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Design Guide for Twisting

Moments in Slabs
Reported by Join t ACI-ASCE Committee 447
ACI 447R-18

First Printing
April 2018
ISBN: 978-1-64195-010-7

Design Guide for Twisting Moments in Slabs

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ACI 447R-1 8
Design Guide for Twisting Moments in Slabs
Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 447
Ganesh Thiagarajan, Chair Jian Zhao, Secretary

Riadh S. Al-Mahaidi Gianluca Cusatis Song F. Jan Dan Palermo

Gangolu Appa Rao Mukti L. Das Ioannis Koutromanos Guillermo Alberto Riveros
Ashra f S. Ayoub James B. Deaton Laura N. Lowes Mohammad Shara fbayani
Zdenĕk P. Bažant Jason L. Draper Yong Lu Hazim Sharhan
Allan P. Bommer Serhan Guner Yi-Lung Mo Sri Sritharan
Mi-Geum Chorzepa Trevor D. Hrynyk Abbas Mokhtar Zadeh
Carlos Arturo Coronado John F. Jakovich Wassim I. Naguib

Consulting Members
Ahmet Emin Aktan Wai F. Chen Robert Iding Syed Mizanur Rahman
Sarah L. Billington Christopher H. Conley Anthony R. Ingra fea Victor E. Saouma
Johan Blaauwendraad Robert A. Dameron Feng-Bao Lin Frank J. Vecchio
Oral Buyukozturk Filip C. Filippou Christian Meyer Kaspar J. Willam
Ignacio Carol Kurt H. Gerstle Hiroshi Noguchi
Luigi Cedolin Walter H. Gerstle Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot

This guide assists practitioners in understanding: 1) twisting CONTENTS

moments in two-way slabs, when twisting moments are an essential
consideration; 2) methods that can be used to account for twisting CHAPTER 1 —INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE, p. 2
moments in design; and 3) the options available for each method 1 .1 —Introduction, p. 2
of the various system geometries. Descriptions of twisting moments 1 .2—Scope, p. 2
are provided theoretically and visually in the guide, and six methods
of accounting for twisting moments in design are discussed. Appli-
cability of the various methods is evaluated through a comparison CHAPTER 2—NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS, p. 2
of designs resulting from each method for a variety of two-way 2.1 —Notation, p. 2
slab types and geometries. The theories described in the guide also 2.2—Defntions, p. 3
apply to the design of two-way wall and two-way dome systems.
Keywords: fnite element analysis; shell design; slab design; torsion; twist; 3.1 —Qualitative introduction to twisting moments in
twisting moments; wall design.
slabs, p. 3
3.2—Behavior o f linear-elastic isotropic slabs, p. 4
3.3—Equilibrium in slabs, p. 4
3.4—Principal axes, p. 4
3.5—Orthogonal reinforcement and equilibrium for
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are
twisting moments, p. 5
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and 3.6—E fects o f slab geometry on twisting moments, p. 5
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use 3.7—Traditional slab design methods, p. 6
o f individuals who are competent to evaluate the signifcance 3.8—Finite element analysis (FEA)-based slab design
and limitations o f its content and recommendations and who resultants, p. 6
will accept responsibility for the application o f the material it
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
not be liable for any loss or damage arising there from.
Re ference to this document shall not be made in contract ACI 447R-1 8 was adopted and published April 201 8.
Copyright © 201 8, American Concrete Institute.
documents. If items found in this document are desired by
All rights reserved including rights o f reproduction and use in any form or by
the Architect/Engineer to be a part o f the contract documents, any means, including the making o f copies by any photo process, or by electronic
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@Seismicisolation reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless
permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.


CHAPTER 4—AVAILABLE DESIGN METHODS, p. 7 tive assumption where twisting moments are high (Park and
4.1 —Finite element analysis (FEA)-based design ignoring Gamble 2000). To provide designers with guidance related
twist, p. 7 to this issue, methods for explicitly incorporating twisting
4.2—Design using the Wood and Armer method, p. 7 moments determined from FEA in the design o f slabs are
4.3—Design using the sandwich model, p. 7 discussed in this guide.
4.4—Design using element nodal forces, p. 8 The purpose o f this design guide is to provide advice
4.5—Design using twist- free analysis, p. 9 to design engineers who analyze slab systems with fnite
element methods and who need to ensure their designs are
CHAPTER 5—COMPARISON OF DESIGN satis factory for the twisting moments predicted by the anal-
METHODS, p. 10 ysis. This guide provides background information regarding
5.1 —Sensitivity to angle o f principal axes, p. 1 0 twisting moments and describes multiple approaches for
5.2—Typical design conditions, p. 11 consideration o f twisting moments in design. It also provides
advice for designers o f walls and shells with twisting moment
CHAPTER 6—TWO-WAY WALLS, p. 21 conditions similar to those in slabs.
6.1 —General considerations, p. 21
6.2—Impact o f twisting moment on walls exhibiting two 1.2—Scope
adjacent fxed edges, p. 21 This design guide applies to slabs o f both uni form and
nonuni form thicknesses, including drop caps and drop
CHAPTER 7—SHELL STRUCTURES, p. 24 panels, except where noted in the text. This guide does not
7.1 —General considerations, p. 24 apply to wafe slabs, or the beams o f beam-and-slab f oor
7.2—Typical bulk material storage hemisphere, p. 24 systems. Chapters 3 through 6 address slabs and walls in
7.3—Typical loading conditions, p. 25 which the response is determined purely by bending. Chapter
7.4—Typical design regions, p. 25 7 addresses shells for which the response is determined by
bending and membrane action. Chapter 6 and the theory
CHAPTER 8—REFERENCES, p. 29 sections o f this guide are applicable to walls. Chapter 7 and
Authored documents, p. 29 the theory sections o f this guide are applicable to shells, with
the caveat that equations presented in Chapter 3 are not valid


Section 8.2.1 o f ACI 31 8-1 4 allows slabs to be designed
by any procedure that satisfes equilibrium and geometric 2.1 —Notation
compatibility, and requires that, at each section, the design ci, j = fraction for consideration o f sections partially
strength exceeds the required strength and serviceability crossing element to apply to forces in local node j
requirements are fulflled. in element i
Traditional strip design methods for slabs are based D = f exural rigidity o f plate, in.-lb (N· mm)
on approximate analysis and provide neither a complete E = Young’s modulus, psi (MPa)
equilibrium load path or satis fy geometric compatibility. F = force vector, lb (N)
Nonetheless, these methods have been used success fully fi, j = nodal force vector for local node j in element i
for many years to design slabs with supports arranged in a h = thickness o f slab or plate, in. (mm)
rectangular grid. L = width o f design section, in. (mm)
From 1 995 to 201 5, design engineers transitioned from M = bending moment, or moment vector, in.-lb (N· mm)
predominantly using traditional slab analysis methods to Md = design bending moment, in.-lb (N· mm)
using fnite element analysis (FEA). More recently, engi- Mi = bending moment from isotropic analysis, in.-lb
neers use FEA to assist in the structural design o f two-way (N· mm)
concrete members. Twisting moments in two-way slabs can Mtf = bending moment from twist- free analysis, in.-lb
require additional reinforcement from those proportioned (N· mm)
for bending moments, yet they are o ften misunderstood Mu = design moment for slab cross section, in.-lb (N· mm)
and sometimes ignored, neglected, or both, by practitio- m i, j = nodal moment vector for local node j in element i,
ners in design. This is most likely due to their lack o f being in.-lb/in. (N· mm/mm)
discussed comprehensively in design codes and frequent mr = bending moment causing stresses parallel to r-axis,
exclusion from college concrete design course curricula. per unit length o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N· mm/
Although FEA solutions provide a full equilibrium load mm)
path and satis fy geometric compatibility, they determine m rs = twisting moment relative to r- s-axes per unit length
load paths that require twisting moments for equilib- o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N· mm/mm)
rium (Shin et al. 2009). Many designers using FEA have ms = bending moment causing stresses parallel to s-axis,
ignored these twisting moments—a possible unconserva- per unit length of slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N·mm/mm)

Fig. 3.1—Twisting moment example free body diagram.

m ux = design moment causing stresses parallel to x-axis, vx = transverse shear on x- face per unit length, lb/in.
per unit length o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N· mm/ (N/mm)
mm) vy = transverse shear on y- face per unit length, lb/in.
m ux+ = positive design moment causing stresses parallel (N/mm)
to x-axis, per unit length o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. w = transverse de fection, in. (mm)
(N· mm/mm) xi,j = distance vector from section centroid to local node
m ux– = negative design moment causing stresses parallel to j in element i, in. (mm)
x-axis, per unit length o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. ν = Poisson’s ratio
(N· mm/mm)
m uy = design moment causing stresses parallel to y-axis, per 2.2—De f ntions
unit length of slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N·mm/mm) ACI provides a comprehensive list o f defnitions through
m uy+ = positive design moment causing stresses parallel an online resource, ACI Concrete Terminology. Defnitions
to y-axis, per unit length o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. provided herein complement that source.
(N· mm/mm) anticlastic bending —curvature caused by the Poisson
m uy– = negative design moment causing stresses parallel e fect and curvature about a perpendicular axis.
to y-axis, per unit length o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. strip design method —a method o f designing slabs by
(N· mm/mm) dividing them into two sets o f approximately perpendicular
mx = bending moment causing stresses parallel to x-axis, strips, with each strip analyzed and designed independently
per unit length of slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N·mm/mm) from each other.
m xy = twisting moment relative to x- y-axes per unit length
o f slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N· mm/mm) CHAPTER 3—BACKGROUND
my = bending moment causing stresses parallel to y-axis,
per unit length of slab or plate, in.-lb/in. (N·mm/mm) 3.1 —Qualitative introduction to twisting moments
nx = membrane tension in x-axis direction per unit in slabs
length, lb/in. (N/mm) Twist exists in most every slab, except those theoretical-
n xy = membrane in plane-shear in x- y-axes direction per case-only slabs whose moments at any point are identical
unit length, lb/in. (N/mm) about any axis. Figure 3.1 illustrates an extreme case o f
ny = membrane tension in y-axis direction per unit twist; a square slab with supports at three corners and a load
length, lb/in. (N/mm) at the fourth corner.
q = transverse load per unit area, lb/in. 2 (N/mm 2 ) From equilibrium, it can be shown that the bending
T = torsional moment, in.-lb (N· mm) moment about the A-A and B-B axes in the fgure is zero,
V = shear force, lb (N) although this slab is clearly supporting a load and needs
Vd = design shear force, lb (N) to be reinforced. Looking at the C-C axis, whose bending
@Seismicisolation moment is nonzero, gives us insight to the load-carrying

mechanism o f the slab. What appears as twist about A-A

and B-B is bending about C-C and D-D, as shown in the
de f ected shapes along C-C and D-D.

