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ABA see abscisic acid afferent arteriole 180

abiotic component 268 agglutinins 108

abomasum 76 agglutinogens 108
abscisic acid 128,130,131 agranulocytes 106
abscission 128 aldosterone 181
absolute growth curve 208 all or nothing law 141
absolute growth rate curve 208 allanto-chorion 195
absolute refractory period 141 allantois 183
absorption 72 allele 234, 236
absorption spectrum 55, 56 frequency 253
accommodation 142 multiple 237
acetyl coenzyme A 90 allelopathy 268
acetylcholine (ACh) 142 allopatric speciation 254
acetylcholinesterase 142 allopolyploid 220
acrosome membrane 195 alpha cells 170
actin 160 alternation of generations 192
action altitude 269
potential 140, 141 alveoli 92
spectrum 55, 56 amino acid 17,73,75
activation energy 14 ammonia 171,179
active site 22 amnion 195
active transport 38, 89 Amoeba 76,191
adaptation 144 amoeboid leucocytes 104
adaptive radiation 249, 251, 252 amphoteric 14
adenine 21 amylase 18, 19, 22, 73
adenosine diphosphate (ADP) 89 amylose 73
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 56, 89 anabolic reaction 89
adenyl cyclase 145 analgous 252
ADH see anti-diuretic hormone analogy 249
adhesion 102 anaphase 218, 219
adipose tissue 43 anatomy, comparative 251-252
ADP see adenosine diphosphate aneuploidy 220
adrenaline 119, 169,170 annelids 92
adventitious roots 209 annual rings 210
adventitious structures 208 Anopheles 77

ANS see autonomic nervous system bile 73

antagonistic muscles 159 salt 73, 179
antennal glands 183 canaliculi "170
anther 193 pigments 179
anther pollen sacs 192 binocular vision 144
anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) 182 bioassay 128
antibiotic resistance 254 biochemistry, comparative 252
antibodies 101, 108 biogeochemical 264
antigen 101, 108 biogeochemical cycles 268
aorta 105 biomass 264
apical dominance 128, 129, 131 biome 264
apoenzyme 22 biosphere 264
apoplasm 102 biotic 264
appendicular skeleton 158 birth 195
appendix 252 biting feeders 77
Arenicola 92 bivalents 218
areolar tissue 43 blastocoel cavity 211
artery 104 blastocyst 195
asexual reproduction. 191 blastula 211
aspect 269 blending 237
assimilation 72 blood composition 106
association centre 142 functions 106
atmosphere 269 groups 108
ATP see adenosine triphosphate pressure 105, 168
atrio-ventricular node 105 spaces 170
atrium 105 blood pressure 105
auditory nerve 145 BMR see basal metabolic rate
auditory visual reflex centres 142 body tissue fluids 178
Auerbach's nerve plexus 74 Bohr effect 107
autoecology 264 bone 158
autonomic nervous system 142, 143 bone tissue 43
autopolyploid 220 boring feeders 77
autosome 237 Bowman's capsule 180
autotroph 55 brain 140, 143, 170
autotrophism 55 breeding, animal and plant 251
auxin 128,131 bronchi 92
axial skeleton 158 bronchiole 92
axon 44,140 brush border 181
B-cells 108 Bryophyllum 191
balance 145 buccal cavity 73, 77, 92
baroreceptors 105 budding 191
basal metabolic rate 167 bundle of His 105
basement membrane 42,180 C4 plants 57
basilar membrane 144" Calvin cycle 57
basophils 106 canine cat, man, sheep 75
beta cells 170 capacitation 195
beta-pleated sheet 19 capillaries 74, 104, 181
bicuspid 105 capillary network 104

