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Elite news

Gaby Antunez – EDU 214


By: Sonia Corral

In light of all the  different celebrities opening cannabis dispensaries there's one
celebrity that has decided to "Just Say No!" He is usually one of the first to light up and
puff puff pass, but he has decided that he is no longer smoking weed. Snoop Dogg is a
very well known rapper that is famous for his music and his consistent weed smoking.
He will soon be opening a rehab center called "The Dogg Pound" where it will help any
one to stop smoking cannabis. He already has a few well known clients that are joining
him. A close source to the rapper has given us a few names that will be joining "The
Dogg Pound". Wiz Khalifa, Ice Cube, J Cole, A$AP Rocky and Methodman were one of
the few that were mentioned. We have tried to contact these rappers to confirm or deny
their involvement with Snoop Dogg's Dogg Pound, but no statement has been given.
Snoop Dogg stated "I'm done smoking Endo I'm just sipping on Gin and Juice."

Empire Building & Brady Brunch?

By: Jeasell Martinez
Breaking news in the music industry today! It has been
confirmed that The Brady Bunch has officially broken up.
Sources say the disbandment is due to the two eldest
Brady's, Cindy Brady and Peter Brady signing a multi-million
dollar contract with Empire Entertainment. Empire
Entertainment has signed artist like Tiana Brown-Lyon, so it
was a surprise for people to find out about the new contract.
Our reporters spotted CEO of Empire Entertainment Lucious
Lyon and he gave us this statement, "Family is important to
Empire Entertainment, I grew my business with my family.
However, it is a business, Cindy and Peter made their own
decisions. They have decided to join the Empire family."
There has been no statements from Cindy and Peter Brady
themselves, or have any other members of The Brady Bunch
so far. 
Who Knew They Were Gold Digger Kim!
Friends! By: Zoe Van De Veer
Kim Kardashian has always
Prince &By:The Pauper?! been a self proclaimed
By: Rochelle Puma Kate Topete
Breaking News, Jim and Pam Halper’s "victim" of the media for as
gorgeous and billionaire son, Phillip has
Just in today's news. Kermit announced that he is getting married. This long as anyone can remember.
the Frog from The Muppet news is gonna causes hearts to break for Although this latest story that
Show, has been spotted
women everywhere. So who is the lucky,
lucky lady? Her name is Emma, a regular
has surfaced about her doesn't
eating at the Ichiraku and boring girl, AWW! You may be asking, let her play too much of that
how in the world did the regular, poor, cute
young ladyAshton
role. According to trusted
billionaire. That Kutcher’s Accident
Ramen joint, owned by catch the heart of the 26-year- news sources, Kim K has been
famous Naruto Uzumaki, old we know is that
we have no clue.
Phillip is head over
heels embezzling money out of
with Daenerys Targaryen forhis the girl andBy:wants
to spend SantheNicolas
rest of Kanye's record sales. Some
from Game of Thrones! life with Ashton
her. AndKutcher
if this newgets wasn’tinto
a a people are wondering why
Those who spotted them shocker to all, turns
to be a prenup. tragicout car
there accident
is not going
Phillip’s parents otherhave tried Kim would want to take
said the two of them encouraginginvolving
him to get three
a prenup, but cars Kanye's money, she already
seemed to have a good time Phillip
trust her. Emma anddoes
has refused a not
saying he loves herbut
from a rich makes generous amounts due
together with lot's of laughs. family. miraculously
Her father, Ben owns a bar in New to her endorsements and her
Others said they were York withmonthshis brotherlater with
and retired incredible
Hockey TV and media appearances.
player Dannypowers Wheeler.toOnce sense people’s
the news hit
surrounded with a dozen about the secrets
upcoming by marriage,
simply Emma’s
father'stouching However it is very possible
empty bowls on their table mother
(who left her at her
shortly afterDoctors
she was are has
born) calling due to the large net worth
and plenty of shopping bags now comeKutcher’s back into hernewfound
life. If you ask me difference between the two A
at their feet! The two have she’s just looking
as for money. What doabilities
Psychometric! you
After list celebrities. 
never been seen talking to think ladies, should Phillip ditch the girl
and marry her? gaining these
I think they makeabilities,
the      Kanye has responded
each other at award shows, cutest couple, reminds
the Beast. Stay Ashton
of Beauty has
all the
upcoming stating that "I wrote a song
not even at the Oscars news on thedecided to change
future wedding plans andcareer about gold diggers, so I really
where they were seated gossip!     paths from actor to doubt she would take my
next to each other. forensics in hopes of money while I'm in need". 
Supposedly, the after party helping people find justice Kim Kardashian hasn't spoken
was where they became for their loved ones who to media sources since the
friends. Both of them have been lost through article was published, however
teamed up to win a game of violent murders. Are she was seen buying clothes
Jenga against Lady Gaga Kutcher’s abilities reliable? from a Luis Vuitton store just
and Tom Holland. Who Are Kutcher’s abilities only days before.   
knew they would become temporary? Tune in Friday,
the best of friends because April 5, 2019 with exclusive
interview details with
Breaking News! By: Kayla Barber - Psychic Raven Baxter saves Maxwell
Sheffield's family from being burned alive in their own home. On her trip
to New York to work on her upcoming fashion line, she happened to
bump into Fran Fine, the wife of Maxwell Sheffield. Raven and Fran met
out at a park where Fran had brought her stepchildren Grace, Margaret,
and Brighton to have a picnic. Being a fashion designer, Raven
complemented Fran's outfit which got them to talking and eventually
exchanging numbers. That night in her hotel around one in the morning,
Raven had a vision that Fran's house was going to burn down killing
her, her husband, her stepchildren, and their butler Niles. Panicking she
quickly called the number she was given warning them to leave their
house immediately and to call the fire department. They were able to
escape the house just in time, and the fire department was able to stop
the fire right in its tracks only leaving minimal damage. The cause of the
fire is speculated to be a curling iron that was left on after Fran Fine
helped Margaret get ready for a date she had that night.
Dean & Sam in Sioux Falls!
By: Brandi Ray