3.2—Behavior of linear-elastic isotropic slabs

Like other components in concrete structures, the design
forces for slabs are typically determined using some form o f
a linear-elastic analysis. For slabs that are not thick (span-to-
thickness ratio o f more than 1 0), linear-elastic slab behavior
can be predicted by well-known plate theory.
The de f ection o f a thin, linear-elastic, isotropic plate
subjected to loads perpendicular to its plane can be expressed
by a fourth-order partial di ferential equation (Timoshenko
and Woinowski-Krieger 1 959)

∂4w ∂4w ∂4w q

+2 + = (3.2a)
∂x 4
∂x ∂y
2 2
∂y 4 D
Fig. 3. 3—An in fnitesimal plate element shown with resulting
where w = w(x, y) is the transverse (out-o f-plane) displacement
shear forces and moments due to transverse loading.
feld in the direction o f loading; q = q(x, y) per unit area; and D
is the fexural rigidity o f the plate, which is expressed as 3.3—Equilibrium in slabs
By considering the rotational equilibrium o f the slab
Eh 3 element shown in Fig. 3.3, Eq. (3.3), describing the inter-
D= (3.2b)
1 2 (1 − ν 2 ) relationship o f m x, m y, and m xy, can be derived.

in which E is the modulus o f elasticity, h is the thickness o f ∂ 2 mx ∂ 2 m xy ∂2my

+2 + = −q (3.3)
the plate, and ν is Poisson’s ratio. ∂x2 ∂ x∂ y ∂y 2
The de formations o f the plate can be interpreted as two
Equation (3.3), which holds for all slabs regardless o f
∂2 w w ∂
∂2w material behavior, reinforcement, or cracking, shows that
curvatures and , and one twist . Corre-
∂x 2 ∂y 2
∂ x∂ y any change in m xy must be o fset by some change in m x, m y,
sponding to these three de formations, there are two bending or both. Hence, m xy can only be reduced to zero by changing
moments and one twisting moment as shown in Eq. (3.2c). the load path o f the slab.

 ∂2 w 
3.4—Principal axes
  The values o f m x, m y, and m xy are related via Mohr’s circle
∂x2  (Timoshenko and Woinowski-Krieger 1 959); the moments
 mx   D νD 0  
  ∂ w  m r, m s, and m rs for any set o f perpendicular r-s axes can be
  
 y = −

νD D 0
  ∂y 2  (3.2c) determined from m x, m y, and m xy, as shown in Eq. (3.4a)
m   0 0 (1 − ν ) D / 2   
 xy   ∂2w  through (3.4c).
2 
 ∂ x∂ y  1 1
mr = ( mx + m y ) + ( m x − m y ) cos 2 θ + m xy sin 2 θ (3.4a)
2 2

∂2 w 1 1
From Eq. (3.2c), note that unless
∂ x∂ y
is zero, there will ms = (mx + m y ) − ( m x − m y ) cos 2 θ − m xy sin 2 θ (3.4b)
2 2
be twisting moments in the plate. In general, is zero in 1
∂ x∂ y mrs =− ( m x − m y ) sin 2 θ + m xy cos 2 θ (3.4c)
only a small subset o f locations in a slab, so twisting
moments will exist almost everywhere in a linear-elastic
isotropic slab. For every point in a plate, there is one set o f principal
axes, where m rs is zero and about which the slab is in pure
bending. The orientation o f these axes changes from point to
point in the slab, and the principal axes are typically more
@Seismicisolation valuable for general understanding than for determining

design forces. Figure 3.4 illustrates the construction o f m 2 . The values o f m 1 and m 2 cause tension in the bottom
Mohr’s circle for Eq. (3.4a) through (3.4c). o f the slab. Figure 3.5(c) shows bottom reinforcement
forces aligned with the principal axes, selected using stan-
3.5—Orthogonal reinforcement and equilibrium for dard bending design approaches, and the x- and y-axis force
twisting moments vectors the reinforcement provides. Figure 3.5(d) shows
How can reinforcement be used to resist twisting the reinforcement forces along the 1 - and 2-axes replaced
moments? This question is most conveniently addressed by by reinforcement forces along the x- and y-axes that, when
considering the reinforcement required to resist the moments combined, provide vector forces equivalent to the 1 - and
about the principal axes. Figure 3.5 illustrates the conceptual 2-axes reinforcement forces.
Figures 3.5(a) and 3.5(b) illustrate the slab di ferential 3.6—Effects of slab geometry on twisting
element to be reinforced, and its principal moments m 1 and moments
The slab in Fig. 3.6a illustrates how di ferent slab regions
and geometries afect the importance o f the consideration o f
twisting moments when designing a slab. The fgure high-
lights three slab regions that are discussed as follows. The
slab is assumed to be designed with reinforcing bars parallel
to the x- and y-axes.
Region 1 o f the slab is regular with all columns arranged
in a rectangular grid. Regions similar to this are not twist-
sensitive. Ignoring twisting moments in these regions can
be proved safe through yield line theory. Although yield line
theory is an upper-bound approach, for a slab with regular
supports such as those in Region 1 , the number o f yielding
Fig. 3. 4—Mohr’s circle for situation where mx and my are
patterns to consider is small. If top reinforcement is clus-
both positive and mx > my.
tered at the columns, only the folded-plate pattern in each

Fig. 3. 5—Orthogonal reinforcement from twisting moments.

is approximately 40 percent less than calculated. This

percentage is calculated by comparing integrated slab strip
bending moments using isotropic plates and using ortho-
tropic plates with zero-twist sti fness. This calculation
assumes that the slab has no reliable twist capacity if twist
has not been considered in the design o f reinforcement (Mtf/
Mi = 1 .4). The strip design methods re ferred to in this docu-
ment are those commonly used by practicing engineers,
not the more sophisticated strip approaches discussed in
academic literature.

3.7—Traditional slab design methods

Fig. 3. 6a—Representative regions of a slab foor plan. Traditionally, slab design is performed using design forces
Region 1 is twist-sensitive, Region 2 moderately twist-sensi- determined by simplifed analysis methods that idealize the
tive, and Region 3 highly twist-sensitive. slab as a set o f intersecting strips (e fectively supports and
wide beams) in two perpendicular directions. The required
reinforcement is calculated using the strip bending moments
and standard beam bending design approaches.
These methods have two primary f aws. The frst is that
equilibrium is not fully satisfed because there is no consis-
tency between the load paths o f the two sets o f strips. The
second f aw is that de formation compatibility between both
parallel and perpendicular strips is ignored.
Despite these f aws, slabs designed using these methods
have generally performed well. For slabs with supports
arranged in a rectangular grid it is o ften shown, using yield-
line theory or lower-bound methods, that the traditional strip
Fig. 3. 6b—Folded plate yield lines. methods provide adequate capacity when reinforcement is
distributed appropriately. (Burgoyne 2004; Kennedy and
Goodchild 2003). For those slabs with supports not arranged
direction shown in Fig 3.6b need be considered (Kennedy
in a rectangular grid, engineering judgment is necessary
and Goodchild 2003 ). The folded plate yield line patterns
to determine if the traditional methods will produce a safe
show that any reinforcement design that supports the total
span static moment (wL 2 /8 for a uni form load) in each direc-
tion is safe.
Region 2 o f the slab is where there is a major shi ft in
3.8—Finite element analysis (FEA)-based slab
the column layout. Regions similar to this are moderately
design resultants
To complete slab design, an engineer should determine
twist-sensitive. The slab tends to span along a 45-degree
the quantity o f reinforcement required for each design
line between the closest columns. This diagonal spanning
cross section. Although design cross section locations and
reduces the bending moments along the x- and y-axes while
lengths are o ften guided by code rules, in general, sections
increasing twisting moments. Ignoring twisting moments in
are needed at peak stress locations and their lengths based
design o f similar regions could lead to a slab load capacity
on the extent o f the slab that can be assumed to act as a
that is approximately 20 percent less than calculated. This
unit in resisting internal forces. The width o f each section
percentage is calculated by comparing integrated slab strip
should be chosen so that the moment distribution along the
bending moments using isotropic plates and using ortho-
section is reasonably uni form, does not change sign, and can
tropic plates with zero twist sti fness. This calculation
be resisted by uni formly distributed reinforcements.
assumes that the slab has no reliable twist capacity if twist
When using FEA to support slab design, the engineer
has not been considered in the design o f reinforcement, and
should convert the slab analysis element results to resultant
is performed by dividing the bending moment determined by
forces and moments acting on these sections. At this stage,
a twist- free analysis, Mtf, by the bending moment determined
the engineer should frst trans form the results o f FEA into a
by an isotropic analysis, Mi. For Region 2, Mtf/Mi = 1 .2.
coordinate system orthogonal to the section, and then inte-
Region 3 o f the slab is a cantilevered corner. Regions
grate/sum all forces and moments acting on the section to
similar to this are highly twist-sensitive. The slab tends to
determine the design moment. Consideration o f twisting
span between, and cantilever o f, the line between the two
moments is the most di f cult aspect o f this conversion.
columns. Although this diagonal cantilevering reduces the
ACI 31 8 does not explicitly address twisting moments, nor
bending moments along the x- and y-axes, it adds large
does the commentary provide guidance on their consid-
twisting moments. Ignoring twisting moments in design
eration. However, Section 6.1 .1 o f ACI 31 8.2-1 4, which
o f similar regions could lead to a slab load capacity that
@Seismicisolation addresses shell reinforcement, states that reinforcement