carapace 76 cerebellum 142

carbohydrase 72 cerebrum 142
carbohydrate 15, 55, 72 cervix 196
metabolism 170 chemical communication 145
carbon 14 chemoreceptor 92, 140, 167
carbon dioxide 55, 91,179 chemotrophs 55, 58
acceptor 57 chemotropism 128
concentration 57, 92 chewing 77
transport 107 chiasmata 218, 235
carboxypeptidase 73 chitin 16, 158
cardiac chloride shift 107
cycle 105 chlorophyll a 56
muscle 44, 105, 159 chlorophyll b 56
output 105 chloroplast 40
cardiovascular centre 167 envelope 56
carnivore 72, 265 'chlorosis 58
carotene 56 cholecystokinin 74
carotid arteries 105 cholestrol 17
bodies 167 chondroblast 43, 158
sinus 168 chorion 195
cartilage 43, 158 chorionic gonadotrophin 195
casein 73 Chorthippus 77
caseinogen 73 chromatids 217
Casparian strip 103 chromatin 38, 217
catabolic reaction 89 chromoplast 40
catalase 39 chromosome 217,218,219
cation pump 141 deletion 220
cell duplicate 220
body 44,141 inversion 220
bundle sheath 57 mutation 220
cycle 217 structure 217
differentation 208 translocation 220
division 208 chymotrypsin(ogen) 73
expansion 208 cilia 40,76
guard 41 ciliary feeding 76
mediated 108 ciliated epithelium 42
membrane 38 ciliates 78
mesophyll 57 cisternae 39
mucus 42 citric acid 90
plate 218 classification 251
serous 42 cleavage 208,211
theory 38 cleidoic egg 183
wall 40, 102 climatic factor 269
cellulase 24 climax community 267
cellulose 16 clotting 107
central nervous system 140 cnidocil76
centriole 40 CNS see central nervous system
centromere 217 coccyx 252

cochlea 145 creatine phosphate (CP) 89

codominance 237 cristae 39
coelenterate 91 cross-bridge formation 160
coenzyme 22 crossing over 218, 236
cofactor 14, 22 crossover value 236
cohesion 102 cubical epithelium 42
collagen 19 cupula 145
collecting duct 180, 182 cuticle 170
collenchyma 41 cuttings 192
colostrum 196 cytochrome 90
colour vision 144 cytochrome oxidase 90
columnar epithelium 42 cytokinins 130, 131
commensalism 78 cytology 38
community 264, 267 cytosine-21
companion cells 42 cytoskeleton 40
compensation point 55, 58 cytosol 38
competitive inhibition 22 cytostome 76
competitive-exclusion principle 268 dark reaction 57
condensation 14, 217 Darwin, Charles 249
conditioned reflex 73, 140 day-neutral plants 131
condrin 43 deamination 171, 179
conduction 168 decarboxylase 23
cones 144 decelerating phase 208
connective tissue 43 decomposers 78
consumers 89 deficiency diseases 58
continuous variation 252 dehydrogenase 90
contractile vacuole 182 dendrite 140
conus arteriosus 105 dendrons 44
convection 168 denitrification 58
convergence 144 density-dependent 267
convergent evolution 251, 252 density-in.dependent 268
coordinating system 140 dental formula cat,man, sheep 75
copper 90 depolarization 141,142
copulation 195 dermal denticles 77
core temperature 167 detoxification 171
cork cambium 210 detritus feeders 77
corpora quadrigemina 142 diagrams 4, 11
corpus luteurn 195 diapedesis 107
correlation 129 diaphragm 92
cortex 180 diastole 105
cotyledon 193 differential permeabilities 181
countercurrent heat-exchange 169 differentially permeable membrane 38,
exchanger 181 101
multiplier 181 differentiation 208
system 92 diffusion 30, 89, 91
CP see creatine phosphate digestion 72
cranial reflex 73 absorption 74
cranial reflex action 143 chemical in man 74