  In other news today, Dean and Sam Winchester have been called upon once again to fight the
supernatural. The Munster’s have moved into a quiet suburban neighborhood in Sioux Falls. Their
surrounding neighbors, to nosy for their own good, called the supernatural duo requesting their
assistance in removing the family from the neighborhood and, if they had it their way, removing
their existence from the universe completely. Billy Joe from the neighborhood says, “Their kind
don’t belong here!” and “We don’t want those things around our kids!”. In response to the blatant
bigotry, the Munster’s have retained the devil Crowley, and a lawyer claiming that the
neighborhoods call to Sam and Dean constitutes as a hate crime. Herman Munster made a
statement to the press saying, “DARN DARN DARN DARN! You see? When you think of the world
today…it’s frightening! But we’re good Munster’s just trying to survive in this cold hard world.”
Sam and Dean declined to comment at this time.
Hannah Montana: Back From the Dead By: Synnamin Finley
As the weather warms up, music festival goers nationwide prepare for these highly
anticipated events. One performing artist that came as a shock to many is Hannah
Montana, a former pop star who was previously thought to be retired from music.
She posted on her Twitter account for the first time in many years announcing, “So
excited to share the news, I’m headlining Coachella!” The Jonas Brother trio have
been publicly skeptical about their old friend’s comeback. In a recent interview,
Nick Jonas warns, “Look, I knew Hannah. She’s different now, man.” and his
brother Kevin adds, “If I’m being honest, I’m worried about Miley. I mean, no one
has seen her since Hannah showed back up.” There has been no missing person
report filed, and no statement from Miley Cyrus’ family confirming or denying any
Breaking News: Actor Kevin Pearson
Hospitalized After Being Found
Unresponsive! By: Kristen Ziegler

In the early hours of April 1st witnesses at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital
say Kevin Pearson was spotted being brought in on a stretcher. When
Pearson originally arrived at Grey Sloan doctors were unsure if it was a
medical episode or overdose. After many test were ran Doctors,
Meredith Grey, Amelia Shepard and Maggie Pierce have determined it
was an accidental overdose. Our reporters have spoken with Dr. Shepard
who says Pearson had ingested what appears to be sedation pills for
dogs. After pumping Pearsons stomach he has began to regain
consciousness. Doctors asked Pearson how he ingested animal sedation
pills and he said he was drinking his morning coffee and felt a migraine
coming on so he took what he thought was his own medication. We are
being told he is telling doctors he took about four pills. Dr. Shepard tells
us that four sedation pills are enough to out a dog in a coma and that
he is lucky his sister- Kate Pearson, found him at the right time.
Pearson's agents tell us that he is very embarrassed and has no


Chuck Norris was seen this weekend in Dallas Texas battling
crime once again. He is no stranger to battling crime back in
the day on his hit TV show, Walker, Texas Ranger. We were
a little surprised to see even at age 79 he is still kicking butt!
The actor, Tom Holland who plays Spiderman was having a
big hotel party to celebrate his new movie coming out this
summer. It just happened to be in the room next to Chuck
Norris. When Norris went over to see what all the commotion
was, he saw a man mugging a woman. Norris stepped into
action and used his famous black belt moves on him. Norris
detained the suspect until the cops arrived. Tom Holland
might be the superhero in the movies, but Chuck Norris the
Walker Texas Ranger was the real superhero that night!

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