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The impact of AI

Running Head: THE IMPACT OF AI

Table of Contents
Liability for artificial intelligence (Self-driving car)....................................................................3
Liability for artificial intelligence (the adaption of artificial intelligence in medical industry).4
The impact of AI


A decade ago, robots still seemed limited. However, artificial intelligence is now everywhere,

and it is enormously smarter than now, and it exceed human intelligence. The artificial

intelligence is one of the controversial topics in the world. Futurists think that artificial

intelligence will have some harmful effects on people’s lives in the future, it will be intensely

smarter than humans, and it will be beyond out of human control. So, they think artificial

Intelligence will pose an existential threat to humanity, so people should be afraid of artificial

technology. On the other hand, economists tend to have a different view from the futurists.

Economists think that artificial intelligence will rise efficiency and productivity in certain

sectors of the global economy, businesses will get benefit from the artificial intelligence, and

GDP will increase. A research by Zhu, Huang, Chen & Gao describes that China’s artificial

intelligence research has grown rapidly these days, and Wen-tsün Wu and other Chinese

researchers received several awards regarding computer science in the world.( Zhu, Huang,

Chen & Gao, 2018) It is said that China will reap the most economic benefit from AI in the

future, even though China got a late start. Therefore, the advancement of artificial

intelligence is no longer an issue which can be ignored. It is necessary for humans to think

about the future of artificial intelligence that will have a strong influence on people’s lives. In

this research paper, how artificial intelligence will influence people’s lives is examined.


Artificial intelligence: AI

GDP: Gross Domestic Product, a measure of the health of nation’s economy during a

specific period.
The impact of AI


Artificial intelligence is intelligence. It’s able to observe its environment, and it’s also able to

learn and solve problems. Artificial Intelligence is borrowing characteristics from human

intelligence and implementing them as algorithms in a computer. To implement artificial

intelligence in real-life, high-quality data is crucial. Now, artificial intelligence technology

has been advanced, and its ability is incredibly overwhelming. The world is being totally

changed because of the rapidly evolving artificial intelligence. In the present paper, the

effects of artificial intelligence in the future is investigated. It is hypothesized that artificial

intelligence will have positive effects on people’s lives in the coming years. The following

eight literature review attempt to demonstrate and support this hypothesis.


Liability for artificial intelligence (Self-driving car)

A research article by Owen Hayford (2017) investigated a question. Who is liable when the

car is driving itself? The adoption of Self-driving cars could make our life more comfortable.

Self-driving cars could avoid traffic jams and motor vehicle accidents. In addition, it could

provide greater mobility for those who can’t drive a car, for example, those who with

disabilities, elderly people, children. However, the adoption of the self-driving cars would

face liability issues. Currently, a driver is still legally responsible if something happens to the

car. So, if motor vehicle accidents happen, it is clear that the driver would take responsibility

for the accidents. However, in the coming year, self-driving cars are going to take over the

responsibility when driving. Self-driving car would have to make a tough choice. And that

has led people to consider the moral dilemmas faced when programming self-driving cars. In

the Hayford’s article (2017), he investigated who is responsible when self-driving cars cause

an accident from a perspective of a lawyer specializing in transport and infrastructure sectors

The impact of AI
with reference to the Australian Consumer Law. Consequently, it may be difficult, for those

who suffer loss as a result of accidents caused by self-driving car defects, to obtain

compensation in the same that apply to accidents caused by driver fault.

Instead, those who suffer loss as a result of accidents caused by self-driving car defects will

need to establish liability on the manufacturer or other responsible for the self-driving system.

Hayford found that existing statutory motor accident compensation schemes should still to be

worked through in preparation for introducing self-driving cars. However, he concluded that

existing laws will respond appropriately when the level of automation in vehicles increases

and when the demand for self-driving cars increases. (Hayford, 2017)

Taken together, legislation is one of the important challenges in implementing self-driving

vehicles. It is not impossible. To sum up, there are more advantages than disadvantages for

the adaption of self-driving cars. All of these results combined confirm the hypothesis that

artificial intelligence will have positive effects on people’s lives.

The adaption of artificial intelligence in medical industry

Next, the adoption of artificial intelligence in medical industry and the elderly care industry

is also beneficial, and the situation is similar to the adoption of the self-driving cars.

There is a growing population of seniors, and global life expectancy is estimated to increase

especially developed country. Therefore, humans have an issue that there are only a few

people to take care of seniors. This situation could be more serious in the future.

Therefore, artificial intelligence is one of the solutions to both the human and financial

pressure of aging globe. A shortage of nursing care workers and a rapidly aging population is

accelerating the development of robots which are programmed to perform caregiving tasks.