must be designed to resist tension from bending and twisting m ux = m x ± | m xy| (4.2a)
Design can also be performed considering the FEA results m uy = m y ± | m xy| (4.2b)
at each point in the slab, independently and foregoing the
integration along a section. A zero-length section should where all plus signs are used to compute required bottom
still be considered to provide the correct axes for the design reinforcement, all minus signs are used to compute required
resultants and reinforcement. Design code requirements, top reinforcement, and m ux and m uy will be negative when the
such as those in ACI 31 8, can be di f cult to apply to these top reinforcement is in tension. This assumes a sign conven-
point results, as the codes are written for section-based tion where positive moment causes tension on the bottom
results. Another potential di f culty with using FEA results surface o f the slab and negative moment causes tension on
at a point for design is that the results at certain locations, the top surface o f the slab. For non-slab systems such as
such as under a point load, will approach infnity as the mesh walls and domes, top and bottom should be defned such that
is refned. In general, the approaches described in this guide they are consistent throughout and consistent with loading
apply to either point-based or section-based resultants. assumptions.
Where m ux or m uy is found to have the opposite sign from
CHAPTER 4—AVAILABLE DESIGN METHODS what is expected (negative for bottom reinforcement or
This chapter discusses various options to consider for positive for top reinforcement), the design moment can be
twisting moments. Chapters 5 through 7 evaluate some conservatively set to zero. A less conservative calculation
o f these options in sample structures. Design methods option for this case is shown in Table 4.2.
discussed in this chapter are typically used with the results The Wood and Armer approach requires that a fne regular
from linear-elastic analyses. mesh be used to produce accurate slab moment and twist
predictions. Also, because moments, twists, or both, can be
4.1 —Finite element analysis (FEA)-based design theoretically infnite at concentrated loads or reactions (such
ignoring twist as slab column connections), integration o f the moments or
A simple, commonly-used approach to determine the twists at these locations is di f cult to perform accurately.
design moment for a slab cross section is to integrate the Previous studies have indicated that the Wood and Armer
FEA-predicted moment about the axis o f the section along method could produce unconservative results for slabs with
the length o f the section. high reinforcement ratios (approximately more than 0.75
percent) at regions o f signifcant twisting moments, espe-
Mu = ∫m rds (4.1 ) cially near restrained slab corners (May and Lodi 2005).
Note also that this method cannot be directly applied to slabs
In Eq. (4.1 ), m r is the moment per unit length along the with beams or drop panels. The Wood and Armer method
section. This approach ignores twisting moments in the equi- has been modifed and implemented in more conservative
librium load path and may signifcantly underestimate the forms in both CSA-A23.3-04 and EN 1 992-1 -1 :2004 .
design demand.
The e fect o f twisting moments can be safely ignored 4.3—Design using the sandwich model
in this manner when sections are approximately aligned Designs based on the normal moment yield criterion, such
orthogonally to the principal bending directions at all loca- as the Wood and Armer method, do not account for trans-
tions, as the twist on the section vanishes in this case. An verse shear or membrane forces within the slab. The sand-
instructive rule o f thumb is that twist can be ignored if it wich model approach allows for the computation o f rein-
is smaller than 1 0 percent o f the primary bending moment forcement to resist not only bending and twisting moments,
(Deaton 2005). If this criterion is not satisfed, neglecting the but also the e fects o f shear and membrane stresses. In this
e fect o f twist could lead to unconservative results. approach, membrane e fects (n x, n y, and n xy) and bending and
twisting moments (m x, m y, and m xy) are resisted by the sand-
4.2—Design using the Wood and Armer method wich exterior layers, whereas the shear e fects (vx and vy)
Wood (1 968) and Armer (1 968) (re ferred to in this docu- are resisted via the sandwich core. Figure 4.3 (Marti 1 990)
ment as Wood and Armer) proposed one o f the most popular shows this concept.
methods for explicitly incorporating twisting moments in To design by using the sandwich model, a slab section
slab design. The method seeks to prevent yielding in all direc- is divided into three layers; the depth o f each layer can be
tions and was developed by considering the normal moment determined such that the middle planes o f the outer layers
and Johansen’s yield criteria (Park and Gamble 2000). At coincide with the center o f the top and bottom reinforce-
any point in the slab, for any arbitrary direction, the design ment layers. Then, bending moments are decomposed into
moment determined from FEA results must not exceed the a couple o f tensile and compressive normal forces, and
ultimate normal resisting moment in that direction. The ulti- twisting moments are decomposed into a couple o f in-plane
mate normal resisting moments calculated from the rein- shear forces acting at top and bottom layers o f the slab. The
forcement in the x- and y-directions are typically compared sandwiched inner layer is used to resist transverse shear.
to adjusted design moments m ux and m uy. Design moments These normal and shear forces due to moments are combined
based on the Wood and Armer method are computed with membrane (in-plane) forces. Finally, slab reinforce-

Table 4.2—Less conservative design moments (Wood 1 968; Armer 1 968)

m x > | m xy| m x ≤ | m xy| m x < –| m xy|
m uxbot = 0
m uxbot = m x + | m xy| m xy

m uxbot = m x + | m xy| m xy
2 mux
= mx −
m uxtop = 0 mux
= mx −
m y > | m xy| m uybot = m y + | m xy|
m xy
m uytop = 0 m uybot = m y + | m xy| muy
= my +
m uytop = 0
m uytop =0
m uxbot = m x + | m xy| m uxbot = 0
m uxtop = 0 m uxbot = m x + | m xy| m uxtop = m x – | m xy|
m uybot = m y + | m xy| m uxtop = m x – | m xy| 2
m y ≤ | m xy| 2 m uybot = m y + | m xy| muy
= my +
m xy
m xy mx
muy = my − m uytop = m y – | m xy|
m uytop = m y – | m xy|
m xy
mux = mx + m xy
= mx + m uxbot = 0
=0 m uxtop = m x – | m xy|
m y < –| m xy| m uxtop
m uybot = 0
m uybot =0 m uxtop = m x – | m xy|
m xy
2 m uybot = 0 m uytop = m y – | m xy|
muy = my − m uytop = m y – | m xy|

Fig. 4. 4. 2—Design section forces derived from element

nodal forces.

ties from which slab design forces are calculated. Another

Fig. 4. 3—Sandwich model. approach for slab design using FEA results is to compute
results for the design cross section from element nodal
ment is proportioned to satis fy equilibrium conditions at forces and moments. Using this approach, the section
each top and bottom layer in the two orthogonal directions. design forces are guaranteed to be in equilibrium with the
Further descriptions o f this method have been presented by externally applied nodal loads (Deaton 2005). Slab design
fb Bulletin 45 (Comité Euro-International du Béton 2008), methods based on element nodal forces have been imple-
Brøndum-Nielsen (1 985), Lourenço and Figueiras (1 995), mented in various FEA so ftware. These methods are attrac-
and the CEB-FIP Model Code (Comité Euro-International tive because results are relatively accurate (even for very
du Béton 1 993 ). coarse or irregular meshes), as they can be used for slabs
The sandwich model is not typically used for slab design containing beams or drop panels and are easily extended to
for commercial structures or generally available in slab design post-tensioned f oors.
design so ftware. The assumed lever arm between the outer 4.4.2 Calculation of nodal forces —The nodal forces
layers is very conservative for thin slabs, as the ratio o f true approach trans forms all element nodal forces and moments
ultimate lever arm to assumed lever arm is signifcantly acting at nodes on the design cross section into resultant
greater than 1 .0 (although this conservatism is reduced as forces and moments acting at the centroid o f the section, as
the slab thickness is increased). shown in Fig. 4.4.2. Because trans formation o f nodal forces
to the centroid considers the eccentricity o f the nodes from
4.4—Design using element nodal forces the centroid, equilibrium o f all acting forces and moments
4.4.1 Nodal forces approach —The methods discussed is provided.
in 4.1 , 4.2, and 4.3 use slab stresses as the analysis quanti-
The equilibrium equations in vector form are:

Fig. 4.4.4—Assumed shear stress distribution causing torsion.

