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The Continental Drift

In 1912, Alfred Wegener a

German meteorologist,
5 proposed a theory that
about 200 million years
ago, the continents were
once one large landmass.
He called this landmass
Pangaea, a Greek word
which means “All Earth.”
5 This Pangaea started to
break into two smaller
supercontinent called
Laurasia and
Gondwanaland during the
Jurassic Period. These
5 smaller supercontinents
broke into the continents
and these continents
separated and drifted
apart since then. Wegener
searched for evidences to
5 support his claim. He
noticed the fit of the edges
of the continents on the
opposite sides of the South
Atlantic. His evidences to
the Continental Drift
5 Theory includes the
distribution of fossils in
different continents, rock
features, and ancient
climates. Let us have a
further study on these
5 evidences.
Evidence: The Continental
Jigsaw Puzzle
Did it really start as one big
landmass? It seems very
impossible that the seven
5 continents, which are
currently thousands of
miles away from each
other were actually
connected pieces of a
supercontinent. The most
5 visible and fascinating
evidence that these
continents were once one
is their shapes. The edge of
one continent surprisingly
matches the edge of
5 another: South America
and Africa fit together;
India, Antarctica, and
Australia match one
another; Eurasia and North
America complete the
5 whole continental puzzle
in the north.
Evidence from Fossils
Fossils are preserved
remains or traces of
organisms (plants and
5 animals) from the remote
past. Fossilized leaves of an
extinct plant Glossopteris
were found in 250 million
years old rocks. These
fossils were located in the
5 continents of Southern
Africa, Australia, India, and
Antarctica, which are now
separated from each other
by wide oceans. The large
seeds of this plant could
5 not possibly travel a long
journey by the wind or
survive a rough ride
through ocean waves.



July 25, 2019

7:30-8:30 (7-Wisdom)
20 8:30-9:30 (7-Honesty)

Activity: Bitter-sweet or Sour-grape?

Directions: Write the word or term being described by the following statement in a rectangular box. Then write the code that is next to each answer in the correct
25 box below the picture as clue. Read the secret message.







July 26, 2019
10:00-11:00 (7-Patience)
Activity: Bitter-sweet or Sour-grape?
Directions: Write the word or term being described by the following statement in a rectangular box. Then write the code that is next to each answer in the correct
box below the picture as clue. Read the secret message.







July 26, 2019
5 8:30-9:30 (7-Honesty)

Your mother had shopped for groceries which are intended for family consumption. You are tasked to classify the following items as to
whether examples of acids or bases and put these items in two separate cabinets.
10 (Note: Red cabinets for acids and Blue cabinets for bases)
soft drinks, coffee, tomato, milk, soap, laundry detergent, baking soda, bleach and apple juice

15 Acids

1. Which one of the following statements about bases is correct?

A. They have a pH less than 7.
20 B. They react with metals to form hydrogen gas.
C. They have a sour taste
D. They have a slippery feeling

2. Which one of the following substances should you rub to the sting of a bee (an acidic bite insect) to neutralize it?


A. Water B. Vinegar C. Lemon Juice D. Baking soda

3. Acid waste from a factory is found to be killing fish in a nearby river. Which one of the following if added to the water would help prevent the fish kill?
A. sand B. salt C. lime D. chlorine
35 4. If suffering from an upset stomach, you may use a remedy such as Andrews, Gaviscon, Rennie, Alka-Seltzer etc. These are all examples of___________

A. salts B. painkiller C. bases D. acids

5. Which ONE of the following is NOT a property of an acid?

A. It turns litmus to red
B. It has sour taste
C. It reacts with metals to produce hydrogen gas
D. Its pH is greater than 7

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