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Space Marine Turn Weapon Range Dice Kill

Command Phase – choose a command point at random
(command points may be used at any time, even during Genestealer turn, such as to clear a jam) Storm Bolter Unlimited* 2D6 on 6
Action Phase – move Space Marines, restricted by the Timer Overwatch, Sustained Fire (kill on 5+), Jam if rolling a double during Overwatch (target still
Genestealer Turn 12 1D6 on 2+
Reinforcement Phase – add blips to the board Heavy Flamer
Action Phase – move Genestealers, no time restriction Area of Effect and Persistent (each time a unit moves roll 1D6 to see if killed), 6 Shots
Assault Cannon Unlimited* 3D6 on 5+
Space Marines: 4 AP Overwatch, Sustained Fire (kill on 4+), Cannot Jam
Genestealers & Blips: 6 AP Malfunction (after reloading, roll a triple, Marine dies, other models in section die on 4+
Action Marine Genestealer Blip *Range is 12 squares when on overwatch
Move forward/diagonally 1 square 1* 1** 1
2* 2** 1 CLOSE ASSAULT – Highest single die roll defeats opponent, ties result in survival of both units
Move backwards/diagonally 1 square
- 1** 1 Model Dice
Move sideways 1 square
1* 1 - Genestealer 3D6
Turn 90º
Turn 180º - 1 - Broodlord 3D6

Fire storm bolter or assault cannon 1 - - Mighty Blow (add lowest and highest roll to determine score)
4 - - Hard to Kill (2D6 from the opponent must roll higher than the “Mighty Blow” score to kill
Reload assault cannon (once per game) this model)
Set overwatch/guard 2 - -
Immune to Heavy Flamer and Psychic Storm
Clear jammed storm bolter 1 - -
Marine + Power Fist 1D6
Fire heavy flamer 2 - -
Marine + Lightning Claws 2D6+1
Close assault 1 1 -
Can't shoot
Open/close door 1 1 1
Sergeant + Power Sword 1D6+1
Move up/down a ladder 2*** 1 1
Parry (can force opponent to reroll highest die)
* Marine may fire a storm bolter or assault cannon as part of the same Sergeant + Thunder Hammer & Shield
action, at no AP cost. Can't shoot 1D6+2
** Genestealer may turn 90º as part of the same action, at no AP cost.
*** Must roll 1D6, on a roll of 1, Space Marine falls down the ladder Block (In close assault, force opponent to roll one less die)
destroying any model under it and losing all AP Librarian + Force Axe 1D6+1+Psi

Marines on overwatch can (but don’t have to) take a shoot action at a Genestealer that PSYCHIC POWERS – Librarian starts with 20 Psi points
performs an action within LOS and 12 squares. The overwatch fire is resolved after the Power Cost
Genestealer has performed its action. Marines on guard may roll 1d6 again in a close assault. 1
Move command points marker back one space (Can't move to zero)
Force Barrier 2
1) On all rerolls, the second result must be accepted
2) To gain bonuses/attack, the model must be facing target (except Librarian) Range 12, Barrier blocks one square
3) Blips can be voluntarily revealed or involuntarily when in LOS of a Space Marine Psychic Storm 3
4) Broodlord can be revealed on any “3” blip
Range 6, Single target destroyed on 2+, Area targets on 4+
5) Space Marines + Chainfist may use 1 AP to destroy a door with no dice roll
Imbue Force Axe 1/Psi
6) Objects may be passed one square to the front for 1 AP
7) Any Space Marine within 6 spaces of an entryway blocks Genestealers from moving in +1 to close assault per Psi point

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