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Why should I worry about my browsing not being private?

Your browsing history reveal a lot about who you are. It's often bundled with your offline data like your
purchases,location, credit history, and personal identity and this data is sold on data exchanges every
single day. It can and is being used to determine if you can get health or life insurance, what price to
charge you at online stores, your job application status, and much more. Imagine visiting webpages on
getting out of a speeding ticket one day then seeing your car insurance rates go up a few months later.
Or visiting a site about diabetes treatments then applying for health insurance policies only to find all of
them won’t cover “diabetes related illness.” Beyond that, privacy is essential to freedom of thought. If
you know you're under surveillance, you're significantly less likely to research or express minority
views. The goal of a governmental surveillance system is to effectively build "prisons in our minds."
Writers around the world are already reporting chilling self-censorship effects from government
surveillance. Your browsing is personal and valuable, protect it.

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