First Periodic Test in English 8: 5. What Kind of Selection Is Given Above? 6. What Does

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
DIRECTIONS: Read these passages carefully. Blacken the circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.

East Africa Food Crisis 2011

Posted Sunday, July 31, 2011. Into mid-2011, the world’s worst food crisis is being felt in East Africa, in Ethiopia,
Somalia and Kenya.
Despite successive failed rains, the crisis has been criticized as avoidable and man-made. This is because the
situation had been predicted many months before by an international early warning system. Both the international
community and governments in the region have been accused of doing very little in the lead up to this crisis. In addition,
high food prices have forced food out of the reach of many people, while local conflicts exacerbate the situation.
As the international organization Oxfam describes: 12 million people are in dire need of food, clean water, and
basic sanitation. Loss of life on a massive scale is a very real risk, and the crisis is set to exacerbate over the coming
years, particularly for pastoralist communities.

1. Where do we most likely find this passage?

A. a newspaper B. an encyclopedia C. a magazine D. a blog

2. What can be inferred from the word “exacerbate”?

A. modify B. worsen C. smoothen D. alter

3. Who are blamed for the food crisis in East Africa?

A. the Africans B. the international community and the government
C. the different tribes D. the African’s situation

4. What is the tone of the article?

A. pitiful B. passionate C. clever D. adoring

Food has a special meaning to the Chinese people. The "waste not, want not" ethos means that a surprising
range and variety of plants and animals, and every part of a plant or animal is used. This has given rise to a remarkable
diversity in regional cuisine, but to Westerners it can be overwhelming - surprising, fantastic, delicious, horrifying or
disgusting - but above all, different.
China can be divided into many geographical areas, and each area has a distinct style of cooking. The ingredients
used in the food are based on the natural agricultural products of the region. In Northern China, for example, wheat is
eaten more than rice as a staple food. Food using wheat as its main ingredient, such as noodles and dumplings is
prevalent there. China's Southern cuisine uses far more rice, with such staples as rice noodles and zongzi - sticky rice
wrapped in leaves. Southern food, is typically more spicy, and many minorities eat chilies every day.

5. What kind of selection is given above?

A. informative article B. informative essay C. news D. essay

6. What does "waste not, want not" in Chinese food mean?

A. Chinese people eat all parts of plants and animals C. Chinese people eat a lot
B. Chinese people eat varieties of foods D. Chinese foods are delicious

7. The underlined words in the selection are called –

A. Nouns B. Adjectives C. Conjunctions D. Verbs

8. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the ingredients used in the food in China are –
A. Cheaper than other countries C. Natural agricultural products of the region
B. Nutritious and delicious D. Cereals and vegetables

DIRECTIONS: Study the pictures carefully. Then identify which does not belong to the group. Encircle the letter of your answer.

9. A. B. C. D.

10. A. B. C. D.

11. A. B. C. D.

12. A. B. C . D.

13. A. B. C. D.

14. A B. C. D.


DIRECTIONS: Identify the proper placement of stress in each underlined word based on how it is used in the sentence. Blacken the
circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.
15. Annie records the minutes of the meeting immediately as the club secretary.
A. récord B. record’ C. recórd D. re’cord
16. Please pass your examination permit upon entering the classroom.
A. permít B. pérmit C. permit’ D. p’ermit
17. Please insert that page to this one.
A. insert B. insert’ C. insért D. i’nsert
18. We are studying your records daily.
A. record’s B. récords C. recórds D. re’cords

DIRECTIONS: A. Identify the proper placement of stress in each underlined word based on how it is used in the
sentence. Blacken the circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.
19. The sky produced a vermillion- colored sky.
A. bright red B. yellowish C. green D. gloomy
20. We met the Mandarin at a conference in the University.
A. Famous Singer B. Young Students C. Chinese official D. School Principal
21. Kouan-Yu gathered all the cunning bellsmith to make the perfect bell.
A. polite B. clever C. skillful D. honest
22. The mandarin received a missive from the king.
A. lincheon B. note C. official letter D. gift
23. Ko-Ngai read some books written by alchemists.
A. scientists B. popular poet C. astrologer D. traditional healer
24. In most countries, political dynasty is not allowed.
A. kingdom B. long family rule C. freedom D. estate
DIRECTIONS: Select the best following the rules in conjunctions. Blacken the circle that corresponds to the
letter of your answer.
25. What coordinating conjunction should connect these clauses? It was a warm day. We took off our sweaters.
A. So B. and C. but D. nor
26. Tell the truth. I will punish you. In this sentence, what coordinating conjunction should be used?
A. for B. or C. nor D. and
27. I will read this book _______ I am waiting for her.
A. and B. while C. because D. or
28. You have to stay inside _______ the rain stops.
A. as soon as B. since C. so that D. until
29. God made this wonderful world for all to share ______ care for.
A. so B. yet C. and D. or
30. What kind of conjunction is used in the sentence: He climbed the tree fast but he was the last to go down.
A. coordinating B. subordinating C. correlative D. stimulating

DIRECTIONS: Identify the sentence according to its structure. Blacken the circle that corresponds to the
letter of your answer.
31. The palms of the black‘s hands were much lighter than the rest of their bodies
A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound-complex
32. Few centuries ago the blacks walked around on all fours, so their palms weren’t exposed to the sun.
A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound-complex
33. The black hands are lighter like this because they spent their lives bent over.
A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound-complex
34. Which of the following is a complex sentence?
A. June is the month when we celebrate Independence Day.
B. I love to eat a lot but I have to watch my weight.
C. Ronel is a Math wizard and his teachers expect a lot from him.
D. I have seen that movie several times.
35. Which is a compound sentence?
A. Your little brother is in the attic.
B. Let us have our grand reunion this December.
C. The architect will draft the plan and hand it to you if you will pay him on time.
D. Treat her kindly or I will send you out.


