Homework 5: 1 2 3 S C L C L

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Berdibekov Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I

Homework 5

1. Select statements from the following statements that satisfy the DC steady state condi-

• In DC steady state, voltage across inductor is zero.

• In DC steady state, voltage across capacitor is zero.
• For steady state analysis, the capacitor is replaced with a open circuit and inductor
is replaced with a short circuit.
• DC steady state means the state of transients or changes.
• In DC steady state, current flowing through the capacitor is zero.

2. For the circuit below (Figure 1), suppose R1 = 4Ω, R2 = 4Ω, R3 = 4Ω, C = 10µF ,L =
4H,Is = 10A. Calculate the following assuming the DC steady state. What will be the
currents, iC and iL , flowing through the elements? what will be the voltage across the
elements, VC and VL .

Figure 1: Circuit 1

3. For the given circuit (Figure 2), what is the voltage drop across the 18Ω resistor under
DC condition?

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Figure 2: Circuit 2

4. For the above circuit (Figure 2), determine voltage v1 and v2 across the capacitors under
DC condition.

5. For the circuit shown below (Figure 3), R1 = 10Ω, R2 = 5Ω, R3 = 5Ω, R4 = 10Ω,
L1 = 2H, L2 = 6H, C1 = 1µF , C2 = 2µF and VS = 40V . What are the voltages across
C1 and C2 at steady-state?

Figure 3: Circuit 3

6. For the circuit above (Figure 3), what are the currents through L1 and L2 ?

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7. For the given circuit, at steady-state, what is the current flowing through capacitor C1 ?
What is the voltage across the capacitor C1 ? What is the current flowing through inductor
L1 ? What is the voltage across 5Ω resistor?

Figure 4: Circuit 4

8. For the given capacitor (Figure 5), the current i(t) is flowing through it and v(t) is the
voltage across it. The initial voltage across capacitor of value C = 2F is v(t) = −1V .
Show the voltage v(t) across capacitor for time interval 0 < t < 2sec.

Figure 5: Circuit 5

9. For the previous problem, what is the voltage, v(t), at t = 2sec?

10. For the same problem, show the voltage v(t) across capacitor for time interval 2sec < t <
4sec. What is the voltage across the capacitor at t = 4sec?

11. The following figures show the current through and voltage across a reactive device (Figure
6). What is the element?

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Figure 6: Circuit 6

12. For a capacitor, after one time constant, the voltage across capacitor reaches 63% of its
final value. From the above graphs, what is the time constant for this device in seconds?
13. What is the value of the reactive device? Your answer should be units in terms of µH or
µF .
14. A RC circuit has the following response to a square wave. Only one cycle is shown below
(Figure 7). Note that the time axis is scaled by 10−3 .Find the time constant in ms.

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Figure 7: Circuit 7

15. For the given inductor, the current i(t) is flowing through it and v(t) is the voltage across
it. The voltage is given as

The initial current in the inductor of value L = 10H is i(0) = 4A. Show the current i(t)
across capacitor for time interval 0 < t < 5sec?

16. For the previous problem, what is the current, i(t), at t = 2sec?

17. For the same problem, what is the current i(t) across capacitor for time interval 5sec <
t < 10sec?

18. Why is the voltage across an inductor zero in DC steady state or ’at rest’ (mark all that
are involved in the answer)?

• All derivatives are zero at DC steady state.

• Voltage across inductor is given by L = di
• Current flowing through inductor is zero at DC steady state.
• Inductor acts as an open circuit for DC steady state.

G.S. Berdibekov Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I

19. In the circuit below (Figure 8), the switch is closed for a long time before time t = 0.
Vs = 24V , R1 = 300Ω, C1 = 10µF and C2 = 20µF . What is the voltage Vc across
capacitor C1 when the switch is closed?

Figure 8: Circuit 8

20. The following figures show the current through and voltage across a reactive device (Figure
9). From the above graphs, is the device an inductor or a capacitor?

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Figure 9: Circuit 9

21. Current (or voltage) in an inductor (or capacitor ) reaches 63% of its final value after one
time constant. From the above graphs, what is the time constant for this device?

22. Suppose the unknown device from above is connected in the following configuration (Fig-
ure 10). If the resistor is R = 2.5kΩ, then what is the value of the reactive device?

Figure 10: Circuit 10

23. The circuit below is of an RL circuit (Figure 11).

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Figure 11: Circuit 11

Select the correct graph below for the voltage VL across the inductor.

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24. You are given the following First Order Differential Equation. The voltage V is in Volts
and the time t in seconds. Find the steady state value of the voltage and time constant.

dV (t)
3 + 60V (t) = 180

25. After solving the first-order differential equation given above, what is the approximate
V (t) value at the time equal to 1 time constant, that is, find V (τ )? The initial V (0) = 0.

26. The following questions are based on the circuit given below (Figure 12). Assume the
unit is given in Volts. The switch in the circuit diagram is connected to node b for a long
time. At time zero, the switch is disconnected from b and connected to node a. V1 = 4V ,
V2 = 10V , R1 = 4000Ω, R2 = 1000Ω, R3 = 1M Ω and C1 = 1µF .
What is the initial voltage across capacitor C1 before time zero?

