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Potongan gambar kegiatan anak bermain. Anak Laki- laki bermain logo/engrang dan anak
perempuan bermain dakuan.
Title in : Learning About Notice, Caution, and Warning
2. Scene 1:
Anak-anak bermain logo/engrang dan badaku. Mrs. Mariyam lewat sambil membawa banner.

Anak-anak menyapa:
“ Assalamualaikum, Mrs. Maryam”.
Rehan: How are you doing, Mrs?

Mrs. Maryam : Waalikumsalam. Oohh, Hi guys…….. and hello girls. I’m good. How are you
Anak-anak : We’re okay, Mrs…..We’re good.

Mrs. Maryam : Hey, Fakar! Where’s your mask?

Fakar : Here it is, Mrs……(sambil mengeluarkan masker dari dalam saku celana)
Mrs. Maryam : Put it on!!! It will prevent you from COVID 19 virus.
Fakar : I’m so sorry, Mrs…..Ok. I will (sambil memasang )
Mrs. Maryam : Ok, That’s good. And remember, Always do Social Distancing, okay?
All kids : Yes, Mrs

Cyntya : What do you bring, Mrs?

Mrs. Maryam : Oh, here. I’ve got something ( sambil memperlihatkan Banner yang berisi
Notice). This is called NOTICE
(Notice di zoom)
Aysha : Notice??? What is it?
Mrs. Maryam : Notice is a short and simple Information for people. It is used to direct or
warn people about something. It is usually in symbols,pictures, or
sign. (berisi sebuah informasi singkat dan sederhana yang berbentuk
tulisan/gambar/tanda/ simbol untuk memberikan informasi, instruksi
atau peringatan kepada publik )

Rehan : How about these, Mrs? Are they also Notice?

Mrs.Maryam : (memperlihatkan banner lain berisi CAUTION dan WARNING).

Let me show you………..

This is a Caution and this one is Warning.

Can you find the different?

Cyntya : (Sambil mengamati bbrp detik) They look like similar, Mrs ( sambil tersenyum)

Aysha : Yes, They are just the same…..

Mrs. Maryam : Hhmmmm, are you sure?

Cyntya : I don’t know…….(sambil tertawa)

Rehan : Just a minute, Mrs

(sambil menunjuk gambar …….) If I do it, I will hurt

Fakar : And …….If I do it, I will……..death????(seperti tidak yakin)

Mrs. Maryam : Yes, dear. They look similar. They consist of information to warn people and

It is an obligatory. This picture is called Caution.(Gambar di zoom)

If you break it, you’ll get injured but not too serious.

And this one is called WARNING.(Gambar di zoom)

But, Warning Indicates a higher level of effect. Once you break It , you will cause
serious injury or even death.

Rehan : I see

Fakar : I got it

Cyntia : (manggut-manggut)

Aysha : Ok, Mrs .

Cyntya : How about that one? ( menunjuk ke banner tentang himbauan Mencuci


Aysha : It is the information that consist of asking the people to wash their hands

before entering the school zone. I think it’s a Notice. (Berisi informasi yang
berisi tentang ajakan/suruhan kepada publik untuk mencuci tangan sebelum
memasuki zona sekolah.)

Cyntya : Yeah, I agree with you.

Mrs. Maryam : Yes, You are right, dear.

Fakar : Hey,……why don’t you try to make a notice/caution/warning.

Rehan : That’s would be interesting

Mrs. Maryam : Yes, I give you a mission, and the topic is about the COVID 19 Prevention.
Cyntya : Ok, Mrs.

Mrs. Maryam : Ok. Just show me the result when the mission have accomplished.

See you, guys……

All : See you, Mrs. Thanks for all…….

Mrs. Maryam : No problem.Keep safe, Keep Healthy and keep the distance….

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