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5E Lesson Plan Ideas

Section 1
Subject area / 12th Grade Economics
course / grade level

Standards (State
and ISTE Standards
for Students) Explain why limited productive resources and unlimited wants
result in scarcity, opportunity costs, and tradeoffs for
individuals, businesses, and governments.

Compare and contrast different economic systems and explain
how they answer the three basic economic questions.

Empowered Learner
Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning
process itself to improve learning outcomes
ISTE6b Creative Communicator
Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital
resources into new creations.

ISTE3c Knowledge Constructor

Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of
tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that
demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.

ISTE6d Creative Communicator

Students publish or present content that customizes the message and
medium for their intended audiences.

Objectives Students will be able to:

Define scarcity as a basic condition that exists when unlimited
wants exceed limited productive resources?
How each type of system answers the three economic questions?
Which one best meets the broad social and economic goals.

Differentiation This lesson will engage students with different learning styles by using
Strategies: How will various technology methods. Visual, auditory and kinetic learners will
the lesson address benefit using a blend of technology and classroom exercises.
the various learning Moreover, students will have options on assignments based on
styles of the readiness.
students and the
needs of those with
special needs?

The 5Es: Engagement


 Students will begin the lesson by becoming familiar with basic economic principles. They
will begin by logging on to their computer and clicking on the link. The link will take you
to a podcast hosted by two economists. The discussion will focus on the effects of covid-
19 on the economy. Students should listen to the entire podcast.

 Once students have completed podcast; students will log into Microsoft Teams. In
Teams you will find the assignment titled Podcast and open the word Doc. After you
have finish listening to the podcast. List no more than 3 descriptive words that would
highlight the topic discussion. The words you plug in will create a Word Cloud.

After class discussion, students will complete handout with 3 follow up questions regarding the
podcast and discussion.
The 5Es: Exploration

 Today students will complete a graphic organizer on economic systems. Students will
complete the graphic organizer by doing independent online research or may use links
Once students have completed graphic organizer, students will turn to there shoulder
partner to pair up and share information and resources on the topic.

 Once graphic organizer has been completed students will engage in a discussion board
question posted in Microsoft Teams. Students must post an initial response to the topic
question and respond to at least two other posts.
 Students will be assessed on completion of Graphic organizer.
 Students will be assessed on initial post on the discussion board.
 Students will be assessed on response post to the discussion board.

The 5Es: Explanation


Students will take notes if needed on Virtual presentation if needed. Teacher will lead the
students through the key concepts and ideas. Students will periodically stop to answer
questions in the presentation.


Students will not be assessed on virtual presentation. Students will be required to follow along
with the class and answer questions on the presentation accordingly.

The 5Es: Elaboration


Digital assignment Part 1

Digital Assignment part 2

The 5Es: Evaluation

Students will take an assessment on the learning objectives from this lesson. Students will take
the following formative assessment by clicking the link.

Section 2
Name the file with your last name and first initial (example: smithE) and submit by attaching in
Blackboard assignment for 5E Lesson Plan Ideas and Assessment.

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