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ROLL NO : 04
Chinese civilization extends
backwards in history in an
unbroken chain for nearly
four thousand years.
Throughout this time, the
Chinese people have been
instrumental in developing
new technologies and
advancing human
The Chinese have been
ruled by a succession of
dynasties (families that
pass the right to rule the
nation from one
generation to the next).
Before China developed the ability
to write down their history,
stories were passed down orally
from one generation to the next.
The story of the Xia Dynasty is such
a case.
Hwang-Ho Valley

Art of writing

Silk industry)
The yellow river or Huang He
is the third-longest river in Asia
The yellow river is called
“the cradle of Chinese civilization”.
The Hwang Ho river valley that
the ancient Chinese civilization
grew and developed.
 The people of china developed
their own system of writing.

 At first, they drew small pictures

on bamboo slips to express their idea.

 These pictures were know as “PICTOGRAM”.

 With the progress of time, further
improvement was made on pictures.

 0ow pictures expend the idea regarding

an object like fruit, serpent, river etc.
or time like the dawn, noon, night etc. Chinese script
One of the most
important contributions
made during the period
that the Shang Dynasty
ruled China was the
invention of writing.
The earliest written
records found in China
come from this time
 Chinese formulated a calendar
in which a year consisted of 365
½ days.
 The Chinese calendar is a
lunisolar calendar which
arranges the year, month & day
number upon the astronomical
 In the Chinese calendar, the days
begin at midnight &end at
midnight of the next day
 It is used for traditional activities
in china & overseas Chinese
 Agriculture is a vital
industry in china ,
employing over 300
million farmers.
 China ranks first in
world wide farm output
 Rice
 Wheat
 Potatoes
 Tomato
 Tea
 Millet
 cotton.
 Production of silk
originates in china in the

 Silk remained confined

to china until the silk
road opened at some
point during the later
half of the first
millennium BCE.
 In order to make trade
possible , Emperor Wudi
began to develop what
has been called in
modern times, the silk
 Following this route
merchant traders took
silk from China to the
West, and brought glass,
linen, and gold back to
One such innovation was
the storage of food. During
times of plenty, Han
emperors would have great
amounts of food put up
into storage. Then during
difficult times, they would
sell these food stores,
helping to stabilize food
The religious history of China
is complex, and has evolved
over the centuries.
Deeply interwoven into their
beliefs is the worship of their
The Chinese believed that
the spirits of their ancestors
were watching over them,
and that they could be called
upon during difficult times.
1) what is the Era of chines civilization?
2) Which is the major river in china?
3) Which are the main occupation of the people in
4) What is the specialty of Chinese pictorial script?
5) The ancient Chinese civilization developed mainly
depending on which activity?
6) What is the specialty of Chinese calendar?

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