Artificial Intelligence and robots would be playing a critical role in modern medicine. The

robot can be caregiver, for example, feeding aids, learning tools for children with disabilities,
The impact of AI
and communication aids for the deaf and the blind people. According to a research by

Mathai, Rajeena, Jishnu, robotic is able to execute surgical procedures under supervision

without tremors or fatigue. (Mathai, Rajeena, & Jishnu, 2016) Their conclusion was that

robot autonomy surgery may be neither desirable nor practical. This is because robots rely on

their capability of making decisions based on the information provided by humans, and

robots themselves would not be smart enough to make appropriate decision to execute

surgical procedures themselves. (Mathai, Rajeena, & Jishnu, 2016; Jarrahi, 2018). However,

the adoption of artificial intelligence under supervision in medical industry and the elderly

care industry still beneficial.

The impact on Welfare

In a research article by Bughin, Pissarides, & Hazan, they researched the effect of artificial

intelligence on welfare. Their investigation is based on Jones and Klenow measure of

welfare, and then extended the framework to account for additional effects. The investigation

focused on six dimensions of welfare dynamics induced by the spread of technology. They

are: 1) income growth linked to technology diffusion, 2) the inequality of income arising

from complementary-substitution polarisation of the workforce with technologies, 3) the risk

of unemployment (i.e. forced leisure) arising from mostly technological automation and

labour market frictions, 4) leisure deployment, especially linked to home automation, 5)

improvement or pressure on health and longevity via new technological progress, and finally

6) the evolution of consumption relative to income as result of a technological shift in

economy. (Bughin, Pissarides, & Hazan 2018). As a result of the investigation, they found

that the welfare growth could be from 1.5% to 2.0% between 2017 and 2030. The adoption of

artificial intelligence can rise labor productivity, and the labor productivity enable workers to

get more leisure time. Moreover, health innovation due to introducing artificial intelligence
The impact of AI
will extend life expectancy. Therefore, all of these results combined confirm the hypothesis

that artificial intelligence will have positive effects on people’s lives.

The adoption of artificial intelligence and unemployment

A research by Frey and Osborn shows the negative effects of artificial intelligence. Their

investigation is based on Gaussian process, and they investigated how US labor market

outcomes will be changed by future artificial intelligence. They also analyzed the number of

jobs at risk. As a result of their examination, they found that 47% of US workers were

employed in jobs that could be computerized within the next 10 to 20 years.

On the other hand, the result of a research by Ransbotham, Kiron, and Gerbert is

contradictory to the result from the research by Frey and Osborn. Ransbotham, Kiron, and

Gerbert interviewed more than 3,000 executives, managers, and analysts across industries

and in-depth interviews with more than 30 technology experts and executives. According to

their examination, 84% of them answered that artificial intelligence would enable them to

obtain or sustain a competitive advantage. In addition, 83% said that artificial intelligence is a

strategic priority for their business today. This result strongly supports the idea that artificial

intelligence will be a good effect on our lives in the future, even though the research by Frey

and Osborn imply the high unemployment in the future. It can be predicted that the

unemployment will be high in the future. However, on the other hand, GDP will be high

because of the adoption of artificial intelligence in business. The more GDP will increase, the

more financial aids from government to unemployed will be extensive. All things considered

the adaption of artificial intelligence in business will stimulate the economy. Therefore, all of

these results combined confirm the hypothesis that artificial intelligence will have positive

effects on people’s lives.

The impact of AI
Artificial intelligence and Sustainable Development Goals

Finally, a research (Vinuesa et al, 2020) examined the relation between the adaption of

artificial intelligence and the Sustainable Development Goals. According to a consensus-

based expert elicitation process, artificial intelligence could inhibit 59 targets across all the

goals. (Vinuesa et al, 2020). However, they described that artificial intelligence could work to

preserve environment. For example, it can be applied to agriculture, and it can improve not

only farm efficiency but also farm health. (Smith 2018) In addition, artificial intelligence can

improve biodiversity monitoring and conservation. To keep good relationship, like following

figure (Figure1), achieving Sustainable Development Goals should always be the first

priority. Also, the adoption of artificial intelligence should be conducted under the necessary

regulator surveillance. Unless people break the rule, artificial intelligence have an good effect

on environment.

Figure 1 Planetary boundaries

The impact of AI


Taken together, the result from several research cited above indicated the artificial

intelligence will be beneficial for people’s future. The adaption of artificial intelligence in

transportation, medical industry, environment will be more familiar. Artificial intelligence is

getting sophisticated at doing what humans with more efficiency, more quickness, and at a

lower cost. As a conclusion, the adaption of artificial intelligence will make people lives

The impact of AI

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The impact of AI
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