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? FrasHL POP: Uso ttamples of your own. 4, How does Kerveros and X. 509 work? Ls 5. Describe Encapsulating Security Architecture. 10} How is Key 6. Illustrate working of secure Socket layer. What protocols qualify for Transport layer securit A 7. Explain SNMP Architecture, How is SNMPV3 different from SNMPV1? : : 8. Explain working of window firewall. Define virus, Trojan and Malicious code. Explain the setup of configuration Management, 6. Explain the different ways in which an analyst gathers requirements from the customer and also draw a labelled DFD of a Library Automation System. pee 7. Describe the selection and implementation of Hardware and Software requirement to the new system. 8. Illustrate the following testing stragegies : (@) Unit testing (ii)Integration testing (iii) System testing, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra - 2019 Computer Network Security (BCA 307) 1. (@) Why Network Security is needed? What are the different security Threats for Network? Classify them. (b) Explain Cryptography. 2. (a) Explain Public key Encryption. (b) What is Authentication? Explain digital signature. 3. (a) What are different Authentication Application? Discuss. (b) Explain X. 509 Authentication Service. 4. (a) Explain IP Security Architegture. (b) Discuss Key Management. 5. (a) How Transport Layer Security Works? Explain. (b) How Electronic Transcation are Secured in Inter! Technology? Discuss. t Re ‘question are compulsory. 1. (A) (a) Define the three security goals. : (b) List and briefly define types of eryptanalytic ‘on what is known to the attacker. ud (B) Differentiate substitution and transposition techniques for cryption. Discuss PLAYFAIR cipher by suitable example, (©) (@) What are three broad categories of application of public ? (b) What are the properties a digital signature should have? (D) How can you differentiate intruders and viruses ? Specify at least five virus with short description. Define basic principle for use of firewall. (E) What services defined in RFC 4301 for IPsec ? Describe the modes of use IPSec by AH and ESP. Compare those modes with respect of IPSec protocols. (@®) Define Public Key Infrastructure created by IETF on X.509 with its duties in detail. (G) Define protocol for e-Mail security with use of suitable ex- Ciph ample on the basis of e-Mail architecture. IN S/MIME ex- 4. Dist plain how two entities/persons exchange key for encrypting phy, message. 5. Exp (H) (a) What is the difference between an unconditionally secure & Wh cipher and a computationally secure cipher ? oa (b) What problem was Kerberos designed to address ? 1 (D Explain the versions of SNMP. With proper comparison be “~tati tween them define which one is best. : Section—B (Long Answer Type Questions) Se Note :Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks 2” Wt ~ 2. (a) Explain transport layer security. (b) Give an overviews of SET. What are the component of SET? 10 Wi 4, q., Deine in detail. What are the SET transaction types ? ' Give a detailed description of SNMP architecture. What are the Note :, ‘“omponent of SNMP ? Define in detail. What are the application 11. Ex “ASNMP-V3 ? Define community of facility with respect of SNMP- an ‘a Ex ’ basic combiriation of security association. How many pe the ‘anagement the IPSec architecture have ? Explain For 12 "ets and exchange type of ISAKMP in detail. ¢ HI re fons, Each question carries 8 1 oe Compare various threats on the web, their consequences an inst them. " 7, Whet services Prony. Good Private (PGP) Provides? Elaborate "them. No What i ion? How it detected? . ; ’ y What is ere bash function? ‘What properties should it possess? 10. What are the various types of attacks on encrypted message? Explain in details. 11. Explain Diffie- Hellman key exchange? 2. 12, Explain triple DES (3 DES). Sg nt 13, What are different types of Firewalls? Explain all in short, Section=C iss Note: Attempt any one questions. Each question carries 12 marl . : 14, What do you understand by IPS Security (IPSec.)? What are its 4 applications and benefits? 15. Explain in detail the handshake protocol. What key exchange 5, methods are supported? M.G.K.V.P. University, Varanasi B.C.A. Sixth Semester Examination - 2016 Computer Network Security (BCA 307) 1. (a) Discuss various kinds of attacks? (b) With a neat diagram, explain a m 2. (a) What are the requirements for m (b) Explain PGP? Why should some encrypt e —mail? - (4) Assume a client C want to communicate with a server S using Kerberos pr Otocol, how can it be achieved? e (b) Explain authentication header? af & tet 48 SNMP? How does it work, explain? a ‘in secure — Electronic transactions? Explain various key Fequirements need for Secure electronic transactions? iodel for network security? lessage authentication?

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