? ? Fig. 4.4.4. This torsional shear stress has a maximum value
F = ∑∑ci , j ⋅ fi , j (4.4.2a)
i j equal to 6 T/L 2 , where L is the width o f the section—that is,
the width o f section cut in Fig. 4.4.2. This is analogous to
? ? ? ? the bending stress in a rectangular beam being calculated as
M = ∑∑ci , j ⋅ ( mi , j + xi , j × fi , j ) (4.4.2b)
i j 6 M/bh 2 .
By multiplying this maximum shear stress assumed due to
where i is the iterator over the elements crossed; j is the torsion by the width o f the section, an equivalent, but very
iterator over the local nodes in element i (on one side o f the conservative, resultant design shear force due to torsion,
? ?
section); F and M are the force and moment vectors at the which is equal to 6 T/L , can be considered during the shear
? ?
section centroid, respectively; fi , j and mi , j are nodal force design o f the section, as is shown in Eq. (4.4.4).
and moment vectors, respectively; xi , j is a vector distance
6T 6T
from the section centroid to node i,j; and ci,j is a multiplier Vd =V± 2
L =V± (4.4.4)
that equals 1 .0 unless the section does not fully cross element L L
i, in which case it varies between 0.0 and 1 .0, typically based Considering torsion as shear is generally not applicable
on the fraction o f the element crossed. when signifcant twisting moments exist. However, applying
The forces and moments to be used in the slab design the torsion-as-shear design approach to the results o f a twist-
? ?
are found by trans forming the F and M vectors into the free analysis (3.5) has the potential for providing improved
coordinate system o f the design cross section. While six vertical shear designs while simultaneously fully consid-
resultants are determined, typically only transverse shear V, ering twisting moments.
bending moment M, and torsion T are o f interest. There is no 4.4.5 Nodal forces with twisting moment integrations —
resultant quantity that directly corresponds to the twisting While the nodal forces approach does not provide twisting
moments on the section. Methods available for consider- moments, it can be supplemented with element twisting
ation o f the calculated torsion are as follows. moment integrations to provide a full set o f design forces
4.4.3 Torsion as bending —One approach to incorporating suitable for the Wood and Armer method or other design
T is to directly combine M with ±T, as shown in Eq. (4.4.3). methods. The beneft o f using such a hybrid approach is to
E fectively, this method uses T as a proxy for integrated gain accuracy o f the nodal forces approach for all quantities
twist and then applies the Wood and Armer approach. to which it applies.

Md = M ± T (4.4.3) 4.5—Design using twist-free analysis

Slab analysis and design so ftware capable o f analyzing
This approach can lead to unconservative design moments orthotropic slabs (with di ferent properties in two orthogonal
in two conditions: directions) typically allows engineers to separately modi fy
(1 ) Condition 1 —Twisting moments along the cross the sti fness corresponding to each o f the bending moments
section change sign and partially cancel in their integration about the two orthogonal axes and the twisting moment
(2) Condition 2—Torsion due to shear forces is o f the (Shin et al. 2009). Setting the twist sti fness to zero leads to
opposite sign as torsion due to twist an analytical solution and load path in which all the twisting
Condition 1 can be detected visually and avoided by moments are zero. The behavior and load path o f a twist-
breaking the design section into two design sections; free slab is somewhat similar to that o f a grillage o f beams.
however, this can be di f cult when considering numerous The design philosophy behind twist- free analysis is similar
loading conditions, as the location o f the sign change could to that for the compatibility torsion approach that has long
vary. Condition 2 rarely occurs without Condition 1 also been accepted in ACI 31 8.
occurring. When neither Condition 1 or 2 occur, the design Bending and twisting moments are interrelated through
moments derived from considering torsion as bending can a Mohr’s circle equilibrium constraint. Because o f this
be conservative. For a simple torsional cantilever slab, the constraint, the twist sti fness can only be set to zero about a
design moments are twice those derived from the Wood and single set o f perpendicular axes at each location. The most
Armer approach (Den Hartog 201 4). practical axes for this purpose are the axes of the design cross
4.4.4 Torsion as shear—The total torsion T acting on the sections, which are perpendicular to the reinforcement. In a
design cross section can be decomposed into an assumed typical slab that is reinforced in only two perpendicular direc-
linearly varying transverse shear per unit length, as shown in

Fig. 5. 1a—(a) Uniform moment feld; (b) de fected shape; and (c) design sections to rotate
in evaluation of twist-sensitivity.

tions, the entire slab can be given the same modifed sti fness. 5.1 —Sensitivity to angle of principal axes
For slabs where the reinforcement directions vary from region This section investigates the sensitivity o f the considered
to region, multiple sti fness modifcations are required. design methods to the angle between the design section and
Twist- free slab analyses result in larger de f ections than the principal zero-twist axes for an isotropic linear-elastic
those predicted by analyses with nonzero twist sti fness. This slab. Figure 5.1 a shows a slab with uni form moments (and
is to be expected, as the load path with nonzero twist sti f- zero twist) about the x- and y-axes (one moment causing
ness is more e f cient in terms o f elastic energy than one with de f ection upward and the other causing de f ection down-
zero twist sti fness. Comparing slab de f ections computed by ward), causing uni form twist and zero bending moments
analyses with and without twist sti fness is a quick means along the 45-degree axis.
o f gauging how much the forces will be redistributed to The design sections shown in Fig. 5.1 a(c) are rotated
mobilize the twist- free load path. I f the de f ections from the about their crossing point and the design quantities and
twist- free analysis are signifcantly greater than those from results investigated. At angle zero, there is pure bending and
the analysis with twist sti fness— for example, by a factor o f no twist. As shown in Fig. 5.1 b, all methods, except for the
2—the potential for twist-related cracking should be inves- sandwich method, lead to the same results. The sandwich
tigated. Twist- free analysis can be used in combination with method requires additional reinforcement due to its conser-
nodal force or moment resultant methods. vative lever arm assumption. At 45 degrees, there is pure
twist and no bending. Between zero and 45 degrees, there is
CHAPTER 5—COMPARISON OF DESIGN a combination o f twist and bending.
METHODS Figure 5.1 b shows the relative total quantities o f rein-
This chapter compares the available twisting moment forcement required as the design sections are rotated from
design approaches in various scenarios. Although numer- zero to 45 degrees. The y-axis is normalized by the required
ical comparisons are provided, the intent is to qualitatively reinforcement for the no-twist zero angle. Although this
illustrate how well or poorly each design method considers plot shows reinforcement quantities for a particular design
support confgurations and design section orientations. The scenario, general behaviors can be observed.
slabs investigated in this chapter are thin (8 in. [200 mm]), The Wood and Armer method and the torsion-as-bending
with small bars (0.5 in. [1 2 mm]) and moderate cover (1 in. method have similar curves that approach a ratio o f 2 as the
[25 mm]); other slab parameters have little inf uence over slab approaches pure twist. As explained in 3.2, the Wood
the comparative results. and Armer approach has a strong theoretical basis that
@Seismicisolation ensures a safe design.

Fig. 5.1c—Relative maximum defection versus section

Fig. 5.1b—Relative calculated total reinforcement versus the de f ections become very large, and signifcant cracking
section angle. would be expected for the slab to de form from the uncracked
isotropic load path to the cracked orthotropic load path. This
It is expected that the torsion-as-bending approach will give plot shows that the ratio o f twist- free de f ection to isotropic
similar results to the Wood and Armer approach, provided that de f ection can be used as a proxy to determine qualitatively
the total torsion is approximately the same as the total twist. the amount o f redistribution and cracking necessary to reach
Figure 5.1 b shows that the torsion-as-bending gives the same a twist- free load path.
design as Wood and Armer for pure twist and pure bending,
and similar designs for cases between those two extremes. The 5.2—Typical design conditions
diferences between Wood and Armer and torsion-as-bending This section investigates regions o f slabs with plan geom-
in the plot are caused by the o f the ci,j factor o f Eq. (4.4.2b) not etries that occur frequently, comparing how the considered
exactly matching the m xy stress integration results. design methods di fer for each o f the geometries. Isotropic
Ignoring torsion and treating torsion-as-shear have iden- and orthotropic (twist- free) linear-elastic behaviors are
tical curves that approach zero as the slab approaches pure investigated. While the slab confgurations discussed do not
twist. In this case, the torsional moments were not large cover every scenario, they provide a range o f conditions that
enough for the torsion-as-shear method to require transverse expose the strengths and weaknesses o f each design method.
reinforcement. There fore, it is expected that its design will Figure 5.2 locates the typical conditions on a slab plan and
be the same as ignoring torsion. Both methods are unsafe for lists the section numbers where the conditions are discussed.
the pure twist condition. Note that while many design codes, including ACI 31 8,
Although the sandwich model follows a similar pattern would suggest using column strips and middle strips for slab
to Wood and Armer, it requires more reinforcement due to design, the design sections investigated in this section have
its conservative lever-arm assumption. The test slab is thin been chosen for illustrative purposes and might not follow
(8 in. [200 mm]), which accentuates this conservatism. As any particular code requirements.
explained in 4.3, the sandwich method has a strong theo- The slab regions analyzed for in 5.2 are simplifed and are
retical basis that ensures a safe design. intended to represent typical behavior patterns. Only gravity
The twist- free method provides a clear, safe equilibrium loading e fects are evaluated. Lines o f symmetry have been
load path and is e f cient for angles less than approximately used where the slab continues into an adjacent region.
25 degrees. However, at angles greater than 25 degrees, the Notes on fgures and tables used in 5.2 —Sections
reinforcement layout creates an ine f cient load path, where
5. 2 . 1

5.2.2 through 5.2.7 each contain one fgure with four images.
it becomes questionable if this load path can be attained The legend for each set o f four images is the same and
without some failure or serviceability distress. At 45 degrees, presented in Fig. 5.2.1 .
the requirements theoretically approach infnity and no equi- The tables presented in 5.2.2 through 5.2.7 contain the
librium is found. same rows and columns presented for each o f the design
Figure 5.1 c shows the predicted relative maximum de f ec- conditions. Each row reports for a design method, and the
tions as sections (and the slab behavior in the twist- free case) meaning o f the columns is:
are rotated from zero to 45 degrees. The y-axis is normalized a) M represents the bending moment at the cross section.
by the isotropic de f ection value. For all methods, except This will be the same for all methods except for twist- free.
twist- free analysis, the predicted de f ections are constant, The value is normalized by the isotropic result.
as the design method does not afect the isotropic analysis. b) T represents the torsion (due to both twist and eccen-
For twist- free analysis, the slab orthotropic properties are tric shear) at the cross section. This will be the same for all
oriented parallel to the design sections, and the slab becomes methods except for twist- free. The value is normalized by
increasingly more f exible as the axes approach the pure- the isotropic M value.
twist axes o f 45 degrees. Above approximately 25 degrees,

Fig. 5. 2—Key map for typical design conditions discussions.