digestive enzymes 72 endometrium 195

dihybrid ratio 235 endoparasite 78
dioecious 192 endoplasmic reticulum (er) 39
dipeptide 18 endoskeleton 158
diploid sporophyte 192 endosmosis 102
diploid zygote 193, 195 endosperm 193
disaccharases 73 endotherm 167, 168
disaccharide 15 energy 89
discontinuous variation 252 enormous reproductive potential 250
distal convoluted tubule 181 enterogastrone 74
DNA 20, 21, 38, 217 enterokinase 73
dominant 236, 253 enteron 76
dormancy 209 entomophilous 193
dorsal root 143 environment 264
double circulation 105 environmental resistance 267
double helix 217 enzyme
Down's syndrome 220, 230, 254 allosteric 22
dry mass see pyramid of biomass classification of 22-23
duodenum 74 definition 14
ear 144 inhibitions 22
ecological niche 264, 267 pathways 21
pyramids 265 properties of 21
succession 266 eosinophils 106
ecosystem 264 epidermis 41, 55, 92
abiotic 264 epigeal209
biotic 264, 265 epithelial tissues 42
ectoparasites 78 equatorial plate 219
ectotherm 167, 168 erepsin 73
edaphic factors 268 erythrocytes 106
effector 140 ester 14
egestion 72, 178 ethanol 91
ejaculate 195 ethene 130, 131
electro-osmosis theory 104 euploidy 220
electron evolution 249
acceptor 56 evidence for 250
carrier 56 modem views on 252
donor 56 organic 252
transport 56 evolutionary theory 249
embryo sac 193 excitation-secretion coupling 141
embryo sac excitatory postsynaptic potential 142
development 192 excited states 56
mother cell 192 excretion 178
embryology, comparative 252 in plants 183
emigration 267 excretory
end plate potential 142 mechanism 182
endocrine glands 145 products 179
endocytosis 38 exocytosis 38, 76
endodermis 41, 103 exoskeleton 158

exosmosis 102 frequency code 141

expiration 92 fructose 73
external gill 92 fruit dispersal 194
exteroceptor 144 furanose 15
eye 144 G-actin 160
F-actin 160 Galapagos Islands 251
F 1 generation 234 gall bladder 74
F 2 generation 234 gamete, female development of 192
facilitation 142 gametes 192, 219, 235
facultative parasites 78 gametogenesis 194, 218
false fruit 193 gametophyte 192
fascicular cambia 210 gaseous exchange 91, 92
fat 16,17,72,73,91 gaseous exchange surface 91
fatty acid 73, 75 gaseous oxygen 55
feedback gastric juice secretion 73
negative 167 gastrulation 211
positive 167 Gause 268
feeding mechanism 76 gene 234
female gamete nucleus 193 dominant 234
fenestrations 180 flow 254
ferredoxin 56 isolation 254
fertilization 192, 193, 195 mapping 237
membrane 195 mutations 220, 253
random 235 point mutation 220
fibres 41 pool 253
fibrin 107 recessive 234
fibrinogen 107, 106 generative nucleus 192
fibroblasts 43 generator potential (GP) 144
fibrous capsule 180 genetically empty 237
filter feeding 76 genetically isolated 254
finches 251 genotype 234, 235, 238
fission geographical distribution 251
binary 191 geotropism 128
multiple 191 germinal epithelium 194
flagella 40 germination 208, 209
flame cells 183 gestation 195
flavoprotein 19 gibberellin 129,131,209
florigen 131 gill
flowering 131 plates 92
fluid feeder 77 slits 92
fluid mosaic model 38 gills 92
follicle cell 194 gizzard 77
follicle-stimulating hormone 195 glands
food chain 265 ductless 42
food web 265 endocrine 42
fossils 250 exocrine 42
fovea 144 glomerular filtrate 180
fragmentation 191 glomerulus 180

glucagon 170 heartwood 210

glucose 24 helix 19
glutamic acid 220 Helix aspera 77
glycerol 73, 75 hepatocytes 170 .
glycine 17 herbivore 72, 265
glycogen 16 hermaphrodite 191
glycogenesis 167 heterodont dentition 76
glycogenolysis 167, 170 heterogametic 237
glycolysis 90 heterosomes 237
Golgi apparatus 39 heterotroph 55, 72
Graafian follicles 195 heterozygous 234
grafting 192 hexose 15
granulocytes 106 sugars 57
graph 11 phosphate 90
grey matter 143 hibernation 169
gross primary production (GPP) 266 hierarchical classificatory system 251
ground state 56 histology 38
growth holoenzyme 22
allometric 209 holophytic 55
development in plants 209 homeostasis 167
fruit 131 homogametic 237
hormone 211, 208 homologous 218, 252
isometric 209 homology 249
pattern of 209 homozygous 234
primary 208,209,210 hormone 140, 145
regulator substance 128 horse 250
root 131 humoral 108
secondary 208, 210 hunger centre 75
stem 131 hyaline cartilage 158, 159
guanine 21 hybrid 253
guttation 101 hybrid vigour 220, 253 .
habitat 264 Hydra 76, 191
haemocoel 104 hydrochloric acid 74
haemoglobin 19, 92, 104 hydrogencarbonate flow 74
haemolymph 183 hydrolysis 14, 89
haemophilia 237 hydrolytic enzymes 39
haemopoietic tissue 43 hydrophobic 16, 19
halophytes 183 hydrophyte 183
haploid cells 218 hydrostatic skeleton 158
haploid gametophyte 192 hydrotropism 128
Hardy- Weinberg hydrozoans 78
equation 253 hyperpolarization 142
equilibrium 249 hypertonic 101, 178, 182
Hatch-Slack pathway 57 hyphae 78
haustoria 78 hypogeal209
Haversian canal 43 hypopharynx 77
hearing 144 hypothalamus 142, 143, 145, 168
heart 17,104-105 hypotonic 101, 178, 182

