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How to improve life of old people?

As we grow, from birth to death, we comprehend old age differently. But after all
the best we’d describe this age group would be simply “ our grandparents” .
Wrinkled, sweet, generous. But what is it like actually being old? How do we know
if our seniors have a chance for a happy and comfortable life ?

To begin with, life for aged people within every year might get more and more
difficult. Society doesn’t get younger and so does not their bodies. No matter how
little or big health problems can only bring discomfort. That being said, with the
years passing by, elderly begin to forget things very easily and that brings
hardships not for those with the weak memory but for those taking care of them.
Such inevitable things can bother those taking care of the old people. And it’s
also sad and heartbreaking to see the person you knew your entire life to slowly
seem to fade away. But health problems doesn’t come alone, medication isn’t cheap
but state pensions in our country are scornful. It’s barely possible to live along
paying for your groceries and bills and how does government even expect them to
cover their medical costs? Besides, life isn’t just about bills, especially when
you’ve already had enough of them in your life. what about travelling and other
kinds of entertainments ?
Staying in is terribly disadvantageous. It can cause anxiety depression and so many
other psychological problems and that can be absolutely daunting and may fasten the
aging process a lot more. That may be pretext for the upsetting action, abandonment
of the old people, grandparents, parents. Sending away to the nursing home and
cutting ties with your own family. That’s agonising but sometimes it may be the
best solution.

That being said, there are ways we could help to improve the life quality of old
people. First of all, state pensions should be increased by the government but
since this solution is not that easy to fix and is it really for us to do, we can
make sure our seniors enjoy everyday the fullest. Founding more organisations with
different kind of activities would help to entertain them and spend less time at
home. Besides, that would probably be a great opportunity to meet new friends in
case their friendships aren’t as good any more. Example of activities could be
endless such as singing art sport knitting club and so and so on. Even though
medical care in our country is pretty good there should be some encouragements or
advertisements to check your health regularly since majority of old people tend to
get stubborn and avoid doctors. Last but not least our society should be educated
and thought by each parent to love and take care properly of their family members.
To look after and provide comfortable time to enjoy beautiful days to themselves
and relive the most beautiful memories of their life.

In conclusion, it is our responsibility to take care of the generation before us.

Just like our parents did when we were kids. Cause at the end of the day we might
get old one day too and I’m pretty sure none of us would like to be abandoned,
forgotten and left out.

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