Fig. 5. 2. 1 —Legends for @Seismicisolation

fgures in 5. 2. 2 to 5. 2. 7.

c) Twist represents the integral o f the absolute value o f

| | c) Torsion as bending: Condition 1 discussed in 4.4.3
twist (∫| m xy|) along the cross section. This will be the same applies here; the twisting moments change sign along the
for all methods except for twist- free. The value is normal- section, so torsion-as-bending is not expected to apply.
ized by the isotropic M value. Treating torsion as bending results in the correct quantity o f
d) De f represents maximum de f ection in the slab region. reinforcement. Due to symmetry, however, the total torsion
This will be the same for all methods except for twist- free. is zero; there fore, torsion is a poor proxy for integrated twist
The value is normalized by the isotropic de f ection value. and torsion-as-bending questionable.
e) Md represents design moment. The value is normalized d) Torsion-as-shear: Treating torsion as shear results in
by the Wood and Armer design moment. Design moments the correct quantity o f reinforcement. However, it does not
are not provided for the sandwich model, as it reduces the guarantee a mechanism for resisting the twist that exists;
design demand to a design force instead o f a design moment. there fore, torsion-as-shear is questionable.
f) Ab represents the bottom rein forcement area. The value e) Sandwich model: Although this approach is appli-
is normalized by the maximum o f the Wood-Armer top and cable, it results in a 32 percent excess reinforcement penalty.
bottom reinforcement areas. This excess would be smaller in thicker slabs.
g) At represents the top reinforcement area. The value is f) Twist-free analysis: This approach results in de f ec-
normalized by the maximum o f the Wood-Armer top and tion predictions that are 4 percent larger than a regular
bottom reinforcement areas. (isotropic) analysis. This increase is very small, so there are
h) Av represents the requirement for shear reinforcement. no concerns o f signifcant cracking required to achieve the
The only method that can require shear reinforcement is twist- free load path. Twist- free analysis is the most e f cient
torsion-as-shear. applicable method for this case.
i) Appl summarizes the applicability o f the method to the 5.2.3 Regular slab – edge panel at column —Figure 5.2.3
confguration. The values used are: shows an edge panel o f a regular slab and the location o f a
i. Yes — The method is applicable, and within 5 percent o f design section at the support in a region with large bending
the most e f cient applicable method. moments and signifcant twist.
ii. Cons — The method is applicable, and within 20 Table 5.2.3 notes the normalized key design quantities and
percent o f the most e f cient applicable method. results for the design section shown in Fig. 5.2.3.
iii. Ex. Cons — The method is applicable, although it is 20 While there is a signifcant twist peak near the support,
percent or more conservative than the most e f cient appli- overall the integrated twist for this section is only 1 4 percent
cable method. o f the integrated moment. Due to support at one end o f
iv. Serv ? — The method is applicable for strength, but the design section, torsion on this section is large—1 49
there are serviceability concerns (this value only applies to percent o f the integrated moment. This torsion is almost
the twist- free analysis approach). entirely caused by eccentric shear and not twisting. Note the
v. ? — The reinforcement calculated is not less than one o f following regarding design methods:
the applicable methods, but the assumed mechanisms o f the a) Ignore twist: Ignoring twist results in the correct quan-
method do not match the slab behavior, so the applicability tity o f reinforcement, although it is questionable as it does
o f the method to similar confgurations is questionable. not guarantee a mechanism exists to resist the twist.
vi. No — The method is not applicable. b) Wood and Armer: This approach is applicable, although
The discussion in 5.2.2 through 5.2.7 re ferences the correct it results in a 1 5 percent excess reinforcement penalty.
quantity o f reinforcement. In the context o f those discussions, c) Torsion-as-bending: Neither Condition 1 or 2 discussed
the correct quantity o f reinforcement is the minimum quantity in 4.4.3 applies here, so torsion-as-bending is expected to
o f reinforcement required by a method that is known to be apply. Treating torsion-as-bending results in a very conser-
appropriate for the conditions being discussed. vative quantity o f reinforcement, as torsion in this case is a
5.2.2 Regular slab – interior panel at column —Figure very conservative proxy for integrated twist.
5.2.2 shows an interior panel o f a regular slab and the loca- d) Torsion-as-shear: Because the torsion is primarily
tion o f a critical design section at the support in a region with caused by eccentric shear, torsion-as-shear largely matches
large bending moments and signifcant twist. the actual slab behavior and provides a much more appro-
Table 5.2.2 notes the normalized key design quantities and priate shear design than the other approaches. However,
results for the design section shown in Fig. 5.2.2. although this approach results in the correct quantity o f rein-
While there is a signifcant twist peak near the support, forcement, it does not provide a mechanism for resisting the
overall the integrated twist for this section is only 9 percent 1 0 percent o f torsion caused by twist; there fore, torsion-as-
o f the integrated moment. Due to symmetry o f the slab shear is considered questionable.
confguration, torsion on the section is zero. Note the e) Sandwich model: This approach is applicable but
following regarding design methods: results in a 40 percent excess reinforcement penalty. This
a) Ignore twist: Ignoring twist results in the correct quan- excess would be smaller in thicker slabs.
tity o f reinforcement, although it is questionable, as it does f) Twist-free analysis: This approach results in de f ection
not guarantee a mechanism exists to resist the twist. predictions that are 6 percent larger than a regular (isotropic)
b) Wood and Armer: This approach is applicable, although analysis. The increase is small, so there are no concerns o f
it results in a 9 percent excess reinforcement penalty. signifcant cracking required to achieve the twist- free load

Table 5.2.2—Analysis and design quantities for regular slab interior panel
approach M T | twist| Def. Md Ab At Av Appl.

Ignore twist 1 .00 0.00 0.09 1 .00 0.92 0.00 0.92 No ?

Wood and
1 .00 0.00 0.09 1 .00 1 .00 0.00 1 .00 No Cons.
Torsion as
1 .00 0.00 0.09 1 .00 0.92 0.00 0.92 No ?
Torsion as
1 .00 0.00 0.09 1 .00 0.92 0.00 0.92 No ?
1 .00 0.00 0.09 1 .00 N/A 0.00 1 .21 No Ex. Cons
Twist- free
1 .00 0.00 0.00 1 .04 0.92 0.00 0.92 No Yes

Fig. 5. 2. 2—Regular slab, interior panel.

path. Twist- free analysis is the most e f cient applicable Table 5.2.4 notes the normalized key design quantities and
method for this case. results for the design section shown in Fig. 5.2.4.
5.2.4 Regular slab – corner panel at column —Figure There is a signifcant twist peak near the support and
5.2.4 shows a corner panel o f a regular slab and the location the bending moment is very small; overall, the integrated
o f a critical design section at the support in a region with twist for this section is 1 57 percent o f the integrated (small)
small bending moments and signifcant twist. moment. Due to the support at one end o f the design section,

Table 5.2.3—Analysis and design quantities for regular slab, edge panel
approach M T | twist| Def. Md Ab At Av Appl

Ignore twist 1 .00 1 .49 0.1 4 1 .00 0.87 0.00 0.87 No ?

Wood and
1 .00 1 .49 0.1 4 1 .00 1 .00 0.00 1 .00 No Cons
Torsion as
1 .00 1 .49 0.1 4 1 .00 2.1 8 0.42 2.23 No Ex. Cons
Torsion as
1 .00 1 .49 0.1 4 1 .00 0.87 0.00 0.87 No ?
1 .00 1 .49 0.1 4 1 .00 N/a 0.00 1 .22 No Ex. Cons
Twist- free
1 .00 1 .43 0.00 1 .06 0.87 0.00 0.87 No Yes

Fig. 5. 2. 3—Regular slab, edge panel.

the torsion on the section is very large at 525 percent o f the very small; minimum reinforcement provisions can govern
integrated moment. Although torsion is mostly caused by in this region. Note the following regarding design methods:
eccentric shear, the twisting component is signifcant. Due a) Ignore twist: Ignoring twist results in the correct quan-
to the corner column being much less sti f than the slab, the tity o f reinforcement, although it is questionable as it does
overall reinforcement demands at the corner column are not guarantee a mechanism exists to resist the twist.

Table 5.2.4—Analysis and design quantities for regular slab, corner panel
approach M T | twist| Def. Md Ab At Av Appl.

Ignore twist 1 .00 5.25 1 .57 1 .00 0.39 0.00 0.39 No ?

Wood and
1 .00 5.25 1 .57 1 .00 1 .0 0.22 1 .00 No Ex. Cons
Torsion as
1 .00 5.25 1 .57 1 .00 2.44 1 .67 2.47 No Ex. Cons
Torsion as
1 .00 5.25 1 .57 1 .00 0.39 0.00 0.39 No ?
1 .00 5.25 1 .57 1 .00 N/a 0.34 1 .29 No Ex. Cons
Twist- free
0.99 5.1 0 0.00 1 .1 0 0.38 0.00 0.38 No Yes

Fig. 5. 2. 4—Regular slab, corner panel.

b) Wood and Armer: This approach is applicable, although vative quantity o f rein forcement, as torsion in this case is a
it results in a 220 percent excess reinforcement penalty. very conservative proxy for integrated twist.
c) Torsion-as-bending: Neither Condition 1 or 2 discussed d) Torsion-as-shear: Because the torsion is primarily
in 4.4.3 applies here, so torsion-as-bending is expected to caused by eccentric shear, the torsion-as-shear approach
apply. Treating torsion as bending results in a very conser- largely matches the actual slab behavior and provides a much
more appropriate shear design than the other approaches.

Table 5.2.5—Analysis and design quantities for slab with misaligned supports, interior panel
approach M T | twist| Def. Md Ab At Av Appl.