ileum 74 labellae 77
immigration 267 labium 77
immune system 108 labrum 77
inbreeding 253 lactase 73
incipient plasmolysis 102 lactation 195, 196
incisor man, cat, sheep 75 lacteal 74
incomplete dominance 237 lactic acid 91, 161
increased blood flow 169 lacunae 43
indoleacetic acid (IAA) 128 lag phase 208
induced-fit theory 22 lamellae 43
industrial melanism 254 intergranal 56
inferior vena cava 180 large intestine 75
ingestion 72 larynx 92
inhibitory postsynaptic potential 142 leaf structure 56
inorganic ions 22 lenticels 210
inspiration 92 leucocytes 106
inspiratory centre 92 leucoplasts 40
insulation 169 life cycle 191
insulin 19,170 ligament 159
integuments 193 light 269
intensity 145 light energy 55
intercostal muscles 92 light intensity 57
interfascicular cambia 210 light reaction 56
interoceptors 144 lignification
interphase 217, 218 pitted 41
interspecific competition 250 reticulated 41
interstitial cells 194 scalariform 41
intestinal juice 73 limiting factor 55, 57
intraspecific competition 250 linkage 234, 236
intraspecific speciation 254 group 236
involuntary muscle tissue 44 Linnaeus 251
iodopsin 144 lipase 72, 73
ionic balance 178 lipids 16, 91
iron 90 lipoprotein chylomicrons 75
irreversible inhibition 22 liver 16, 73, 170, 171
irritability 140 loading tension 107
islets of Langerhans 170 lock-and-key theory 22
iso-electric point 14 locus 234
isolating mechanism 254 log phase 208
isomerism 14 long-day plants 131
isotonic 101, 178 loop of Henle 181
jaw movement cat, man, sheep 75 Lumbricus 92
joint 158, 159 Lumbricus terrestris 77
keratin 19 luteinizing hormone 195
keto amino acids 171 lymph 106
kidney 17, 179 lymph nodes 106
Krebs' cycle 39, 90 lymphocytes 106
Kupffer cells 171 lysosomes 39

macromolecule 14 mitochondria 160, 181

macronutrient 58, 264 mitochondria 39, 91, 144
macrophages 43 mitosis 217
macrophagous 76 mitral valve 119
macula 145 mnemonic 4
male nuclei 193 moisture 269
malpighian tubules 183 molar cat, man, sheep 75
maltase 73 monocytes 106
maltose 73 monoecious 192
mammary glands 195 monohybrid ratio 234
mandibles 77 monomer 15
marsupials 251 monosaccharide 15, 75
mass flow 101, 104 morphogenesis 208
mast cells 43 mortality 267
masticate 77 motor end plate 142
matrix 39, 43, 91 motor
maxillae 77 neuron '140
maximum sustainable yield (MSY) 268 region 142
mechanoreceptor 140 units 160
medulla 92, 143, 167, 168, 180, 181 mouth 92
medulla oblongata 119,142 MSY see maximum sustainable yield
megakaryocytes 106 Mucor hiemalis 78
meiosis 217~ 218, 235, 253 mucosa 74
Meissner's nerve plexus 74 multicellular organism 93
Mendel 234-235 Musca domestica 77
. menstrual cycle 194 muscle spindle 161
meristematic cells 209 muscle
mesenteries 74 cardiac 44
mesophyl141 fibres 159
mesophytes 183 insertion 159
messenger RNA 21,39 involuntary 44, 159
metabolism 89, 178 origin 159
carbohydrate 170 skeletal 44, 159
protein 171 smooth 104, 159
metal tolerance 254 systems 159
metamorphosis 208, 211 tissue 43
metaphase 218, 219 voluntary 159
metaphloem 210 muscularis extema 74
metaxylem 41, 210 mutation 217, 249
microfilament 218 mutualism 78
micronutrient 58, 264 mycelium 78
microphagous feeder 76 myelin sheath 141
micropyle 193 myofibrils 159
microtubule 40, 217 myogenic 105
microvilli 74, 181 myosin 19, 160
middle lamella 40 NAD see nicotinamide adenine
mineral elements 103 dinucleotide
mistletoe 78 NADP56

