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1. .Solvent
2. Solute
3. Water
4. Solution
5. Solubility

II. Differentiate a solution from colloids in terms of properties.

A solution is always transparent; light passes through with no scattering from solute
particles which are molecule in size. The solution is homogeneous and does not settle
out. A solution cannot be filtered but can be separated using the process of distillation
while colloid  varies from translucent to opaque, components cannot be separated by
filtration and the particles settle down under high centrifugation.

a. Place 1 teaspoon of milo or milk in 50 ml of hot water and cold water (use
separate glass for hot water and cold water). Which dissolves first?
The milo with hot water dissolves first.
Explain your answer.
Milk powder dissolves faster in hot water than it does in cold water because hot
water has more energy than cold water. When water is heated, the molecules
gain energy and, thus, move faster. As they move faster, they come into contact
with the powder more often, causing it to dissolve faster.

b. Place 1 whole candy of 50ml of water. Place another powderized candy to

another 50ml of water. Use separate glass of each candy, which dissolves first?
The water with powdered candy dissolves first.
Explain you answer.
Smaller particles dissolve faster than large particles. That is why the powdered
candy dissolved first than the whole candy.
c. Place 1 tsp. of milo or milk in 50 ml of water (use separate glass of each). You
will stir the first glass and the second glass stands still. Which dissolves first?
The milk that has been stirred dissolves first.
Explain your answer.
Stirring moves the solvent and the solute around. This helps because the
concentration of sugar in the milk will be highest closer to the solid sugar pieces.

d. Place 1 tsp. of milo or milk in 50ml of water (use separate glass for each). Shake
the first glass while the other glass stands still. Which dissolves first?
The milk that has been shook dissolves first
Explain your answer.
Shaking a liquid mixture makes its solid particles dissolve faster. It causes the
surface of each tiny particle of such substances to be exposed to the water.

e. Conclusion (give a statement from A-D)

Substances react differently when mixed with water. Some substances like
sugar, coffee, milk, and salt spread evenly when mixed with water.
Several factors affect the way solute dissolves in a solvent. These are stirring,
crushing, and heat energy.
Stirring or shaking a liquid mixture makes its solid particles dissolve faster.
Stirring causes the surface of each tiny particle of such substances as sugar,
and coffee to be exposed to the water. Substances dissolve faster when the
surface of each tiny particle comes in contact with water.
Crushing a solid solute into smaller pieces makes it dissolve faster. Materials
in powder form such as powdered soap and rocky salt dissolve faster than the
same materials that are in solid or compact form.
Heat energy affects how a solute dissolves in a solvent. Heat increases the
temperature of the solvent and the solute (such as hot water), causing the
particles of such substances as sugar to move faster. As the motion of the
solute and solvent increases, a greater chance occurs for the solvent and
solute to come into contact with each other.

I. Multiple Choice

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. C







II. Matching Type

1. G

2. J

3. E

4. A

5. D

6. B

8. K

9. N

10. H

11. O

12. C

13. L

14. I


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