Ignore twist 1 .00 0.00 0.11 1 .00 0.90 0.00 0.89 No No

Wood and
1 .00 0.00 0.11 1 .00 1 .00 0.00 1 .00 No Yes
Torsion as
1 .00 0.00 0.11 1 .00 0.90 0.00 0.89 No No
Torsion as
1 .00 0.00 0.11 1 .00 0.90 0.00 0.89 No No
1 .00 0.00 0.11 1 .00 N/a 0.00 1 .29 No Ex. Cons
Twist- free
1 .21 0.00 0.00 1 .1 8 1 .09 0.00 1 .09 No Cons

However, it does not guarantee a mechanism for resisting f) Twist-free analysis: The twist- free analysis approach
twist, which causes 30 percent o f the torsion; there fore, for this slab results in de f ection predictions that are 1 8
torsion-as-shear is considered questionable. percent larger than a regular (isotropic) analysis. This
e) Sandwich model: This approach is applicable but increase is small, so there are no concerns o f signifcant
results in a 340 percent excess reinforcement penalty. cracking to achieve the twist- free load path. However, twist-
f) Twist-free analysis: This approach results in de f ec- free analysis results in a 9 percent rein forcement penalty.
tion predictions that are 1 0 percent larger than a regular 5.2.6 Two-way cantilever slab —Figure 5.2.6 shows
(isotropic) analysis. This increase is small, so there are no a two-way cantilever and the location o f a critical design
concerns o f signifcant cracking to achieve the twist- free section at the support in a region with very large bending
load path. Twist- free analysis is the most e f cient applicable moments and signifcant twist.
method for this case. Table 5.2.6 notes the normalized key design quantities and
5.2.5 Slab with unaligned supports – interior panel at results for the design section shown in Fig. 5.2.6.
column —Figure 5.2.5 shows an interior panel o f an irregular While there is a signifcant twist peak near the support,
slab with supports staggered by hal f the span length and the overall, the integrated twist for this section is only 4 percent
location o f a critical design section at the support in a region o f the integrated moment. Due to the length o f the canti-
with large bending moments and signifcant twist. lever (creating a large moment), the torsion on the section
Table 5.2.5 notes the normalized key design quantities and is also small: 3 percent o f the integrated moment. Note the
results for the design section shown in Fig. 5.2.5. following regarding design methods:
While there is a signifcant twist peak near the support, a) Ignore twist: Ignoring twist results in the correct quan-
overall the integrated twist for this section is only 11 percent tity o f reinforcement, although it is questionable as it does
o f the integrated moment. Due to the symmetry o f the not guarantee a mechanism exists to resist the twist.
slab confguration, torsion on the section is zero. Note the b) Wood and Armer: This approach is also applicable,
following regarding design methods: although it results in a 4 percent excess reinforcement penalty.
a) Ignore twist: Ignoring twist neither provides the correct c) Torsion-as-bending: Condition 1 discussed in 4.4.3
quantity o f reinforcement or a mechanism to resist the twisting applies here; the twisting moments change sign along the
moments, so it is not applicable for this confguration. section, so torsion-as-bending is not expected to apply.
b) Wood and Armer: The Wood and Armer method is the Treating torsion as bending results in a safe quantity o f rein-
most e f cient applicable method for this case. forcement, but the total torsion is a little less than integrated
c) Torsion-as-bending: Condition 1 discussed in 4.4.3 twist. There fore, torsion-as-bending is questionable.
applies here; the twisting moments change sign along the d) Torsion-as-shear: Treating torsion as shear results in
section, so torsion-as-bending is not expected to apply. the correct quantity o f reinforcement, but eccentric shear
Treating torsion as bending does not provide the correct only causes 25 percent o f total torsion. There fore, torsion-
amount o f reinforcement, as torsion in this case is a poor as-shear is questionable.
proxy for integrated twist. Torsion-as-bending is not appli- e) Sandwich model: This approach is applicable but
cable for this confguration. results in a 24 percent excess reinforcement penalty. This
d) Torsion-as-shear: Treating torsion as shear neither excess would be smaller in thicker slabs.
provides the correct quantity o f reinforcement nor a mecha- f) Twist-free analysis: Unexpectedly, the twist- free anal-
nism to resist the twisting moments, so it is not applicable ysis for this slab results in a peak de f ection prediction that
for this confguration. is 1 5 percent less than a regular (isotropic) analysis. One
e) Sandwich model: This approach is applicable but asks the question o f how can this be; how can removing a
results in a 21 percent excess reinforcement penalty. This slab sti fness reduce the de f ection? The answer is that the
excess would be smaller in thicker slabs. @Seismicisolation
@Seismicisolation average de f ection for the twist- free analysis is 1 2 percent

Fig. 5. 2. 5—Slab with misaligned supports, interior panel.

Table 5.2.6—Analysis and design quantities for two-way cantilever

approach M T | twist| Def. Md Ab At Av Appl.

Ignore twist 1 .00 0.03 0.04 1 .00 0.96 0.00 0.96 No ?

Wood and
1 .00 0.03 0.04 1 .00 1 .00 0.00 1 .00 No Yes
Torsion as
1 .00 0.03 0.04 1 .00 0.98 0.00 0.98 No ?
Torsion as
1 .00 0.03 0.04 1 .00 0.96 0.00 0.96 No ?
1 .00 0.03 0.04 1 .00 N/a 0.00 1 .1 9 No Ex. Cons
Twist- free
1 .00 0.03 0.00 0.85 0.96 0.00 0.96 No Yes

Fig. 5.2.6—Two-way cantilever.

more than for the regular (isotropic) analysis; however, the 5.2.7 Reentrant corner—Figure 5.2.7 shows a reentrant
load path is di ferent and there is less o f a peak de f ection at unsupported slab corner with the design section at the corner
the cantilever tip. Overall, there are no concerns o f signif- crossing a region o f moderate bending moments and signif-
cant cracking to achieve the twist- free load path. Twist- free cant twists.
analysis is the most e f cient applicable method for this case.

Table 5.2.7—Analysis and design quantities for reentrant corner

approach M T | twist| Def. Md Ab At Av Appl.

Ignore twist 1 .00 0.47 0.30 1 .00 0.77 0.76 0.00 No No

Wood and
1 .00 0.47 0.30 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 0.00 No Yes
Torsion as
1 .00 0.47 0.30 1 .00 1 .1 3 1 .1 3 0.00 No Cons.
Torsion as
1 .00 0.47 0.30 1 .00 0.77 0.76 0.00 No No
1 .00 0.47 0.30 1 .00 N/a 1 .23 0.00 No Ex. Cons
Twist- free
0.87 0.09 0.00 1 .38 0.66 0.66 0.00 No Serv?

Fig. 5. 2. 7—Reentrant corner.

Table 5.2.7 notes the normalized key design quantities and this section is 30 percent o f the integrated moment. Torsion,
results for the design section shown in Fig. 5.2.7. 47 percent o f the integrated moment, is caused primarily by
There is a signifcant twist peak near the notch and the twist, but also has a signifcant component due to eccentric
bending moment is moderate; overall, the integrated twist for shear. Note the following regarding design methods:

Table 5.2.8—Summary of method applicability

Regular slab Regular slab Unaligned Two-way
Design approach interior Regular slab edge corner supports cantilever Reentrant corner

Ignore twist ? ? ? No ? No
Wood and Armer Cons. Cons Ex. Cons Yes Yes Yes
Torsion as bending ? Ex. Cons Ex. Cons No ? Cons.
Torsion as shear ? ? ? No ? No
Sandwich model Ex. Cons Ex. Cons Ex. Cons Ex. Cons Ex. Cons Ex. Cons
Twist- free analysis Yes Yes Yes Cons Yes Serv?

a) Ignore twist: Ignoring twist neither provides the than 25 percent greater than the isotropic de f ection, twist-
correct quantity o f reinforcement or a mechanism to resist free analysis is generally applicable.
the twisting moments, so it is considered not applicable for The other methods, while appropriate in some circum-
this confguration. stances, are either inappropriate or excessively conservative
b) Wood and Armer: The Wood and Armer method is the in too many cases to be used indiscriminately.
most e f cient applicable method for this case. While not investigated in detail in this chapter, applying
c) Torsion-as-bending: Neither Condition 1 or 2 discussed the torsion-as-shear design approach to a twist- free analysis
in 4.4.3 applies here, so torsion-as-bending is expected to is applicable whenever the twist- free analysis approach is
apply. Treating torsion as bending is applicable for this applicable. This combination approach has the potential for
case, although it requires 1 3 percent excess reinforcement. improving vertical shear design while retaining the advan-
Torsion is a conservative proxy for twist. tages o f the twist- free analysis approach.
d) Torsion-as-shear: Treating torsion as shear neither
provides the correct quantity o f reinforcement nor a mecha- CHAPTER 6—TWO-WAY WALLS
nism to resist the twisting moments, so it is considered not
applicable for this confguration. While eccentric shear 6.1 —General considerations
causes signifcant torsion, twisting moments are still large. The discussion o f twisting moments to this point has
e) Sandwich model: This approach is applicable but focused on two-way slabs supported by discrete columns.
results in a 23 percent excess reinforcement penalty. This Twisting moments in two-way walls can also impact the out-
excess would be smaller in thicker slabs. o f-plane design moments. Generally, walls are fundamen-
f) Twist-free analysis: The twist- free analysis approach tally di ferent than slabs because: 1 ) out-o f-plane f exure in
for this slab requires the least rein forcement but results the wall results from horizontal loads rather than vertical
in de f ection predictions that are 38 percent larger than loads; and 2) boundary conditions are typically continuous
a regular (isotropic) analysis. This increase is somewhat rather than discrete. The former di ference is largely irrel-
large, so there are some concerns o f noticeable cracking to evant to this discussion; however, the later di ference can
achieve the twist- free load path. That makes twist- free anal- have an impact on the importance o f twisting moment on the
ysis questionable for this confguration. Adding diagonal magnitude o f design moments.
reinforcement in the twist-critical reentrant corner might Multiple combinations o f boundary and loading condi-
be adequate to ease the serviceability concerns while still tions acting on walls can result in twisting moments. Many
requiring less reinforcement than the other methods. This, infrastructure projects involve wall elements with contin-
however, requires engineering judgment beyond the scope uous boundary conditions along two adjacent edges and
o f this guide. out-o f-plane loading along one face, resulting in a behavior
5.2.8 Summary of typical design conditions —Table 5.2.8 similar to that shown in Fig. 3.1 . This geometry is common
displays a summary o f the applicability o f design methods in dam structures involving piers, as shown in Fig. 6.1 a.
for each condition discussed in 5.2. Note that no method is Tanks o ften exhibit walls that are continuously supported on
optimal for all cases, but that some conclusions can be drawn. three sides, as shown in Fig. 6.1 b. This geometry can also
Although the Wood and Armer method is always appli- create the conditions that result in high twisting moments
cable, it can be more conservative than required. occurring at locations o f high bending moment.
The sandwich model is always applicable but is very
conservative for thin slabs such as the one investigated. For 6.2—Impact of twisting moment on walls
signifcantly thicker slabs, the sandwich model will have exhibiting two adjacent f xed edges
results similar to the Wood and Armer method. The strengths The pier shown in Fig. 6.1 a demonstrates a geometry
o f the sandwich model are generally not relevant for typical and boundary conditions common in water control struc-
slab design. tures such as dam spillways. In this section, the impacts
Twist- free analysis, where applicable, is usually among o f twisting moment will be explored for wall-like spillway
the most e f cient methods. Twist- free analysis is applicable piers. Three di ferent aspect ratios, as shown in Fig. 6.2a, are
to most confgurations; if the twist- free de f ection is less considered to quanti fy the impact o f geometry. Walls with a

