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Human Resource Management

To run the organization efficiently and smoothly, the six founding member of “BlabberCast”
had formed a HRM plan which is given below:




(Finance) (Marketing) (IT)

(Marketing) (IT)

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

(HR) (Finance) (Accounting) (Marketing) (IT)

HR Finance Accounting Advertising Sales IT

Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive Executive
From the above organogram you will see that there will be one CEO, one Managing Director.
And the Managing Director will lead the four Chief Officers. The four Chief Officers will lead
their individual department.
Human Resources Policy & Strategy
1. When an employee is physically absent from the office, he or she is recognized as
Absenteeism. If the employee is three days late each month, the salary of the employee
will be reduced by one day.
2. Employees will undergo training on a need-based basis. The training requires analysis
will be carried out when there is an issue in the business as well as after the year of
completion of the employee performance evaluation.
3. The employee must go through a performance evaluation program to evaluate the success
of his / her work. "BlabberCast" general promotion technique acknowledges the
expertise, expertise and experience of an employee. The skill set of the employee must
meet the minimum criteria for a new job. The Clean Business Report of the Employee
can be one of the main measures for promotion.
4. Maternity Leave: Both males and females will be involved in this organization. A
specific female employee will be given maternity leave for 8 weeks. The employee would
also be entitled to a maternity leave during her administration period. The female
employee can take her leave at any time during pregnancy. Maternity leave shall be
extended to work for a minimum span of 9 months.
5. Sick Leave: There will be 14 sick leave for employees of the company on an annual
basis, in compliance with labor law. And if an employee suddenly gets sick at work, he or
she will have to apply for leave, and he or she will have to request a doctor's prescription
on the next day.
6. In our company, the employee will be evaluated according to their results, which makes it
easy to define the employee precisely, taking into account both quantitative and
qualitative approaches. Marketing employees may receive incentives on the basis of
producing new leads that meet their monthly goal.
7. If an employee experiences some discontent resulting from the essence of his or her work
or management practices, in short, from something relevant to the “BlabberCast”, the
grievance procedure gives them a basis for remonstrance. The employee must first notify
the manager of his / her grievance. Subsequently, the employer must send a written letter
to the employer within 15 days of the date of the grievance. The employee must be called
to settle the matter as soon as the employer receives a formal complaint.
8. The Company shall retain protection against sexual harassment by employees. It will be
considered a heinous crime and the person who will be involved in the crime will be
dismissed from the company. The survivor will receive medical and emotional support as
needed by the agency.
Key Employees
The six founding member will play the key employees role. As they will be actively involved in
every work along with other stuffs. As they are experienced and knows the work more and will
also lead their departments.
Management Team Background
Our business is a partnership business which is owned by six peoples. It will have a formal
ownership. This partnership business will be formed by a written documents and all the partners
will have the power in decision making.

Operational Plan
Description of company’s operation
BlabberCast is an online audio streaming platform mobile application based in Dhaka,
Bangladesh, which allows users to upload, promote and distribute audio. It will be launched in
January 2021. It is basically formed by six person Fardin Haque, Fahim Hossain, Syed Hassan
Saffat, Nazmus Sakib Prottoy, Syed Nafis Faiaz, and Labiba Kabir. BlabberCast main objective
is to be one of the largest audio streaming platforms in Bangladesh and our target is to grab at
least 10,000 subscriber each month in our first year of business. BlabberCast will be providing
free and paid membership on the mobile application devices. BlabberCast has had an impact on
all the industry through the popularity of many artists who have used the site to launch or
progress their careers. BlabberCast has gained help from several media outlets, such as
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.

Location of the Office

At first, the operations of our organization will be carried out under a single roof. It should be
remembered that this is an initial plan; if appropriate, we may shift to a larger area. However, at
the moment, we are keeping our investment as small as possible. Since we just have an online
service and do not need any physical touch points, we’re going to use a flat for our operations.
We've agreed to rent 2,400 square feet of flat for our company. The address of our business, as
mentioned above, is House No.34, Road No.8, Block-B, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka-1219. Our
company is on the sixth floor of a seven-storied building. We agreed to rent our office in one of
our apartments.
We agreed to pay the rent as follows.
• One time advance: 300,000.00
• Rental (per month): 25.000.00
We are entering into a lease agreement with our landlord to ensure that our company does not
face any future problems. The primary agreement we have is that we cannot be uprooted from
this position within five years. Payment details, prices, schedules, etc. are also specified in our
contract. The reason for choosing this particular location is that it is most convenient to our
customers, and this apartment belongs to our family members, as well as to mitigate the high cost
of property for our start-up.
Action Plan & Timetable
App Development:
BlabberCast will be officially launched in January but will have to start working on the creation
of mobile applications in October to launch the web app in time. Our mobile application
development team has provided us with their planned time table for the execution of mobile
application. We will launch it in both IOS and Google Play Store at a same time. The action plan
is set out below:

Proposal for a project Examine Beta Version Rectify Problems

Approval of the Accept Finishing

Prosper Template
project plan Version

Unfold Finishing
Create a project team Detail Specifications
Proposal for a project: The mobile application development team will create a particular
project proposal which will be reviewed by all the six founders.
Approval of the project plan: The founders will have a cross-check the plan to ensure that it
meets all the specifications.
Create a project team: The mobile application development team and BlabberCast will then
form a team that will work together on the development of the IOS and Android apps.
Detail Specifications: By seeing all the things, there are some few detail specification is
required which is Design, Functions, and Color etc.
Prosper Template: The mobile application development team will eventually create a template
with a specific requirements.
Examine Beta Version: With the outsourced QC team, the mobile application development
team will then examine the beta version and make improvements as required.
Rectify Problems: After rectifying all the problems it’s time to solve the problems and make it
Accept Finishing Version: The founders will do one more review before the launch of the
mobile application.
Unfold Finishing Version: After all the workings the BlabberCast will officially launch the
finishing version.
Flow of Service

Premier Users General Users

Premier Users
Create Podcast Account
Offline Download
Continue From History

General Users
Follow Favorite Podcaster
Enjoy same content as the premier user

Premier Users:
BlabberCast premier is a direct monetization platform for the producers of different content.
People can easily buy the subscription package of BlabberCast. The subscription package value
is 10 BDT (per month). They will be get many features which the general users won’t get it.
Such as:
 Create Podcast Account: The people who will subscribe will be able to create their own
Podcast Account and will be able to stream their shows. This platform will help them to
generate their idea or concept into a large scale. On the other hand people with proper
content can get a big boost through this platform.
 Offline Download: Normally the general users can enjoy their favorite podcaster show
through online streaming but in case of premier users, they can also enjoy it in offline.
They will be able to download their favorite shows and can enjoy it whenever they want.
It has a great advantage for the premier users that they can download it and listen if there
is any internet problem.
 Continue From History: People in our country can’t enjoy the online streaming
properly due to internet problem or due to load shedding. As outside the capital Dhaka if
we see properly load shedding is considered as the main problem. So, in that case premier
users will be able to continue their shows from where they left. They can start by going in
the history section and click the show which they were watching and can continue from
where they left.
General Users:
BlabberCast general is a platform in which all people can enjoy the shows. Here, people can use
it without any subscription fee as it is free for all. Normally general users enjoys almost all
features without few which is in a small number. Such as:
 Follow Favorite Podcaster: The general users will be able to follow their favorite
podcaster. All the updates and the timing of the new shows will be available there.
 Enjoy same content as the premier user: If we see in other apps that the premier users
gets more facilities than the general users. But in our service the general user can also
enjoy the same content as the premier user. They can also watch the shows live, also
comment about the shows etc. They will be able to get update of their favorite podcaster.
They can also online streaming.
Technology Utilization
As we know that our company is basically a mobile application. So, the technology utilization of
our company is more than normal company’s. The technology utilization will play a vital role in
developing our business as people will be seeing that which features are unique and which are
not. Podcasting is a big industry at the moment, and it's not just amateur aficionados who have
fun as radio presenters who give it a try. Even before the spread of Covid-19 had started to
influence worship services, podcasting enjoyed record popularity. The main audience is mostly
younger generation; in our country, more than half of 18-24 year-olds actively listen to podcasts.
This is an audience that can be difficult to target through traditional means. In addition, the
format is also completely customizable. The episode can be five or 50 minutes long, depending
on what the material requires, and this usually has the advantage of keeping the level of
interaction high during the episode. And as podcasts are often used on smartphones, any
downtime on a person's day might potentially lead to them tuning in. It is not surprising that they
have proven effective in conducting discussions on both business and personal issues.

Like live streaming, expanding the worship activities to include daily podcasting that can be
accessed at leisure can be a very successful way to improve interaction with the congregation
while away from regular services. Now that the spread of Covid-19 is restricting and impacting
in-person practices, podcasting has become much more attractive. If you're just starting out,
almost any microphone can be appropriate as a test subject. Most of the computers and
smartphones have built-in microphones. This may be perfect if you want to start learning how to
put an episode together, but when it comes to listening to others, a better-quality solution is
almost definitely required. A conventional, competent microphone is your best bet on having a
terrific podcast and is an important piece of equipment if you're serious about continuing.

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