DIRECTIONS: Read the sentences carefully. Blacken the circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.
36. When reading researches, you may have noticed website reference at the end of a topic or article such as this: What is the purpose of putting this website reference?
A. To promote the website and its links C To make researches look more formal
B. To recognize source thus avoid plagiarism D. To provide additional information
37. Why are references included in a research project?
A. To impress lecturers.
B. To give courtesy to the authors of the works that you have read.
C. To keep a record of everything that you have read in writing the report.
D. To fully identify the source of information and ideas discussed in the report so that others may check for themselves.

38. Why is research, best regarded as skill?

A. It involves special ability and training C. It is updated from time to time
B. It is developed in school D. It is a God given talent


DIRECTIONS: Read the sentences carefully. Blacken the circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.

39. Most of the themes in African Literature focus on freedom, independence, equality and economic freedom to name a few. What do
these lines from the African story of creation reveal about their values?
“A West African creation tale explains how two spirit people were accidentally sent down to earth by the
sky god. Lonely, the people decided to create children from clay, but feel they must hide them when the
sky god comes down. Because they are hidden in fire, the children soon turn to various shades based
on how long they had been exposed to the heat. Over time, these clay children grow up and move to
various regions of the earth, ultimately populating it (Fader).”
A. Africans value people‘s differences. C.Africans entertain themselves through tales.
B. Africans follow their religion. D.Africans are hardworking people.

40. As part of the Asian continent, Filipinos share the same values and traditions with Chinese and Japanese. What values are
common among the three groups of people? Choose from the items that follow.
A. Family oriented, religious and hardworking C. Goal oriented, hardworking, and nature enthusiasts
B. Family oriented, superstitious, hardworking D. Hardworking, religious, goal oriented

41. In most Chinese and Japanese folktales, there would oftentimes be the presence of a loving mother or father and a dutiful son or
daughter. What does it say about the Chinese or Japanese values?
A. Family is always right C. Chinese and Japanese children are dependent on their parents
B. Family is important D. Chinese and Japanese parents are protective of their children
42. The Japanese Tea ceremony is a cultural tradition that originated in China. Before the ceremony begins, the host cleans the
serving bowls, boils water, prepares a sweet treat for the guests, and then mixes the tea in front of the guests. What characteristics of
the Japanese may be reflected on this ceremony?
A. They consider their guests as very important people. C. They drink their tea only in the company of friends
B. They are service oriented people. D. They want to impress their guests.

43. The following statements are true EXCEPT for one.

A. African folktales reflect the cultural group identities. C. Afro-Asian have traditions that are influenced by religion.
B. Kimono, Geisha, Sumo and Samurai are from China. D. Japan, China and Philippines have many oral literature.

44. What does the story “The Hands of the Blacks” revealed about the Africans?
A. Africans has many beliefs C. Africans believe in equality
B. Africans are religious D. All of these

45. The following are disclosed in “The Soul of the Great Bell”? EXCEPT-
A. That obedience is imperative among Chinese C. That Chinese are horrible.
B. That bells are important part of the Chinese culture D. That Chinese are family oriented

VI. MORE ON CONJUNCTIONS. Choose the appropriate conjunction to complete each set of clauses.

46. The program was postponed _________________ of the bad weather.

A. because B. while C. and D. or
47. Our adviser is strict _________________ she is approachable.
A. and B. but C. because D. or
48. My mom is baking a cake _________________ she is listening to a classical music.
A. and B. or C. because D. while
49. We waited there _________________ the rain stopped.
A. and B. while C. until D. or
50.Sshould I give up _________________ should I just keep chasing pavements?
A. and B. or C. because D. unless


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Lucena City
English Department

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. B
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. A
26. B
27. B
28. D
29. C
30. A
31. A
32. B
33. C
34. A
35. D
36. B
37. B
38. A
39. A
40. A
41. B
42. A
43. B
44. D
45. C
46. A
47. B
48. D
49. C
50. B
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Lucena City
English Department

Interpreting meaning 1-4
Reading 8
from a read text; 5-8
noting details
Interpreting images 6 9-14
related to Asia or Africa
PART III (A and B) Using the proper word
Oral Langauge and stress in a sentence. 10
Fluency Identifying word
PART III (Cand D) ENG8GA: 25-30
Grammar Awareness Using the correct forms 16 31-35
and Structure sentences 46-50
PART IV Analyszing search
3 36-38
Study Startegies engines and
Bibliography Skills
Identifying elements of
and interpreting 7 39-45
meaning of a literary
TOTAL 50 1-50

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