Fig. 6.1a—Dam pier and resulting defected shape of the twist-sensitive element.

Fig. 6.1b—Rectangular tank and resulting defected shape of the twist-sensitive element.

the results o f the examples in Chapter 5. However, only the

following design approaches are considered: 1 ) ignore twist;
2) Wood and Armer; and 3) twist- free. For Chapter 5, the
assumed design strip is the width o f a slab cross section and
for Chapter 6, the point values are used to produce the design
moment. Results o f these analyses for the three di ferent
aspect ratios are shown in Fig. 6.2b. Location 1 exhibits
the largest twist and Location 2 exhibits the largest bending
moment. De f ection and required steel areas are determined
using the forces obtained in these analyses. The contours
shown in Fig. 6.2b are similar to the assumptions outlined in
Fig. 5.2.1 , with the exception that 0 is centered on the scale
allowing for negative values in this chapter.
Fig. 6.2a—Twist-sensitive wall examples. The forces at Locations 1 and 2 changed signifcantly
between the 1 :1 and 2:1 aspect ratios for the twist analysis.
ratio close to 1 :1 generally exhibit two-way behavior. As the However, they change little between the 2:1 and 3:1 aspect
aspect ratio increases, the wall starts behaving more like a ratios.
one-way element near the free edge. The de f ections and required area o f steel for the design
The walls in this analysis are subject to a uni form lateral moments are presented in Table 6.2 for the three walls and
load. To provide simpler behavior that can lead to better three design approaches. Whereas the largest twist occurs
understanding, Poisson’s ratio has been set to 0 to elimi- at Location 1 for each aspect ratio, the controlling design
nate anticlastic bending. Results are produced similar to
@Seismicisolation moment is still largely controlled by moment at the fxed

Fig. 6.2b—Twist-sensitive wall study showing twisting moment trends.

boundary condition at Location 2. There fore, the values that (2) Wood and Armer : This approach was applicable for
populate Table 6.2 are at Location 2. all aspect ratios. However, the resulting design for the ignore
The following is a summary o f each o f the design twist method starts to approach the Wood and Armer method
approaches considering all three aspect ratios: for larger aspect ratios. Twisting sti fness enables a more
(1 ) Ignore twist : For the examples o f this study, ignoring f
e cient load distribution because the twist is largely concen-
twist was only unconservative by approximately 5 percent. trated at locations o f lower moment for uni formly rein forced
However, other wall geometries and boundary conditions walls. There fore, this approach is generally recommended as
can create locations o f higher twist and moment acting at f
a safe and e cient design method.
the same location. There fore, accounting for twist in the (3) Twist-free analysis : This approach is excessively
element sti fness formulation and then ignoring the results conservative until you approach the 3:1 ratio, where values
is not recommended. @Seismicisolation
@Seismicisolation o f twist are small and the moment increases less where

Table 6.2—Analysis and design quantities for various aspect ratios

1:1 ratio design
approach M Twist Def. Md As Applicability
Ignore twist 1 .0 0.08 1 .00 0.92 0.92 No
Wood and Armer 1 .0 0.08 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 Yes
Twist- free analysis 1 .6 0.00 2.26 1 .44 1 .43 Ex. Cons

2:1 ratio design

approach M Twist Def. Md As Applicability
Ignore twist 1 .0 0.02 1 .00 0.98 0.98 No
Wood and Armer 1 .0 0.02 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 Yes
Twist- free analysis 1 .4 0.00 1 .52 1 .36 1 .41 Ex. Cons

3:1 ratio design

approach M Twist Def. Md As Applicability
Ignore twist 1 .0 0.005 1 .00 1 .00 0.995 Yes
Wood and Armer 1 .0 0.005 1 .00 1 .00 1 .000 Yes
Twist- free analysis 1 .1 0.000 1 .1 2 1 .09 1 .087 Cons

twisting sti fness does not contribute to redistribution o f the The conclusions may or may not be relevant for other shell
force. Although it could be used for large aspect ratios, it shapes, in which twisting may be more or less important in
is recommended to avoid this method. The large de f ection the load paths.
multiple for the 1 :1 ratio wall and, to a lesser extent, the 3:1
wall, is indicative o f a large alteration o f the load path. This 7.2—Typical bulk material storage hemisphere
alteration in load path can lead to service cracking. Hemispherical shells are commonly used as an e f cient
For the 1 :1 aspect ratio, behavior observed is close to a structural form for bulk granular material storage. This
pure twist (Fig. 3.1 ) in which the f ow o f force is most e f - chapter considers the e fects o f twisting moments in the
cient at a 45-degree angle to the edges and assumed rein- design o f a typical bulk storage hemisphere. The hemisphere
forcement direction. By eliminating twisting sti fness, the studied has a thickness to radius ratio o f 0.01 .
f ow o f force is confned to the far more ine f cient load path, 7.2.1 Finite element modeling —The fnite element model
which is orthogonal to the edges and, basically, creating two o f the hemisphere that was studied uses quadrilateral shell
cantilevers. For larger aspect ratios, the most e f cient f ow elements (Fig. 7.2.1 a). Isotropic elements are used to
o f force is naturally more closely aligned to the edges and evaluate the ignore twist, and the Wood and Armer design
assumed reinforcement direction. In these situations, the approaches. Orthotropic elements are used to evaluate the
ignore twist analysis starts to produce designs similar to the twist- free design approach. The analyses performed are all
Wood and Armer design method. linear-elastic.
In conclusion, the Wood and Armer design approach is One signifcant di ference between shells and slabs is the
generally recommended for all wall analysis with two adja- varied orientation o f the shell local axes from location-to-
cent fxed boundary conditions and orthogonally placed location; there fore, it is not parallel to any global axes. To
reinforcement. Twist can be ignored for larger aspect ratios, account for this, a clear axes convention needs to be estab-
but this is generally not recommended. lished. For the hemispheric shell case investigated, the local
axes are defned in Fig. 7.2.1 b. Except in the apex region,
CHAPTER 7—SHELL STRUCTURES reinforcement is placed parallel to the local axes shown in
the fgure.
7.1 —General considerations The base o f the hemisphere is constrained against vertical
While shells, which are curved thin structures, behave translation (local x-axis direction) and against translation
very di ferently than f at slabs, they do exhibit twisting tangential to the radius from the center vertical axis o f the
moments similar to f at slabs. Shell behavior is typically hemisphere (local y-axis direction). The base is allowed to
dominated by membrane actions, although f exural behavior translate radially (local z-axis direction). Figure 7.2.1 c illus-
(including twisting moments) can be signifcant at boundary trates constraints at the base o f the dome near the opening.
conditions, near loading points, and at openings and other The fgure shows the unde formed and de formed shape o f
discontinuities. These twisting moments should be consid- the model. Arrows at the base o f the hemisphere depict the
ered in design, as required in Section 6.1 .1 o f ACI 31 8.2-1 4. constraint against translation used in the model. The cylin-
This chapter investigates twisting moment considerations in drical coordinate system is provided to clari fy the boundary
hemispherical domes, which are commonly shell-shaped. conditions. The model is constrained against translation in

Fig. 7.2.1a—Finite element model (geometry and mesh).

the θ- and Z-directions, as shown in the fgure. The fgure
illustrates how the model is only allowed to translate radially.
While the region o f the opening is shown, the constraints are
typical all around the base. The ring foundation continues
under the opening to provide the constraint in the θ direction.

7.3—Typical loading conditions

Three common loadings are considered for the hemi-
sphere: 1 ) sel f-weight; 2) pseudo-hydrostatic; and 3) a point
load at the apex.
7.3.1 Self-weight loading —The sel f-weight o f the hemi-
sphere due to gravity is a signifcant load for this type o f
structure. The e fects o f this loading are considered in 7.4.1
and 7.4.2.
7.3.2 Pseudo-hydrostatic loading —Bulk granular mate-
rials stored in the hemisphere apply a load to the shell similar
to a hydrostatic load. This loading is di ferent from a hydro-
static pressure in that it acts horizontally and not perpendicu-
larly to the shell. Figure 7.3.2 illustrates the load considered.
The e fects o f this loading are considered in 7.4.1 and 7.4.2.
7.3.3 Apex point loading —Point loading at the apex o f Fig. 7.2.1b—Local shell axes.
the hemisphere is typical for bulk material storage facilities.
This load comes from the equipment to fll the hemisphere.
The e fects o f this loading are considered in 7.4.3.

