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TLE 9- Nail Care

I. MELC: (Check and analyze condition of client’s hand)

II. Objectives:
K: Identify the different nail disorders
S: Differentiate nail with disorders from healthy nails
A: Provide care for a healthy nail

II. Subject Matter: The different nail disorders

IV. Procedures:

A. Readings:

Did you know your nails can reveal signs to your overall health? Have
you noticed some abnormalities in your fingernails? Are you aware that
problems in the liver, lungs and heart can show up in your nails? Do you bite
your nails? Watch out and learn what your nails will reveal!

Onychosis refers to any disease, disorder or condition of the nails

Having knowledge about infections caused by bacteria will prevent the

spread of infectious diseases, preserve the health of the cosmetologist and
the patron and appreciate the value of proper sanitation.
A. Nail Disorders

Nail Disorders – are condition caused by injury to the nails, diseases or

imbalances in the body.

Name of Definition/ Treatment/ Pictures

Nail Description Care/
Disorder Prevention

Bluish Nails Appear blue in color which reveals that It is recommended to

body is not getting enough oxygen. see a physician but can
This also indicates infection in the also be given manicure
lungs, such as pneumonia. Some heart with care and light
problems can also be associated with pressure.
bluish nails.

Bruised nail The result of trauma to the nail This can be treated by
plate. This causes injury to nail, blood not applying pressure
becomes trapped under nail. There is on nail plate.
discoloration under the nail
Corrugations Wavy ridges caused by uneven growth of It is recommended to
the nails, usually the result of illness or buff the nails carefully
injury. to help remove or
minimize the ridges.

Hangnails Split cuticles; loose skin separates from the This may be trimmed with
cuticle. This is caused by dry cuticle and cuticle nippers, moisturize
environmental. and apply cuticle oil.

Koilonychia or Spoon Nails with a concave shape usually caused It is recommended to file
Nails through iron deficiency anemia. These nails nails carefully with no
show raised ridges and are thin and pressure and use nail
concave. polish to harden and
protect nail.

Leuconychia A condition in which white spots appear on The white spots on the
the nails but do not indicate disease and as fingernail will gradually
the nails grow, these white spots eventually diminish if you start taking
disappear. zinc in daily food.

Limit the usage of nail

enamels and polish to
certain occasions.

Onychorrhexis or Split / Caused by injury to the finger, improper It is recommended to

brittle Nails filing or exposure to harsh chemicals. Dry, soften nails before
brittle nails have trimming and use daily
revealed thyroid moisturizers or have oil

Onychauxis An overgrowth of the nail, usually in File the nail smooth and
thickness rather than length caused by a buff with pumice powder.
local infection and can also be hereditary.
This condition may be given nail services if
infection is not present.
Onychatrophia An atrophy or wasting away of the nail plate File the nail smooth with
which causes it to lose its luster, become the fine side of the emery
smaller and sometimes shed entirely. board.
Injury or disease may account for this
irregularity. Protect your hands from
over exposure to water,
detergents, and other

Onychophagy or Bitten Caused by nervous habit and stress related. It is recommended that
Nails it is a sign of persistent anxiety that could the client receives
benefit from treatment. frequent manicure.
This has also been linked to obsessive and Do not bite your nails.
compulsive disorder. The signs are
sensitive to touch, nail plate may appear flat
and deformed.

Pterygium The inward advance of skin over the nail Never attempt to remove
plate. This results in the loss of the nail pterygium, instead,
plate due to the development of scar tissue. consult a physician for
Cortisone is used to prevent the advice and treatment. It is
advancement of scar tissue. also suggested to have oil

B. Exercises for skill subjects/analysis questions using HOTS for content subjects.

Exercise 1
Directions: Examine keenly your fingernail and compare it with the other members in your house.

1. What do you have observed?

2. Have you seen somebody who has a nail disorder or nail problem?
3. Are you aware of it? What do you think caused it?
4. Why do you think some people have nail disorder?

Exercise 2 Observe carefully the nails on the picture and answer the questions below.

1. What can you say about the two pictures?

2. Is there something wrong with the nails?
3. Are these nails healthy?
4. Why do you think some people have blue nails?
5. What should be done to avoid this kind of nail disorder?

C. Assessment/Application:

Directions: Identify the nail disorders being described in the statement.

1. Wavy ridges caused by uneven growth of the nails
2. A condition in which white spots appear on the nails
3. An overgrowth of the nail in thickness
4. The loose skin separated from the cuticle.
5. A condition in which white spots appear on the nails but do not indicate disease.
6. It is a nail disorder cause by nervous habit and stress.
7. The inward advance of skin over the nail plate.
8. This is caused by iron deficiency.
9. A nail with a split cuticle and loose skin.
10. It appears blue in color which reveals that the body is not getting enough oxygen.
Answer key

Exercise 1
1. What do you have observed?
Possible answer: My nails are too short. It might because I kept on biting it.
2. Have you seen somebody who has a nail disorder or nail problem?
Possible answer: Yes
3. Are you aware of it? What do you think caused it?
Possible answer: Yes. It is because I kept on biting it. It is already my habit.
4. Why do you think some people have nail disorder?
Possible answer: Because they don’t take good care of their nails and maybe there is
something wrong with their health.

Exercise 2

1. What can you say about the two pictures?

Possible answer: They are different.
2. Is there something wrong with the nails?
Possible answer: The nail on the right side is blue in color. Maybe there is something
wrong in it. It might have a nail disorder.
3. Are these nails healthy?
Possible answer: The nail on the right side is I think not healthy.
4. Why do you think some people have blue nails?
Possible answer: Maybe their body is not getting enough oxygen that is why nails
become blue.
5. What should be done to avoid this kind of nail disorder?
Possible answer: I have to take care of my body and I will go to a physician to consult on
what is going on with my nail and ask for remedies.

1. Corrugations
2. Leuconychia
3. Onychauxis
4. Hangnails
5. Bruised nail
6. Bitten nail
7. Pterygium
8. Koilonychia or Spoon Nails
9. Onychatrophia
10.Blue nail

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