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Paper 1 Theory exercise May 2020

Original papers Oct/Nov 2015
Oct/Nov 2017
1 hour 30 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Write your candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.

Section A
Answer all questions.
You are advised to spend no longer than 45 minutes on Section A.

Section B
Answer all questions.

Section C
Answer either Question 8(a) or 8(b).

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 12 pages.


Section A

Answer all questions.

1 (a) Carbon is a chemical element in carbohydrate. Name two other chemical elements found in

1 Hydrogen

2 Oxygen. [1]

(b) Define the following terms and give one example of each.

(i) monosaccharide
Simplest form of a carbohydrate

example 1 Glucose, fructose [2]

(ii) polysaccharide

...It is made from more than two monosaccharides ...................................................

example 1 ….........Starch ................................... [2]

(c) In the digestive system the enzyme maltase breaks down maltose into glucose.

Maltase: maltose glucose

Complete the following to show how the enzyme breaks down carbohydrate in the digestive

(i) lactase: .….........lactose ...................... glucose and galactose

2 (a) Name the substance which combines with fatty acids to form a fat molecule (triglyceride).

............glycerol ................................................................................................. [1]

(b) State one physical difference between fats and oils.

............Fats are solid at room temperature , when oils are usually liquid at room temperature
......................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Fats are used to provide the body with a source of

energy. State three different ways the body uses energy.

1 ..........Growth ........................................................................................................................

2 ..........For maintaining body temperature ..............................................................................

3 ..........Mechanical energy , like the movement of muscles ....................................................


(d) State what is meant by basal metabolic rate (BMR).

..............BMR is the rate at which the body uses energy when at rest ......................................

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 12]
3 (a) Give two functions of vitamin D (cholecalciferol).

1 ...........Growth ...................................................................................................

2 ..............Promotes the absorption of calcium .................................................... [2]

(b) Name two foods that provide vitamin D.

1 .........Oily fish .........................................................

2 ..........Milk ..................................................

(c) (i) Name the disease suffered by children when there is a lack of vitamin D.

..............Rickets ................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe two symptoms of this disease.

1 ............Pain in bones .......................................................................................

2 ...........Poor growth .......................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Name two other nutrients required for complete absorption of vitamin D.

1 ........Phosphorus ......................................................

2 ........Calcium ...................................................... [1]

(d) The body makes vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.

With reasons, describe one group of people who do not benefit from the production of
vitamin D in this way.

group 1 ........People who cover their body for religious reasons e.g. Muslims .................

explanation ......The sun cannot reach the skin , even when they are outside ........

4 (a) Water is vital to life.

(i) Name the condition which results from a deficiency of water in the body.

..........Dehydration ................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) Give one symptom of the condition named in (a)(i).

1 ....Dizziness...............................................................................................................


(b) State one groups of people who may need to increase their water intake. Give a reason.

1 ......Athletes , to replace water that they have lost while sweating and respiration….

(c) Name four foods which have a high-water content.

1 ...........Tomatoes .......................................................

2 ............Milk......................................................

3 ...........Cucumbers.......................................................

4 ............watermelon...................................................... [2]
[Total: 5]

5 Discuss points to consider when planning meals for the elderly.

Food must provide that people with a wide range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially elderly
people. Their food must provide them with a good number of vitamins like vitamin D for better absorption of
calcium, vitamin C for better absorption of iron which prevents anemia , and vitamin C is good for their
immune system. Food also must provide a lot of minerals like calcium for bone and teeth maintenance ,and
to prevent osteoporosis. Potassium to help with the fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals.
They need to consume a good amount of dietary fiber to prevent constipation, reduce sugar to prevent
tooth decay and obesity. They also need to eat soft foods as they are easier to chew and swallow. [6]
[Total: 6]
Section B

Answer all questions.

a) Bacteria can be responsible for food spoilage.

Name two other microorganisms that cause food spoilage.

1 ............Yeast ....................................................................................

2 ............Moulds .................................................................................................. [2]

b) List four conditions bacteria require for growth.

1 .........temperature ......................................
2 ....................Moisture .................................