NADPH256 noradrenaline 142

nastic movement 128 nostrils 92
nasty 128 nucellus 192
natality 267 nuclear envelope 38
natural membrane 38, 218
evidence for 250 pore 38
selection 249 nuclease 73
negative feedback 167 nucleic acid 20, 73
negative-feedback principle 145 nucleolus 39
nematoblast 76 nucleoplasm 38
nematocyst 76 nucleoprotein 73
neo-Darwinism 249 nucleoside 73
nephridia 183 nucleosome 217
nephridiopore 183 nucleus 38
nephron 180 nutrition
nephrostome 183 holozoic 72
Nereis 92 mineral 58
nerve 44, 140 saprophytic 78
myelinated 44 nyctinasty 128
nerve fibre 141 obligate parasite 78
nerve impulses 73, 140 oesophagus 77
nervous communication 140 oestrogen 195
nervous system oestrus cycle 194
autonomic 143 omnivore 72
voluntary 142 oocyte 194, 195
nervous tissue 44 oogenesis 194
net primary productivity (NPP) 266 oogonia 194
neurilemma 141 opercular cavity 92
neuroglial cells 44 operculum 92
neuron opsonin 107
motor 140 optimal level 167
sensory 140 oral groove 76
neurones 44, 140 organ 38
motor 143 organ of Corti 144
relay 143 organelle 38
sensory 143 organic evolution 252 solutes 104
neurotransmitter substance -141 organiser 211
neutrophils 106 organogeny 211
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) ornithine cycle 171, 179
90 osmoreceptor 182
nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide osmoregulation 142, 178
phosphate (NADP) 56 in plants 183
nitrification 58 osmosis 38, 101, 178
nitrogen fixation 58 plant cells 102
nitrogenous products 179 osmotic
nodes of Ranvier 141 potential 101
non-cyclic photophosphorylation 56 pressure 101
non-disjunction 220 osteoblast 43

osteocyte 43 peritoneum 74
otoconium 145 peroxisome 39
outbreeding 253 pesticide resistance 254
ova 194 pH 73
oval window 144 phagocyte 106
ovarian follicle 194-195 phagocytosis 76, 107
ovary 193 phagosome 107
overcooling 169 pharyngeal cavity 92
overheating 169 pharynx 77, 92
oviduct 195 phellogen 210
ovulation 195 phenotype 234, 235"
ovule 192 phloem 42, 101, 129
ovum 195 phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) 57
oxidative decarboxylation 90 phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) 57
oxidative phosphorylation 90 phospholipid 16
oxidoreductase 23 . phosphorylase 90
oxygen 179 photolysis 55
carriage 107 photomorphogenesis 128, 210
debt 91,161 photonasty 128
dissociation curve 107 photoperiodic response 132
oxyhaemoglobin 107 photoperiodism 128
pacemaker 118 photoreception 144
palaeontology 250 photosynthesis 55
palisade mesophyl156 photosynthetic pigments 56
pancreas 73 photosystem I, II 56
pancreatic juice 73 phototroph 55
pancreozymin 74 phototropism 128
Paramecium 182 phytochrome 131
parapodia 92 piercing feeder 77
parasite 72 pigment
parasitism 78 ·accessory 56
parasympathetic nervous system 143 primary 56
parenchyma 40 pinocytosis 76
partial pressure (pp) 107, 167 pitch 145
pectoral girdle 159 pituitary gland 145
pelvic girdle 159 placenta 195, 196
pelvis 180 Planaria 191
penis 195 plant
pentadactyl limb 159, 252 growth 128
pentose 15 movements 128
pepsin(ogen) 73 plasma 106
peptide bond 18 albumin 171
perennation 192 cells 43
pericycle 41 globulin 171
periosteum 43 protein production 171
peripheral nervous system 140 plasmodesma 40
peripheral receptor 168 plasmodesmata 218
peristalsis 72, 74 Plasmodium 191

