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Pre-service Teacher name: Jessica Arnold & Highlight planning process: Date:
Georgia Duncan Planned Collaboratively between 09/08/2020
Pre-service Teachers

Year level/ age range & number of students:

Year 2, 46 students aged between 7-8

Unit title: Technology in the Past and Present

Learning area and outcomes:

How changing technology affected people’s lives (at home and in the ways they worked,
travelled, communicated and played in the past) (ACHASSK046)
● examining changes in technology over several generations by comparing past and
present objects and photographs, and discussing how these changes have shaped
people’s lives (for example, changes to land, air and sea transport; the move from
wood-fired stoves to gas/electrical appliances; the introduction of transistors,
television, FM radio and digital technologies; how people shopped and what they
liked to buy, changes in the nature of waste and how waste is managed)
● identifying technologies used in the childhoods of their grandparents or familiar
elders and in their own childhood, and finding out where each was produced.
● creating models of toys used by children who lived when electricity was not

Achievement standard:
They compare objects from the past and present and interpret information and data to identify
a point of view and draw simple conclusions.

General capabilities consideration: literacy, numeracy, ICT, critical & creative thinking, ethical
understandings, intercultural understandings, personal & social capabilities

Cross-curricula consideration: ATSI, Asia & Aust engagement with Asia, Sustainability

Student diversity consideration: students with disability, gifted and talented students, students
for whom EAL/D
Learning intentions: (Descriptions of what Success criteria for students: (clear and specific
learners should understand and be able to measures of how students have met the learning
do by the end of a learning period, the ‘what intentions, i.e. how they are going with the task, this
and why’ of the learning task: ‘We are can include both learning content and strategies; ‘I
learning to …. (learning intention ‘what) so know that I can do this when I have..)
that we can …… (learning intention ‘why’)) · I know that
· I know I can

Formative assessment: Summative assessment:

Working in small groups documenting

Range of teaching strategies: preparation/ organisation/ resources:

(What range of teaching strategies will I use and so what resources will I need for the students to
engage in the activity? Where will I access the resources from?)

Differentiation: (Are there any students that I need to personalise the activity for)

Specific student needs: learning/ Adjustment and considerations



(Weekly overview – brief detail only – use to determine time-frame etc)



Week 6 Then and now Introduction

Students work in groups of 2

to research technology in the
past - pick one object and
evaluate it
Week 7 Then and now. Sorting what
technologies are in the past
and present. Then they will
be exploring one technology
and predicting what they think
it will look like in the future.

Week 8 Assessment. What does a

computer or mobile look like
in the past. What did it do that
it doesn't do now.

Week 9 Assessment. How has the

technology changed from the
past to the present. What
does it look like now? Do
assessment booklet.

Week 10 Games


Lesson Learning Experiences Main Check for

sequence Resources learning/

Focus Assessment

Week 6, Then and now introduction 1:40 - 2:00 Powerpoint Commented [DG-d1]: Teaching Strategies that were
slide used throughout this lesson.
Then and Students to sit as a group in room 26
Now Laminated -Providing students to prompt student discussion and
Introduction Today we will be looking at items from the pictures interest through asking questions.
past. -Questioning prompt students thinking
Old -Giving information explicitly so that we can move on
Can you guess what we are learning about to the powerpoint
today? objects
-Use of ICT
-Modelling what to do before the students go off and
What is technology? Have we always had this do it.
technology? Children
-Recap of what the lesson was like
walk in, ask -Collaborative learning
Can we think of different technology we use at
them if they
Ardtornish? have a
We are going to look at a quick video on chromebook
Computers .
computers/10533678 Old computers (4 minutes)

- Exploring what they think about changes in

- See if students can think of any
technologies that are not around now or
have changed.

Children will be paired off based on Independent

reading children in groups of 3.
Body of Lesson 2:00 - 2:30 Activity based on

Students work in groups of 2 to research

technology in the past - pick one object and
evaluate it.

Powerpoint slide looking at different technologies

from the past. In groups answering the questions:

- What is the object?

- Why was it made?
- How did it help people?
- What is it made from?
- Who would use it?
- What was the toy made from?
- What can you do with this toy?
- Why would this toy be fun to play with?
- Who would this toy be for?
- How is it different or similar to now?

Group Time Reflection 2:30 - 2:45

What were some interesting things you saw?

Was there anything you saw that you didn't know?

Bring out the box of objects for children to look at
as a class.

Week 7, Introduction (2:10-2:20) Powerpoint ** Homework Commented [DG-d2]: -Modelling

slide to ask -Questioning – asking students what different
We have been looking at technologies in the past someone technology they have used or seen
to what they look like now. I have a little activity for Old objects older what -Explicit teaching
us to do. -Visuals
Books technology -Recap of learning
Body of Lesson (2:20 - 2:45) was like
when they
We are going to organise a number of different were
items to whether it was made in the past or now. younger**
You will then choose one of the technologies that Write your
you have arranged and make a prediction as to response on
what you think it will look like in the future. You will paper and
do this underneath your past and present sort. hand it in??
Guessing which one is the oldest technology, and
which one is the newest.

Discussing benefits and disadvantages of change

in technology.

Reflection (2:45 - 2:55)

What are some of the technologies you think are

placed in the past. What technologies do you think
are here currently that we use. What do you think it
will look like in the future.

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