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Note for teachers

These learning objectives are based on the Revised Primary English Language Syllabus 2018. The syllabus contents and information
takes account of the Brunei Darussalam Literacy National standards (BDLNS). You can refer to the syllabus for more information on
each objective.

Suggestions for teachers:

 It is essential for teachers to cover the learning objectives especially the core learning objectives (highlighted) set in each
 Teachers may select two descriptors of language skills to set them as ONE core learning objective.
 Non-core objectives can be repeated in the next term if necessary or when required.
 Each objective has its own syllabus and BDLNNS references for easy lesson planning and assessment purposes.
 Teachers may use any teaching resources available such as TIARA, Reading A-Z, Comprehension Box, etc.

Total no of core objectives that must be covered for Year 3 in Term 1 18

Total no of core objectives that must be covered for Year 3 in Term 2 20

Total no of core objectives that must be covered for Year 3 in Term 3 20

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 1


Learning ORAL LANGUAGE Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
1 Understand brief explicit statements of factual information 2.1.1 OL1
2 Relate spoken information to pictures, diagrams and other visual material. 2.1.2 OL1
3 Understand how information is organised using sequencing words in procedural and 2.1.3 OL2
narrative writing
4 Respond to information such as that in answering simple deduction questions 2.2.2 OL2; OL3
5 Respond to information such as that in justifying answers, e.g. in response to How do 2.2.3 OS1
you know? Questions
6 Answering questions requiring agreement/disagreement, or the expression of an 2.2.4 OS1
7 Take part in simple dramatizations and role plays 2.6 OS5
8 Exchange information about oneself, family, friends, etc. 1.3 OS4
9 Read aloud sentences or other brief extracts from textbooks and other similar 1.1 RS1; RS4
10 Read narrative, descriptive and expository passages for assessment purposes. 1.4 RS1; RA2

Learning READING Syllabus LNNS

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 2

Objectives Reference Reference
11 Locate specific information by scanning for identified key words, etc. 2.1 RS6
12 Extract information stated explicitly in a text, e.g. by responding to questions 3.1 RC2a
beginning with What, Who, When, Where, How many, etc
13 Make and support simple inferences and deductions, based on general knowledge of 3.3 RC1; RC2a
the topic.
14 Infer the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions in a text with the help of the 3.4 RS5; RS6a;
non-verbal context, e.g. illustrations RS7
15 Recognise basic cohesive links, including the use of pronouns 5.1 RS3; RS6a
16 Understand simple logical relationships, as indicated by conjunctions, sentence 5.2 RS3
connectors and other markers. In particular; reasons (because);
17 Select suitable books or other material by browsing purposefully (e.g. checking the 1.1 RS1
cover information)
18 Follow the development of the story/plot 2.1 RC2a
19 Identify key features of the main characters. 2.3 RS1; RC2a;
20 Identify, where relevant, the moral values stated in a story or play 2.4 RC1; RC2a;


Objectives Reference Reference
21 Choose relevant information to record 1.1 OL1; RC2a;
22 Insert selected information into a simple table, flowchart, mind-map, or other graphic 2.1 OL1; WS1

Learning WRITING Syllabus LNNS

Reference Reference
Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 3
23 Descriptions of places, objects, animals, etc. including more extended descriptions of 1.1.2 WM2;
single object using adjectives, adverbs WG4b
24 Autobiography writing such as diary entries/ more extended accounts of personal/ 3.2.1 WS3; WM1;
imaginary situations/experience in chronological order using beginning, middle, 3.2.2 WM2; WM3
ending 3.3.1
25 Present written work in legible handwriting, with clearly formed upper/lower case 1.1 WG1b;
letters and appropriate spacing. WG1c;
26 Use capital letters for sentence beginnings. Use full stops for sentence endings 2.1.1 WG5
27 Use commas in lists, Use question marks and exclamation marks correctly 3.2 WG5
28 ‘Brainstorm’ with the teacher and in pairs/groups, extract ideas and information using 1.1 OC1; OC2;
the shared reading. 1.2 WM3
29 Develop a plan into a complete draft by organising ideas, and information, using 2.1 WM3
simple graphic organisers such as mind maps 3.1


Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 4

Objectives Reference Reference
30 be as a fill verb to express identity and as a fill verb there + be 1.1.1 WG4a
31 Past simple tense for single or repeated actions or events completed at a definite time 1.7.1 WG4a
in the past (either specified or implied)
32 Modal verbs: might to express possibility 1.10.6 WG4a; WG5
33 Other determiners, with singular/ plural nouns as appropriate; Possessives: my, your, 2.5.2 WG4a
his, her, its, our, their
34 Other determiners, with singular/ plural nouns as appropriate; Cardinal numbers: 2.5.3 WG4b
one to a hundred
35 Interrogatives: what, which, how many, how much 2.6.1 WG4a
36 Personal pronouns; Subject forms: I, you, she, it, we, they 3.1.1 WG4b
37 Personal pronouns; Object forms: me, you, him, her, it, us, them, used as direct WG4b
objects ,indirect objects and after prepositions
38 Personal pronouns; Possessive forms: my, your, his, her, our, their, 3.1.3 WG4b
39 Basic use of adjectives before a noun 4.1.1 WG4b
40 Wh- questions and Yes/No questions (true/false) 2.1 WG4b


Learning ORAL LANGUAGE Syllabus LNNS

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 5

Objective Reference Reference
1 Understand brief explicit statements of factual information 2.1.1 OL1
2 Relate spoken information to pictures, diagrams and other visual material. 2.1.2 OL1
3 Understand how information is organised using sequencing words in procedural 2.1.3 OL2
and narrative writing
4 Respond to information such as that in answering recall questions, such as what, 2.2.1 OL1; OL2
where, when, how, and why questions
5 Respond to information such as that in answering simple deduction questions 2.2.2 OL2; OL3
6 Respond to information such as that in justifying answers, e.g. in response to How 2.2.3 OS1
do you know? Questions
7 Answering questions requiring agreement/disagreement, or the expression of an 2.2.4 OS1
9 Take part in simple dramatizations and role plays and participate in story telling 2.6, 2.8 OS5
10 Give formal accounts of personal experience 1.7 OS2
11 Explain problems; ask for and give advice. 1.9 OS4; OL1;
12 Read aloud sentences or other brief extracts from textbooks and other similar 1.1 RS1; RS4
13 Read parts in scripted dialogues and simple plays with reference to question marks 1.2 RS1
and exclamation marks.
14 Read narrative, descriptive and expository passages for assessment purposes. 1.4 RS1; RA2

Learning READING Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 6

15 Identify the topic and predict the contents of a text, using features such as 1.1.2, 1.1.3 RS3;RS6b;
illustrations, previous knowledge of the topic, titles, headings and sub-headings. 1.1.4 RS7
16 Locate specific information by scanning for identified key words, etc. 2.1 RS6
17 Extract information stated explicitly in a text, e.g. by responding to questions 3.1 RC2a
beginning with What, Who, When, Where, How many, etc
18 Make and support simple inferences and deductions, based on general knowledge 3.3 RS6b
of the topic.
19 Infer the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions in a text with the help of 3.4 RS5; RS6b;
the non-verbal context, e.g. illustrations RS7
20 Recognise basic cohesive links, including the use of pronouns 5.1 RS3; RS6a
21 Understand simple logical relationships, as indicated by conjunctions, sentence 5.2 RS3
connectors and other markers. In particular; reasons (because);
22 Understand the connection between information expressed verbally and 5.4.1 RS6b
information shown in other forms, such as diagrams, tables, timelines and transfer 5.4.3
such information from verbal to non-verbal forms. 5.4.4
23 Identify the general purpose and type of a text, through familiarity with its overall 6.2.2 RS6a; RS6b;
content and format e.g. To convey information (reports, notices, etc.) RS7
24 Relate the content of a text to previous experience, knowledge and ideas, e.g. by 6.3.1 RC1
Identifying similar/contrasting experiences
25 Select suitable books or other material by browsing purposefully (e.g. checking the 1.1 RS1
cover information)
26 Attempt to infer unfamiliar words from context 1.3 RS3
27 Identify key features of the main characters and follow the development of the 2.1 RC2a; RC1;
story/plot 2.3 RS7