plastids 40 proprioceptors 144

plateau phase 208 prosthetic groups 22
platelets 106 protease 72
platyhelminthes 91 protein 17-18,72,73
plumule 193 conjugated 19
podocytes 180 denaturation 18
point mutation 22 formation 14
polar functions 19
body 194, 195 metabolism 171
nuclei 193 plasma protein production 171
pollen 193 structure 18-19
grains 192 prothrombin 106 107
tube 193 protonephridia 183
pollen tube nucleus 192 protophloem 210
pollination 191,193 protoplasm 38
polymer 15 proto xylem 41,210
polymorphism 254 proximal convoluted tubule 180, 181
polypeptide 18 pseudohearts 104
polyploidy 217, 220, 254 pseudotracheae 77
polysaccharide 15 pulse 104
polysome 39 Purkinje tissue 105
population 249, 264, 267 pyramid
dynamics 267 biomass 265
genetics 252 energy 266
growth 267 numbers 265
positive pyranose 15
feedback 167 pyrimidine 21 .
geotropism 129 pyruvic acid 57, 90
phototropism 129 quantasomes 56
postsynaptic membrane 141 radiation 168
premolar cat, man, sheep 75 radical 193
presynaptic membrane 141 radula 77
primary rami communicantes 143
cell wall 218 rational cropping 268
germ layers 211 reaction centre 56
medullary rays 210 receptor hair cells 145
principle of independent assortment 235 receptors 143, 144
principle of segregation 234 recessive 236, 253
proboscis 77 recombinants 236
proboscis sheath 77 recombination 236
producer organism 89 frequency 236
production ecology 266 red nucleus 142
progesterone 195 red tonic 161
propagation reduced air layer 169
artificial 192 reduction division 218
vegetative 192 reduction of blood flow 169
prophase 217,218,219 reference point 167
proplastids 40 refractory period 141, 160

regulator substances 130 saltatory conduction 141

relative rate of growth curve 209 SAN see sino-atrial node
relative refractory period 141 saprophyte 72
renal saprotrophs 78
arteries 180 sapwood 210
corpuscle 180 sarcolemma 142
pyramid 180 sarcomere 159, 160
veins 180 sarcoplasm 160
reproduction sarcoplasmic reticulum 160
asexual 191 satiety centre 75
sexual 191, 192 Schwann cells 141
sexual in man 194 scion 192
sexual in plants 192 sclereids 41
respiration 89 sclerenchyma 41
aerobic 90, 91 scotopsin 144
anaerobic 91 scraping feeder 77
respiratory Scyliorhinus caniculus 77
centres 167 secondary
chain 90 cell wall 218
control of gases in blood 167 lamellae 92
pigment 92 thickening 210
quotient 89, 91 secretin 74
substrates 89 secretion 178
resting potential 141 seed
retina 144 development 193
retinene 144 dispersal 194
reversible inhibition 22 seizing feeder 77
rhodopsin 144 selection 253
ribosomal RNA 21,39 natural 253-254
ribosomes 39 pressure 251, 253
ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) 57 selective
RNA 21 absorption 181
messenger 21 advantage 250
ribosomal 21 disadvantage 250
transfer 21 reabsorption 178
rods 144 semen 195
root hairs 103 semicircular canal 145
root system 102 seminal fluid 195
rough endoplasmic reticulum 39 seminiferous tubule 194
round window 145 sensory area 142
RuBP carboxylase 57 sensory receptor 140
rumen 76 seral stage 266
sacculus 145 serosa 74
salinity 269 Sertoli cells 194
saliva 73 set point 167
salivary setae 76
amylase 73 sex
glands 73 determination 237