Figure 12: Circuit 12

27. From the previous problem, what is the final voltage across capacitor C1 after the switch
is at node a for a long time. What is the time constant, in seconds, of the circuit when
the switch is at node a? What is the voltage across capacitor C1 two seconds after the
switch is connected to node a?

28. Consider the circuit below (Figure 13). Assume that the capacitor is fully discharged
prior to t = 0. The switch is closed at t=0 connecting the voltage source to the rest of
the circuit.
What is the steady-state value of the voltage across the capacitor, VC (t), after the switch
is closed for a long time?

Figure 13: Circuit 13

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29. From the previous problem, find the time constant. What is the value of the voltage
across the capacitor, VC (t), at t = 2µs?

30. Select the correct differential equation describing the circuit shown below (Figure 14).
Assume VC (0− ) = 0.

Figure 14: Circuit 14

• dVC (t)
+ 1 R1 +R2
C R1 R2 C
V (t) = Vs
R1 C

• dVC (t)
+ R1 R2
VC (t) = Vs
R1 C

• dVC (t)
+ 1 R1
V (t)
C R2 C
= Vs
R1 C

• dVC (t)
+ R1 R2 CVC (t) = Vs
R1 R2 C

31. For the circuit below (Figure 15), suppose C = 10µF , R1 = 1000Ω, R2 = 3000Ω, R3 =
4000Ω, Is = 1mA. The switch closes at t = 0 sec. If Vc started with 0V across it, what
is the value of Vc (in volts) just prior to the switch closing? Assume that the switch
had been open for a long time. What is the value of Vc after the switch has been closed
for a long time? What is the time constant of the circuit? What is the value of Vc at
t = 2msec?

Figure 15: Circuit 15

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32. In the following circuit (Figure 16), R1 = 100Ω, R2 = 200Ω, L = 10mH, IS = 0.1A.Assume
the switch has been open for a long time and the switch closes at t = 0sec. Use the Nor-
ton Equivalent Circuit method to solve for the equivalent parallel RL circuit. Find the
Rth , Isc and time constant. If the switch is closed at t > 0, determine the value IL at
t = 0.1ms.

Figure 16: Circuit 16

33. Use the circuit below for the following questions (Figure 17). The switch has been closed
for a long time prior to t = 0. The switch opens at t = 0. Let R1 = 2000Ω, R2 = 4000Ω,
R3 = 2000Ω, R4 = 1000Ω. The current source is I1 = 4A. L1 = 0.1H. Suppose that
the switch had been closed for a long time. What is the steady-state value of the current
through the inductor, IL , just before the switch is opened? What is the steady-state value
of the current through the inductor, IL , in Amps, after the switch has been opened for a
long time?

Figure 17: Circuit 17

34. Use the same circuit (Figure 17). After the switch is opened, the circuit response goes
through a transient. Calculate the time constant of the transient. What is the value of
the current (in Amps) through the inductor at t = 20microsec?

35. Consider the circuit below (Figure 18), where R = 100Ω, V = 100V and L = 1H. Assume
that the switch has been closed for a long time and at t = 0, it is opened. What is the
steady-state value of i(t) at t = 0− ? In other words, solve for the steady-state current
i(t) when the switch has been closed for a long time.

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Figure 18: Circuit 18

36. From the previous problem, convert the circuit for t > 0 into a Norton equivalent form
as shown in the figure (Figure 19). Find the value of RT h .

Figure 19: Circuit 19

37. Convert the circuit for t > 0 into a Norton equivalent form as shown in the figure (Figure
20). Find the value of Isc .

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Figure 20: Circuit 20

38. You are given the following First Order Differential Equation. The current i is in Amps
and the time t in seconds. Please find the steady state value and time constant of the
100 di(t)
+ 20i(t) = 80

39. For the previous problem, derive the solution of first-order equation.

40. After solving the first-order differential equation given above, what is the approximate
i(t) value at the time equal to t = 1/2τ ? That is, find i(τ /2). The initial i(0) = 5Amps.

41. The following questions are based on the circuit given below (Figure 21). The switch in
the circuit diagram is connected to node a for a long time. At time zero, the switch is
disconnected from a and connected to node b. VS = 20V , IS = 10Amps, R1 = 10, 000Ω,
R2 = 10, 000Ω, R3 = 20, 000Ω R4 = 15, 000Ω, L1 = 1H and L2 = 2H.
What is the initial current through inductor L2 before time zero?

Figure 21: Circuit 21

42. After the switch is moved from a to b, calculate the Thevenin equivalent resistance, Rth
for equivalent Norton circuit (Figure 22).

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Figure 22: Circuit 22

43. For the previous problem, what is the current, iSC , flowing through the inductor L2 a
long time after the switch has moved to position b?

44. Calculate the time constant, τ in milliseconds for the Norton equivalent circuit with the
switch at position b.

45. For the same problem, calculate the current i(t) flowing through the inductor for t = τ /2
after the switching from position a to b.

46. The circuit (Figure 23) is at steady state before the switch closes at time t = 0. The
ouput of this circuit, the voltage across the 3Ω resistor, is given by vo (t) = 6 − 3e−0.35t V
when t > 0. Determine the value of the inductance and resistances of R1 and R2 .

Figure 23: Circuit 23

47. Find v(t) for t > 0 for the circuit (Figure 24). The switch has been closed for a long time
at t = 0− .

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Figure 24: Circuit 24


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