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Why USA involved

The main reason the United States got involved in Vietnam was the purpose of doing everything
possible to keep communism from spreading around world. Since the beginning of the Cold War the
United States had practiced a policy of containment against the expansion of communism, and
wanted to prevent the ideology from taking root in different regions of the world. This containment
policy is often referred to as the Truman Doctrine, since American President Harry S. Truman argued
that the United States should actively support the containment of Soviet Communism in the years
immediately after World War II. Further to this idea, the reasons for American involvement in the
Vietnam War are often held as part of the Domino Theory.

Cause of Vietnam war

The war in Vietnam was the result of years and decades of tensions within the country. For
example, in the late 19th century France controlled the country as part of its colonial empire. This
colonial history angered many in Vietnam and caused a growing sense of mistrust towards foreign
powers. Next, Japan dominated the region in the years during World War II. After the war ended
and Japan was defeated by the United States, France, with the aid of the United States, attempted to
regain control over Vietnam. However, this attempt led to the rise to power of Ho Chi Minh, a
communist revolutionary, and the Viet Minh independence movement. As such, France was
defeated at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and North Vietnam came under the control of Ho Chi
Minh and his communist forces. As well, in 1954, at a conference in Geneva, the country of Vietnam
was officially divided along the 17th parallel. The northern half came under the control of
communists and Ho Chi Minh. South Vietnam was controlled by Ngo Dinh Diem and was supported
by western democracies such as the United States.

Impact of the war


Approximately 500,000 civilians died.

Agent Orange caused birth defects in children and this chemical continues to have a negative effect
on Vietnam.

The country was reunified after the communist takeover of the South in 1976.

Before the war, Vietnam had been a major rice exporter. The destruction of land during the war
meant that the country could not produce enough food for the population.

Many skilled and professional workers connected to the South Vietnamese regime left the country in
fear of being persecuted.

The communist forces established concentration camps for enemies of communism and supporters
of the South Vietnamese Government, where many were sent to be ‘re-educated’.


Across the world, the USA'S reputation had been tarnished. It was criticised for supporting a corrupt
government and the media had shown the world how brutal American tactics were.
Approximately 58,000 American soldiers were killed and another 153,000 were wounded.

During the Vietnam War, the USA spent $828 billion on its military. From 1965, it was spending more
than $50 billion per year. The additional spending to fund the USA's involvement in Vietnam has
been estimated at $111 billion.

Psychological effects

Over 100,000 US troops lost limbs in the war and required treatment.

‘Draft dodgers’ were treated badly and some fled the country.

American troops returning from the war were also subject to ill-treatment. Many civilians treated
them as brutal thugs who should be punished or avoided.

The fact that the USA, the great superpower, had lost to a much smaller and less powerful country
was greatly demoralising. There was a loss of confidence in American military abilities.

Impact on international relations

President Richard Nixon sought to reach a reduction of tension with the USSR in an attempt to divide
the two communist superpowers in their support of North Vietnam. Both the USA and the USSR
tried to distance themselves from China.

Domino Theory

If one new country went communist in Asia then it would begin a chain reaction that would cause
several more Southeast Asian countries becoming communist. Its like the domino’s game, if one tile
fall, then another tile will fall too.

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