Objectives Reference Reference
28 Choose relevant information to record 1.1 OL1; RC2a;

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 7

29 Insert selected information into a simple table, flowchart, mind-map, or other 2.1 WS1
graphic framework.

Learning WRITING Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
30 Descriptions of places, objects, animals, etc. including matching labels, captions 1.1.1 WM1; WM2;
for pictures and diagrams; including contrasts and comparisons. 1.1.3 WG4b
31 Factual narratives, including recounts of a holiday, or a special event 1.3.1 WS2; WM2;
32 Instructions including how to make things, (e.g. recipes, how to play a game). 2.2.1 WS1; WM1
33 Imaginative writing extending to brief stories, based on imaginary situations; 3.3.1 WM1; WM2
including dialogues in chronological order using beginning, middle, ending; 3.3.2
34 Use appropriate linking expressions within and between paragraphs, including 2.1.1 WG3
35 Use capital letters for sentence beginnings . Use full stops for sentence endings . 2.1.1 WG5
36 Use commas in lists, use question marks and exclamation marks correctly 3.2 WG5
37 ‘Brainstorm’ with the teacher and in pairs/groups, extract ideas and information 1.1 OC1; OC2
using the shared reading. 1.2
38 Develop a plan into a complete draft by organise ideas, and information, using 2.1 WM3; WM4
simple graphic organisers such as mind maps 3.1


Objectives Reference Reference
39 be as a fill verb to express identity and as a fill verb there + be 1.1.1 WG4a

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 8

40 Past simple tense for single or repeated actions or events completed at a definite 1.7.1 WG4a
time in the past (either specified or implied)
41 Modal verbs; might to express possibility 1.10.6 WG4a; WG5
42 Other determiners, with singular/ plural nouns as appropriate; Possessives: my, 2.5.2 WG4b
your, his, her, its, our, their
43 Other determiners, with singular/ plural nouns as appropriate; Cardinal numbers: 2.5.3 WG4b
one to a hundred
44 Interrogatives: what, which, how many, how much 2.6.1 WG4b
45 Personal pronouns; Subject forms: I, you, she, it, we, they 3.1.1 WG4b
46 Personal pronouns; Object forms: me, you, him, her, it, us, them, used as direct WG4b
objects ,indirect objects and after prepositions
47 Personal pronouns; Possessive forms: my, your, his, her, our, their, 3.1.3 WG4b
48 Basic use of adjectives before a noun 4.1.1 WG4b
49 Wh- questions and Yes/No questions (true/false) 2.1 WG4b


Learning ORAL LANGUAGE Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
1 Understand brief explicit statements of factual information 2.1.1 OL1
Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 9
2 Relate spoken information to pictures, diagrams and other visual material. 2.1.2 OL1
3 Understand how information is organised using sequencing words in procedural and 2.1.3 OL2
narrative writing
4 Respond to information such as that in answering simple deduction questions 2.2.2 OL2;OL3
5 Carry out short surveys to elicit required information 2.5 OS5;OL1;
6 Participate in story telling 2.8 OS5
7 Read aloud sentences or other brief extracts from textbooks and other similar materials, 1.1 RS1;RS4
8 Read parts in scripted dialogues and simple plays with reference to question marks and 1.2 RS1
exclamation marks.
9 Read narrative, descriptive and expository passages for assessment purposes. 1.4 RS1;RA2