7.4—Typical design regions

Three regions o f the hemisphere are considered: 1 ) the
apex; 2) an opening at the base; and 3) a typical region at the
base. Figure 7.4 identifes the three regions.
For each region the ignore-twist, Wood and Armer, and
twist- free analysis approaches are evaluated. All results are
normalized by the Wood and Armer results; bending and
twisting analysis results are normalized together so the rela-
tive magnitude o f twist and bending is apparent. The reported
de f ections are the maximum de f ection in any direction. Fig. 7.2.1c—Hemisphere base boundary conditions and
Note that scales are intentionally omitted from the plots. The cylindrical coordinate system.
importance o f the fgure is to show qualitative behaviors. numerical rounding in the FEA analysis. The section cut o f
Re fer to Fig. 5.2.1 for scale information. the area analyzed is shown in the fgure. The length o f the
7.4.1 Typical base region —At the typical base section
analyzed strip is approximately 20 percent o f the radius o f
away from the opening, the results are observed to be similar curvature o f the shell. The analyzed strip location was chosen
to those o f a pure hemisphere with no discontinuities. As at the location o f highest Mx moment. This is di ferent than
the loadings are all radially symmetric, no signifcant twist previous chapters because the twisting moment is very small.
is observed. Figure 7.4.1 shows this region subjected to the The calculation o f the values in Table 7.4.1 is calculated
sel f-weight and hydrostatic loadings; the contours shown in the same way as in previous chapters. Note the following
Fig. 7.4.1 (b) are all nearly zero and are primarily a result o f
@Seismicisolation regarding design methods:

Fig. 7. 4—Design regions.

Table 7.4.1 —Comparisons for typical base section

approach M |twist| Md Defection Applicable

Ignore twist 1 .00 0.03 0.97 1 .00 ?

Wood and
1 .00 0.03 1 .00 1 .00 Cons
Twist- free
0.99 0.00 0.96 1 .00 Yes

The area around the opening o f the curved shell shows

a large amount o f twisting moment. This is illustrated in
Table 7.4.2.
a) Ignore twist: This approach is not applicable in this
area, as the twisting moment is signifcant and the isotropic
load path requires twisting moments. The ignore twist design
moment is only 44 percent o f the most e f cient applicable
design method and, hence, could lead to unsa fe designs.
b) Wood and Armer: This method is excessively conser-
vative because it results in a 47 percent excess reinforcement
c) Twist-free analysis: This approach results in de f ec-
Fig. 7. 3. 2—Pseudo-hydrostatic loading. tion predictions that are 1 5 percent larger than a regular
(isotropic) analysis. This increase is relatively small, so there
are no concerns o f signifcant cracking required to achieve
a) Ignore twist: Ignoring twist results in the correct quan-
the twist- free load path. Twist- free analysis is the most e f -
tity o f reinforcement, although it is questionable as it does
cient applicable method for this case.
not guarantee a mechanism exists to resist the twist.
7.4.3 Opening base region subject to pseudo-hydro-
b) Wood and Armer: This approach is applicable,
static loading —Figure 7.4.3 shows this region subjected
although it results in a 4 percent excess reinforcement
to pseudo-hydrostatic loading. The section cut o f the area
analyzed is shown in the fgure. The length o f the analyzed
c) Twist-free analysis: This approach results in de f ec-
strip is approximately 5 percent o f the radius o f curvature o f
tions that are similar to a regular (isotropic) analysis. There
the shell. The analyzed strip location was chosen at the loca-
are no concerns o f signifcant cracking required to achieve
tion o f highest twisting moment.
the twist- free load path. Twist- free analysis is the most e f -
The area around the opening o f the curved shell shows a
cient applicable method for this case.
noticeable amount o f twisting moment. This is illustrated in
7.4.2 Opening base region subject to self-weight
Table 7.4.3.
loading —Figure 7.4.2 shows this region subjected to the
a) Ignore twist: This approach is not applicable in these
sel f-weight loading. The section cut o f the area analyzed
areas, as the twisting moment is signifcant and the isotropic
is shown in the fgure. The length o f the analyzed strip is
load path requires twisting moments. The ignore twist design
approximately 5 percent o f the radius o f curvature o f the
moment is only 58 percent o f the most e f cient applicable
shell. The analyzed strip location was chosen at the loca-
design moment and, there fore, could lead to unsa fe designs.
tion o f highest twisting moment.
b) Wood and Armer: This method is excessively conser-
vative because it results in a 75 percent excess reinforcement
@Seismicisolation penalty.

Fig. 7.4.1—Typical section of hemisphere at base.

Fig. 7.4.2—Base at opening subject to self-weight.

Table 7.4.2—Comparisons for base at opening Table 7.4.3—Comparisons for base at opening
subject to self-weight subject to pseudo-hydrostatic loading
Design Design
approach M |twist| Md Defection Applicable approach M |twist| Md Defection Applicable

Ignore twist 1 .00 2.33 0.30 1 .000 No Ignore twist 1 .00 2.02 0.33 1 .00 No
Wood and Wood and
1 .00 2.33 1 .000 1 .000 Ex. cons 1 .00 2.02 1 .000 1 .00 Ex. cons
Armer Armer
Twist- free Twist- free
2.26 0.000 0.68 1 .1 5 Yes 1 .72 0.000 0.57 1 .11 Yes
analysis analysis

c) Twist-free analysis: This approach results in de f ec-

7.4.4 Apex region —Due to the radial symmetry o f the
tion predictions that are 11 percent larger than a regular
(isotropic) analysis. This increase is relatively small, so there loadings and the structure in the region o f the apex (that is,
are no concerns o f signifcant cracking required to achieve the base opening is far away), the behavior in this region is
the twist- free load path. Twist- free analysis is the most e f - largely radially symmetric. There fore, there are no signif-
cient applicable method for this case. @Seismicisolation
@Seismicisolation cant twisting moments about the meridional and hoop axes.

Fig. 7. 4. 3—Base at opening subject to pseudo-hydrostatic loading.

Table 7.4.4—Analysis and design comparisons for

apex loading
approach M |twist| Md Defection Applicable

Ignore twist 1 .000 0..27 0..79 1 .000 ?

Wood and
1 .000 0.27 1 .00 1 .000 Cons
Twist- free
1 .07 0.00 0.84 1 .03 Yes

in this region. Note that moments, normal and twisting, are

theoretically infnite under a point load.
The section cut o f the area analyzed is shown in the
fgure. The length o f the analyzed strip is approximately 1 0
percent o f the radius o f curvature o f the shell. The analyzed
strip is slightly o f center o f the apex. This is so that the
twisting moment is not exactly zero along the length o f the
analysis strip.
Table 7.4.4 notes the normalized key design quantities and
results for the apex region shown in Fig. 7.4.4.
a) Ignore twist: This approach is not applicable in these
areas, as the twisting moment is signifcant and the isotropic
load path requires twisting moments. The ignore twist design
moment is only 94 percent o f the most e f cient applicable
design moment and, there fore, could lead to unsa fe designs.
Fig. 7. 4. 4—Apex of hemisphere under point loading. b) Wood and Armer: This approach is applicable,
although it results in a 1 9 percent excess reinforcement
The reinforcement at the apex, however, cannot be placed penalty.
in a radially symmetric pattern due to constructability c) Twist-free analysis: This approach results in de f ec-
constraints. Rein forcement in this region is placed along tion predictions that are 3 percent larger than a regular
orthogonal axes that are approximately in a horizontal plane. (isotropic) analysis. This increase is very small, so there are
When the moments about the radial axes are trans formed to no concerns o f signifcant cracking required to achieve the
the reinforcement axes, signifcant twisting moments arise. twist- free load path. Twist- free analysis is the most e f cient
Figure 7.4.4 shows the apex region. Only the apex point applicable method for this case.
loading is considered, as that is the most signifcant loading

Table 7.4.5—Summary of method applicability

Design approach Typical Opening with in-plane loading Opening with out-of-plane loading Point load at apex

Ignore twist ? No No ?
Wood and Armer Cons Ex. cons Ex. cons Cons
Twist- free analysis Yes Yes Yes Yes

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CHAPTER 8—REFERENCES May, I. M., and Lodi, S. H., 2005, “Defciencies o f the
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and year o f publication followed by authored documents of the Institution of Civil Engineers—Structures and Build-
listed alphabetically. ings , V. 1 58, No. 6, Dec., pp. 371 -380.
Park, R., and Gamble, W. L., 2000, Reinforced Concrete
Slabs , second edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
ACI 31 8-1 4—Building Code Requirements for Structural 71 6 pp.
Concrete and Commentary Shin, M.; Bommer, A.; Deaton, J. B.; and Alemdar, B. N.,
ACI 31 8.2-1 4—Building Code Requirements for Concrete 2009, “Twisting Moments in Two-Way Slabs,” Concrete
Thin Shells and Commentary International , V. 31 , No. 7, July, pp. 35-40.
Timoshenko, S., and Woinowski-Krieger, S., 1 959, Theory
CSA Group of Plates and Shells , second edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
CSA-A23.3-04—Design o f Concrete Structures Wood, R. H., 1 968, “The Rein forcement o f Slabs in Accor-
dance with a Pre-Determined Field o f Moments,” Concrete
European Committee for Standardization (London) , V. 2, No. 2, pp. 69-76.
EN 1 992-1 -1 :2004—Eurocode 2: Design o f Concrete
Structures, General Rules and Rules for Buildings

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