linkage 237 statoliths 209

sex-linked traits 237 stereoscopic vision 144
sexual production 191, 194 steroids 17
shivering 169 stigma 193
short-day plants 131 stimuli 140
sickle-cell anaemia 220, 254 stock 192
sieve plates 42, 104 stomach 73
sieve tube cells 42 stomach mucosa 73
sigmoid curve 208 stomata 56, 103
simple reflex action 143 straight intestine 77
single circulation 105 stratified epithelia 42
sino-atrial node (SAN) 105, 168 stretch receptors 167, 168
skeletal stroma 56
connective tissue 43, 44 stylets 77
structure 158-159 submucosa 74
slit pores 180 succession 266
small intestine 73 sucking feeders 77
smooth endoplasmic reticulum 39 sucrase 73
spatial summation 142 sucrose 23
speciation 254 sugar-starch hypothesis 103
species 249 summation 144
spermatids 194 support 158
spermatocytes 194 swallowing 77
spermatogenesis 194 symbiont 72
spermatogonia 194 symbiotic bacteria, sheep 76
spermatozoa 194 sympathetic nervous system 143
spinal sympatric speciation 254
cord 143 symplasm 102
nerves 143 synapse 141, 142
reflex action 143 synapsis 218
spindle synaptic
apparatus 219 cleft 141
equator 218, 219 knobs 141
fibres 217 .synecology 264
spiracles 92 synergists 159
spiral valve 77 synovial
spiralization 217 fluid 159
Spirogyra 191 joint 159
spore 191 systole 105
mother cells 192 T-cells 108
production 218 T-system 44, 142, 160
sporophyte 192 Taenia 78
sporulation 191 tannins 179
squamous epithelium 42 taxis 128
stamen 193 telophase 218, 219
standing crop 265 temperature 269
starch 15, 73 temperature regulation 168
starch-statolith hypothesis 129 temperatures

adaptation of animals 169 triose phosphate (TP) 57, 90

adaptation of plants 170 triploid primary endosperm nucleus 193
temporal summation 142 trophic level 265
tendons 159, 161 trophoblast 195
tentacular feeders 76 trophoblastic cells 195
testcross 236 tropism 128
testis 194 tropomyosin 160
testosterone 194 troponin-C 160
tetanus 160 troponin-I 160
thalamus 142 trypsin( ogen) 73
thermonasty 128 tubules 180
thermotropism 128 tubulin 40
thigmotropism 128 turgor 56, 102
thoracic cavity 92 tympanic membrane 144
thorax 92 ultra-filtration 178, 180
thrombin 107 umbilical cord 196
thromboplastin 107 unicellular organisms 93
thylakoids 56 unmyelinated nerve fibres 143
thymine 21 uracil 21
thyroid gland 146 urea 171
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) 145 ureter 179, 180
thyroxine 145, 146 urethra 179
tissue 38 uric acid 171, 179, 183
tissue fluid 106 urinary bladder 179
tone 145 urine 171, 179
tongue 77 utriculus 145
tonoplast 40 vacuole 40, 76
topographic factors 269 vagina 42, 195
trabeculae 43 vagus nerve 143
trachea 92 valine 220
tracheal system 92 valves 104
tracheids 41 variation 250
tracheoles 92 vasa recta 180,181
transaminase 23 vascular cambium 210
transcription 21 vascular system
transfer RNA 21 closed 104
translocation 101, 104 open 104
transparent epidermis 56 vasoconstriction 104, 105
transpiration 101, 170 vasodilation 104, 105
stream 102 vasomotor centre (VMC) 105
transport veins 105
in animals 104 ventilation 167
in plants 101 movements 92
triad 160 ventral root 143
tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle 90 ventricles 105
tricuspid 105 vernalization 132, 170
triglyceride 16, 17 vertebrae 158
trimethylamine oxide 179 vertebral column 158

vertebrates 211 water potential 101

vessels 41 waxes 17
vessels white fibrous cartilage 158
dorsal 104 white fibrous tissue 43
ventral 104 white matter 143
vestibular apparatus 145 white twitch 161
vestigial organs 252 woody dicot stems 210
villi 74 xanthophyll 56
visible spectrum 56 xerophytes 183
visual acuity 144 xylem 14,.41,101,102,129
visual reflex centre 142 yellow elastic cartilage 158
vitamins 20 yellow elastic tissue 43
VMC see vasomotor centre zonation 267
voluntary nervous system 142 zone of differentiation 210
Wallace, A.R. 249 zone of elongation 210
warfarin 254 zygote 192
water 14, 92, 102
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