It widens my understanding and knowledge about not only my profession but as well as
a great attitude and being open to other things also. As John Donne said, “No man is an
island” which means we have to communicate and much more aware that there are also other
people in this world with different beliefs and culture. Our life is just starting and I know that
there are more things in life in the future including challenges.

Mostly our moral started and cultivated from our home and it continues to develop once
we entered a new phase in our life. It is continuously developing as long as we are alive
because as we grow older, the environment where we are taking place also expands and more
diverse. Challenges and experiences in our lives also affects the progress of our morality and
also changes depends on the situation we are facing. No matter what happens, being kind to
others is a supreme trait that we should have. Being kind is the general trait that we should
possess for us to be able to live with other people.

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