3 ............oxygen ....................................... 4 ...................pH............................................... [2]

7 The following ingredients can be used to make bread:

500 g strong plain flour

10 g salt
1 sachet dried yeast
250 ml warm water

(a) State why this recipe is not suitable for a coeliac.

..........It contains wheat .............................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Give one reason why the type of flour used is strong plain flour.

..........It gives a better structure to the bread .............................................................................. [1]

(c) Explain the function of the salt in the recipe.

............Gives flavour to the bread ................................................................................................. [1]

(d) Explain why the temperature of the water is important.

............Because yeast would be activated only in the correct temperature .( warm) ..................... [1]

(e) Name the process by which yeast produces carbon dioxide and alcohol.

..............Fermentation....................................................................................................................... [1]

(f) Give one reason for kneading in bread-making.

1 ......For the development of protein .......................................................................................

(g) Explain why the crust turns brown when the bread is baked.

........Reaction between carbohydrate and a protein occurs ........................................................

.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(h) Give five rules for personal hygiene when making bread.

1 ............Wash your hands before cooking ............................................................................

2 ..........Tie back your hair , especially if it is long ...................................................................

3 .........Don’t wear any jewellery ..........................................................................................

4 ......Don’t wear any nail polish...............................................................................................

5 ..........Don’t lick your fingers .................................................................................................

(i) Bread can be bought packaged in plastic wrapping.

Name two other types of packaging material and give an example of a use of each to
package food.

type 1 ...................Foil ........................................................................

example .............................Meat storage .............................................................................

type 2 ............................Paper ...........................................................................

example .........................Sugar storage .......................................................................[4]

(j) List six pieces of information you would expect to see on the food label of a bread offered
for sale.

1 .......Technical name of the food or drink ........... 2 ............Date mark ……….....................

3 ..................Net weight / volume .................... 4 ...........Ingredient. list ................................

5 ..................Country of origin............................ 6 ...........Storage instructions .......................


[Total: 20]
(a) Red Kidney beans are pulses. Name three other pulses.

1 ............Soya beans......................................................

2 ...........Chick peas .......................................................

3 lentils ....................................................... [3]

(b) Discuss why pulses are an important food source.

.............They are a good source of iron, calcium and NSP. They are low in fat. They are easy
to store. They are useful for vegans as pulses are a good meat replacement as some of them
like soya are a HBV protein................................................................................... [3]

(c) Describe, with reasons, how to prepare and cook dried red kidney beans.

......First of all they need to be soaked in water for about 12 hours, it can be done overnight.
This will make them a bit softer and reduce the cooking time massively. After soaking the
water need ro be drained and then you need to cover them with water again ( fresh water ) ,
in the pot where you will cook them. Then you need to boil them for at least 15 minutes to
prevent food poisoning. Then turn the heat to low and let them cook for about an hour more.
After they are done , you need to add some

[Total: 9]
Section C

Answer either Question 8(a) or 8(b).

9 (a) Discuss the reasons why it is important to package and label food products. [15]


(b) Describe and explain ways to prevent food poisoning when storing and preparing food.



First of all, when you are planning on buying something you need to read the label on the packaging as it has
some essential information about how to store this particular product. Storage areas must be clean and be
cleaned regularly with the use of antibacterial cleaning products. Different types of food need to be stored
differently. Dry foods like flour, past and rice need to be stored in a cool, dry , clean space. Frozen food
needs to be put in the freezer as soon as possible after shopping, that will decrease the chance of defrosting
and bacterial growth. Raw meat and fish need to be kept away from other foods , in the bottom of the fridge,
to prevent cross contamination. You need to check the temperature of your fridge and freezer regularly.
Fridge need to be 0-4oC and freezer need to be at - 18oC.
Already cooked and raw foods need to be kept apart to prevent cross contamination. Wash all the utensils
and equipment that you will be using. Wash your hands before cooking, make sure that you are not wearing
any jewelry and nail polish, tie up your hair. Don’t lick your fingers and the spoons while cooking. Wear
clean clothes in the kitchen. Keep your cooking space clean. Wash the food that you will be preparing e.g.
vegetables and fruits. Use different chopping boards for different types of food. Keep any pets away from
the kitchen so they do bring extra bacteria.
















































[Total: 15]

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