Learning READING Syllabus LNNS

Objectives Reference Reference
10 Identify the topic and predict the contents of a text, using features such as illustrations, 1.1.2 RS3;RS6b;
previous knowledge of the topic, titles, headings and sub-headings. 1.1.3 RS7
Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 10
11 Locate specific information by scanning for identified key words, etc. 2.1 RS6
12 Extract information stated explicitly in a text, e.g. by responding to questions beginning 3.1 RC2a
with What, Who, When, Where, How many, etc
13 Make and support simple inferences and deductions, based on general knowledge of the 3.3 RC1; RC2a
14 Infer the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions in a text with the help of the non- 3.4 RS5;RS6b;
verbal context, e.g. illustrations RS7
15 Recognise basic cohesive links, including the use of pronouns 5.1 RS3;RS6a
16 Understand simple logical relationships, as indicated by conjunctions, sentence 5.2 RS3
connectors and other markers. In particular; reasons (because);
17 Understand the connection between information expressed verbally and information 5.4.1 RS6b
shown in other forms, such as diagrams, tables, timelines and transfer such information 5.4.3
from verbal to non-verbal forms. 5.4.4
18 Identify the general purpose and type of a text, through familiarity with its overall content 6.2.2 RS6a;RS6b;
and format e.g. To convey information (reports, notices, etc.) RS7
19 Relate the content of a text to previous experience, knowledge and ideas, e.g. by 6.3.1 RC1
Identifying similar/contrasting experiences
20 Select suitable books or other material by browsing purposefully (e.g. checking the cover 1.1 RS1
21 Attempt to infer unfamiliar words from context 1.3 RS3
22 Identify key features of the main characters and follow the development of the story/plot 2.1 RC2a;RC1;
2.3 RS7


Objectives Reference Reference
23 Choose relevant information to record 1.1 OL1;RC2a;
24 Insert selected information into a simple table, flowchart, mind-map, or other graphic 2.1 WS1

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 11

Learning WRITING Syllabus LNNS
Objectives Reference Reference
25 Descriptions of places, objects, animals, etc. including matching labels, captions for 1.1.1 WM1;
pictures and diagrams; including contrasts and comparisons. 1.1.3 WM2;
26 Factual narratives, including recounts of a holiday, or a special event 1.3.1 WS2;WM2;
27 Instructions including how to make things, (e.g. recipes, how to play a game). 2.2.1 WS1;WM1
28 Imaginative writing including sentences, extending to brief stories, based on imaginary 3.3.1 WM1;
situations; including dialogues in chronological order using beginning, middle, ending; 3.3.2 WM2;WS2
29 Use capital letters for sentence beginnings and use full stops for sentence endings 2.1.1 WG5
30 Use commas in lists , use question marks and exclamation marks correctly 3.2 WG5
31 Use the items above in the punctuation of direct speech 3.5 WG5
32 ‘Brainstorm’ with the teacher and in pairs/groups, extract ideas and information using the 1.1 OC1;OC2;
shared reading. 1.2 WM3
33 Organise ideas, and information, using simple graphic organisers such as mind maps 2.1 WM3
34 Develop a plan into a complete draft 3.1 WM4
35 Reread own writing checking that it makes sense. 4.1 WM4
36 Use a simple checklist to improve writing 4.2 WM4


Objectives Reference Reference
37 be as a fill verb to express identity and as a fill verb there + be 1.1.1 WG4a

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 12

38 Past simple tense for single or repeated actions or events completed at a definite time in 1.7.1 WG4a
the past (either specified or implied)
39 Other determiners, with singular/ plural nouns as appropriate; Possessives: my, your, his, 2.5.2 WG4b
her, its, our, their
40 Other determiners, with singular/ plural nouns as appropriate; Cardinal numbers: one to 2.5.3 WG4b
a hundred
41 Interrogatives: what, which, how many, how much 2.6.1 WG4b
42 Personal pronouns; Subject forms: I, you, she, it, we, they 3.1.1 WG4b
43 Personal pronouns; Object forms: me, you, him, her, it, us, them, used as direct objects WG4b
,indirect objects and after prepositions
44 Personal pronouns; Possessive forms: my, your, his, her, our, their, 3.1.3 WG4b
45 Basic use of adjectives before a noun 4.1.1 WG4b
46 Wh- questions and Yes/No questions (true/false) 2.1 WG4b

Learning Objectives Year 3 Ver.2/CDD/2019 Page 13

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